Is open office compatible with microsoft office?What I mean is whether I can open microsoft office files
on Open Office and edit? Would my Open Office files be able to open on Office?Do you guys recommend it over Office?Does it lack key features that office has?
I have loved being a Mac owner since 2008...UNTIL now. WHO can educate me on the compatibility of Lion with the following (I currently have a 2G 2008 MacBook with 10.6.8 Snow Leopard)
- 2008 MS Office for Mac (Word, PPT, Excel)
- Have many old files in MS 2004 and even 2002. What will happen with these when I am on Lion?Â
With this move to Lion/the Cloud, I cannot get a straight story from Apple on compatibility of Lion with MS products (Word, Excel, PPT.). Totally different scenario when I was a PC CONVERT. Apple sales people could tell me all that I needed to know to move from PC to Mac. A little bait and switch now that I am on board.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Microsoft on Wednesday released a new video highlighting new ways that Office 2011 for Mac users will be able to work with data in Excel and new photo editing tools, all compatible with Office for Windows. Microsoft's OfficeforMac website was updated Wednesday with the second video of a series demonstrating new features in Office for Mac 2011. "What we've been able to do in Office for Mac 2011 is to bring a lot of power to bear to produce a professional looking document that's still compatible with Office for Windows," said Kurt Schmucker, senior evangelist with Microsoft's Macintosh Business Unit. He said to ensure consistency between Word for Windows and Word for Mac, the Microsoft team would print out identical documents on both machines and make sure that the physical copies were exactly the same. If any differences were spotted, the team considered that to be a bug that needed to be fixed.
"Everybody speaks Office, and that's why Office for Mac 2011 brings a level of compatibility between the Office for Windows suite and the Office for Mac suite that's never been achieved before," Schmucker said. Office for Mac 2011 will feature Excel Sparklines, which allow users to turn large amounts of data into a quick visual summary using tiny charts that fit within a cell near its corresponding values. Microsoft said it made the addition because most people do not relate well to large tables of numbers, but they can digest data quickly with a collection of graphs. Sparklines will also be supported in Excel 2010 for Windows, which will make it easy for users on both Mac and PC to share workbooks across platforms. The new Office for Mac will also allow users to do basic photo editing tasks within Word, Excel and PowerPoint 2011. Users will be able to complete tasks such as background removal and color correction.
"Mac users will find this new photo editing capability really important because of their emphasis on high quality graphics, visual fidelity, great layout, and good art in their documents," Schmucker said. "My presentations and my documents are going to look better, they're going to look more professional, and I can do it all in a software package I am familiar with." Also improved in this year's update is PivotTables for Excel. They allow users to summarize and analyze lists with less effort. New improvements to PivotTable reports and Excel Tables (formerly known as lists) provide users with tools to help them display the relevant details and add polish to results. The new PivotTable reports are said to be easier to use and more cross-platform compatible in Excel 2011.
Microsoft announced earlier this month that Office for Mac 2011 will ship in late October with a lower price per installation for all editions, starting at $119 for the Home and Student edition, and $199 for the Home and Business version. The 32-bit software suite will be available in 13 launguages: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish. Two new languages were also added to the mix for this year's update: Polish and Russian. For more, see AppleInsider's extensive coverage of Office for Mac 2011:Office for Mac 2011 to feature co-authoring, ribbon interface Road to Office 2011 for Mac: A New Hope Road to Office 2011: New looks, support for Exchange, VBA Microsoft officially unveils key Office 201 for Mac features [View this article at AppleInsider]
Whilst still waiting for the MBP refresh, I would like some advice on which office software you would recommend.
I have decided to convert from being a pc user to have a go with a mac as i have heard so much positive info about its OSX operating system.
I have many word files etc (obviosuly coming from a pc).
What would you recommend,
iwork (�55 pre installed) office for mac (�?) open office (free)
Which one if all of these will enable me to just plug in my usb stick and download all my word/ excel files and pictures without any issues and edit/ change/send again without any issues.
Does anybody know how to put open office onto a disc? Do I just download it and then put it into a burn folder and burn it onto a cd? The reason why I am asking is I am putting it on my mates laptop however he don't have a connection to the internet at the moment and he needs it.
Does Open Office for mac crash for anyone? Frequently? Mine is fact, I might even go out and buy Microsoft Office. Open Office for the PC never had problems like this.
I run a business and I've been able to open my invoice templates up until a couple days ago. For some reason when I try to open them now, I get a Converting: Metafile progress bar that pops up and it keeps looping like its converting something, and there is something about the graphic filter too that comes up but the document never actually opens. I can open Excel and start a new document and such but when I try and open this particular template it does this. I need to print out some invoices for my customers.
Technically it's Neo Office if that makes any difference.Im writing an APA science report(for school, not a "real" one).There are supposed to be 1 inch margins around on all 4 sides, but I can't really get a hang of the sliders.I tried an "APA" template but it was different then what we were told.
Why is it the document in Open Office and Neo Office had the Thesaurus blank off? I feel like getting a Mac Office just to check out Thesaurus as I use very often (I know it sounds stupid where I can get it free from the net). Can anyone advise is Words from Mac Office having same problem?
I have Photoshop CS and microsoft office for my macbook pro with 10.5.6.
the programs were working fine untill about a week when my computer crashed during an update to 10.5.6. I had to reset the NRAM and PRAM, and then it started up working fine. now when i attempt to open and office program or photoshop, they dont open and it says it has closed unexpectedly. Also, when i try to reinstal it from the disk, the intallation app closes unexpectedly as well.
Since the crash, safari and firefox open, but i have to reset and relaunch it every time.
This happened to me once before, but i ended up bringing my computer into the mac store and hey fixed it, but i am wondering if there is a way i can do it without having to bring it and not have my computer for a day.
After installing a fresh copy of Snow Leopard onto my Macbook Pro I reinstalled Ms Office 2008 from the CD only to find that every time I open it, it crashes straight away. The only one that works in entourage which runs absolutely fine! If found a few threads in the forums about using illegal copies and Microsoft blocking it. However I am using a fully paid for 3 user version of office.
I've tried deleting the files found in ~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office 2008/Microsoft Office 2008 Settings.plist /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Office/OfficePID.plist and used a different serial code. However the problem still persists. I've even tried installing from a different disc and it still doesn't work.
Every time I try to open Microsoft Word or any other Microsoft application, it says "Microsoft word has quit unexpectidly" and when I click reopen, it keeps saying the same thing. I restarted my computer, reinstalled Microsoft, and it still wont work.
I'm unable to open my Office Word for Mac. The message say's check with developer to make sure Microsoft Word works with this version of Mac OS X.Originally I downloaded OFFICE from the Apple Store App, so unable to reinstall as it suggest.
Im getting the following message:The last time you opened OpenOffice it unexpectadley quit while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its window again? Then it gives an option to check a "dont open" or an "Reopen" box but neither works. It just freezes. Cant access Open office ODT files.
I want to buy Office 2011 but I'm trying to figure if I can find a cheaper version than the regular Home and Student. I live in Denmark so I don't have access to all the discount-stuff that you have in the states. However, I stumpled upon a version called "Open Academic" that I can purchase for about 2/3 of the normal price. I want to be sure that I can make it work though. Does anyone have this version, and can they verify that I don't need to register it as being a student somewhere in the US (or any other parameter that I don't fullfill being a normal university student i Danmark)
im trying to print out notes for college and i can either download them as pdf or power point files. i need to print them out with 6-8 thumbnails per piece of paper via thumbnails but i cant figure it out. how do i do this on a mac?
I suddenly can't open office documents (ppt, word or excel docs) in entourage when people send them to me as attachments. i think there was a software update recently, and maybe it was this that caused it. But, it is driving me crazy. I can open the attachments inside mac mail fine. In Entourage, says they may not be a ppt, or word, etc. doc, or that they may be "in-use."
I recently switched to mac. I am using Entourage and these Office Reminders pop up on reminders on emails or calendar events. Well, what's annoying, is that I can not click these events or open them. E.g. I am alerted to a conference call, I click it to open and grab the dial in number and nothing happens. I even tried command+O and nothing.
I was not having any problems until I updated my Safari to the latest version, 5.1.4. Now I can't get into any of my MS Office applications or my HP Director. I get a message saying "____ quit unexpectedly. Click Reopen to open the application again. This report will be sent to Apple automatically". But when I select 'Reopen' it keeps on returnng to that page which is filled with details that don't mean anything to me - lots of numbers and the repeated use of the word 'crash'. All I can do is select 'OK' which closes that box but doesn't open the apps.
I recently installed Lion on my mac and just learned that I cannot open my Microsoft Office documents and spreadsheets (I have Office 2004). If I upgrade to Office 2011 will I be able to open the original Office 2004 documents?
The other day, office 2004 for my Macbook Air was unable to open any application (Word, PPT, Excel, etc). Below is a list of logs I believe would reflect the error.
"check with devleoper to make sure microsoft outlook works with this veriosn of mac os x. you may need to reinstable the application it used to work fine but recently stopped working. further error detials below  Â
Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Microsoft Outlook [34683] Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Users/Steph/Desktop/Microsoft Outlook
I have not upgraded my Microsoft Office to operate in OS 10.7.2.Thus to open a word or excel document I must first open Pages or Numbers then find the document and it will open.To move to another document I must start over.How can I set a default that always opens the Word or Excel document directly with Pages or Numbers?