MacBook Pro :: Finder Icon Has A Red-hat, What Does That Mean
Apr 30, 2012A few days ago i started up my mac! Everything was the same, nothing changed except the icon of the finder!see picture?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
A few days ago i started up my mac! Everything was the same, nothing changed except the icon of the finder!see picture?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Today I tried to change the finder icon in the dock. Because I'm cheap, I dont have candybar, so I tried to use liteicon. While this changed the finder icon in messages like "do you want to empty trash," it did not change it on the dock, even after logging out and relaunching the dock.
So I went into a bunch of core services and replaced all the finder .icns and .pngs with the one I wanted to use.When I relaunched the dock, the finder was invisible, but it still had the little blue "open" dot below where it was.I downloaded the candybar trial to try to fix it, but even candybar didn't get the icon back.
I'm using 10.5.8. Where are all the places the finder icon should be to show up?
Wasn't this an option previous to 10.7.4? It doesn't work now.When clicking the Finder icon in the Dock, a new Finder window would open? I know about Finder prefs - General - Always open folders in new window but this isn't what I mean.I'd have a Finder window open then want to copy/move something so I clicked on the Finder icon in the dock to get a new window.Every time I clicked the Dock icon, I'd get a new Finder window.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to change an applications dock icon while leaving the icon in finder different?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have had my MacBook Pro for 1 day and I see this glitchy icon in my dock:
Was wondering can the Finder icon be moved around in the dock? I'd like to be able to move it, instead of having it on the left hand side of the dock.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI logged in to my Macbook & I found some weird colour "borders" around the finder icon on my dock. Here's how it looks like:
I thought by restarting my Macbook will get rid of it, but it doesn't work. What should I do?
I'm using Macbook Pro 15" OS X Lion.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am trying to get pictures off an SD card that I have in a card reader, plugged into the USB port. I'm not finding an icon for this anywhere! I've tried 2 card readers, as well as plugging my camera right into the USB port, and none of them show up! It was working just find 2 days ago, and now it's not. The USB port shows up in System Profiler, but not in Disk Utility.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy)
My husband just book a Macair, he has no music icon / folder in finder. Should there be? How does he get it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs everyone else's icon in the finder actually the icon for the old alu mbp 15", rather than the icon for the unibody 13" mb (fa08)?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if anyone knows what causes a question mark icon to appear at the top of a finder window?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
This may seem like a really silly question, but how do you change the icon for finder? I can't seem to get to the 'get info' bit to change it. I can do it for everything else, just not finder!
View 24 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to change it at all. How do I do it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe finder icon on my iMac desktop has what can best be described as a "half shaded box" on the top half of it. Its somewhat transparent, but there nonetheless.Asked my local apple geek and he never heard of it.I suspect it is user specific as it doesn't show up on any other accounts on the computer.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've searched high and low in these forums and on Google, but can't seem to find a way to do this without an app.
View 14 Replies View RelatedLet me preface that I'm new to the whole mac thing.
So I was trying to customize my dock and I downloaded CandyBar. After choosing a new Finder icon it asked me to log out to apply changes, when I logged back in my finder icon was gone. I went to CandyBar and clicked restore but it told me I never made any backup. I scrolled to where the original window to change the icon was (next to trash can etc) and the window to change it had also disappeared. Any advice on how to restore my Finder icon manually?
I am a novice on the Mac (OS X 10.6). My mail icon is Gone! Don't ask. I went through the finder, nothing. Any other advice to locate it before I have to re-install my OS? If I have to do that, anything in particular I have to do / don't do?
View 10 Replies View Relatedas it says in the title my hard drive is nowhere to be found when I look at the desktop/finder screen. I can still access it by opening Machintosh HD but as far as I know there is no other way.How can I go about fixing this/getting the icon back?iMac G5 about 2-3 years old, Tiger 10.4.11
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I open a folder in Finder with a large amount of images (4,500 photos), I cannot right-click these icons; when I do right-click a selected icon, it deselects it, and the right-click menu reverts to the menu that would show up as if I clicked the background of the finder. Since this only happens in this folder, and I can click on desktop icons in another Finder window simultaneously, does this mean it is memory issue in that particular window or something? I am trying to organize this massive folder (move to trash, copy, etc) and having to go up to the file menu to do this can get pretty time consuming.
Intel Macbook 10.4.11
I lost my icon of my Finder in my Dock, the icon seem to be fine for the and permission too.
I posted on my blog [URL] an article on the origin of the icon in the Finder. Mine is a guess, but I do not know whether just or not, also because I do not know if it is a common knowledge or that nobody has noticed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan you remove the finder icon on the dock?
I like mine to be 'minimalist'
I already have the Quit Finder menu item, but whenever I try quitting Finder, Finder just pops back up if I don't have any other open applications. Is there a way to close Finder and have it not open back up unless I click on the icon?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI've recently logged on to my mac to find that my 'Finder' icon is missing from the dock.
It is still running, still clickable, with the 'running' light below showing.
I've been an Apple faithful for four years now, and I just got a brand new Mac Pro for a graduation present. I've been tinkering with icons, so I can get them just the way I want them, and some form of glitch occurred, and my dock, though having a light and open space to show that Finder is running, shows no icon. It's really confusing me, and I've tried opening up Candybar to see if I can restore it to normal there, and it doesn't even show up in the menu where it used to! I need some help...I've already tried the usual log out/in, unplug...I just need to get this resolved.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I started my Mac today the icon from the Finder in the Dock was away.
What have I done yet? Repaired the disk persmissions.Deleted the .plist file from the Dock and restarted it. What can I else do? All users on the computer have the same problem.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
This happened over night. The on major thing that I have done is backup my HD onto an external.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), BlackBook 2.0 GHz, iPhone 4G-S
what would have caused this and what the effects would be? how can I get rid of it?
I have recently noticed that when finder is invoked from other programs, for example gmail attachment dialogue box, the icons look noticeably bigger than if finder was opened on its own. I have no clue why this is happening.
Please take a look at the attached file. Does anyone know how to fix this?
The current behavior of the Finder icon in the dock first brings Finder windows currently open into focus. I often wish I could click the Finder icon, and have a new window open. However if each time it was clicked, it brought current windows to focus, but then also created a new window, this would be annoying. So how about this:
If the Finder isn't in focus, one click will bring it into focus. The next click, assuming now that the Finder is focused, creates a new Finder window. Also, it could even be conceived that a double click of the Finder icon, when out of focus, would both bring current windows to focus, and then create a new window directly.