MacBook Air :: Spots Appeared On The Screen?
Apr 18, 2012
I bought macbook air few monthes ago ,but recently , there are more than 5 blight spot appered on the screen and mistouching happened offen in the touch pad  when i closed the cover !!Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jan 2, 2010
I've had bright spots appear behind my LCD screen for the second time this last month.
They look like the LEDS from the backlight are pushed up too close to the LCD and sort of washout the LCD in that area. The have occurred on the left side and the right sides along the lower edges of the screen.
I'm fed up with all the repairs this laptop has needed and feeling that I paid 2000 dollars for a quality product I went to the apple store today and asked for a replacement unit.
I was told that the recurring bright spots (on top of 3 other minor repairs and 1 major repair) did not warrant a replacement unit. The manager even said that they shouldn't have fixed this problem last time because it is cosmetic and not covered by the warranty. The genius also repeated the phase "This doesn't happen by itself" (I nice way to say I did this and that they shouldn't cover it. )
The manager decided to make me feel special and say something along the lines "We'll fix it again this time because we did last time".
My warranty is running out in 6 months and I need to know what's causing this. I always transport my laptop in an incase sleeve with a shoulder strap. There have never been any external marks on my casing when these dots appear. If I put too much pressure on the screen wouldn't the middle bend in more and I would get problems there? There weren't even marks on the screen from the keyboard keys yet I put enough pressure on it to cause this without even knowing it?
The best part is I asked the man who gave me my repaired laptop back how to prevent what the manager called 'LCD bruising'. When I mentioned bright spots he said 'Oh that's a defect we cover under warranty'.
Im going to contact apple's customer relations on monday regarding the repeated repair trips. I have no confidence this laptop can go a long period of time without needing repairs.
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May 7, 2012
I bought a MBP last weekend, and noticed in the last few days a few bright "spots" on the screen in the top left hand area of the screen. It's like the complete opposite of a dead pixel - it's just bright and whitish. It's almost like a speck of glitter on the screen! It's only visable from certain angles, but is one of those annoying little things!
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Mar 11, 2008
This is a minor complaint admittedly, but on a certain spot at the top of the bezel around my screen (just below and left of the camera) I have a black 'spot'. Every couple of days I wipe it away and it returns somehow! The only thing I can think is that maybe something is leaking from the trackpad (ie. from the inside of the machine but via the gap around the trackpad).
The machine is otherwise perfect, so I don't imagine there's anything seriously wrong inside...
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Sep 4, 2008
The first week I had my Macbook Pro I noticed about 5 or 6 little grey splotches on the right hand edge of the screen. About a month later tons of them had formed on the top edge in a cluster. I didn't take my computer in because it wasn't that noticable, only at an angle. Well it's been 9 months, and there's now spots on the left hand side, and it's spreading. A week ago they started to appear on the bottom on the screen, and all the spots on all the other edges are forming rings around them.
I took it to my tech at our school since they sold us the laptops, and he said the spots were too small for water damage, and that he's never seen anything like it before. So I took it into the apple store THINKING they would replace it, instead they told me it had to be water damage and that was that. I've never spilled anything on this computer, and the spots started the week I got it. No matter how many times i explained the situation to those people, they just kept repeating "I'm not saying that you're lying, but we dont know what was actually done to the computer, we say it's water damage, which isn't covered" and refused to fix it.
Its just a bunch of little grey dots clustered together, some are a little spread out but as the weeks go by it just gets worse.
I'm not really sure what else to do at this point, the apple store obviously wasnt a big help. And I still have no idea what it is, i just know that this computer is extremely important to my schooling, it doesn't get banged around, i dont even eat around it. Has anyone seen anything like this?
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Jan 29, 2010
I just bought a Black, 2007 MacBook for $500 from eBay. In my excitement, I had forgotten to ask the seller of the cosmetic condition, who had negelected to mention it, and now that I have it, I notice some dark spots behind the screen.
I say behind because they appear behind the pixels; if you roll rext over it it is clear that they are not dead pixels, and the spots are under them.
The spots look sort of like somebody painted the back of the screen in Photoshop's dissolve mode - little light grey spots around a darker grey center with dusty dots surrounding it.
If you look at it at the right angle, you can also see white spots (The grey spots will also turn white at this angle)
My question is, can it be fixed, and about how much will it cost?
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Oct 17, 2010
I have a late 2008/early 2009 MBP (The one with the ExpressCard slot, 15") and there is something new on my monitor that just happened recently. White spots.
Should I take it in to the genius bar? I already have had 2 issues with the laptop and they fixed it (flickering).
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Jan 6, 2011
I purchased my 17" MacBook Pro last April and noticed a few months ago when cleaning the screen that there were about four small opaque spots in various sizes on the screen. I have always taken great care and never used anything other than a microfiber cloth moistened with a very small amount of water to clean the screen, so I am sure these aren't water spots, although that's what they look like. You only see them when the screen is dark and my MBP is in sleep mode, they aren't visible when it's up and running, so I'm not too majorly concerned, but it does bother me enough to question it. Too, they seem to have increased in number with time.
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Jan 2, 2011
I have a 15'' mbp previous generation with the silver keys. I had my trackpad repaired by apple back in March 2010. Since then, these little black smudges and white spots have been appearing behind the lcd screen. The black smudges actually look like dust that got between the screen. I took some pictures and circled them. You can see them better against a white screen. Sorry about the quality of the pics. The first one is the whole screen and the second two are close ups of a black smudge and a white spot.
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Nov 1, 2010
Had my Macbook Pro 2.66 i7 for about a month now and i've just noticed these 3 marks on my screen. It's like a screen bleed? Also will it be covered under warranty etc?
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Mar 24, 2012
a line appeared on the screen of the air as phaco mcbook to strip
Info:MacBook Air
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Apr 29, 2012
My iMac screen has developed multicoloured horizontal lines in random spots across the screen..Is there a fix for this?
Imac intel, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Mar 21, 2012
I see several posts about a line across the screen suddenly appearing. The only advice seems to be to get the computer replaced. I'd like to avoid this, obviously, as it leaves me without a computer and with a lot of work to do reinstalling software on a new one. I have not had any problems with the computer, then I installed the firmware update a few days ago (I think it was an update from February? -- something like an "IOE update"?)Â
This morning, I closed the monitor and the fan kept running for minutes. I opened it up again and clicked "apple" > Sleep. And the display shut off. But the fan kept on blowing. Finally it shut off. But then it started back up. This happened several times. Finally I shut off the computer. Now, Sleep appears to work fine again.Â
Then this evening I was browsing Reddit and when I clicked on a link, suddenly a row of pixels went out (see picture). I, at first, thought it was some weird pop up. But it persists through restart, and permission repair, and logging in with different users. I tried playing with new desktop backgrounds. This worked at first, then, for some reason, the computer wasn't accepting new desktop choices. Logging out, then back in fixed the problem. But that is sort of weird too.Â
Are these issues related? Most important to me right now is this line across the screen. Incidentallly, at first the line was of varying shades of gray. Now it appears to be black.Is there a way that Apple can simply put my current hard drive into a new computer for me? This is a late 2011 macbook pro.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 8gig ram, 17 inch
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Jul 3, 2012
New to Mac computers. When trying to open computer after being in sleep mode, I clicked the mouse to open the password screen, & a blank blue/black screen appeared & the mouse timer( colored circle) appeared, as if to be waiting. I had to unplug the computer to reboot it. This has happened twice in 2 days.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)
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Nov 29, 2010
My iMac has these dark spots on the screen and I wanted to confirm that it is a hardware issue before I make an appointment with an Apple genius. I thought it was dirt, but cleaning it didn't do anything.
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Feb 17, 2012
I bought an Imac 27'' like 6 months ago, but my screen seems to have some dark spots in the corner, when I put any white image, on that spots it shows like the screen were dusty but is not, at the same time in the middle screen when if Iput some black image some pixels show lighter than the others.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Feb 13, 2010
i went to clean some smudges on my screen today and noticed that there are some spots on the other side of the screen's glass... this there for anyone else? It's pretty freaking annoying. This machine should be perfect.
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Apr 22, 2012
I've got a iMac 27" mid 2010.
I see since several months some shadows and spots on the top left corner of the screen. I've read in many threads that this is a known issue (defect I would say, since I never misused my iMac).Â
My question is:
is this defect recognized by Apple and do they fix it for free?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 28, 2009
The thing is, that the machine is turned off on the images.
Before shooting the attached images I had just cleaned the screen using a damp cloth and afterwards wiped it with a dry microfiber cloth. Just to make sure it wasn't dust or fingermarks.
I also tried to see if it was just shadows from lamps in the room, but it wasnt.
The areas shown on the images only appears when turned off. Now when sitting in front af the machine they are not visible.
what it is, how to remove them, or know if this is a consideren an error worthy of a return.
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Apr 1, 2009
I have an IMac and first the screen went green not long after I got the power supply changed and now lines are appearing
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Apr 20, 2012
A small (about 1 inch square) blank, white box has appeared at top left-hand corner of my screen. Nothing seems to shift or remove it - cursor doesn't seem to recognise or register on it. I first noticed it soon after I'd had to re-start the Mac (it failed to 'fire up' as usual the other morning), but I can't remember exactly what I was doing when I first saw it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 8, 2009
I have a problem with my windows partition. Every time it boots the blue beam stops in the middle and a blue screen appears, which I can't read because it disappears too fast. And than the computer restarts again. I also tried the safe mode but it didn't help either. So my question is: Can I fix windows from my mac partition?
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Oct 13, 2008
When I started my Macbook up, after the gray screen with the apple sign, a stop sign appeared on the screen and I couldnt use my laptop as normal. Does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it?
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Sep 22, 2009
Pulled my coveted 12" 1.5 ghz powerbook out of its bag and it's has an annoying little opaque stripe about 3/4" along the right side of the display. It changes color from yellow to green. When I pinch the lower side of my display together, it goes back to the blue background color, but still has a distortion to it.
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Feb 9, 2012
2 vertical lines, running from top to bottom, have suddenly appeared on my screen. On a white back ground they appear blue and green. they have a wide space between them. I switched off and on but they are still there. Whats happening?
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Jun 15, 2012
How do I get rid of a vertical white stripe that appeared on my iMac screen? It is two inches wide. I just updated Firefox before it appeared.Â
IMac, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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Feb 4, 2010
So I got my aluminum MacBook the month they came out in 2008, and it's been great.
The issue now is that there are particles between my LED display and the glass covering the screen and bezel.
For a while it was just one small particle which I ignored, but recently a larger piece of something got between the glass and the LED scree, smack in the center of my display. I suspect the rubber seal is no longer functioning correctly.
So, anybody else have this issue, and do you have any suggestions before I take it in to the Apple Store?
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May 18, 2010
I love my MBP but the white burnout spots are now back. I had apple replace the logic board and parts last year after giving them hell customer service wise and went through the processes to get it done via the executive customer service lines. Props to them and it was working perfectly when I got it back.
Now noticing the white spots are back and more noticeable on the MBP. Want a new one but $2500 is spendy right now. Any tech experts or macbook pro repair experts know what causes this or if it's a workable repair?
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Feb 9, 2012
Over the last few months I've started to notice my Macbook Pro (13" Mid 2010) developing display issues.. every now and then the screen will freeze and black spots/dashes/lines will appear on the screen.Â
My mac is fully up to date and I can't seem to work out why this keeps happening?Â
I've included some screen shots so you can all see what I'm talking about. Thoughts?ÂÂÂ
Macbook Pro 13" (2010), Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Dec 8, 2014
My Macbook Air (11 inch, mid-2012) running Yosemite...Â
Trackpad is very spotty. Works on some areas and dead in others. Very difficult to use. External mouse works fine.Â
(Had this before upgrading to Yosemite)
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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