MacBook Air :: How To Get The Messaging Icon To Set Up IMessage
Dec 6, 2014
I have a mac book air and it does not have the message icon. And I want to use iMessage but I can't set it up. Even in the settings it does not give me an option to set up iMessage.
When I go to delete old texts by pressing on the text and selecting the "more" menu, the trash icon in lower left sometimes does not appear. I have to close out of iMessage and reopen before it returns. I have to do this every time after deleting several texts.
I set up parental controls on my daughters MacBook Pro running Mavericks limiting Messaging to only a few select people and their email accounts. When I logged into her desktop to test it, I opened Messaging and typed in my cell phone number, which is not on the "allowed contact list" and the message was delivered. I only want her to be able to message people on the "allowed list".
I am trying to link my text messaging to my Macbook but i can't find where the code is on my computer. Where is the code located so i can type it in to my phone?
I'm looking for a free IM client that will work for Mac and Windows across the local network so that I can be contacted by others in my business/household without physical interruption. Is there any such IM client out there?
Or if there's a way to configure one of the others out there to only work on the LAN that would work too.
With my new job I have to instant message clients on a variety of platforms, aim, google, msn, yahoo, ichat (mobileme), icq, and myspace.
I have looked at ichat and like it but it doesn't work with many of the above services. Also, I have seen some clients that may work with msn but chat only, not video. I want to be able to use video whenever possible.
What are some good mac instant messaging clients that I should look at?
Done some research on Yahoo Messenger for Mac and Skype for Mac and both say that can do video / audio chat with their Windows counterparts. However, it appears there are still problems. Any users out there can give me some feedback on their audio / video performance.
I installed but I cant send any messages to my friend's iPhone. Am I need something more?? I use macbook air 11" lion 10.7.3... what should I do after installation? the program say ".... is not available for iMessage". how can I make available my friend's iPhone?
Usually when I turn my computer on or open it back up & log in, iMessage will automatically log me in and show my buddy list. For some reason, sometimes it won't & whatever I try to do (like change my status from offline to available) will not work. I have tried restarting iMessage multiple times & still it won't work.
I just uploaded the new software to my older MacBook and i have "imessage" now. when i try and send out a text it says "messages couldnt send message to "" " i have friends that use there macbooks to text and i have tried sending them messages and it wont work. I am signed in on Facetime but still not sure how to set up "imessage"
How do you change the hard drive icon picture in the top right corner to look like the macbook pro computer? I've seen this on a couple people's desktops and was just wondering how you do it. Also, how do you change the folder icon to something that looks cooler.
Every few minutes my 13" MBP completely stalls, video and music pauses, can't do anything with my MBP and the mouse icon turns into that waiting icon. I don't know what it's called but it's round with colours inside it.Anyways, it stops me from what I'm doing for about 20 seconds and happens every few minutes and it's beginning to annoy me now!
I've just downloaded Safari 5.1.5 and want to create this icon on my desktop, however, I don't want it as a 'short-cut' icon but as the same icon I see on the docking station.I was previously able to do this with Safari 5.0.3.
when I try to send a message to any contact, it says that contact is not registered. However, I can send him/her imessage from my iPhone. I have already tried to reinstall Os X, to sign in and sign out.
I decided to test out the IMessage app on my laptop, but when i try to sign into it using my Apple I.D it says that “Your Apple I.D XXX can’t be used to set up an account right now” and then tells me to contact iMessage Support, I can’t call Apple Care because my warranty is up and i’ve tried everything i can think of. It’s the correct I.D and password. When the message pops up and i click contact support - it sends me to a page with a verification code and says they dont have enough info to set up an account.
When I try to use iMessage on my MacBook, I cannot message anyone. I get the error message that "(phone number) is not registered with iMessage." I can iMessage the same person using my phone, but for some reason it will not work on my computer.
I have already tried the logout/re-login fix, and cleared my message folder. Phone and computer are signed into the same account & phone number.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2, iMessage
Cannot log into imessage. it was working fine before, and i had turned on my mac. when i logged in, imessage told me to log in, in which i did with my Apple ID password. However, i keep getting a message saying that i cannot log in at the moment, but I know that there is nothing wrong with my network connection. I've tried a couple times more, but i keep getting the same message.
When I try to log into iMessage from my Macbook Pro (OS X Mavericks Version 10.9.4) the loading symbol appears for as long as I leave it and never actually logs in. I have read every solution to this and tried everything, from deleting the .plist, to turning on firewall and adding iMessage and IMAgent, to changing my apple ID, resetting JAVA, forcing quit IMAgent on Activity Monitor. Nothing has worked, still the same problem every time. I have tried to delete iMessage and see if I can reinstall it somehow but it won't let me do that either.
trying to set-up iMessage (Messages version 8.0) on my new MacBook Air iOS Yosemite and it keeps saying "Could not sign in. Please check your network connection and try again." What can i do to get this to work so i can connect it to my iPhone?
I just bought a new rMBP and when I try to sign in to FaceTime this error message appears "The server encountered an error processing registration. Please try again later." and in iMessage "Could not sign in to iMessage. An error occurred during activation. Try again". I am currently using Mavericks 10.9.3