MacBook :: Can't See The Finder

Mar 21, 2012

This first started because I was trying to empty the trash and the Mac asked me if I wanted to "permently delete" the files, but nothing else was working because I never saw this dialouge box.  I don't even know what I did to make it appear.  So then today I tried to shut down and it wouldn't do it because, again, there was a dialouge for trash emptying that I didn't see.  So, I tried to open finder preferences for something else and I never saw it.  Sometimes I'm looking at the wrong desktop, so I thought that was it.I looked at mission control and didn't see it in any of the desktops, so I was scrolling through the desktops and I could BRIEFLY see the finder window when I was scrolling, but then it'd disappear!I have updated to Lion (OSX 10.7.3). 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook :: Can't Close Finder Windows - Finder Reopens Them

May 1, 2012

When I close a finder window, the finder menu disappears and then reappears along with the finder window. It looks like finder is crashing and restarting. This started happening after I downloaded a pdf and put it in a folder. Maybe there is a bug in the way finder is rendering the image of the pdf file at the top of the finder window? 

How can I restore normal behavior of finder?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Finder - Finding Finder Setting To Show Folders On The Top Before Individual Files

Mar 22, 2010

Is there a setting in OSX that will set the Finder to show folders on the top before individual files - much in the same way Windows does?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot Open Finder Window And Finder Preferences Don't Stick

Apr 5, 2012

Sometimes I simply cannot open a new finder window. If I use Command-N or if I choose New Finder Window in the Finder menu, nothing happens. If I am using Command-N, I can see the File heading in the Finder menu bar highlighting, and then after a few seconds the highlight goes, but no window opens. Also, clicking on my Downloads icon in the dock, the dialog opens showing all the files, but if I then click on Open in Finder, the dialog closes but nothing happens. Now that I am writing this message, it all works again! That's what I mean by 'sometimes'. This issue can last for tens of minutes. Secndly, and this is still a problem, my finder Preferences do not stick. So for instance, I don't want to see an icon for my hard disk on the desktop, so I untick this in Finder preferences. The icon disappears. If I now re-start, then it comes back. The same happens for removing the empty trash warning and all of the other Finder Preference tick boxes. 

Now, when the first problem of not being able to open a finder window suddenly stopped being a problem, the icon for the hard disk suddenly appeared on my desktop. So the two issues are linked. This has been going on intermittently for a few days. I have verified my disk, and repaired permissions.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder Beach Balling - Failed Setting Front Application To Finder - Error?

Jun 3, 2014

I upgraded my MacBook Pro quad core 2.5 from Lion to Mavericks. Since then I get a LOT of beachballs when I'm using Finder. I repaired permissions, deleted (twice) and finally reinstalled Mavericks over the first one. Still painfully slow and lots of beachballs.

03/06/2014 18:10:13.994 launchservicesd[53]: Application App:"Finder" asn:0x0-1c01c pid:277 refs=8 @ 0x7fc8b870d950 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontApps ( ( "LSApplication:0x0-0xeb0eb pid=12980 "SecurityAgent"")), so denying. : LASSession.cp #1481 SetFrontApplication() q=LSSession 100005/0x186a5 queue

Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Quad core 2.5GHz

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OS X :: Finder Icon Missing / Finder Became Invisible After Relauncing The Dock

Oct 1, 2009

Today I tried to change the finder icon in the dock. Because I'm cheap, I dont have candybar, so I tried to use liteicon. While this changed the finder icon in messages like "do you want to empty trash," it did not change it on the dock, even after logging out and relaunching the dock.

So I went into a bunch of core services and replaced all the finder .icns and .pngs with the one I wanted to use.When I relaunched the dock, the finder was invisible, but it still had the little blue "open" dot below where it was.I downloaded the candybar trial to try to fix it, but even candybar didn't get the icon back.

I'm using 10.5.8. Where are all the places the finder icon should be to show up?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Click Finder Icon On Dock ≠ New Finder Window?

May 22, 2012

Wasn't this an option previous to 10.7.4? It doesn't work now.When clicking the Finder icon in the Dock, a new Finder window would open? I know about Finder prefs - General - Always open folders in new window but this isn't what I mean.I'd have a Finder window open then want to copy/move something so I clicked on the Finder icon in the dock to get a new window.Every time I clicked the Dock icon, I'd get a new Finder window.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Closing All Finder Windows Crashes Finder?

Apr 18, 2012

Lion 10.7.3 with all current updates. 

If Finder has been running for a while, and I have a number of finder windows open, when I option-command-w, the Finder crashes and then restarts with all the windows that just closed. 

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OS X :: How To Set Up Finder To Locate Files - How To Customize Finder

Aug 9, 2009

How do you set up Finder so that the file list shows the location. Right now all it shows is Name, Kind and Last Opened. And, I have to rightclick on the file to find its location.

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OS X Tiger :: Finder Windows Opening At Start Up / Prevent Finder From Automatically Opening?

Nov 29, 2010

I recently added a NAS with four main partitions (recognizes them as drives). Now, when ever I start up my mac, finder opens four panes, one for each drive. Is there any way I can prevent finder from automatically opening?

mac mini running 10.4, iomega network drive attached to linksys wireless router.

Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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MacBook Pro :: Finder Hogging Ram On New MBP?

Nov 18, 2010

I bought a brand new 15" i7 MBP two weeks ago. Today I noticed Finder taking up 375 MB of RAM, somewhat significantly more than anything else running. As of now I still just have the stock 4 GB ram in the machine, and less than 100 MB are free.

I'm not noticing any huge slowdowns so I'm not totally worried about it, I was just surprised to see Finder using so much memory. Is this normal? Is there an easy way to restart Finder?

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Close Finder

Apr 8, 2012

Finder is blocked and impossible to close it, even when the computer is started again

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Finder Icon Has A Red-hat, What Does That Mean

Apr 30, 2012

A few days ago i started up my mac! Everything was the same, nothing changed except the icon of the finder!see picture?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Navigate Normally With Finder

May 20, 2012

I can't navigate as i usually did. For example i open a new finder window pressind Cmd+n, and it goes to the folder i set it up to, then i try to navigate to the folders within with the arrowkeys, but i doesn't want to go rigth, then i press the down or up arrow keys and it jumps inside the selected folder, but something rare happens it creates a folder called "nombre" (i have my mac in spanish) in the top of the finder list of subfolders, when i go down in the list i've noticed the other folder items also changed their names to "nombre" and that inside each of these folders there's another with the same name, i've also noticed i can't click on the "nombre" folder to select it i can only select it whit the up or Down arrow keys, and i can't delete it beacuse of (error -8058)

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Finder Issues

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MacBook Pro :: Finder Keeps Logging Me Out

Jun 14, 2012

For the past 2 weeks, my Macbook Pro has been acting very strange. For full disclosure, I am running 10.6.8 on a 2008 MacBook Pro that is hooked up to a 30 -inch Cinema display.

First off, windows have been acting strange. If I click on the top bar of my web browser or application to drag the window to a new place, the image stays still, and then reloads from top to bottom as if it is refreshing. It them jumps to the place where my mouse then lands. This occurs very often.

Second, at least 3-4 times during my workday the entire screen turns blue, and appears to log me out. It then logs me back in and attempts to reopen all the programs I had open. This cycle takes about 25 seconds and is getting very annoying.

Lastly, my interface is a bit screwy now. Normally when I adjust the sound, a white speaker appears is the middle of the screen and shows the new volume level. Now, the speaker is a splotchy purple color and has relocated to the very bottom of my screen. Also, all the colors in my dock are warped. I attached a screenshot to this post.

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MacBook Pro :: Finder Is Not Responding?

Jun 15, 2012

2011 i7 Macbook Pro and have been using Lion since it came out. Only started having this problem in the past week.

Occasionally Finder will work. But most of the time it "crashes", or really just goes into a "Application Not Responding" state when I view it in activity monitor or right click the dock icon. Relaunching via force quit does nothing. Restarting sometimes fixes it but rarely and not for long.

Another thread suggested this string in terminal: rm ~/Library/Preferences/ . It didn't work.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), i7 quadcore, 4GB

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MacBook Pro :: How To Get Finder To Work

Jun 3, 2014

My Finder stopped working; how can I get it back to normal?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Folder Stuck In Top Bar Of Finder

Oct 29, 2010

I accidentally dragged a document into the top bar of the finder. Now when I open the finder, there is a document on the top of the gray bar at the top of the finder window. When I try to click on it to drag it away, it automatically opens the document. Does anyone know how to get rid of this?

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MacBook :: Deleted Shared On Finder?

Jan 15, 2009

how can I get my shared title back under finder on the right side. I deleted it by accident. It is supposed to be right under Devices and Above Places. I also delted my Today by accident under the Search For category. You can see in the first picture its my Finder and the 2nd is my sisters.

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MacBook Pro :: Finder Crashing On Startup?

Sep 28, 2009

It takes me multiple tries to get it to work. It literally took me 10 minutes this time! It started this morning, so I rebooted, and it happened again. I rebooted just now to see how it was and the same thing happened. I'm running 10.6.1. What's going on? It's quite frustrating.

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MacBook Pro :: DVD Drive Not Showing Up In Finder?

Jan 14, 2010

Drive still accepts and ejects discs as usual. Problem happens with all kinds of discs, CDs and DVDs.

I even tried replacing the drive with a brand new one, still nothing showing in finder.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Burn Album To CD Using Finder

Jan 25, 2010

I tried burning an album to a CD using Finder. I dragged the files to the folder and clicked "Burn." Track 1 was going OK; it completed burning and then was "verifying." After that, it stopped burning. I was wondering why it didn't burn the other tracks but then thought maybe it really did because I was doing something else also at the time. Then I try putting it in a CD player: it won't play and there's only the first track available.

Two questions:
1) Do I need to highlight all the tracks before I click "Burn" so that it burns all of them instead of just one?
2) Why didn't the first track play in a CD player? Do you think it's because it's a .FLAC file? (I thought .FLAC were CD-quality anyway.) Would a .mp3 file work?

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MacBook Pro :: What That App Is That I See Running In Finder Bars

May 12, 2010

Could somebody tell me what that app is that I see running in many people's finder bars? It has the red and green bars on it running vertically. I can't figure out what it is. I've tried searching, mroogle, etc but when you don't know the name of it, it's pretty tough to find.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Change A File's Name In The Finder

Feb 5, 2012

I need to change a file's name.What must I do?


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MacBook Pro :: Can't Find HD Through Finder Or Spotlight

Feb 22, 2012

I can´t find Macintosh HD through Finder or Spotlight. I don´t know how this happened, either. how to restore the order of things?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Finder Not Opening On MacBook Pro

Feb 27, 2012

Why won't my finder open?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Random Pictures In Finder?

Mar 3, 2012

I made a smart folder in Finder, and I can't seem to figure out what some of the pictures are. I have microsoft word installed on my computer and it looks like there are thousandsof pictures devoted to their graphics, animations, etc... Also, there are compltely random pictures that I have never seen before like a box, clock, pencil, etc... Last, I delete these every day, but the face pictures...turning them off? Can I delete those pictures to free up space?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Finder

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Show Device In Finder

Mar 6, 2012

Can't get mp3 player to show on desktop or in Finder when plugged into USB port

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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MacBook Pro :: Finder Does Not Open Up To The Desktop?

Mar 24, 2012

My finder does not open up to the Desktop and I cannot find items. Also, when I try to upload a photo in FB or other sites, I cannot find the iPhoto libraries to upload photos.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Unlock And Customize The Finder?

Apr 9, 2012

Delete Move Make a stack etc.

MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2007 4GB RAM

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