MacBook Air :: Using Stereo Air Wirelessly?

Jun 10, 2008

I bought my Air last week and love it. It's my first mac and it just keeps impressing me more and more. I'm now trying to go wireless as much as possible. I was looking into having my home stereo play wirelessly from my Air and I see I can do it if I have the Airport Express for $99 bucks. Problem is, I just bought the Time Capsule! Last thing I need is another router.

It's so annoying that they didn't put this wireless stream feature into the TC, but I understand that's how they get you. But I'm wondering if anyone knows any other way I can get my Air to wirelessly play on my stereo. I like to sit on my couch and listen to my iTunes or a website and not have to plug it into that little jack.

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OS X :: Can I Use Macbook As Stereo Output

Sep 20, 2009

I have to link my external mixer to a set of speakers. Rather than buying stereo speakers, can I just get an RCA cable to run from my mixer's output into the 3.5mm jack (next to headphones jack) on my computer?

Will the sound then rout from my mixer through into my computer's speakers?

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MacBook :: How To Connect Stereo Microphone

Dec 7, 2010

I have a stereo microphone with a jack of ~6 mm and I bought a converter to 3.5mm but.. it does not seem to fit into the socket, I dont want to push harder to break anything there. Even if it fitted I still dont know if it would need additional software. Does anyone know how to connect it?

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MacBook Air :: Bluetooth Stereo Headset On Mba?

Feb 6, 2008

i was wondering if the bluetooth on mba's support A2DP for bluetooth stereo headsets? this would be very useful since the headset jack on the mba not 100% compatible with all headphones

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MacBook Air :: Does The MBA Stereo Out Work As A Mic Jack

Nov 12, 2008

the iPhone, new iPod touch and classic can use their headphone jack as a mic in with the new iPhone headphones for voice recording... can the MBA?

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MacBook Pro :: Stereo Headset Mic Not Working

Mar 4, 2010

So I bought this Logitech ClearChat Stereo headset at Walmart today. It doesn't work. The headphone portion does, but the mic doesn't. Yes, the switch is switched to "on". Now it does say on the side of the packaging that it will not work on Apple hardware, but I decided to give them a try anyway, finding out that it doesn't work.

It's just 2 standard 3.5mm plugs (one for the mic, and one for the headphone). I don't see why it wouldn't work. I have a cable that has the same 3.5mm plugs on both ends and I can plug one end into my iPhone and one into my MBP's line-in, start playing music and the audio will work. I guess it really meant what was on the side of the box, but I'd like to get this working. I've read a few reviews for this on Newegg of people getting it to work on their MacBook's.

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MacBook :: Finding Bluetooth Car Stereo?

Aug 13, 2010

Im sorry if this is a repeated thread, ive searched the internet without finding a clear answer.

I am trying to play music from itunes on my macbook (aluminium model) through my BT head unit in my car.

The way I understand it is that both the macbook and head unit have to be a2dp compatible? which the macbook didnt include as part of the Leopard build.

Im pretty certain the head unit is compatible as i can play music from my blackberry both from the music player and through the internet (youtube streaming).

I have the Pioneer deh-6100bt.

The head unit can 'see' the macbook but when I press connect, all I get is error.

The macbook does not find the head unit at the moment.

Is there something I can download for the macbook to make it work, is there something in the settings that will fix it?

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OS X :: Getting My Airport Express To Work With My MacBook Pro For My Stereo?

Apr 4, 2009

I am sooo frustrated with setting up and transmitting a signal from iTunes to my Airport Express from my new MacBook Pro. my dyslexic brain to blast through my stereo? I can't get NUTHIN to work, and there are so many approaches.

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Applications :: Music Not Recorded In Stereo On MacBook

Apr 18, 2009

So I got a Mac assuming it would easier and superb for making music, I've been trying to record vocals for music on my macbook using either Garageband and I just downloaded Audacity and in both situations (programs) when I am in stereo what I've recorded doesn't come out the left side of my headphones, is this normal? is there a way to fix it? should I just record in mono?

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MacBook Pro :: Wireless Connection Between It And Stereo System?

Apr 12, 2012

What, if any, are the options for a Wireless connection between MacBook Pro and my stereo system? I'd like to play music from iTunes. etc. 

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MacBook :: Redirect Sound Output To Go Through The Audio Input 3,5 Mm Stereo Jack?

Jan 1, 2011

I had a 3,5 mm stereo jack in my audio output on my macbook, and it broke inside. Is it possible to redirect the sound output to go through the input jack?

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OS X :: How To Print Wirelessly From My Macbook Pro

Nov 15, 2008

i've got a macbook pro and a mainframe PC which has a wireless internet router and a HP Photosmart 2610 printer hooked up to it.

I've been trying to find out how to print from my macbook pro, wirelessly (from one room to another) to my printer that's connected to my PC.

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Connect Wirelessly

Nov 30, 2009

I can't connect wirelessly anywhere because my macbook pro is saying there is no airport card installed, so for now i have i'm getting internet through an ethernet cable.

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OS X :: How To Connect Macbook Pro To Tv Wirelessly

Jan 10, 2010

How do i connect my macbook pro to my tv wirelessly?

if I by apple tv, will I be abble to do everything I usually do on my laptop on the tv or will I be limited to Itune stuff?

Is there a better way?

I have a 2 year old macbook pro 15 inch

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Laptops :: Cannot Get MacBook To Print Wirelessly Through XP

Sep 11, 2008

I have an Intel based Macbook pro. I have an old Thinkpad T20 with XP Pro acting as a print server. My printer is an HP PSC 1350. I also have another laptop with XP on it. My wife uses her PC laptop and I'm using the Mac. She can print wirelessly to the PSC1350 no problem. I have downloaded and installed the hpjis, Foomatic-RIP, and Ghostscript in order to get the driver for the HP printer. The 1350 isn't on the list, but the 1300 and the 1400 is so probably close enough. I can see my printer on the network from the MacBook and I load it, etc...

When I go to print, the file goes into the queue, the printer fires up, prepares to take the paper, and then stops. Going to the XP laptop acting as the server - the file is shown in the queue and says Printing, but it's stopped. I have to manually remove the file from the queue from the spool directory to clear it. Has anyone ever been able to get the HP PSC 1350 to print from a MacBook through an XP server?

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MacBook :: Suddenly Won't Connect Wirelessly

Dec 3, 2010

Let me start by saying that I know very little about how computers/networks, etc work.

I've had my macbook for a couple years (I don't even know how to find out what year it was made, I'd guess 2008). It just suddenly stopped allowing me to connect to the internet wirelessly at my house. I brought it to my college campus, where I've been able to connect all semester, and I cannot connect there either. I'm receiving wireless signals in both places with my phone.

When I go to system pref - network....and highlight airport, it says it's not connected even though i have all my bars at the top right of the screen.

It says "Airport does not have an IP address and cannot connect to the Internet."

I should point out that my brother's macbook pro still works fine wirelessly in our house.

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OS X :: Printing Wirelessly From MacBook To Windows XP

Jan 2, 2011

I am trying to print wirelessly from my Macbook Pro to my Desktop running windows XP. The desktop is wired directly to the router and the printer, the macbook is wireless. I can enabled sharing on the printer on the desktop, and added the printer to my macbook. My problem is when I try to print It send's a signal to my desktop, the HP "ink level" pop up comes up, the printer shows spooling in the details then it disappears and never prints. I know I am close but have been messing with this for 2 days and I cant figure it out.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Connect To Optimum Tv Wirelessly

Apr 8, 2012

my goal is for it to be free I don't want to buy some special wire or transmitter so I hope you can help i tryed optimum limk but it doesnt support mac

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Mac Pro :: Not Detecting Stereo Plugged Into Optical Out?

Aug 25, 2010

I just picked up my new Mac Pro, and have it set up in the living room, much to my girlfriends' chagrin, while I wait for my new monitor to arrive. Anyways, I have it plugged into the TV so I thought to myself, 'why not plug it into my surround set as well?' I went ahead and plugged my stereo receiver into my Mac Pro's Optical Out port, but the Pro doesn't seem to be detecting my stereo, as I cannot select the digital audio as a device for sound output. So, in the meantime, I am stuck with 2.1 through the line out jack.

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IMac :: Connect To My Stereo - Which Cable?

Aug 17, 2007

Just got my new iMac and I'd love to be able to connect it to my stereo system. I tried a simple 1/8" to RCA cable to connect it, but its a bit quiet and very staticy. I see that the line out jack is also a digital out jack, but I'm a bit confusde as to what kind of cable I actually require here. My stereo has a coaxial digital input I can utilize, but the iMac doesn't seem like it would have the same type of connector, even if is a digital output.

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Mac Mini :: Way Of Getting Audio Both To My TV In Stereo, And To My Amp Via Optical?

Jan 12, 2009

I have a mac mini coming this week which will replace my appleTV in the lounge.

I have some questions about how to hook it all up to give me as much flexibility as possible.

I'll be connecting to my HDTV (Sony 40W4000) via HDMI (using a DVI-HDMI adapter). I realise this won't give me audio.

I run my satellite box, DVD player and appleTV through a HDMI switcher to the TV, so firstly, will the mac mini play nice with a switcher box?

Secondly, is there any way of getting audio both to my TV in stereo, and to my amp via optical? Thinking not as there is only one audio output socket which is either 3.5mm line out *or* optical toslink.

If not, then my TV would take precedence as i'll mostly be using it to watch TV. I haven't checked my TV manual yet, but how have people found using separate audio feeds (L/R RCA) into a TV that has HDMI? I'm concerned that the mini audio might bleed through when I'm watching satellite TV or a DVD - how does the TV know when to use that audio vs using HDMI? Not even sure my TV can take a separate signal.

How are people getting audio to their TVs? Might I need to look at using VGA (although that'll have issues with exact scan etc at least it should let me input separate audio, with the bonus of PiP)

Lastly, if I am forced to pipe optical to my amp as the only way to get audio from the mini, does it pipe everything down optical or only 5.1 soundtracks etc? eg are system sounds sent down optical as stereo, and will normal stereo soundtrack movies (mp4/.avi etc) play ok?

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Windows On Mac :: Stereo Mix Boot Camp Win 7?

Oct 31, 2009

I don't have that option here on my 27", checked for newer drivers but mine are apparently the latest ones.

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OS X :: Connect AE To Receiver Via Mini-stereo

Aug 14, 2010

Anyone point in me in the correct direction to stream my iTunes music either thru my AV receiver or PS3?

I'm going to install and set up my Airport Express. Do I need to connect from AE to receiver via mini-stereo to rca cable/toslink cable or can I somehow connect wirelessly to my PS3 and go from there?

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Software :: Stereo Bluetooth While Docked?

Sep 24, 2010

I recently got a docking station for my 2008 13in macbook. When I dock it, the headphones jack automatically connects to my speakers. The problem is that I often use my Stereo bluetooth headphones for editing music so not to disturb others with repetitive playing. But for some reason, it won't allow a connection to my headset while something is plugged into the headphones jack. If I go to sound preferences and select the headset in the 'output' tab and go to play music, iTunes just freezes up and requires a force quit. Any ideas what might be causing the conflict? When nothing is connected to the headphones jack, the bluetooth headset connects without problems.

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MacBook :: Printing Wirelessly In Dorm Room

Jul 9, 2009

I will be off to college this fall and want to set up my macbook to print to an as yet unpurchased MFC wirelessly I have talked to school IT people and my dorm is a hard wired acces point only and if I try to use an airport as a hub it will screw up the connection. any way I want to maybe use a bluetooth dongle setup or something like that to print in the dorm. Anyone do this.. is this the wrong approach is it really slow, (4mbit vs usb 2.0 420mbit) or is the printer pipeline unable to process large data packets anyway... I have talked to several people (apple tech, Hp tech, dorm tech) and three answers.

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Hardware :: Share Printer With Macbook Wirelessly?

Feb 9, 2008

Just purchased a linksys wrt54g to connect my macbook wirelessly to my mac mini's internet. Please excuse that I don't know much, there anway that I can hook my USB computer up to this router so that they can share this? It is an HP all-in one. I don't mind buying exra cables if I coud print off of both computers.

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MacBook Pro :: Since Getting New Router Unable To Print Wirelessly?

Feb 5, 2012

Recently fitted new router from AOL into home network.  Can get online OK but Epson printer no longer responds.  Message shows 'printer not online', or 'communication error'.

Have been through 'print and fax' to add printer but no progress.

Been to AOL. Told me to go to Epson.Been to Epson online help.  Told me to go to AOL.

I'm using MacBook Pro with 10.5.8.something else I could try?

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How To Connect Macbook To Smart Hdtv Wirelessly

Mar 9, 2012

how can i connect my macbook pro with my smart tv wirelessly??

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Wirelessly Connect To HDTV For Mirroring

Mar 23, 2012

How can I wirelessly show macbook pro content on my HDTV (i.e. mirrored from macbook to tv).  I currently have it wired, but would like to do it wirelessly.

MacBook (13-inch), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: How To Sync Photos From It To IPhone Wirelessly

Sep 3, 2014

I want my images from macbook to synch with iPad, iPhone automatically once I put it on my laptop. Is this possible. I don't want to have to connect my iPad or iPhone to my macbook air once i have pictures to upload. 

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