OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Deleted All Data Through Terminal Commands
May 31, 2012deleted all data by using terminal and time machine was not set up.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
deleted all data by using terminal and time machine was not set up.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I'm trying to change MTU settings in my router using terminal MacOs 10.5.8. eMac 1GHz.All goes well till I get to saving settings. "saveall" or "SaveAll" I get "Invalid interface name specified"It's probabably not saving settings.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIf I'm using a PCI wireless card with my Mac that isn't used with Airport Utility, how do I find the MAC address of my Mac?
I tried IPCONFIG in Terminal, but it just gives me "IPCONFIG <command> where command is " a whole bunch of commands.
I found some information in another thread that instructed one to write some commands in terminal but I have never used terminal and have no idea what I actually need to write.Can anyone please advise me on how to translate the instructions into what exactly should be typed into terminal?Spaces, special characters, anything?All I know how to do is start the app and then I am faced with some text and characters that are already on the screen.The instructions were:Open a Terminal and run some commands:cd /replace/this/with/the/path/to/contents/of/extracted/zip/file/ #this path probably is Downloads/360ControllerInstallsudo sh 360ControllerInstall.sh
Having some sort of a glitch on my Safari 5.0.2. It turns that if i only have a single window open, the tab will not hide but it will remain. On my macbook though it behaves normally, meaning wear there is only one page on safari, the tab will be hidden.Is there any way i could possibly make my safari behave normal again? Any nifty terminal commands?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know on windows allows you to run batch files without actually logging into the OS. This allows you to put an base image onto a PC and use batch files to change settings, place on active directory, and other things without having to log in.
How do I do this with a mac? I want to be able to run 2 command line commands, one after the other once the other is finished, and then add it to Active directory. Would I do this in perl? and how do I get it to run without logging in so I can start it and then move on to other stuff?
Is it possible to connect to and send messages via gateways with Terminal in Mac osX?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI looked up an old thread on clearing recently viewed quicktime player videos.The advice recommended was to enter the following three commands into terminal.After entering the three commands the quicktime recent files were cleared. Uninformatively then finder would freeze up and give me errors.how to undue these commands?
defaults write com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX NSRecentDocumentsLimit 0
defaults delete com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX.LSSharedFileList RecentDocuments
defaults write com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX.LSSharedFileList RecentDocuments -dict-add MaxAmount 0
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Basically the title says pretty much everything. just want a way in which i can undo commands i did on terminal. and if restarted the macbook does the job?
MacBook Pro
I've just entered the world of terminal commands. I've only done a few so far. I've also heard that they can cause some big problems with my Mac, is that true?
1) I had two user accounts: one standard, one admin. I had "hidden" the admin account from prying eyes using some Terminal commands (see here if you're interested some months later, I enabled the Open Firmware Password (hence, I can no longer boot into single user mode, boot from CD, etc)3) at some point, I inadvertently reinstalled OS X (don't ask... or do, I'll explain if necessary)4) when logging in, I ONLY have my standard account. My hidden admin account seems to be gone. OS X won't even accept the admin login/pwd when attempting to execute admin-only commands from within the standard account
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy macbook 2006 recently would not boot properly. By that i mean it takes about a good 5 minutes to boot to a messed up looking desktop.
Before i restore the system i need to get some files off of the machine. (The gui side freezes when i try to drag and drop).
I can boot into single use mode and use terminal but i do not know how to do the command mv /documents...etc but i don't know what drive my usb stick is or that it is mounted.
Is there any way to have Terminal automatically run a command each time it is opened? I want to always have my background as my screensaver with the command
Code:/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ScreenSaverEngine.app/Contents/MacOS/ScreenSaverEngine -background & and I have made an alias for the command so that I can just type in ss, but I have to type it in every time I open up terminal. I'd like to have Terminal start at login in the hidden state and run my screensaver background command automatically.
How can I install new library commands within the Mac OS X Terminal. How to do that task?Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When trashing preferences the custom commands appear to be deleted.Â
Is there any way to preserve them other than by making a copy of the preferences whilst OK?Â
P.S. I know Preference Manager can save good preferences.
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Mac mini i5 2.5GHz & iMac FCP X
i have installed InsomniaX.App in Snow Leopard the program was running ok until i restart my macbook pro.It does´t restart and is always asking to turn off computer and Restart..I have reset EFI..I Have reset PRAM and VRAM and still doesn´t restart..I have unplug the battery and waited half an hour just to start again and still not resolving the issue.I have entered installation DVD just to go to the Terminal.app and execute this: Enter in terminal : defaults delete com.semaja2.InsomniaXDelete ~/Application Support/InsomniaXDelete /Applications/InsomniaX.app
How can i do this using Terminal from the installation DVD...I only now how to discover Volumes ls /Volumes/
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Whenever I try to run the terminal, I get this error message.You are not authorized to run this application.The administrator has set your shell to an illegal value. Just in case you're wondering, yes, I am logged in as the administrator. I have been having some issues with priveleges ever since I reinstalled my OS and loaded my info from a Time Machine Backup, so this might be related, but I still have no idea how to fix it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Whatever I type in terminal it says: unknown-c8-bc-c8-98-14-b8:How can I reset it so I can make it work for me? [code]
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I'm using Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
whenever I try almost any command at Terminal, I come across an annoying message like:
-bash: unzip: command not found
this is a sample for i tried unzip, but it happens for so many other command as well
so what is that? do I need to install anything to make terminal work with these commands?
I have a MacPro (Intel), and I had my Music folder on a second (non-boot) internal drive. That drive was getting full, so I bought yet another internal drive to put in one of the other bays, thinking to copy the folders to the new, larger-capacity drive. So I bought a 2 Tb drive and transferred all my MOVIES to the new drive, but then went back and deleted my MUSIC folder and emptied the trash. I knew immediately that I'd made a mistake.
I haven't written anything to that drive whatsoever from that moment on, so absolutely nothing should have been over-written. I have plenty of room on the new drive to which I can recover the deleted files. Unfortunately the folder/directory was very large, with over 20,000 files, mostly of podcasts/spoken word stuff, much of which is no longer available or would represent thousands of hours of download time, plus all my digitized folk music from long out-of-print LP records.
You'd think I'd be more responsible with >600 Gb of data! However, fortunately the drive is in good working order, it just requires a good recovery strategy. I know that services that do recovery charge a fortune, and because I haven't written anything to that drive and it still mounts without problems, I'm hoping I can do this myself with a good data recovery software package. Because I am talking about literally thousands of files, it is just too painful to think about editing all the metadata about each file (name, artist, album, etc.), and ideally I would like to recover the files and the file structure so podcasts are recovered as such, etc.
Is this at all possible?
If so, what are the relative merits of File Salvage vs. Data Rescue vs. Kernel for Macintosh (Nucleus Data Recovery) vs. VirtualLab Data Recovery vs. Stellar Phoenix? Is there something better than these--these are the only ones I found on a Web search. Are there any head-to-head reviews of which someone is aware?
I'm running Snow Leopard. If I have a couple of Terminal sessions running and I try to quit both of them via the Quit Terminal entry in the Terminal menu, I get a dialog box with the following message: You have 2 windows with running processes. Do you want to review these windows before quitting? I don't ever recall getting this message under Leopard, so I assume it's a new feature under Snow Leopard. I want to disable this dialog. Is there a property setting for the Snow Leopard version of Terminal which controls this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI get a "sudo: tmutil: command not found" message on terminal when I am trying to inherit backups as per the fantastic instructions on the website by pondini. What does it mean and how can I correct it?Â
My old backups on time machine are not highlighted on time machine so cannot restore them. This is either because I have restored the OS or repaired the external HD used for backups.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was using Terminal in my MacBook Pro to check if it was infected with the flashback Trojan but all results were negative. After confirming that I was not infected I typed the word "clear" and then the word "exit" before quitting terminal. Is this the appropriate procedure to close the terminal in OSX? Or it is an overkill? Will these commands affect the functionality of the command line in the future?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), i5 2.5, 4GB, 500GB, Nvidia 330m 256
IS there a terminal command to make sure that my default search engine is alwaysgoogle.com and not google.it or google.se or any place I am travelling to, since VERY OFTEN the results are MANY LESS than using the .com goggle site and I DO NOT want to be logged in google to save the settings, which are anyway erased by my security and privacy tool?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I erased OSX 10.7 'cause it slowed
A friend deleted my mac email account and i need to know how to get it back and how to retrieve the password.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have an issue with Terminal..a few months ago I was just running some commands..somehow I deleted everything from terminal, and wasn't able to run any more commands. Somehow, I got the functionality back by my address (whatever it's called..dunno the lingo), has changed.
here's what I see now:
Last login: Thu Dec 9 18:22:30 on ttys000
new-host-2:~ tylerclifford$ defaults write com.apple.Safari
It says new-host-2: now, instead of just saying my name (which is what it did before).
I accidentally deleted terminal through "emptying the trash". Is there any way I can "un-empty" it or is there a place where I can re-download terminal? I have a macbook on leopard. I can't access my install CDs because I'm out of town for a while. But is there any way someone can send me the file?
View 16 Replies View Relatedin the Mail tool, I was cleaning out old emails from a folder called "old email" I had gotten from 1600 to 800 and somehow deleted the entire folder called "old email" and it's gone!? Nothing in trash. Can I find this folder and recover the 800 emails?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have no storage available, I have deleted some files but my storage is still full.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
As I was unable to upload pictures in the original thread I started a part tow. Original is here:
OK so did you type the title of your e-mail or any other unique text that relates to the mail here? Next you need to select 'All Mail' in the search tab. Next add a Folder colum to your search results and see if it shows up there.Â
if you now delete the found mails they will appear again in the deleted mail folder. from there you can delete them again etc. Did you do this and they are gone? And you are on a POP account? Â
MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition