MacBook :: Bootup Is Slowing Down?

Mar 26, 2009

I have noticed that my white macbook bootup time is taking about a minute to boot. My Macbook now has 4gb or ram. I did run the memtest to check that the memory I installed is ok. It passed. Now I am bootup up with an external monitor plugged in. I am not sure if that is causing an issue. Is there an app I can get to test to make sure my mac is ok?

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MacBook Pro :: Seriously Slowing Down?

Feb 6, 2010

I bought a MBP mainly for its "reliability", totally aware that all computers have their fair share of problems but that Macs were better for long term. Well, it's already slowing down considerably. I bought this in July 2009, and a lot of times I'll get to the point where the beachball comes up frequently (sometimes every 10 seconds) when I'm moving through webpages or loading up powerpoints and documents. I mean seriously my MBP was messing up on me 30 minutes before a lab report was due (which I did manage to get an A on), as in the beachball kept coming up when I had to copy and paste graphs from Excel to Word and I was scared that I would lose my work.

Where can I go to see if my RAM is being eaten up, or to do a cleanout of the system? Now I really wish I had waited for Windows 7 (a laptop built with it). It's ironic to say that though b/c I have Windows 7 on this MBP via Bootcamp but the Mac OSX is more convenient b/c of battery. But that Windows 7 rarely freezes

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MacBook :: Slowing Down And Hanging Up

Apr 11, 2009

Randomly i turned my computer on today and my macbook did some funny things and is slowing downing and hanging up on simple things. What are some things i could do to make sure everything is in working order and i'm running as fast as possible?

ps, i have 117 gb's free so that's definitely not the problem!

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MacBook Air :: It Slowing Down And Heating Up

May 8, 2012

My Air has been running slower than it used to and the fan comes on more often. I've been using Activity Monitor to see what's going on and it looks as though Safari is the most likely culprit as resource hog. Now I'm running Firefox and I'm not having the same problem (so far). Does anyone have any experience with this? I've only been noticing the problem for the past few months and I've always used Safari.

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MacBook Pro :: Is There A Way To Clean Up Whatever Is Slowing It Down

Jun 3, 2012

My MacBook Pro seems to be getting "clunkier" lately.The beach ball spins for a while before changing from one program to another.Is there a way to clean up whatever is slowing it down?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Processor-2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo; Memory-2GB 1067 MHz DDR3

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OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Air With V10.9.3 Is Slowing Down

Jun 26, 2014

I have had a MacBook Air since Jan 1, 2014.  It's running OS X 10.9.3 with 1.3GHz i5 and 4GB and 250GB SSD that is about only about 40% full.

In the past few weeks, performance has slowed.  Even when typing in simple text, I'll type 3-4 words before the display catches up.  Often, a simple click to switch to a new application results in a spinning beach ball.  During the last week, I've noticed that the system is getting hot, something I never noticed before.  Today, I heard the fan running for the first time.  Until now, I didn't even know it had a fan.  I switched from Windows to a Mac primarily because I was sick of the continually declining performance of a Windows system.  Now the Mac seems to have the same problem.  Clearly something is wrong. 

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Slowing Down Whole Computer?

Dec 10, 2010

My MBP is a 13 inch and it is less than 6 months old, but recently Safari has been slowing down my whole computer to a snails pace. It is so slow that it takes like 3 minutes for a click to register. It is almost as if it has a virus. I switched to using google chrome and it is almost as if the problem goes away (its still slow with chrome, but a lot faster than safari). Google chrome and google chrome renderer are using 70.9 and 49.9 of my cpu respectively, and my mbp still goes with not near as bad of a problem as safari.

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Slowing Down, Frozen Often

May 25, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro, running Lion. My laptop seems to have slowed down in terms of opening programs, and often, Finder will get stuck with the spinning ball. I also have an external hard drive attached to the laptop, and accessing the external often brings up the spinning ball. 

The external drive has a capacity of 299.72 GB     and 191.97 GB     is how much is free. 

For the laptop, the numbers are 249.07 GB capacity and 184.34 GB free. I regularly run the Disk Utility to check/repair permissions. Is there any way to determine why things are running slow, and/or if I need a new external drive? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook :: 4 Year Old Mac Is Slowing, How To Refresh It

Jun 9, 2012

I know one can improve performance on a PC by defragging and hard drive clean-up There must be someway to improve my 4 year old Macbook there is still over 100Gb of space on the hard-drive?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 years old

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MacBook :: System Overloads - Few Programs Slowing Down

Mar 10, 2009

I'm pretty new to the whole MacBook world as I only brought my unibody MacBook in November. Although I've found everything to me incredibly intuitive there are still some thing I need to learn, such as what to do when thing start slowing down. Recently I have noticing a few programs having some difficulties, my Logic studio has been having System overloads, my dashboard hasn't been popping up and my Safari is feeling slower. On windows their was a variety of thing I used to try stop this (virus scan were a staple) but I just have no idea where to start on my MacBook.

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MacBook Pro :: Upgrade Old OS To The Latest Without Slowing Machine Down?

Feb 11, 2012

I want to upgrade my old OS to the latest without slowing my machine down.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11), looking to upgrade

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MacBook Pro :: External Monitor Slowing Internet Connection?

Apr 29, 2012

I recently purchased a 21.5" Samsung monitor that is connected to my late 2009 13" 2.26GHz 8GB RAM MacBook Pro through a VGA connection with the VGA to Mini DisplayPort adaptor. Since I've started using it, my Internet connection has slowed to a crawl. I've researched the issue online and external monitors can apparently created wireless interference. I'm using a 2011 AirPort Extreme 802.11n/b/g. Is there anything I can do to eliminate this interference?

MacBook Pro (Late 2009), iPad, iPod Touch (1st Generation), iPod Nano (1st Gen)

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MacBook Pro :: Bootup Time On MBP

Dec 22, 2009

I'm trying to determine, even after a visit to the Apple store and clean install, if my boot up time is sub-optimal. It's still taking over a minute to bootup to the desktop (from the start up sound). What's ya'lls times for booting up?

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OS X Mavericks :: ACL Permissions Impacting On Connection And Slowing Down MacBook Pro To Point Where API Can't Work

Jun 26, 2014

2 issues:"Permissions differ on “Applications/ x.html" should be lrwxr-xr-, they are rwxr-xr-rACLU found but not expected in 3places "private/var/root/library/preferences", "private/var/root/library" and "private/var/root" 

Also when I restart it right after login, now the Apple ID Agent message ask the keychain password to make some changes? I have run the DU from an external HD if fixes it, but then am back to square one. Apparently and according to Apple: "Mac OS X: Disk Utility's Repair Disk Permissions messages that you can safely ignore", but not true as I can't connect anymore and can't work as my MacBook Pro is **** slow... 

when I went to enable root I needed to install for management content applications for my website and setting up myphpadmin?!? I've tried to fix it, but failed, the last thing I've done was to go on the recovery partition's utilities terminal to resetpassword as I know that it resets the ACL, home directory... But it's still running since 2 hours, well I think that one failed as well...

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MacBook Pro :: Periodically Hangs On Bootup

Nov 28, 2010

Every once in a while, my mid-2010 15" i5 MBP sits at the greyish Apple logo screen, after the "bong," with the wheel spinning forever. If I shut down and reboot, I'm at a log-on screen in about 15 seconds (which is my typical boot time, as I have an SSD). This is my first Mac after a long time on PCs, so I've got no idea where to start. All the posts I've found by searching pertain to earlier model machines using HDDs where the user can't get a boot at all; I'm only seeing this weirdness periodically.

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Slow Bootup & Running?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a 2007 Santa Rose MBP and it has started to run very slow during the bootup and actual use of it. Here is how the bootup goes:

I turn it on and get the bong sound and a full white screen. In about 10 seconds I get the Apple log and in about another 10 seconds the circle that rotates as it boots up.

Then at about 2 minutes it changes color to a light blue color with the pointer on the screen. Then in about another 10 seconds changes to a darker shade of blue. At a total of 3 mins and 40 secs I then get the desktop with the space type background and in a couple more seconds the Mac OS X login screen. It takes around a minute until I am able to type anything. For awhile before that time I can type I get the beachball.

Here are the details of what I recently did:
I had a 250GB hard drive in my MBP running the newest version of Leopard. I was down to around 50GB free so I purchased a 640GB hard drive. I also was due to upgrade to Snow Leopard. I had an external USB enclosure that I could temporarily use. What I did is put the 640GB hard drive in that external enclosure and formatted it with the GUID partition table. I then used SuperDuper to mirror my internal hard drive to the external hard drive. I have a lot of programs installed and a lot data on my hard drive so didn't want to lose any of this.

Once the mirroring of my internal hard drive was completed to my external 640GB hard drive I then booted from that drive (using it externally and selecting option at bootup). Things seemed to run fine with no issues.
I then after booting up from this external hard drive did a Snow Leopard upgrade to this external hard drive. Once again this external hard drive appeared to run perfectly normal.

After things seemed to be okay I then opened up the MBP and swapped hard drives so the 640GB drive was my new internal HD. I then booted and once again I used it some and things appeared to work normally.

After this later in the evening I installed two programs, Final Cut Studio 3 and Logic Studio 9. As far as I can remember my computer was acting a little odd and after a reboot that is when all the above issues started.

As far as I can tell this never started until those two installs. Is it a chance I didn't try it out enough but I remember even with the HD being external USB my system appeared to run faster than ever. I even think the program didn't start with Final Cut Studio but started with Logic Studio 9

Any idea of what caused this? Even after my computer running it's VERY slow to the point of being almost unusable. For example if I open Word it takes 3 minutes or so to open. Almost any action causes the beachball to appear.

After looking at the Apple site I did both a PRAM erase (using Command Option P and N) and also a SMC reset by removing the battery and power cord and pressing the power button for over 5 seconds and neither fixed it.

I opened up Disk Utility and did a Verify Permission and got the following information:

Permissions differ on "usr/share/derby", should be drwxr-xr-x, they are lrwxr-xr-x.
Warning: SUID file "System/Library/ been modified and will not be repaired.

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MacBook Pro :: Grey Screen, It Won't Bootup

Jun 2, 2012

Grey screen, wont bootup, no way

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Running Hardware Test At Bootup

Aug 31, 2010

How do I get the Mac to run the hardware self tests. I saw the guy at the Genious Bar do it on my MacBook Pro. I replaced the parts that showed bad, I would like to run it again. I tried holding down the D on power up but didn't work.

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MacBook :: No Bootup After Leopard Graphics Update

Mar 1, 2008

Last night I installed Leopard's Graphic Update. I can't boot my macbook since then. Stuck at the gray screen with apple logo. Here's what I already tried to do: Boot with leopard DVD and run Repair Disk - it tells me the disk appears to be ok. If I click on repair permissions tough, it takes a long time and then hangs. Nothing happens, the progress bar even stops spinning.

I then tried to boot with Disk Warrior 4.0 (it's the version I have). I tried reparing disk and files permissions there, and it worked ok. But I can't boot after it as well. Again in Disk Warrior, I tried clicking REBUILD to get my file directory back and retrieve my files, but after some seconds it states there is not enough memory. I hope this is RAM memory, because I just ordered a pair of ram chips, Im gonna upgrade it to 2gb (I only have 512mb ram, first gen intel macbook core duo)

So tried SAFE MODE (shift), nothing. Single user mode, typing fcsk -y , reports the disk is ok, but nothing as well. I have a time machine backup from 11 days ago (apple makes it so easy to backup and I cant even bother plugging in my lacie firewire external hd, retarded me), and for me that's kind of unnaceptable. I go to university and thats 2 weeks worth of priceless annotations, I really need to get them back.

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MacBook :: No Bootup - Shuts Down Itself After Logo Screen

Feb 24, 2009

So my computer froze while I was waking it up from it's nap, so I restarted it by holding down the power button. It now shows me the gray screen, apple sign and spinning circle for about a minute before it's decided it's done and would like to turn itself off. I have tried resetting the PRAM and the SMC. I have tried restarting in safe mode. I tried to restart it off the AC adapter without the battery. I hear the chime, I see the apple, and the status circle, and then nothing!

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MacBook Pro :: Freezing And Really Slow Bootup - Unusable

Aug 13, 2009

Ive had my macbook for about 2 months and its seemed to working just fine. However today while listening to music it decided to lock up and freeze for a good minute before it would unlock and continue playing the music through itunes. It did this a few times so I finally decided to restart the computer. The first time I booted it it froze on the apple logo and the loading circle. I killed it and rebooted, it takes about four to five minutes to get to the desktop picture, and another five to pull up the main menu bar. I am going to let it sit over night and see if it gives me any error messages, however; I still haven't seen the dock at all, and ive let it start for about twenty minutes now. It will usually show the top menu bar and then the mouse will give me the sbod while it slowly loads up the top menu bar, and usually the clock is a good few minutes behind.

I have tried a pram zap, draining the power off the board, checking the sata connection, unplugging the power, and I ran a hardware check at start up and it said everything was ok. I am currently typing on my tank of a toshiba laptop that still works after being dropped multiple times and has been heavily used for a good 3 years. The mac has been completely useless is most work situations. Its a refurbished 2.53ghz 4gb ram 9600m 512mb 15" mbp. I am thinking of reformatting it and hoping it works, and then selling it and using the money for a new toshiba or a custom built desktop, because I just cant deal with the amount of money and time I have lost trying to deal with this thing while I could have been getting work done.

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MacBook Pro :: HD Makes Mechanical Sound During Bootup?

Oct 26, 2009

I've had my 13inch MBP for almost 3 months now. I love it. However within the past month and a half the hard drive on when I press the button for the laptop to turn on makes a horrible sound. A mechanical sound of the hard drive..turning on or starting up or something. It's like, kinda embarrassing to turn it on in public cause it sounds like a disabled electronic robot baby yelling for help. When I first got my MBP when it turned on it did not make a noise at all. at all. but now all of a sudden it does? And let me tell you, when I had my original white macbook from 2006-early 2009 it began making the same noise in like mid-07. Therefore I know I'm not the only one to have ever heard this noise before.

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Freezing During Bootup From OS X Disc

Apr 16, 2010

Took my Powerbook to the Apple store because, if can you believe this, it shut me out with a mysterious log-in request, which I had not engaged, plus the thing had begun slowing down... I asked if they could override the mysterious password issue and do a backup/erase/reinstall. They told me they could not and my hard drive was failing so I bought a new drive, installed it and am now experiencing a "freezing" issue everytime I try to boot-up from my OS X installation disc. Actually, the "freezing" was occurring with the old hard drive as well, but only during a reboot through the disc.

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Bootup Time With New Installed SSD

Apr 24, 2012

Installed a Samsung SSD 830 256GB into my MBP 15" after duplicating the hard drive via disk utility. But bootup times has nearly doubled from 35 seconds of the old HDD to 63 seconds with the new SSD when it's supposed to be the other way round! Applications do startup and run very fast though. Tried repairing my permissions but that hasnt helped.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.2GHz i7 intel, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD

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MacBook Air :: Will Not Bootup To Login Screen When Powered Up

Jun 3, 2014

will not boot up to log in screen when powered up, all I get is a grey screen with apple logo in middle and spinning timer

I have tried resetting SMC

I have tried starting up in Safe Mode (it won't do that either)

I have gotten into disk utility to repair disk

I have tried resetting PRAM

nothing... we are on a network in a school district so my next step is to re-image it but wondering if there is something else I should try first

if not then how do I backup files that are needed before I re-image

MacBook Air, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Start Up Disc Full Won't Bootup

Jun 22, 2014

recently attached an external hard drive with data from an early 2008 Macbook to my early 2009 Macbook running Maverick 10.9.Now my computer will only boot up once in every 10 tries and I can't access any files or my finder.I do get  a message saying my start up disc is full and I must delete some files. How can I do this if I mostly just get a grey screen and when it does boot up I can't get my finder to come up

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MacBook Air :: Set Up A Password At Bootup That Doesn't Have To Be Entered From Sleep?

Dec 12, 2010

Can someone tell me how to set up a password at bootup that doesn't have to be entered from sleep?

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MacBook Pro :: Intel X25M Cannot Beat 30s Bootup Time?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a 80GB Intel X25-M G2 that cannot boot in less than 30s.

I keep reading that people get bootup times as low as 15s, and I was wondering if there is something I am doing wrong.

I am using about 30 GB of SSD space, and I use a 500 GB 7200 RPM Seagate Momentus XT hybrid as a scratch disk (downloads, documents, pictures, etc.) in the optibay.

I just did a clean install of snow leopard yesterday, formatted my X25 (wrote zeros, mac [journaled]), installed SL, updated, etc. The bootup time went up to over one minute.

I reinstalled snow leopard again (did not format this time) and it went down to 33s. I then reset the pram and it went down to 27s.

Now, it's back around 30s.

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MacBook Pro :: Flashing Grey Globe Of The Earth At Bootup

Feb 2, 2012

The one I'm currently using had a problem and needed to have the hard drive replaced, which was done by a local Apple store.  They were also very kind to reload Lion once the drive was replaced.  I reconnected the machine to our domain here at work yesterday and have been experencing very long bootup's.  During the boot process I'm receiving a flashing grey Globe of the Earth, prior to seeing the Apple logo.  Once I see the Apple logo things seem to proceed normally and the machine completes the boot process.  Does anyone know what this grey Globe of the Earth means?  and what I may need to do to satisfy whatever is causing it.   

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Can Hear Chime But Black Screen On Bootup

Dec 5, 2014

I have a macbook pro retina display mid 2012 model.  When i boot up i hear a chime but screen is black.  I wait a few min to allow it to finish booting up with  a black screen.  I close the mac book for a few minutes to let it fall asleep.  When i open it , screen works and im on login screen.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1.1

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