I know it's expensive- but how is the result in real life? Looking to get a Mac Air black with blue hinges. But I have read that it looks like a after market paint job versus a true original color look.
Im a little confused, is the Air Battery life that good? I've taken the following claims from the Apple website. MacBook Air - Get up to 5 hours of battery life on a single charge on the 11-inch model and up to 7 hours on the 13-inch model. 13" MacBook Pro - The new energy-efficient architecture in the 13-inch MacBook Pro gives you up to 10 hours of battery life on a single charge. I understand that Steve Jobs advised that they were using a better way to measure battery life for the Air that reflect real world usage better (WiFi Browsing I think?) so how does this compare to the MBP range? I guess the MBP battery claims were made using another older method, so any thoughts on how the Air's battery life compares to other PC's and Mac's?
I've never full drained the battery below "50%" 61 times so I don't know why it says I've had 61 cycles. I always leave my laptop attached to the AC adapter. Is 61 Cycles with 99% battery life good for a 5 month old laptop?
I just thought I would post some photos of my new Macbook that I just got from [URL]
The computer is painted Envy Green and the paint job is perfect. I posted a while back my new iPhone done by Colorware because I felt that other than the website I was not finding any real world photos on the internet.
I have a 13" 2.4 GHZ white macbook that I bought in march of 2008. About 4 months ago I all of the sudden started having problems with battery life. It was very abrupt. I used to be able to take my macbook and sit through 3 classes or more with no trouble in regards to batter life. Then suddenly the battery would drain within a few hours. It has remained that way since.
I've spent the last month or so looking around forums and other places to try and find someone with a similar problem and possible solutions. As a result I've discovered that my situation seams to be somewhat unique.
Using cocoanut battery I tested my battery's capacity and it remains at a solid 98%. How can my battery still be at 98% capacity and have such a short battery life? I also seam to be losing charge while my macbook is closed. How and why does that happen? If I leave my macbook closed for a day or two it can lose up to 25% charge just sitting there!
I've tried loads of things including turning off unnecessary things such as sharing and bluetooth and calibrating my battery, all with no avail.
What is going on?? My battery is too old to be eligable for a recal and I'm not paying $30 just to have a phone conversation with a "Genius". If anyone has any idea what's going on and any possible advice, I would greatly appreciate it.
On my second macbook and notice a difference in this one as opposed to the first one (although in all fairness i didn't use my first one all that much as i had to return it because of bad vibrations). I have no programs running and all I'm doing is lightly browsing the web (craigslist, macrumors, gamefaqs). My temps are 42C and approx. 1801rpm. I think this is normal, but my palmrest really warms up. Not to the point I can not use the notebook...just wondering if this is normal...
I bit the bullet and upgraded from a Rev A 1.6GHz 80GB HDD MBA - to a Rev B 1.86GHz 128GB SSD MBA. I wanted to post my observations on what it's like to upgrade - I know many Rev A owners have - or are thinking about - upgrading to Rev B. In this post/comparison, I refer to "Rev A" and "Rev B". The Rev A is my older 1.6GHz 80GB HDD MBA. The Rev B is my new 1.86GHz 128GB SSD MBA
Caveat - Unlike some (but not all!) Rev A MBA owners, I love my Rev A MBA. I've had zero problems with it. It runs cool and I have not experienced any core shut downs. It would heat up when most laptops normally heat up and the fans would kick. It would cool down quickly when I moved on to something else. With video it never stuttered... Perhaps my Rev A has run so nicely because I don't ask a lot of it. It is a second Mac to my Mac Pro - I use it primarily for email, word processing, iTunes movies and web surfing - on the couch and on the road. It has REALLY been a great laptop and I have nothing bad to say about it...................
I have a mid 2010 MacBook Pro, just that you guys know. For my programming work with the robot (C/Assembler) I will need either Windows or a Linux OS. This is why I'm asking. I really hate Windows and I don't want to install that and besides, Linux is a much better option for compiling my code, etc..Should I use a virtual machine or should I install Linux (Ubuntu) on another partition of my internal HDD.
I will need to install quite a lot of stuff and I'm not sure whether my 4GB of RAM will be enough to run Ubuntu on top of Snow Leopard using a virtual machine. I will need to use another old computer or my parent's desktop for loading to compiled files onto the robot (my IR Tranceiver has a RS 232 connector). I have another old laptop which we commonly use as a 'tryout' computer, but for the most part I want my MacBook to be the computer I use because I cannot take that old (and really heavy) laptop with barely working batteries and super-laggy Win XP to school, where I will do a great deal of the work. So I definitely want Linux on my mac.The partition can be small, I will only need about 15-20GB of space (including the Linux).
Is it worth the extra cash to go up to the 2.13? I know it's a small amount, but that could be a new mouse, or a super drive. I've seen tests that indicate the rev b 1.86 is actually faster than the new 2.13. This will be my only personal mac. I'm a graphic designer (adobe cs4) but I don't do much design work on my personal computer (I have a nice iMac at work). The usual facebook, email, web browsing, YouTube
I'm going to college this fall and I'm buying a MBP. I have been debating whether or not to purchase the base 13" or the base 15". I'm leaning towards base 15" but would the extra screen real estate make a difference for school or would I be better off saving $500 or putting that money towards an SSD, etc. There are a ton of topics on "which MBP" but I haven't found an answer specifically tackling this scenario of screen real estate.
Real Player is not working properly.It downloads videos but when I click "play" ,it doesn't reproduce the video. I tried resetting Real Player but nothing happens.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Processor 2.4, Intel core 1.5 - memory
Something that might be helpful for people wondering about the 11/13 or in general would be a visual comparison of how much screen real estate each provides.
User Event Agent has been taken up a lot of real memory and keep growing and take a lot of CPU usage. Is this related to the fact that the comp. gets extremely slow or completely irresponsive?
I bought a macbook pro 3 months ago and something that have been bothering me is that i am connected to a network and in the wifi icon is showing that i am with full signal, but i am not, actually my signal is almost 0 and keep showing that i am with full signal.
RealPlayer downloader pops up and download stuff randomly everytime I visit a page on firefox! How can I disable it? This didn't happen to me when using Windows.
I started a transfer of a large file, but it did not finish, but the DMG file is showing me the 7 GB Full Size of the Finished file! But I know that the file stopped midway and only transferred half of it, around 3.5 GB. Is there any way to see in the Finder / Inspector the real size of this file which should only be 3.5 GB and not the 7 GB it is displaying in the Inspector?
Anyone know of any way to download a Real Player stream as an mp3 or wav without having to manually analog record the entire thing using an audiohijack app?
I have 1TB Seagate Freeagent external (15mb buffer / 7200rpm) connected to MBP. Transfering .avi files using firewire 800 takes about 20 seconds per gb so around 50mb a second - Is that not incredibly slow considering firewire 800 is rated upto 800 mb/s?
If you are in a Virtual OS, is there a way to detect the real OS you are in?
e.g. I have XP running in Fusion in SL. Is there anything that VMware might be doing to XP that would allow someone to realize (while connecting to them in XP) that I am in an OSX environment?
I've heard that there's a virus being spread via fake Adobe updates. I'm getting a notice to install Adobe Reader version 9.5.1. How do I know wether this is legit?
I have got a iMac 2011 27inch i5 2.7GHZ 4Gb RAM, i was wondering what is the average consumption should be with the system memory and how much on average should be free? Because mine used to have 2.6GB free and now my Imac is running more slowly and is about 1.38GB free.
I am interested in getting a refurbished Macbook Air. I was looking at the following two models:
Macbook Air Rev B., 1.86 GHz, 2GB RAM, 128 GB SSD for $1349 OR Macbook Air Rev C., 2.13 GHz, 2GB RAM, 128 GB SSD for $1549
Other than the processor difference of 0.27 GHz, and based on reading the technical specs of each system, I don't see any difference between the two machines. The one piece of information that I couldn't find was the advertised battery life for the Rev. B unit. The Rev. C unit is supposedly rated for 5 hours of wireless productivity. Is the same battery used in the Rev B also or is the battery of lower WHr?
My needs are pretty simple - I would like to get the Air as a small and portable, easy to carry machine for rounds and writing up patient notes, consult notes, etc. It will not be my primary machine, but hopefully a worthy road-warrior. I will be using Windows for the clinical electronic medical record application, but other than that, all other use will be on Mac OS X. Based on this, would you recommend going with the Rev B or Rev C. Money is tight, and this will be a gift from one of my mentors, but I do want to get the biggest bang for the buck. If the only difference between the two machines is processor speed, I can't justify spending 200$ extra just for a 0.27 GHz gain.
I have a 2007 White Macbook 2.4 Intel Core 2 Duo Laptop. I purchased it in June 2007 and this is my current battery health. Check the picture below, It's pretty amazing and I don't know how I did it. I'm on my computer almost everyday. Any idead on what I did to get such great battery life after three years? I know people with newer MacBook Pros that have terrible battery life after a year and a half.
I bought a 1st Gen Macbook Air in March of this year and I recently have noticed that my battery is not lasting as long as it should, so I checked iStat and it said that my battery life is at 86%. I also have a 12 inch powerbook G4 that still has the same battery it came with and the battery life is also 86% and it is more than five years old. Is this normal for the Macbook Air or should I take it into Apple?