MacBook :: Cannot Play DVD - Not Recognized By System

Jan 17, 2010

MacBook about 1 yr old. It has been great playing DVD's. But I have this one DVD which the Mac won't play. I also tried it on my friends go. But the DVD does play on my PC's and my home DVD player. I made a copy of this DVD on my PC and tried the copy. No good as well. The MacBook does not recognize it. The DVD player never launches. I have to reboot the MacBook and hold down the mouse key to get the DVD to eject.

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MacBook :: Airport Card Not Recognized By My System

Jun 23, 2009

I currently have a macbook that doesnt have an airport card installed.
Apparently it was working fine up until a week ago, then just "disappeared from the top bar." Its a friends computer, so im trying to figure out what exactly he did. He had a verizon wireless manager app installed that was configuring the network connections itself, so i have since gotten rid of that.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Music Cd's Will Not Play, System Ejects After About 20 Seconds But Movie DVD's Play Fine

Mar 14, 2012

Since doing a clean install of Lion onto my system, I have not been able to play music cd's bought from the high street. My system keep ejecting them after about 20 seconds. Movie DVD's play straight away.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Starcraft 2 Playing - Will It Play On This System

Oct 20, 2010

Games are more GPU hungry, so can we expect to play Starcraft 2 nicely on the new MBA 13' ?

I saw some videos on youtube showing a MBP 13' playing SC2 nicely. But keep in mind the screen is 1440x900 and the processor is 1.86Ghz, so how worse would that be?

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MacBook Pro :: Finding Best System To Play Games

May 14, 2010

It's going to be used mainly for work, which involves me having multiple programs at once open, including word, powerpoint, graphpad, endnote, internet, mail, and probably itunes.

Also, I play WoW and want to play SC2 on at least high settings ideally. I currently have a 24" monitor at home that I could either hook a laptop up to, or get a average gaming desktop.

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OS X :: Printer Not Recognized By System / TC Cannot Facilitate Printing Via Cable?

Apr 5, 2010

So I've set up (or tried to anyways) a network between my MacBook Pro & iMac through a Time Capsule. My iMac is connected through a cable and the laptop is wireless. The printer is connected to the USB port on the T.C.

Here's the scoop, I can connect both computers wirelessly on the network no problem but the printer is not recognised by the iMac whatsoever. Now I know I could probably disconnect the cable on the iMac and it would probably recognise the printer but is there a way to fix this issue and leave it connected by the cable?

Both computers back up to the TC w/o issue, I don't see why the TC cannot facilitate printing via a cable since it obviously communicates to the computer w/ Time Machine. Is there a setting to fix this? I have to admit I'm kinda new to setting up networks and working w/ them.

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Hardware :: Epson R1900 Installation - Not Recognized By System

Jan 4, 2009

I got myself an R1900 for Xmas but it will not seem to be recognized by my system.
1.83 GHZ

The Epson is on a powered hub (with two other hard drives that mount and function onto the Macbook with ease) on approx a 10 ft USB extension to the rear USB ports. I've installed and deinstalled the supplied software several times. It will not add the printer to the printer que. At one point in the install it asks for the USB to be connected - it's then a small animated sequence until it sees the USB cable (which it does ) and then it goes on to a dialog box that that says "Open the Printer List" - that opens nothing, even though the sidebar instructions talk about printers lists and USB dropdowns and such.

Forcing past that gives you "printer not added" and there seems to be no manual way to do so. I've read that restarting the Mac past that point will add it to the printer list (nope), that removing the printers from the list that are in there (only one, a little cheapie HP 3930, which when removed comes back on the restart). At this point, I'm wondering if (a) I backup everything and move to Leopard and start with a clean system or if (b) someone other there see's what's happening and has a good answer I've overlooked.

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Hardware :: Keyboard Stops Working / Printer Is Not Recognized By System

Dec 4, 2008

I purchased a new iMac a month ago. Often, the keyboard just stops working and the computer has to be restarted for the keyboard to work again. Another problem: Unless I plug my printer in with a USB, the Mac does not pick it up. The printer is a fairly new HP Officejet J5780.

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Mac Pro :: Remove Mac Raid Card From System / Drives Are Not Recognized At Boot Up

Oct 15, 2009

So I have followed a bunch of the 'MacPro with mac raid card users wanting to do bootcamp' threads. I have attempted all the hacking required but have not been successful. I heard that bootcamp 3.1 will fix this problem possibly... so in the mean time I would like to remove my SAS drives and raid card and just use the sata drives that I have to do Mac OS and Windows.

I have removed the card but when I plug the drives in and boot up the machine, the drives are not recognized. Is there some plug that I need to reconnect somewheres?

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Hardware :: White Light Flashing On Monitor / Ram Not Recognized By System

Jan 26, 2010

I have a Mac G5 Dual 2.0ghz Running 3GB Ram 6 x 512 ddr pc 3200 400mhz i use it for music production, So as you can imagine i need plenty of ram to run some of the high end plugins, So i purchased 2 x 1GB Pc3200 400mhz Ram, Pushing up my total ram to 5GB, Plenty for what i need.

So i installed the ram in the 2 outside slots(the only 2 left) the mac booted up but wouldnt recognise the new ram,( thought i would save a few pound and went for the extra value ram) So i thought i would move the other ram up a slot and put the new ram in the first slot instead of the last one, it still wouldnt recognise the new ram,So i turn it off took out the ram, put the old ram back in its original slots, Turn the mac back on,......Nothing but a white light flashing on the monitor, & the fans going mad !

After trying each set of ram in pairs one at a time i managed to get one set to work in the first slot, 1 gb (2x512) once! Now i cant get anything to boot this mac up! the ram worked before, so why not now. Ive only been using a mac for about 2 years, and before that i built pcs for a living, & i know my way round pcs fine , but this has really got me.Please Please Please. if someone can help i would be very grateful, i need to get some important work finished.
Best Regards.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: External Drive File System No Longer Recognized

May 29, 2012

I backed up some movies for the kids onto an external drive (USB without power cord). Now when I plug it in, it does not even show up. If I try to look at it with the disk utility it sayd the file system is not recognised. Last time I accesed the disk was under leopard. Could it be that the change to lion has cut off access now?I do hear the disk start up when it plugs in and I have not seen any strange history with this disk before switching to Lion. (A drive of the same make but bigger and with power cord plus USB still works from before and after Lion). Small disk is Freecom 1TB (pocet size), Large disk is 2TB also Freecom but with powerfeed seperately. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: And The Videos Wont Play In The System?

Mar 26, 2010

I had a lot of videos that I had done via imovie and posted on my [URL]account which for some reason will not play, and have a question mark on them all now. So I deleted them and thought I could start again. I have one in particular which I saved as an m4v which is 130mb which I want people to be able to access and download, but I cant seem to drag it into the account, how do I get it to go there, tried draggin into imovie and doing it that way but no joy

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OS9/OS8/System 7 :: Play A Mac Classic Game On 10.5.8?

Apr 12, 2012

How can I play an Mac Classic game on my 10.5.8?

Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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IMac :: Possible To Play Xbox / WiFi On System

Dec 5, 2010

I have an iMac 21.5 inch 3.06ghz 500gb Hard drive 4gb RAM got it a few days ago and was wondering was it possible to play my xbox, WiFi on it?

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OS X :: System Has Been Changed , Didn't Play With The Font?

Jul 8, 2009

The font in the system has been changed , I didn't play with the font can some body tell me how i can change the font to normal .

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IMac :: Play Game On Java, It Crashes The System?

Jul 1, 2010

i have had problems with my iMac, whenever i play the my game on Java, it crashes, yesterday it started out slow, happened like every 2 hours, but right now, when i get the error, only option to pull the plug, and then restart, and i open the game again and it happens within 5 mins, i made a video of what it looks like on youtube.(Btw, its lower half of the screen black, and the top is flickering)
I cant do anything anymore, i can pause the music by keyboard, which i couldnt do before on the older crashes from yesterday strange enough, and i can move the mouse, but i cant click anything or w/e.Cmd - alt - esc doesnt work either

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Software :: Myspace For Mac Laptop - Music Does Not Play In My System?

Jan 9, 2009

is their a version of myspace for a mac laptop, because music doesnt play on the profiles. It doesnt load it at all. So i was cerious to know if their was their own version of myspace for this defferent type of computer?

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OS X V10.4 :: Why Does Super Drive Play Music Cd's, Ejects System Disk

Feb 27, 2012

Super drive ejects blank CD's & DVD's. Played music CD fine but could not run the system disk for an archive re-install. It made lots of noise & ejected.What can I do to try the re-install. G-5 PPC OS X 10.4.11 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), PPC

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Hardware :: Does Air Tunes Play Whatever Audio Comes From System Or Just Specifically ITunes Library

Aug 15, 2008

I just recently purchased my first mac (Black Macbook W/ Free Ipod Touch) about 2 weeks ago after growing up using windows and after getting used to a mac life i am loving the switch. I have the mini DVI to VGA adapter so i can hook my mac up to my 40" Samsung LCD and would like to get audio coming through my home theater for movies as well as just listening to music as the laptop speakers just dont cut it. Does air tunes play whatever audio comes from your mac or just specifically your iTunes library?

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Applications :: Way To Get Hold Play On System Remote To Sleep Computer Function To Work Within VLC

Sep 3, 2007

VLC (because Front Row is just too slow for me), and I want to go to sleep. I hold the play button on my Apple Remote to sleep my computer, but from within VLC it does nothing.Is there any way to get the 'hold play on the apple remote to sleep your computer' function to work from within VLC?

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OS X :: Unable To Play Screen Saver / Crash System Preferences When Attempted To Load

Mar 24, 2010

As anyone found a way to create a video playing screen saver in Quartz Composer in Snow Leopard. These screen savers work fine in Leopard but crash System Preferences when you attempt to load them in Snow Leopard. They seem to work just fine within Quartz Composer.

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Mac Pro :: Attempt To Play Back Compositions, Logic Hits A Wall With Certain Sections Indicating "System Overload?

Jul 12, 2010

On the advice of various forum members, I recently upgraded my 2008 Mac Pro to 12 GB of RAM (from 4 GB), in order to solve an issue I was having with Logic. Unfortunately the issue is still present and I am wondering what to do as I've already blown my budget to fix it. I'm hoping someone here can help.

I use the Vienna Symphonic Library through ESX24 in Logic 9, on a 2008 Mac Pro (2.8 Ghz octocore). When I attempt to play back some of my compositions, Logic hits a wall with certain sections, indicating "System Overload. The audio engine was not able to process all required data in time. (-10011)" I did check System Profiler, and all the RAM is being recognized.Is there any way to solve this without new hardware? As a side note, I was wondering how I can add more than 255 ESX24 tracks as Logic seems to cap out at that. Please let me know anything I can try.

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OS X :: Unable To Play Itunes / System Goes Into Sleep Mode While Playing Itunes

Sep 1, 2010

I recently upgraded my system HDD to an SSD with a new install of OSX 10.6.4 and mimicked the settings I had on my previous set up to replicate it. however, when for example I was using iTunes to play music the screen saver would come on and a short time later the system would pause iTunes and goes into Sleep mode.

my previous install never did that so I'm not sure if its because of the SSD and it not being mechanical it doesnt recognize it accessing or seeking 'per se' because regardless of unchecking "Put hard disks to sleep when possible" it still does it. here is an image of energy saver settings; btw I had the system plugged into and still went into sleep mode when iTunes was playing and even other media formats such as Video in iTunes or VLC.

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OS X :: Hard Drive Not Recognized By System - Hard Drive Not Formatted

Jul 20, 2009

I've just got a new external HD, but it's not being recognised by Mac OS X (10.5.7). I assumed it was because it was in a Windows format, so booted Windows, but it then turned out it wasn't formatted at all. What is the easiest way to make this an HFS+ (the Mac OS extended format), and how do I do it as I can't see it anywhere on the Mac (including Disk Utility)?

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OS X :: External HD Not Recognized On New MacBook Pro

Jul 24, 2007

I recently bought a 2.2 Ghz Macbook Pro, and one of my external hard drives isnt recognized, its a USB powered Western Digital Passport [URL]. (Same as this one, but only 120GB). It runs fine on my old iBook G4, but when plugged into my new MBP, it doesnt run at all. Has no recollection of the hard drive at all. I've tried reformatting it, still nothing.

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MacBook :: Internet Not Recognized?

Feb 27, 2009

I just got my first Mac today. It's the 2.4 Ghz aluminum MacBook. I was really excited about starting things up, and then came setting up the internet. It recognized my family's DSL wireless network, but would not let me into it without a password. We never gave our router a password/encryption. Does anybody have any idea about what I should do? I'd really like to access the internet as soon as possible.

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MacBook Pro :: External HDD Not Recognized?

Mar 10, 2012

I am trying to connect a external HDD to the MacBook Pro. The external HDD used is Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 1 TB powered by a USB cord connected to the laptop. The light on the HDD is not glowing neither does it feel like moving when touched. get the HDD working on the Mac?

MacBook ro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: PNY USB Drive Not Recognized?

Jun 18, 2012

I tried doing a few Google searches to find a resolution to this problem, but nothing that came up seemed to work, so I'm throwing this question out there. I recently bought a 16GB PNY metal attache for my  2011 MacBook Pro (OS X). That computer fails to recognize the drive. Here are a few notes: 

1. I tested the drive on a windows vista computer, and that computer recognizes the drive. I can read/write from it on that computer.

2. Neither USB port on my apple is faulty; other USB devices function fine via both ports.

3. I have tried several solutions including:

a) Restarting

b) Powering off, unplugging the power cord, waiting 15 seconds, replugging the cord, and booting up the computer

c) Restarting WITH the drive in the port

d) Leaving the drive in for a while to see if it would eventually recognize it (no results)

e) Reformatting the drive to FAT32 to make sure it's possible for my mac to read/write from it 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 5.1.1

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MacBook Air :: 3G Dongle Is Not Recognized At All On It

Jun 21, 2012

I just bought today a Mac Book Air 11 "and my 3G dongle is not recognized at all on Mac yet it works fine on my Mac Book Pro Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard

Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Modem 3G USB : HUAWEI E173s

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IMac :: Unable To Play Youtube Videos / Play Only For Few Seconds

Sep 29, 2010

Youtube videos won't play properly on my imac (I have OS X version 10.5.8). The video plays only for a few short seconds and stops for about 90 seconds and then repeats the process .

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