MacBook Air :: Every Time It Goes To Sleep Mail App Open
Jun 5, 2012
Every time I let my MBA go to sleep, the Mail app opens. I checked and it is not set to 'Open at Login'. Since installing Sparrow, I don't even use the Mail app anymore. This happens both when it sleeps after x minutes as well as when it is put to sleep via closing the computer.
Info:MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My computer will just not go to sleep on its own. I have tried the Command-Option-Eject option and it DOES go to sleep, or when I close to lid as well. I tried reseting the power management by holding down the power button for 10 seconds without the battery. It also does go to sleep when the computer is in "safe mode." Is there something causing it not to go to sleep? This is what my console keeps saying with all messages. I have also uninstalled Farsuite from my computer and restarted.
I have an October 2008 Unibody MacBook. Recently the hard drive will not go to sleep with the lid open.
Prior to installing Snow Leopard, after a period of inactivity the MacBook's display would go to sleep, followed soon by the hard drive (so that the blinking white light would appear) even with the lid open. Currently the display will go to sleep but the hard drive seems to stay active.
The MacBook does go into full sleep with the lid closed.
Is there anything I can do that will allow the computer to go to sleep with the lid open?
MBP/Lion - I'm using my MBP in dual monitor mode with an external monitor and power supply connected. If I close the lid and then disconnect the monitor, my MBP won't wake after opening the lid. I know that with Lion a change was made and the power stays on with an external monitor attached and the lid closed (with the adapter plugged in), but if you unplug the display, there doesn't seem a way out of this state. Even plugging the monitor back in, the display wont refresh In this state the power managment is confused. When closed, the power light is on, with the lid opened the power light goes off, the display remains blank and I can't wake the device. The only solution is to re-boot. as I just want to close the lid, unplug power and the monitor and leave work to go home. I end up running the battery down if I don't catch it before putting the MBP in my bag, and I always have to reboot.
since last night (monday) i have opened my mac book pro up for sleeping because i never shut my computer off....well last night i opened my computer up, typed in my password and then all of a sudden my screen went black....i called apple support and got it fixed but then again it happened again to me this morning? why is this?
my backlight decided it only wants to light up intermittently. and only for a little bit at a time. screen seems to still work, but when i open from sleep, sometimes it will flicker on the right side (like a fluorscent bulb) and go out again, or light up completely like it is supposed to, or do nothing at all. Machine is over 2 years old, and has gotten a lot of use. What are the chances this is a relatively cheap (1-200) fix? The machine is in good shape otherwise except for palmrest cracking which i havent gotten fixed due to the fact there is no apple store within 100 miles...
Is it harmful to my macbook to leave the lid open in sleep over-night for iAlarm? I know it seems slightly naive, but is sleep different when the lid is closed versus open?
When I open MacBook Pro (in sleep mode) I see rainbow on black screen. I have to keep the power button. I have this problem only when I open (after closing) my MBP. It started after an upgrade HHD to SSD (OCZ Agility 4). SMC reset did not help. I have MBP 13 late 2011 i5 2,4. Mac OS X 10.7.4.
When I wake Lion out of sleep, mail frequently does not find new messages from my aol account. Even if I hit "Find Mail", the new emails do not show up. Maybe an hour or more later they will finally come through
These mails are showing up no problem under notifications on my iPad & iPod touch.
If I restart mail, it finds the messages immediately .me works fine, gmail also Idle is on & it is set to check every minute
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've been having my MacBook Pro freeze up on me after sleeping for around 20-30 minutes or longer. I open the lid, and it looks fine, then as soon as I try and do something I get the spinning beach ball of death. Then, I click something else, and it instantly gets the beach ball. Eventually I try the dock, which comes up, but then freezes and hangs as well, partially expanded.
Control+Option+Delete does nothing. Nothing at all. Not a single button does anything, the only thing that is responsive at any level is the mouse (now a beach ball), and it only moves. And that's it.
I have no peripherals hooked up, nor is my Safe Sleep mode activated (mode=0).
every time i open my macbook pro from sleep mode there is no internet connection, even though my wifi bars are full and black and my home router is found and ticked. after a 1-2 minute delay my mac then connects to the internet. this happens every time i open my laptop from sleep mode. i have to wait 1-2 mins. this has only started to happen in the last few days and is driving me mad as it shows it is connected to the internet.
I just want to change the timing before it goes to sleep so the screen stays active whiteout me putting in input of some kind. My computer times out very quickly while I'm doing work so I then have to login when I go back to use it. It doesn't last longer than a couple of minutes (if that). I just got this MacBook Air and am unfamiliar with MacBooks.
I launched Mail as I ordinarily do. It opened up, but the header bar was grayed out. Finally I managed to open program via Message/Go To/ Inbox, but no messages appeared in any of my mailboxes (even though I had several still in there from today). Nothing is happening, I even can't quit teh mail program.
I own a early 2011 edition of MBP, with 2.3 Ghz i5 processor and 4 GB ram. Everytime it wakes up from the sleep mode, it heats up with the internal fans constantly on.. Moreover, the estimated battery life shows as 2 hours even when the percentage is 97%.. However, when I restart the MBP, the heating stops and the battery life shows 5 hours..
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When I run my macbook pros Battery down, there comes the low battery warning. After a while the system just goes down without suspending anything to my harddisk. When I restart my computer it does a normal start and after logging in I'm experiencing a lot messages due to the reset time. I correct my system-time and restart my mac and the system is back to normal.
Usually I'd say: Replace your CMOS-Battery (I know I have an EFI-Firmware), but where is it?. Or in other words: Is there a "System"-Battery, that would prevent my mac from forgetting the time?
Since I'm not running down my battery to 0 very often I only experience this issue from time to time and never took time to do anything about it.
I have a Macbook Pro. It has OS 10.4 The mail program will open and the circle will start spinning like it is trying to "get mail." it will spin and spin and eventually close. It will pop up and say mail quit unexpectedly will show that report and reopen box. hen mail is open and the circle is spinning, you can send mail and it works fine. It just will not load new mail.aNy ideas? The mail is version 2.1.3
Had my iMac for two years with no issues. Didn't change any settings, nothing.Tried to open mail. It bounced like it was going to open, then nothing. I've tried several searches for info with one involving opening in safe mode, but I'm not sure if I did it right and, needless to say, it didn't work.
I'm getting this damn message every time I try to open an app. Every time I open Firefox for instance, I'll get this matter how many times I click on "Open". Can someone help? FYI, I recently bought a 27" iMac and I did download all my apps and installed them instead of migrating using Time Machine.
I have three mail accounts setup in Apple Mail app: Gmail, work email and email. Whenever I receive an email with a hyperlink in it I hover over the link and it displays the hyperlink address with "blocked" added to the beginning. Once I click on the link I receive a message which says "Error: No associated application could be found". This happens no matter which email account I am accessing and works with both http and https type links. I recall having a similar problem using MS Outlook on a Windows machine.
Just received a new MacBook Pro and used Migration Assistant to transfer everything over from the old MBP to the new one.
Everything worked fine - except for Mail, which won't open.
I just get this message:
"Mail can’t open because you don’t have the necessary permissions to change the folder where it saves information.Mail stores information in /Macintosh HD/Users/howardburch/Library/Mail. If this folder is on your computer, use the Get Info window in the Finder to change your permissions for this folder to “Read & Write.” If this folder is located on a network server, contact the server administrator. After your permissions are changed, open Mail again."
I can't find the Library/Mail folder in my users folder.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My Mail app will not open, and now when I need to update my mac, it won't because it says the mail app "cancelled restart". Mail app will not open nor close. When I click on "Mail" at the top bar, the "quit" option is in light grey (not clickable). Mail is still accessable on my phone. Is there a way to delte the app all together (with out having to take it in) and re download.
On my MacBook I've had Time Machine backing up to an external USB hard drive for a good while now. At some point in the past, the interface to recover files has stopped working; I can click "Enter Time Machine" but literally nothing happens. No errors, no windows open, nothing. I've tried some things I found in other places to no avail, but most of them are associated with some kind of error code, which probably means that it isn't the same problem I have.
By accident I activated the mailto handler on google chrome, to be handled by Gmail. I deactivated it successfully but I can't reactivate the mailto links to be opened by the mail app.I googled it and tried almost everything without any success.