MacBook Air :: How To Install Apache Open Office On Yosemite 10.10.1
Dec 1, 2014
I had a MacBook Air late 2008 and it was destroyed by a mean person, now I have a late model MacBook 2009 and updated everything, but I cannot figure out how to load Apache Open Office. It keeps giving me a warning that the security system won't allow anything that is not made by Apple or has its approval or something, but it worked on the 2008 Mac and it worked awesomely! Why can I NOT find anything about it now that I have Yosemite , which is also hard to remember to spell!
I am running mac os x 10.5.8. I want to run the apache server, but i get the following error: (2)No such file or directory: httpd: could not open error log file /private/var/log/apache2/error_log. Unable to open logs. It is the first time I try using Web Sharing on my machine, but somehow it seems some files are missing. Is it possible to install the apache server anew?
Whilst still waiting for the MBP refresh, I would like some advice on which office software you would recommend.
I have decided to convert from being a pc user to have a go with a mac as i have heard so much positive info about its OSX operating system.
I have many word files etc (obviosuly coming from a pc).
What would you recommend,
iwork (�55 pre installed) office for mac (�?) open office (free)
Which one if all of these will enable me to just plug in my usb stick and download all my word/ excel files and pictures without any issues and edit/ change/send again without any issues.
Every time I try to open Microsoft Word or any other Microsoft application, it says "Microsoft word has quit unexpectidly" and when I click reopen, it keeps saying the same thing. I restarted my computer, reinstalled Microsoft, and it still wont work.
Im getting the following message:The last time you opened OpenOffice it unexpectadley quit while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its window again? Then it gives an option to check a "dont open" or an "Reopen" box but neither works. It just freezes. Cant access Open office ODT files.
I recently purchased a late 2011 15' MacBook Pro with 4 gb of ram and would like to purchase the 2011 Microsoft Office Suite for Mac, which is 3 gb. If i download the suite, will my MacBook Pro slow down significantly as a result, or just occupy most of the free space?
I did upgrade to yosemite 10.10.1 after that my word is keep crashing. When I open any word file then word will continue open all of word file in my mac. It become like a slide show on my mac and I have to wait for 5 minute untill the word process finished.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
The other day, office 2004 for my Macbook Air was unable to open any application (Word, PPT, Excel, etc). Below is a list of logs I believe would reflect the error.
I have not upgraded my Microsoft Office to operate in OS 10.7.2.Thus to open a word or excel document I must first open Pages or Numbers then find the document and it will open.To move to another document I must start over.How can I set a default that always opens the Word or Excel document directly with Pages or Numbers?
I am trying to install microsoft office but in the middle msg came to close safari in order to complete installation. However safari window is already closed .Please guide what to do???
I'm working on an inherited MacBook Pro, and Installing the MS Office 2008 program from my employer, an online educator. The program installs, but I can't open any of the applications except for Entourage.
I have iWork 08 and it is HARD to use because of not being able to send my documents or open up others - originally made on a PC. I just got an email about iWork 09 and while looking noticed it says we can now open up windows docs AND save our work as documents!? So does this kill the essentialness of anything windows for students?
When I open a pdf, a dialog box opens up with the following message: "The file "File Name" could not be opened. It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize." I tried it with Adobe Reader and I got the same message. I am running 10.10.1 on a 2013 Macbook Pro.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Cannot open Preview on my MacBook Pro. I can't open any type of image file. It will preview for a second and then the report Don't Reopen/Reopen screen comes up.
A window pops up and says "Cannot open Preview. States "The last time you opened Preview, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows." when I try."
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I have a 2007 MacBook Pro. I was wondering if it were possible to turn it into a server using Apache. Also, if I used Apache to turn my computer into a server, would it be compatible with SMF or vBulletin and able to host one of these software?
Is open office compatible with microsoft office?What I mean is whether I can open microsoft office files on Open Office and edit? Would my Open Office files be able to open on Office?Do you guys recommend it over Office?Does it lack key features that office has?
Does anybody know how to put open office onto a disc? Do I just download it and then put it into a burn folder and burn it onto a cd? The reason why I am asking is I am putting it on my mates laptop however he don't have a connection to the internet at the moment and he needs it.
Does Open Office for mac crash for anyone? Frequently? Mine is fact, I might even go out and buy Microsoft Office. Open Office for the PC never had problems like this.
I run a business and I've been able to open my invoice templates up until a couple days ago. For some reason when I try to open them now, I get a Converting: Metafile progress bar that pops up and it keeps looping like its converting something, and there is something about the graphic filter too that comes up but the document never actually opens. I can open Excel and start a new document and such but when I try and open this particular template it does this. I need to print out some invoices for my customers.
Technically it's Neo Office if that makes any difference.Im writing an APA science report(for school, not a "real" one).There are supposed to be 1 inch margins around on all 4 sides, but I can't really get a hang of the sliders.I tried an "APA" template but it was different then what we were told.