MacBook :: Does White Keyboard - Trackpad - Palmrest Get "shiny" From Wear?

Mar 15, 2008

By "shiny" i mean spots on the keys and trackpad getting shiny and oily looking. I know the black macbook does, and almost all other laptops, but does the white macbook get like this?

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MacBook :: Keyboard And Trackpad Getting Shiny / Look Oily ?

Feb 23, 2009

By "shiny" i mean spots on the keys and trackpad getting shiny and oily looking. I know the black macbook does, and almost all other laptops, but does the white macbook get like this?

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MacBook Pro :: Rest During Typing On The Keyboard Get Wear Down?

Jul 4, 2009

Do the places were your hands rest during typing on the keyboard get wear down (does the Al get that shiny appearance)????????

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MacBook :: Palmrest - Clicking Acting Like Trackpad Button

Aug 30, 2009

The whole typing level surface (track-pad, palmrests, keyboard) are all acting like they're the trackpad button. If I rest my palms on the palmrest, it's registered as a click. If I press the keys any harder than super lightly as I type, it's a click. The issue is much worse when my laptop is on my lap as opposed to a hard flat surface. Sometimes, I seem to lose total control. I'll be using the trackpad to navigate around my monitor, and it will act as though I'm constantly clicking (following links, dragging icons around, etc). It's getting REALLY irritating. I know I'll most likely end up having to make the journey to the Apple Store, but I thought I'd try here first just to see if anyone at least has an idea of what could be causing this.

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MacBook :: New Unibody White MB - Any Clear Palmrest Covers To Prevent Scratching?

Dec 8, 2009

I have a new Unibody White Macbook and can see that the palmrest may scratch if used whilst wearing a watch or if someone uses it wearing bracelets.

I live in the UK and wondered if there are any clear palmrest covers to prevent scratching? Either via ebay or otherwise?

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OS X :: Trackpad Register Clicks From Palmrest

Jan 22, 2010

I've noticed an issue with my MacBook (early 2007 model). If I rest my hands too heavily on the areas next to the trackpad (indeed, even if lightly sometimes) the trackpad will register a click. It's pretty annoying since it causes things to jump around, or text to get jacked up if I'm typing in a box when this is happening. I can reproduce this easily and know it's not my finger brushing the pad. It seems to be exclusive to the right side of the track pad only.

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MacBook :: 2.4 Keyboard/Trackpad, - External Keyboard/Mouse Not Working

Nov 13, 2009

So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.

He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.

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13 Inch White Macbook Trackpad Doesn't Work Right

Feb 16, 2012

My track pad doesn't work right, it is very jumpy moves even with out me using it.acts like there is two fingers on it.But if i hook up a cheap mouse and turn the tracpad off it works fine.Sometime the cruser won't even move, or right click and bring up the little short cut window.

MacBook, iOS 5.0.1

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MacBook Pro :: Machines In Shiny New Colors?

Dec 21, 2010

I just can't get over how all the macs are the dull grey/silver color when as proven with the iPods, they can in fact make aluminum in multiple colors very easily. So why not haul in a new black Macbook pro? Or other colors? I would just like to know why they wouldn't as it would be a great marketing tactic to release the "New Macbook Air Black" just after the new release about a month ago. And there's supposedly new releases approaching for January (strictly a rumor), and this would be very cool to everybody else and would bring in a lot more potential people over to macs, because as I know from experience, those with no knowledge of what a processor is want to go for the "shiny" one. And now its the "shiny" one in more than one color.

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MacBook Pro :: Keys Wearing Off - Getting Shiny

Dec 8, 2009

I just got my Macbook Pro (13", 2.26 GHz) three weeks ago, and the keys are already wearing through and getting shiny. It's not a live or die situation, it's just really frustrating that the paint on the keyboard can't last longer than a few weeks. Is this common with this model? Has anyone else had this problem? r am I just using my Macbook Pro way too much? Will Apple replace them?

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MacBook Pro :: Circle Of Wear Showing On Touchpad?

Oct 29, 2009

I've just started really using my laptop and I've noticed when I look at certain angles I can see a circle of wear showing on the touchpad - normal. My fingers are always clean.

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MacBook Pro :: Will Fan Wear Out If Constantly Spinning At 3500 RPM

Aug 15, 2010

I'm prepping my Macbook Pro for daily usage now and moving around all my documents, etc.What's the normal fan speed that you guys usually use during your normal daily usages and what temperature do you expect when you are using it everyday?Would the fan wear out if I set it to 3500RPM indefinitely when I use it using SMC Fan Control?

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MacBook :: Keyboard And Trackpad Not Work At All

Dec 25, 2008

I've got a black plastic MacBook running Leopard 10.5.6. My laptop was running sluggishly, but no real problems, so I restarted it, and now the keyboard and trackpad don't work at all. I've tried resetting the PRAM and SMC (the keyboard did work in letting me reset the PRAM, but nothing works once it boots to the login screen.)

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MacBook Air :: Keyboard And TrackPad Not Responding

Jun 15, 2009

The other day my battery died on me and after I had plugged it in and restarted, I was unable to enter in my password at the login screen because the keyboard and trackpad wouldn't respond. I tried repairing the disk and permissions but I still can't get past the login screen. I know I can always reinstall leopard but there are a few files I haven't had the chance to backup. Any way to get back those files before I reinstall?

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Freezing

Dec 24, 2009

i'm having problems with my keyboard and trackpad freezing at times. Sometimes it will freeze completely, no keys working except for the power button. other times it will freeze for just a few seconds then unfreeze itself. the first scenario is esp bad because if im working on a project or typing a paper and it freezes, im SOL. sometimes it'll even freeze u when i turn it on. when the main screen comes up i cant move the mouse and the aforementioned problem starts. sometimes i have to turn it on and off 3 or 4 times before i can use it again. also, my keys sometimes "stick", and by stick i mean they will repeat itself after i've stopped touching the key. it's not literally stuck down, but it keeps putting the same letter (or doing the same function) until i push a couple more buttons.

anyone have similar problems? i've tried everything i can think of. the only thing left is to reformat the hard drive. I want to use time machine afterwards but i'm afraid if its a software issue, i'll just put it back on my computer after the reformat.

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MacBook Air :: Keyboard And Trackpad Are Not Working On MBA Rev.A

Jan 4, 2010

Yesterday i was chatting on Adium !! then the keyboard stopped "working" or typing anything the CAPS lock not responding ! tried to use the trackpad but it's not responding too ... i use my MBA every day .. So ... i found out the problem is not with the hardware it's in the software and the only way to solve this is by reinstalling the Osx or something like that ... but how the hell am suppose to run the Osx dvd without clicking the (Alt) or the (c) cuz the keyboard is not working .... ooh ya y usb is still working am typing this from my usb keyboard (yes i tried using it with the installation) but it's not working .

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Have No Response Sometime?

Jun 22, 2012

My keyboard and trackpad have no response sometime in cold environment like winter. So I have to hold down the power button to shut the macbook. When restarted, everything will be fine. In winter if i leave the  macbook sleep over a night , when i use it the next day this problem must appear.But in summer ,it never happens. And i also find when keyboard and trackpad have no response, the usb mouse can still work. So it is not a crash.

My laptop is macbook pro (373) 15' 2010 mid.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Trackpad And Keyboard Not Working?

Jun 26, 2014

I have a macbook air which trackpad and keyboard doesn't work.

I have searched the forums and tried the most. Here is a list SMC-ResetPRAM-resetCompletely Clean install of 10.9.3 (ongoing)Repaired permissionsChecked if trackpad settings were wrongClose-Open lid to see if that did the trick I have maybe forgotten something, but as you can see I have tried a lot.It all began after the computer being on for over 1 day.When in the login area the OS tells me that no keyboard was found after like 2-3 minutes. Other external devices works just fine. The funny thing is however, the keyboard works when starting up. It's possible to do commands, and if I hold option down to select a start disk the keyboard works here (I can use the arrows to select a startdisc), and when the computer is asleep I can wake it up by pressing the trackpad. So..

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MacBook Air :: Keyboard And Trackpad Unresponsive?

Sep 12, 2014

MBA late 2013 mavericks 

opened up my MBA and my trackpad and keyboard were unresponsive. However in recovery mode they are. Only when mavericks has booted.

reset pram with no luck.

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OS X :: 2008 MacBook Pro - Trackpad And Keyboard Unresponsive

Sep 27, 2010

Just out of the blue, the trackpad stopped working tonight. I restarted but the problem remains. Plan Z would be to bring it into the Apple Repair Shop. Found this link, but not sure if it is the correct way to fix this.

17" MacBook Pro
OS X 10.5.8

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Stop Functioning

Oct 15, 2010

I've been having this problem with my Macbook Pro for quite some time now, and it's absolutely infuriating. So far, I've found no solution. As it is out of warranty, I am loathe to take it to the Apple store, but I am beginning to fear I will have no choice. I've got an early 2008 15" MBP with the NVIDIA 8600M GT 512. It spends most of its time in use as a desktop machine, with a keyboard, mouse, and monitor connected, so I don't notice the problem often. However, any time I take my Mac mobile, I am plagued by this issue. What happens is that, seemingly at random, the keyboard and trackpad will completely stop functioning. The only way to get around the problem is to connect a mouse and reboot, which returns things to normal for a few minutes, then it happens again. If I have no mouse, I have to force-shutdown, as the power key still works.

Sometimes the keyboard and trackpad will shut down all at once, and sometimes they will fluctuate for a while, with keystrokes not registering and trackpad motions not happening. Sometimes keys will stick (not physically) sending a character repeating across the screen until I hit another key. But, in the end, the result is the same: no input functionality, necessitating a reboot. Sometimes I am able to use my MBP for long periods without a problem. Sometimes it happens within minutes. It happens when it's hot, it happens when it's not. There seems to be no real consistency. For a long time I thought that it was a software issue as it never happened while booted into windows. But recently it has happened while booted into Windows 7, though it never happened in XP. The motherboard has been replaced recently, and the issue did not go away.

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OS X :: MacBook Pro - Loud Fan And Keyboard / Trackpad Not Working

Jan 4, 2011

Basically I was using my Mac and it froze so I closed the lid. When I opened it again the fan was much louder than normal. It was still frozen and wouldn't respond so I switched it off from the power button. Then I turned it back on, but it wouldn't boot past the grey screen and the fan was still loud. I read some threads here and it said to boot it in safe mode using Shift, I did that and now I'm at the log in screen. However now the keyboard and trackpad aren't responding and the fan is still loud. If I get an external usb mouse and keyboard, any advice on what to do from there?

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MacBook Air :: Trackpad, Keyboard USB Port Not Working?

Dec 21, 2008

I have a 2 Gen MBA and today suddenly the keyboard, trackpad and even the USB port stopped working, I tried connect an external mouse but it didn't work, even other USB devices are not working !! I tried the display port it is fine, but I am not sure about the audio port. I tried the SMC reset but it did me no good.

I had bought the MBA from Apple UK but currently I am in INDIA for my winter break from UNI. I don't have my OSX discs at the moment they are back in UK, I tried calling the Applecare but they are closed being a Sunday, and I don't want the local Apple Authorised Service center to touch my air as I don't trust them (The appointment of these repair centers in INDIA is not upto the highest standards !)

The keyboard and the trackpad are working in the Apple hardware test, I was able to move around the cursor and even use the keyboard to select the various options, so I believe the hardware is fine.

So any suggestions what can I do in the meantime, I will call Apple Care in UK tomorrow. I am not back in the UK till the 26th January.

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OS X :: MacBook Trackpad And Keyboard Not Working On Restart?

Jan 10, 2009

I was just using my Macbook normally and it came up with an error like IP was in use or something with the red exclamation mark. The my internet stopped working so I just restarted it. Now my Macbook is literally not working? I can turn it on but when I get to the login screen, my mouse or keyboard are not working! So all I can do is hold the power button to turn off. It appears OSX is still running fine though because the screen dims after a while and the flashing | in the name input bar is still flashing.

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MacBook Pro :: Unibody Trackpad And Keyboard Not Working ?

Mar 25, 2009

For some reason i purchased this three weeks ago. Everything was working fine. However today i guess i closed the lid and then when i opened it, the computer didn't wake up. So i just held the power button and restarted. It booted into Leopard fine but now the trackpad and keyboard don't work....

The trackpad and keyboard seem to be fine when i hold the option key too choose what volume to boot from. It seems for some reason the keyboard and trackpad lose its function once it boots into leopard.

I looked up forums and tried numerous things like VRAM wipes, SMC reset, tried external keyboard and mouse and they only work up until it actually boots into the leopard OS. Tried going through a hub and same problem.

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MacBook :: Installed 4GB RAM - Keyboard / Trackpad Do Not Work

Apr 16, 2009

I just installed 4GB memory into my 2.1 ghz white macbook. The memory is from crucial and it is for macs. I've pushed harder than should be necessary to try and set the memory in the slot. Its in there. When I turn my macbook on it goes to my log on screen. From there my keyboard and track pad do not work. It wont let me do anything. I can't type my password or move the cursor...? I'm completely lost!

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MacBook Pro :: Any Crash Log - Why Trackpad / Keyboard Freezes?

Sep 28, 2009

I've experienced trackpad and keyboard freezes for quite some time now, say all of 2009. First time I took it to the apple store after my early 08 mbp would not turn on and they did a logic board replace which they tell me would also solve the freezing issues, it did. A few months go by and I started to get it again, say about a month ago. I updated to 10.6 some 2 weeks ago and didn't have the freezing issue until just a few minutes ago.

An external keyboard and mouse work fine, it's just the trackpad and keyboard that freeze up and don't work until I reboot. Long story short, I'm wondering if there's a crash report log of this and, if there is, where can I access it, see it, and where to send it or what to do with it in order to see what exactly is going on.

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad Freezing Upon Startup

Jul 2, 2010

Ever since I installed mouse drivers for my logitech MX510 from, I've been experiencing problems with my mbp. First of all, it takes about 3 minutes to boot up (white/grey apple screen), secondly, upon finishing bootup, the keyboard and trackpad have become virtually useless for awhile (about twenty minutes or longer). Only USB keyboards and mice work during this useless phase. I noticed this only happens when I boot up my laptop. It's the latest MBP 2.4 ghz, 4gb ram and I've had this for about two months.

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MacBook :: Magic Trackpad And Keyboard Not Working

Feb 11, 2012

I bought my Mackbook 8 months ago and I've been very careful with it, I don't use it much and It has never fallen but despite it all when I turned it on a few days ago the keyboard was completely unfunctional and today, when I was hoping it wasn't something permanent I found out that the trackpad isn't working either.

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard And Trackpad In It Doesn't Work

May 8, 2012

My keyboard and trackpad doesn´t work. I have a macbook pro 17" from 2008, and i upgraded the OS to Snow Leopard. I even tried with Lion, because i read somewhere that this could solve the problem, but so far, nothing.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.3), 17"

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