MacBook :: Connected To A TV ?

Apr 14, 2009

I just connected my MacBook to an HDTV using the mini DVI -> DVI cable, and then the DVI -> HDMI cable, but I can't do anything from there. An input channel shows up on the TV, and then it displays my desktop picture (no icons), but I can't get anything else to show. I'm trying to play an .avi file stored on my hard drive.

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Hardware :: Drive Recognized When Connected Via USB But Not When Connected Via FireWire?

Jan 28, 2009

I consider myself very good at all things Mac. But this one has me stumped.

I've just arrived home with a WD My Book Home Edition 1TB external drive. Formatted for Windows it mounted correctly via FireWire and USB.

First things first: I formatted it for the Mac... Mac OS Extended (Journaled), two GUID partition tables. So far so good. Each partition is recognized, each mounts like it should.

Time Machine then backed up my Intel iMac... again, everything's normal. No odd or unusual behavior.

Here's where things get strange.

For whatever reason I formatted the drive via USB. But my intention hereafter is to connect via FireWire... I need each USB port for peripherals.

But the drive isn't recognized through FireWire. I'm asked if I want to initialize it. When reconnected through USB the drive mounts again.

What's going on? Why is the drive recognized when connected via USB but not when connected via FireWire?

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Windows On Mac :: XP Bootcamp - Connected, But Not Connected?

Aug 15, 2009

The little icon on the lower right corner of my XP partition shows that I am connected to my internet, and the connection is very strong. But when I open up Firefox or Steam or AIM, it all says I'm offline and asks if I would like to connect. I tried restarting, repairing the connection, and almost everything else I can think of.

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OS X :: Connected To The Internet, But Shows Not Connected?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a 13" MacBook Pro and it is not connecting to the internet! Airport says im connected to my internet connection, but safari won't load the internet. I tried Firefox and still, the same result. I resetted the modem and the router, but still nothing. The internet connection on my other computer works fine. So I got on the Windows partition and it connects to the internet! So it's just OSX that won't let me connect cause my Windows partition works fine.

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MacBook Air :: Slow Net With HD Connected?

Nov 3, 2010

Ive just recieved my 11" Ultimate air today im loving it so far but im finding when i connect my external HD which ive freshly formatted the web browsing on the machine slows really bad often waiting a few seconds for links to open.

As soon as i disconnect the drive it works fine.

Only thing ive got on the drive is my iphoto/itunes librarys and they are empty at the minute.Ive also installed Macfuse NTFS-3G as i originally had the drive fomatted as an NTFS filesystem but ive now re-formatted as extended journaled.

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MacBook Pro :: Camera Not Connected

Dec 29, 2008

I have a MACBOOK PRO (new style) and i am trying to use the built in web cam. However, when I go into photo booth it tells me the camera is not connected. what it is that I am doing wrong? Also , when I go into photo booth the camera goes in and out...stating that camera is not connected.

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OS X :: Ethernet Not Connected On MacBook Pro

Jan 30, 2010

So basically I live in a college dorm and have been using ethernet the whole time I've been here then out of no where my computer will not take my ethernet cord anymore. In fact it will not take any ethernet cord. I've tried my friends and no luck, they try mine and it works. So it is obviously my computer. I plug it in, and it doesn't detect it, it just says ethernet not connected. What do I do? I got the latest Macbook pro with snow leapord. I take care of it, I didn't drop or anything it just stopped working.

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OS X :: Xbox 360 Connected To Macbook Pro

Jul 14, 2010

First I don't know where this kind of topic belongs, but I'm new here as you can see, and I just would like to receive help for this problem of mine. Alright, I get very confused when it comes to stuff like networking and I'm trying to get Xbox Live working by using my Verizon Wireless 5GB card plugged into my laptop and then connecting that with a ethernet cable into a port on the Xbox. I'm not sure if it's going to work but I'm going to try. ( as mobile broadband I heard is slower for things like online multiplayer.)[URL:....] I've followed these steps precisely however I don't think they apply to people with a wireless card but rather a wireless router ( which I'm not using. ) So I'm not sure what to internet share ( my mobile connection or airport) and what settings I should manually set for the Xbox ( The DNS, I.P. addresses, Gateway) I would appreciate somebody who has been in this unique situation before to help me out step by step or link me a better explanation of this.

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MacBook Pro :: Hew To Get Connected With Samsung TV

Apr 8, 2012

I am trying to connect my 17 inch early 2012 to a samsung 52 TV I can't I would like to know why?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: How To Get Connected With Xperia S

May 16, 2012

How do I connect my Xperia S with Mac Book Air?

MacBook Air

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MacBook Pro :: Camera Is Not Connected

May 21, 2012

Any time I open an application like Skype, Facetime, or Photobooth, it tells me my built-in camera is not connected.I've had this Macbook Pro since about October of 2011, and this problem didn't start until last month. Before that, it worked perfectly fine. I've restarted my computer several times with no luck, as well as restarted the applications themselves. I don't know what else to do! I don't want to pay to get it fixed if it's something I can easily fix myself. Should I try resetting my SMC?

Pro, iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Pro :: While Connected To A Projector?

Jun 12, 2012

I was doing a presentation the other day and had some issues.  I was connected to a projector and until I rebooted, I was unable to get the projector to project the image on my computer.  instead, it was projecting the "milky way" image from somewhere on my computer.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: No Camera Connected In It

Jun 27, 2012

no camera connected in my macbook pro

Info:macBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: IOS 7.1.2 - Camera Is Not Connected

Sep 5, 2014

My brand new macbook pro was delivered from apple today. All works fine- aside from when I try to use facetime/photo booth it tells me that the camera is not connected. Why the in built camera is not working?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), iOS 7.1.2

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MacBook Pro :: Airport Connected But Can't Get Internet?

Aug 30, 2010

Internet works fine on iPhone but not on MacBook pro airport says fully connected but Bo Internet. What to do I've searched all over and tried diagnostics

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MacBook Pro :: Is It Possible To Use When Connected To LCD TV Via MiniDVI To HDMI

Sep 9, 2010

I currently use an LCD TV to play movies from my Macbook Pro via the MiniDVI - HDMI cable. At the moment I just connect everything up and then use the Mirror Display in the arrangement settings. So my laptop screen is the same as my LCD TV screen. What I want to be able to do though is watch the movie on the LCD TV and also use the laptop to go on the internet, is this possible?

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MacBook Pro :: Work Without An Lcd Display (just Connected To A TV)?

Oct 1, 2010

My macbook pro 15's screen is dead and I don't want to buy a new one. I've been using it connected to my tv for a while now and the display has started to feel irritating and unnecessary so I wanna get rid of it completely.

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MacBook Pro :: USB Recognized Only When Connected Before Boot

Nov 4, 2010

I have a 17' MacBook Pro and when I connect my PNY 8gb USB it does not recognize it. It only recognizes it if I boot the Mac with the USB already connected.

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MacBook :: Plugged In And Connected But No Charging

Nov 6, 2010

In the last few months I have been having trouble charging my Macbook (Early 2008). My computer is about 2 and a half years old. When I plug in my Macbook with the MagSafe power adapter, the little light that is supposed to show up green or red usually does not show up at all. Sometimes the light shows up green when it is not fully charged. Also, when my Macbook is plugged in, it does not usually start charging, though the charge on the battery will stay static. For example, I have been using my Macbook for the last 3 hours. Even though it's plugged in, the charge on the battery is still at 38%. I have tried shutting down my computer, popping out the battery, and then putting the battery back in. This allowed me to start charging my computer one time, but it obviously did not fix the problem. One time I held my Macbook and shook it up and down a couple of times, and when I plugged it in again, it started charging. Here is my hardware information:

Hardware Overview:
Model Name:MacBook
Model Identifier:MacBook4,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.4 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache:3 MB
Memory:2 GB
Bus Speed:800 MHz
Boot ROM Version:MB41.00C1.B00
SMC Version (system):1.31f0
Serial Number (system):W8823SXA0P1
Hardware UUID:9925BAB9-883A-5871-ADB9-71AD1063C304
Sudden Motion Sensor:

and here is the Power information:
Battery Information:
Model Information:
Serial Number:DP-ASMB016-38ba-2f09
Device name:ASMB016
Pack Lot Code:0002
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0500
Cell Revision:0200
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):1833
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):4791

Health Information:
Cycle count:58
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):0
Voltage (mV):11555
System Power Settings:

AC Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes):15
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):5
Automatic Restart On Power Loss:No
Wake On AC Change:No
Wake On Clamshell Open:Yes
Wake On LAN:Yes
Display Sleep Uses Dim:Yes

Battery Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes):5
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):1
Wake On AC Change:No
Wake On Clamshell Open:Yes
Display Sleep Uses Dim:Yes
Reduce Brightness:Yes

Hardware Configuration:
UPS Installed:No
AC Charger Information:

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MacBook Air :: Won't Stay Connected To The Internet

Nov 28, 2010

While browsing the web I keep randomly getting messages that my computer isn't connected to the internet. Sometimes I can load a new page in another tab, but when I go back to the tab that wasn't working and refresh it still says I'm still not connected. It seems to go in and out pretty often. I don't have this problem on my pc laptop so I don't think its my DSL. It's happened randomly since I got the Air, but seems much more frequent (probably happened 15 times today).

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MacBook :: Full Bars, But Not Connected?

Nov 4, 2008

So I just got my MacBook, mainly for school. The wireless service at my school requires a username and password so I went to the place and paid the 10 bucks for it. They said when you open up "Internet Explorer" (I chuckled) that a window would come up asking for your permission to continue or whatever and then you have to put in your username and password. When I join the network in Airport it says I have full bars however when I open up Safari or Firfox it instantly says that I'm not connected. What can I do so that it will ask me for my username and password so I can actually use the internet? I have gotten to the page where it asks me for my username and password before but I hadn't yet set up an account so I just exited out. Now I can't even get to that page! Hopefully there are some people out there that use the same type of wireless service at their college...

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MacBook Air :: Ethernet Adapter Connected Via USB Hub?

Feb 14, 2009

Hope I can get this clear before buying a new MBair 1.86 SSD. Can I connect to the MB air the ethernet / USB adapter via a USB hub? Via the USB hub of the extrenal keyboard? Via the USB hub of the new 24" led display?

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MacBook :: Using Wireless - Connected But No Browsing?

Apr 5, 2009

i have had an issue with my macbook recently where i am connected to the router but my internet does not work, it works in other locations except fro my home. it works wirelessly and my iphone and other wireless devices are all fine its just the macbook, any ideas as i am lost on this one.

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MacBook Pro :: Close Lid Without Sleeping When Connected To TV?

Aug 19, 2009

I know you have to download Insomnia to always keep it on, whether you close the lid or not, but I thought that you could close the lid when it's connected to a display (new Toshiba 37" 1080p LCD), it doesn't go to sleep. Where is the setting for this so I can prevent this?

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Hardware :: Xbox Connected To Macbook?

Aug 26, 2009

I'm staying in a hotel that offers wifi only. I'm too cheap to buy the $100 wifi dongle for my Xbox. Is it possible to connect Xbox to Macbook via ethernet or any other method and use the wifi from Macbook to connect Xbox online?

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MacBook :: PS3 And Computer Not Connected To Internet

Sep 3, 2009

I just got a ps3 and what it boils down to is that I cannot use the ps3 and my macbook on my wireless network at the same time. I have the late 2008 unibody 2.0 macbook. Each plays nice with the network individually but as soon as I try to connect to the internet on both at the same time they crap out and I get the "your computer is not connected to the internet" error message in safari and a similar message on my ps3.

I tried researching it online and all I could find is that the routers DNS server could possibly be issuing the same ip address to both units and this could be causing the problem, seeing as you can't have the same ip address twice on a given local network. I've done all the basics like restarting each machine, disconnecting and reconnecting etc and it doesn't seem to work.

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MacBook Pro :: New Mbp Connected To An LCD Projector - High Mbp Fan Rpm's

Sep 24, 2009

I had my new mbp connected to an LCD projector for class the other day. At the end of class I disconnected it and put it in my bag. When I got back to the my office I took it out and it was burning hot everywhere. I opened it up, there wasn't a response, but it eventually restarted. Everything seemed fine. Since then, I have connected it to the tv at home a few times to watch some shows, and the exhaust gets going at a fairly high rate. I never noticed the sound of the fan before, but iStat says its going at 6200+ rpm and its quite loud. It doesn't really feel hot. Anything to worry about or am I just being paranoid about my new baby?

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MacBook Pro :: Iphone 4s Is Paired, But Not Connected

Feb 10, 2012

My iphone 4s is paired, but not connected to my macbook pro. How do I connect the two?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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MacBook :: Paired, But Not Connected Bluetooth?

Feb 22, 2012

I can pair my MacBook (OS X 10.4.11) with my logitech wireless bluetooth speaker adapter, but cannot get them to connect, and therefore can't get audio. The devise pairs and connects just fine with my iphone 4.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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MacBook Pro :: Naming USB Connected Device

Feb 23, 2012

how to give a name to a USB device connected to my MBP. i.e my camera shows on my desktop as 'No Name' .

MacBook Pro

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