I have had my mac book 4 months, and it fell from my couch and cracked the case around charging port, computer works fine, just doesn't charge. Apple store says I need new logic board, how could such a short fall result in such a costly fix, couldn't it be the DC input board?
The Airport Card in my 2008 MBP 17" seems to work intermittently, sometimes when waking from sleep or restarting it shows up as "Airport Card not installed". Other times it will switch on fine. I phoned AppleCare (I have 3yr) and they made me reset the PRAM & SMC, which initially worked, but now it back to it's old tricks of not working. Not sure what to do, don't really want to send my MBP off for a week.
I don't get this. My mom's white MacBook (Intel IGP model) showed an X across the battery like it doesn't work, so I bought her a new battery for it. However, I installed the new battery and it still shows an X but it actually does work. I figured it out by accident. I thought maybe I bought a bad battery. I tripped over the magsafe and the MB stayed on... confused, I am now here. Not finding much about this.
What causes OS X to display an X across the battery icon? Doesn't this usually mean the battery is ruined? When pushing the button on the bottom of the battery, it shows five LEDs as it's fully charged and working. I unplugged it several times, and the MB stays on.
It also reduces the screen brightness and seems to go into battery power saving settings when unplugged. So how do I get OS X to see the battery? It must be charging properly as it's not hot or bulging or anything at all.
The problem is simply that it's not showing the battery information at all as though there were no battery plugged into the MacBook. But it works as though it's plugged in and all is normal?
So I have a macbook pro 2.66 ghz, purchased in august 2009, and recently i have been experiencing the trackpad missing a couple taps when i try to click on something. i sometimes restart it and uncheck and recheck the tap to click in settings, but it eventually does the same thing.
I found this update at apple.com: URL Which perfectly describes what im experiencing. Unfortunately this install is not for my "computer".
Is there anyway I can override the notice?? and if anyone has experienced the same thing, what did u do to fix it? Since it happens every now and then, i feel like if i were to take it to the genius bar they would just laugh at me...
bought another (have one already) HP laserjet2100 with 600N network card exactly the same as an old one I had which works fine when connected to tiger macbook pro intel and old G4 with 9.2.2However when put new printer into ethernet network at first could not see printer but this was sorted using HP Direct and assigning IP adress on Intel mac. Howver when I print I get code on first page followed by masses of blank pages.To solve this I downloaded ghost and gimp printers and managed to get it to print.However quality is really poor when compared to old printes fonts are jagged etc. Any ideas to get it up to speed with exactly same machine?
I have got a macbook pro and an iPhone5 .. my macbook and my iPhone connected to the same WiFi but for some reason the airplay don't work .. so I tried to use a (cable) goes from the router to the macbook .. and i turned on (sharing internet) so my macbook can become a WiFi .. from that my iPhone is connected to the WiFi (macbook pro WiFi) and the airplay was working fine .. the thing is i don't like the cable idea because my router on the first floor and my macbook on the second floor.. so any one have any tips for me .. by the way i need the airplay because i was streaming using (Reflector)
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Yesterday, I downloaded around 1000 new fonts and installed them, all fine yesterday, but today, Safari, Firefox and Chrome are all using really whacky fonts from those that I downloaded. It happens in google and some webpages, but it's really annoying. I've been through all the preferences, defaults, fontbook (and deleted all the ones with major errors) and I deleted the font that it was using, until it chose another one, trying to fix it but with no luck
I haven't been able to send or receive iMessages on my Macbook Pro or my iPad. They do not receive any incoming messages or have the ability to send out any messages. Every time I try to send a message to a phone number REGISTERED WITH IMESSAGE, this error message pops up. Even though iMessage refuses to work on both my iPad and my Macbook, it has been working flawlessly on my iPhone. Every number that I try (and fail) to send an iMessage to on both my iPad and my Macbook, I have been successfully able to send a message to on my iPhone with no problem.
This is what gets me: I have signed in to my Mac and my iPad with several other Apple IDs and iMessage works FINE when there is another Apple ID involved. There is no problem when someone else signs in using their Apple ID. So far, the only thing that has been affected is iMessage. All other aspects of iCloud work great. FaceTime hasn't stopped working once, for example.
I have had two separate cases with Apple Support about this issue. I have brought all my machines to the apple store TWICE, and they still couldn't figure out what was wrong.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I got a refurb 500gig Time Capsule for Christmas, and was able to set it up fine with my iMac, but when I tried to set it up with my Macbook Pro that I use through school it wouldn't show up/mount via wifi or USB. When I tried with my moms Macbook just to see, hers sees it fine.
I have a feeling its something to do with the image the school uses on the machines, but when I emailed IT, they said "Typically the images that are set up for each program are just a collaboration of programs required for you to complete course work in your specific program. There are no specific permissions turned on or off that would not allow you to connect to this device."
I had my dad play with the router, but its not the issue because the other two machines can access the Time Capsule with no issues. I can give the Time Capsule its own IP in Airport, and it shows it as connected but still won't show it when it scans to set it up with Time Machine. I can ping the Time Capsule from both the iMac and Macbook Pro. The software has been installed on both machines as well.
Just as of 20 minutes ago, I was able to type, but then for no reason, my computer can't type. The strange thing is that when I use the control click, use the mouse, or use the f keys, it works just fine. I used onyx to clean my computer, which didn't work. I restarted my computer, which didn't work, and I tried to go into the Keyboard/Mouse panel, but then System Preferences quit for no reason.
Whenever I am trying to sign in Mac App Store, a message saying "connection failed" will show up. I have no problem signing in itunes with my Apple ID, so I know my details are correct. Internet connection works just fine over ethernet, with firewall turned off and there's no other third party app (little snitch) or antivirus program which may restrict the network access from Mac App Store. I restored the OS from internet few days back because of a kernel error. Now I need to sign in Mac App Store to download my iLife applications.
I'm having a strange issue after upgrading to Leopard. When I try to open certain pages in Safari it instantly gives me the "Safari can?t find the server" message. When I try to open the same page in Firefox at the same time it opens normally. For many pages (like this one) Safari is working fine. My connection seems good and this is happening on reliable sites (currently Safari won't open apple.com).
I have searched this forum and the internet. My number pad on the right side of my keyboard works with everything EXCEPT the calculator. What did I do? cannot find anything anywhere to address just that. The numbers work fine everywhere else.
I did all the jumps to make sure on the system pref and the mouse off, holding my tongue just right and jumping five times...hitting the option key five times, the fn button and the clear button. the number work everywhere but on the calculator.
I'm running Lion on my 27 inch iMac, after rebooting everything runs good for a short while. Then for some reason when I try to open an application like iPhoto, or iTunes, or and external hard drive the system freezes up.I can still open up a browser such as Safari, or Firefox, but no applications not even the Finder. Yesterday, I ran a new Lion when rebooting my system but that didn't help. From the utilities I repaired the Mac drive.
I found this iBook in my dad's attic at his business. He said he had bought when they released and planned on using it for financial stuff, but figured his Windows laptop would do better. It was in its box BTW, not collecting dust.
Anyways, it's out of warranty and it's specs are: 1.07 GHz PowerPC G4 768 MB DDR SDRAM Combo drive 12" screen 30GB HD
The combo drive is not fun. It takes a good push, no shove, into the slot for it to go in. It reads it fine and all, and can burn CD's, but pulling it out is plain horrible. I can't just take it and pull it out, I have to have my dad hold the iBook, and I grab the CD and pull it out. The CD ends up having deep scratches and is unreadable from then on. What do I do? Replace it? Or is it repairable?
i have a problem with my bootcamp. I had installed all of the drivers and everything works fine excepts the wireless connection which is very slow. I had internet connection but it is very very slow and thats not right... i installed the 2.1 drivers from my Mac Disc. Any suggestions how to fix this ?
I've got a G5. After a short while I turn on the computer, the computer will freeze.If I boot in Safe mode the computer is working fine. I removed few items from the start up,I used disk utilities to verify and repair permissions, but no it keeps freezing when I start up normally.
After restarting, Safari suddenly doesn't load any webpages. It shows all the top sites in the favorites area and actually updates some to the most recent versions, but when you try to get to the site it shows the loading bar to about an 1/8th of the way and then just pin wheels. Firefox works fine. I have used the reset to no avail. Have the current version and have been running it for a while with no problems.
My wi fi iPad works fine on wireless home network but the Mac will not connect to internet even through airport diagnostics shows connectivity ok, how can I resolve?
My recently coded app, is not opening in my iMac, the apps works fine in eclipse but when i try to open through desktop app it doesn't open. Since i'm new to iMac struggling a lot to resolve...
I took this 13" macbook off of my sisters hands as she has already bought a new one for college. My hope was to save it, as it had stopped working a few months after she spilled some sort of drink on the keyboard. Here's the short story: Took it to local tech support office once it stopped working. They said logic board needed to be replaced, so it's a done deal. Opened it up, cleaned the entire inside of the computer with 95% alcohol and a toothbrush. Let it sit for a day to dry. Turned it on. It worked! But it was finicky in terms of when it would charge and when it wouldn't. Eventually stopped working again when the battery ran out of power and it would not recharge the battery or start up without the battery and just the power. Took it to a friend's house who has the same laptop. Swapped his charged battery into mine. Computer booted up and ran fine. Forgot to test if it was charging consistently by plugging my AC adapter into my computer.
However I did test my AC adapter on his mac with his battery, and that did work fine. So I had eliminated those as the problems and figured it must be something inside the computer. After researching, figured the problem must have been the DC-in board. And I ordered one of these: [URL] and installed it no problem. Now the computer will only charge when it is on and open. If I close the screen it will not charge. And once I open the screen, it shows that it is charging, but 0 battery life, then corrects to the proper amount, then 10 seconds later the light on the mag-power connector comes back on. Another important detail, the computer will not turn on or run while the battery is removed. Perhaps only the part of the logic board that controls the power directly from the mag-connector is fried, but the part the directs it to the battery is ok?
Also just noticed: When the power chord is unplugged, there is a consistent and accurate display of remaining battery life. However sometimes when I plug the power chord back in, it will read 0%, then random other percentages, while the light flashes between green and orange on the top of the power chord. I would like to be able to charge the thing while its closed. Also does this sound like a quark I could just live with? Or does it indicate it will probably fail very soon? Because I could live with this for another few months while I'm waiting to be able to afford another laptop. Even if it meant finding some alternative way to only run it off of only battery power, buying two batteries, and charging them outside of the computer through some third party laptop battery charger.
I have had my 13 in macbook pro for about three months and suddenly it does not charge when it is plugged in. In the last week this has started to happen but upon fussing with the connection like unplugging and replugging in the magnet charger it would start for a while and stop randomly. Now I can not get the computer to charge at all no matter how much I fuss. Do I need a new adapter or is there some other problem?
Whenever i plug the power cord into my mac book pro my computer never starts to charge? I have tryed this on various different outlets and have also tryed thsi with the two and three pronged adapters and it still is not working.
I have had my MacBook (aluminum) for 6 days, and all of a sudden i go to plug it in to charge (10% left) and the led on the magsafe doesn't come on and the computer doesn't recorgnize the charger (even in system profiler).
upon closer inspection i noticed the LED is on on the magsafe, it is just a very faint shade of green.I have tried a charger from a different MacBook but no luck. And i have also tried my charger and a different macbook and it charged it just fine.. so it's probably not my charger.
Any ideas?? i know i can go get it replaced.. but i would really like to not have to take a 45 minute drive to the apple store if i can avoid it.. (unless this problem is serious and should be replaced) also, if i get a replacement is it possible for them to just swap my HDD with the new one?
Successfully moved mail to another partition ~ however not getting Spotlight (or Mail) to index or search email since the move.Tried adding the folder to Spotlight privacy settings ~ then removing but no luck.Tried contacting Apple however moving mail from Libraries is not 'supported' so no love there. how to get Spotlight to search mail residing on another partition?
I have a 2009 unibody macbook pro. I have 42 in lcd tv. I have a minidisplay to vga adapter and a vga cable. When I try to connect the monitor to the mbp when the lid is open nothing is detected. I do not get any options to change to mirror mode or am able to change any settings regarding the monitor. I can change the resolution of the built in display only. Now for the twist. If I connect everything, do a restart and close the lid, as the computer boots up the external monitor works. Its the grey boot screen with the apple logo. But as soon as the computer begins to load the desktop, the monitor losses the signal. At first I thought it was going into sleep mode, so I hooked up a usb mouse to keep the computer awake. I tried the process again, and as soon as it goes to the desktop it losses the signal. So I don't think it is sleep mode. I downloaded the minidisplay prot firmware update, but because the screen is not detected when the lid is open I cant run it. When the lid is closed the computer either goes to sleep or doesn't send the desktop signal and I still cant run it. Nothing happens if I change between the video cards (9400 and 9600gm). Is it a resolution issue? Do the vga cables have a max resolution that is lower than 1900 x 1200?
Just bought a new 15 inch retina MBP. My question is...should I immediately charge the battery or let it run to zero first and then charge it? Does it even matter?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2, Retina, 15 Inch