MacBook Air :: Maya - Capable Of Handling Simple Modeling / Animation / Dynamics Work?
Sep 10, 2008
do you think the new MBA's (hopefully released Oct 14?) will be capable of handling simple modeling / animation / dynamics work? Nothing too fancy, I'm not going to be rendering massive vfx quality stuff.. but maneuverable and not too sluggish.
I've had a look on these forums and had a look on the web but I'm still confused by what I need to get to meet my external storage needs. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Background I'm going back to university next year to study animation so I've just ordered a Macbook Pro and I will be selling my '08 Mac Pro fairly soon to pay for it. I'm doing this because I need to be able to work from where ever. I know if I need to do any massive renders University has equipment I can use. What I am looking for Animation obviously takes up a lot of Hard Disk space so I need someway of storing, accessing and backing up all of my work that wont fit on my laptop. This is a basic summary of what I need it to do.
- Store old projects (that can be 100's of Gb) - Easily backup MBP harddrive (500Gb) & old projects on other drives. - Work directly on it on large animation projects. - Be expandable in the future. - Fairly easy to set up and use. - Cheap is good but I'm happy to pay more if the benefits are obvious. - Any extra bonuses are good (like working wirelessly, etc) but only if it's not loads extra.
I don't know if all these things are possible but be very grateful for any help regardless.
I'm trying to load up Maya on my Mac and I'm getting the error: "Maya quit unexpectedly" The license appears to have been installed fine, I just can't seem the launch the program. I've searched all over the net and noticed a few people have had similar problems, one guy even figured it out but didn't care to share his secrets!
I'm in Lion touchpad does not work. Pressing one finger does not stand the text, and one finger does not move objects on the screen. On the second computer, everything works, but here I have to select and move all three fingers.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Hi all, here's what I'm trying but failing to achieve in Automator:
1) When files are added to "foldername" or any of its subfolders
2) Copy that file to "newfolder"
What is actually happening with my workflow below is it only takes action if something is added directly into "foldername" and ignores files added to subfolders like "foldername/subfolder".
Has anyone tested out the new 13" MBA with any type of 3d modeling software like Rhino, Alias solidworks? I have a 2009 15"mbp and the new airs are looking really nice. I do all of my rendering on a i7 imac. I just would like to get your guys feedback on how the performance when using those programs on the 13" air.
I'm a college student working on a database project for a class where I need to make an ER Model for a final project and I wasn't sure if anyone knew of free modeling software that I could use for Mac? (Otherwise it will be time in the lab using Visio on a PC )
I'll be getting a MBP (hopefully soon, darn you update cycles!) to run Maya 2009 (also coming soon) and was wondering how it runs on the current mid-range MBPs. Is it 'fast'? Regarding current models, since we know nothing of the specs for the new ones: does the VRAM matter? Since I hear it all the time: am I better off running it under Bootcamp? (Maya 64 is Win-only.)
I have been using Vmware just for some MS Office stuff, and the i7 processor runs it fine it doesnt get hot, fans arent running too loud but after looking at the memory info it seems there is none left? OSX also becomes laggy too.
I am running WIndows 7 Standard, 1.5 GB Allocated and 2 Cores allocated. But the memory for some reason reaches up to 26mb left?
I have 4GB Standard, is this just common when virtualising as the wired ram reaches 2.5 GB and i thought wired ram was just ram allocated to osx?
I'm just wondering on how you handle the charging cycles of MBP batteries in practice. I think I read somewhere, that it should be best to work unplugged and to charge the battery as soon as the level reaches 10%. In practice, this seems to be cumbersome.
How do you handle this? Is it a problem to have the cable plugged in all the time?
I recently got a used MBA and everything is great, although I am still adjusting to the 80gb hdd. So my question is how do you guys handle the storage of your itunes libraries. My options right now seem to be: Keeping the entire library on my server and using a script that allows me to download music on my MBA but have it moved to the server then deleted off the MBA.or Keeping all my music on the MBA and accepting a low amount of free space.
I'm reformatting my MBA for it's soon-to-be new owner, and I would like them to have the same purchase experience I had, which includes getting the animated travel through space with the music and "welcome" in all different languages when they first turn it on.
I bought a 13" Macbook Air yesterday. I had a 2009 MBP before and have been waiting on the refresh to get this. The machine is great. Quick, responsive, light, But one thing Ive noticed is that when handling the machine it makes creaking noises.Sounds like the body is flexing. I took it into the genius bar and the guy took it in the back, said he heard it and then said that it is normal even for the previous gen because of the thin body design.
I bought a 13" Macbook Air yesterday. I had a 2009 MBP before and have been waiting on the refresh to get this. The machine is great. Quick, responsive, light, But one thing Ive noticed is that when handling the machine it makes creaking noises. Sounds like the body is flexing. I took it into the genius bar and the guy took it in the back, said he heard it and then said that it is normal even for the previous gen because of the thin body design.
SOOO, my question is , does anyone elses 2010 MBA do this as well? I tried the display in the store but it is too loud in there to hear it.
It seems no one has said Final Cut Pro is the optimum app for stills to animation and I have tried and can only agree, am unable to reduce the stills to 1 or 2 second flash to get 200 plus jpg's into short enough animations for holding interest of grandparents. Although this was secondary to what I purchased it for, bit disappointed after changing from 20 years of Windows..
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), New to Apple at 60+
I have an 15-inch EARLY 2011 MacBook Pro and I'm just after installing the new EFI update 2.7. The animation now jumping in and out of mission control has gotten extremely choppy. This is very annoying as I thought an update was meant to improve workflow and efficency of the OS.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just read the seed notes for Snow leopard latest build and when reading what I can test 64 bit apps with seems pretty much any mac in -08 and -09 except (!) MBA and minis.
Any idea why?
I thought at least the MBA rev B would be 64-bit capable...?
My apologizies if this has been discussed but if so I have missed it.
I would like to update my MacBook Pro 5,1 with two 2GB modules to 4GB. The current RAM is running on 1066MHZ but the new modules at my computer place are only available with SO-DIMM 2GB DDR3 1333MHz.
Would the MacBook Pro 5,1 work with two SO-DIMM 2GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM modules too?
I downloaded the new java update last night, and it told me I had fakeflash and it removed it D: I just want to know what it is capable of so I know what to do now.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a Mac Pro 2.26GHz 8-Core and I need to know if the Maya version for Mac is a 64-Bit application because on the AutoDesk website it doesn't give info.
I have an Intel OS X 10.5 iMac and just recently tried to install Maya 7. As you probably already know, It doesn't work. I found out after a long morning of phone calls and emails. So I am wondering if I can install Windows XP with bootcamp and solve my problems?
im currently a newbie, and dont know anything about well anything ;P, but I want to buy a Mac(Desktop,obviously), and dont know which one is best to use Maya, anyone can help me out?
I have recently purchased Mac OS X 10.6 and now Maya autodesk 8.5 will not load. I've tried multiple way to get the program to work, but to no luck. It has to do with the 32 vs. 64 bit. The new Mac OS X 10.6 runs 64 bit. Autodesk Maya 8.5 is 32 bit. I can't get it to launch or run because of the change. Is there a way to fix this problem? I've tried researching for solutions.
1. Purchase new program. Maya autodesk 2011. But I don't have the money for it right now.
2. Install older version of Mac such as 10.5. But I read that it's bad to try and install older version on a new mac. That it can crash your computer and your programs still would not run correctly.
3. Install rossetta and Right click on the icon and choose 32 bit instead of 64 bit. ( I do not know if I have rossetta or how to find out if I installed it on the computer when I started it.) I assume since I didn't load the disks that I don't have it. But how do you find out? Where would you click to see it. ALso, how would I go about fixing and installing it to see if it works.......................
The Rev C is very tempting, but I would be interested in upgrading the RAM and SSD down the road. Is that an option, and if so, would it be relatively easy?