MacBook Air :: Display Quality: Mba Versus Macbook Pro

Jan 21, 2010

Actually 2 questions:

Is there any difference in the display between MBA and MBP?

Also is the MPB better built than the MBA?

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MacBook Air :: Speaker Quality Rev A Versus Rev B

May 13, 2009

the speaker is on the right side. Does this make the mono sound sound unbalanced? Why not put it in the center?

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MacBook Pro :: Incredible Difference In Display Quality

Apr 17, 2010

I have a late-2008 Macbook Pro 13" 2.53 Ghz Unibody with the 512 MB of vRAM, and a a mid-2009 Macbook Pro 15" 2.53 Ghz Unibody with 256 MB of vRAM. I have noticed an incredible difference in the quality of the screens, including the brightness. My 15" seems to be very bright and vivid compared to the 13".

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MacBook Pro :: Display On 17" MBP/noise In The Quality Of Graphics?

Dec 23, 2010

I have noticed something strange that occurs occasionally on my MBP (i5, latest gen). The display seems to have "noise" in the quality of graphics. It's hit or miss when it happens, and a reboot stops it temporarily. It returns after a few days.

I'm going to the Apple store today, but thought I'd see if anyone else has this issue. I am a little touchy about MBP graphics (had issues in the past

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MacBook Pro :: Mini Display Port To HDMI - Difference Of Picture Quality?

Nov 29, 2010

Is there a difference in picture quality if I connect a MDP to HDMI instead of a MDP to DVI from my macbook pro to my tv?Will I be able to play movies at 1080p if I use the MDP to HDMI?

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Applications :: IChat Versus Skype Video/audio Quality

Dec 18, 2006

Is it just me or does Skype have the superior audio and video quality?
Whenever I do some audio or video chatting it seems subjectively better than iChat. (Both on a Mac tried close after one another.

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MacBook Pro :: HDTV Versus LCD Display As External Monitor?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm looking to have a display hookup in my room for my Macbook Pro 15". I can't decide if i should get a 26" 720p HDTV with a pc input or a large lcd desktop display with a cable input to watch tv.

What are the pros/cons? Has anyone tried/preferred either? Any recommended monitors or hdtvs?

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MacBook Pro :: Gloss Versus Matte Screen - Same Display Performance?

Jul 22, 2010

Does the matte screen provide the same brightness, contrast and colour performance as the Gloss screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Is The MBP Unibody ISight Quality The Same As The IMac 27" Quality

Nov 20, 2009

Is the MBP Unibody iSight quality the same as the iMac 27" quality.

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MacBook Pro :: Macbook Pro 13 Display Versus Macbook Display

Jun 24, 2010

Has anyone done a serious analysis yet comparing the screens of the MBP 13 and the Macbook? They look different to me in the store, in particular the Macbook's looks a little yellowy to me. I guess the definitive answer would be to look at the manufacturer & model info for each and if they're the same then the question is settled. But my informal assessment is that they're different screen and that the MBP's more accurate colors.

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Hardware :: Macbook 24" Cinema Display Versus 24" IMac?

Oct 19, 2008

I'm considering replacing my 20" iMac G5. Since the 24" iMacs start at 2K I am wondering if the 1300 dollar Macbook plus the 900 dollar 24" Cinema Display would work as a good substitute. Processing power will be more than adequate.

The main thing that concerns me is how well a laptop will work when inserted into my home setup. My iMac currently acts as a media hub in our household with multiple users using multiple user accounts streaming music around the house off an external USB drive. Everything is automatically backed up to firewire drive using Time Machine (its USB as well if I have to give up firewire with the new Macs). The iMac also syncs with the Apple TV wirelessly.

I know a Mac is a Mac is a Mac and all that these things should continue to work seamlessly... in theory at least. But unlike a Macbook, the iMac never physically moves and never is disconnected from its wired connections. Synching, backups etc all just happen. So does using a laptop as your primary machine throw a wrench into that system? I know if you open iTunes without the external hard drive your library gets auto relocated to its default position on your internal hard drive which means you have to go move it back each time you reconnect to the external drive.

I could envision all sorts of weird problems that might happen as a result of running the laptop both connected to and disconnected from a given network where things happen automatically. The last thing I want to deal with is corrupted Time Machine backups or auto-syncs that wipe my Apple TV clean because the iTunes library had been accidentally moved.

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MacBook Air :: Airport Connection/Sleep Versus Sleep Display?

Apr 9, 2008

I leave my Air on pretty much all the time, and put it to sleep while moving around etc. Sleeping it disconnect the Airport connection - which if very annoying. At a desk I've just been dimming the display all the way off in order to keep my connection.

However, I recently noticed that by setting a "sleep display" hot corner, my network connection is maintained.

I have 2 questions:
1) Is sleep display equivalent (functionally) to simply dimming the display all the way down?
2) Is there a way to either set up a shortcut to sleep the display (other than a hot corner) and/or set it so that only the DISPLAY sleeps after 'x' minutes?

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Mac Mini :: Display To LCD - Bad Image Quality

Sep 27, 2010

I have a quick question regarding the image quality when connecting my Mac Mini to my Samsung Monitor 24'' monitor. I am connecting it through a HDMI -> DVI adapter and connecting it through the DVI on my monitor. Although it does display the image, the colour look off, it doesn't look sharp or high definition at all. I checked the resolution and it shows up as 1920 x 1080, which should be very good, but the resolution doesn't look good at all. I am wondering if this is because I am using a 24inch monitor and whether I should try getting a HDMI cord to connect HDMI to HDMI from the Mac Mini to the monitor, or get a HDMI > VGA adapter instead, or maybe buy a better monitor?

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Mac Mini :: Finding TV Display Quality

Jan 29, 2010

I am about to buy a Mac Mini and want to find out how it works with using a 1080p (Pioneer Kuro) TV as a monitor

How does it look on the TV i.e. especifically what's the quality like?

I am sure many people have done this, I am probably going to be using a digital cable (ToSlink) for the sound and a Mini DV to HDMI cable for the video

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PowerPC :: Older G5 Versus IMac Versus MacBook Pro For Work

Oct 25, 2007

So I have a 1.8ghz dual G5 with 3gb of ram for work. I mainly work in Adobe CS and do a far amount of Photoshop work. At any given time I may have all of Adobe CS plus Office and a few other apps running -- and a gazillion fonts. Went to the store and saw the new 24" iMac. How would a new iMac compare to my late '04 1.8DP G5? On that same note, how would a new MacBook Pro compare to the above?

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Hardware :: 24 Cinema Display Sound Quality?

Jan 20, 2009

I just purchased a 24in Cinema Display for my MBP and I was wondering how the Sound Quality is? Is it similar to the sound quality of the iMacs? Or should I go out and get a set of nice speakers.

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Hardware :: Mac Pro Cinema Display And Picture Quality

Mar 11, 2010

I'm thinking of switching my up coming iMac purchase to a new mac pro. Obviously, I would need to buy a monitor but this site says updates are due soon. Just curious... what do you guys think a new display would offer that a current one doesn't. The biggest one they have now is more then enough and I like the picture quality. What else besides size and resolution could they upgrade?

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Hardware :: Sound Quality Of LED Cinema Display Speakers?

Jan 18, 2009

Short and sweet: how do the speakers on the new Cinema Display sound? I know they won't be phenomenal or anything, but are they at least decent? Balanced? Loud?

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IMac :: Display Quality - Setting Blacklevel And Banding?

Nov 24, 2009

as it happens just came back from a small apple store nearby with the intention of buying the unfortunately I found a display related blocker... : it turned out that the exposed 27" had banding problems that were clearly visible when you opened (for example) a full screen terminal window with 100% opaque black background; if you did, you could see as at least that 27 imac showed very good black levels for over 3/4 from left to right of the display, but as you looked towards right the remaining 1/4 of the screen presented a mild gradient from black to grey that was particularly noticeable in the right edge and bottom-right corner of the display.

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Applications :: Won't Work With Imovie Photo Quality / Quality Better In Iphoto

Nov 11, 2005

Started archiving all my old photos and creating dvds. started off using iphoto which is great for compiling a quick slideshow to a couple of music tracks. i then imported these to idvd and created my first dvd project which i was pretty pleased with for a first attempt. The only thing i found annoying was that i could not link all the slideshows together in idvd so that they played one after another, instead you had to come back to the menu and start the next i thought i would import these slideshow movies into imovie and create a complete movie with chapters, titles etc. but when i did this i noticed that the quality of the slideshow in imovie was very noticeably worse.

being new to mac i wasnt sure what was up so i thought about importing the photos directly into imovie and working with them there. but once again the quality was really poor compared to the iphoto and idvd slideshows. after this i though maybe its just a preview problem and all will be well when i burn them to dvd and watch them on i burnt a dvd with one slideshow created in iphoto and imported into idvd and also put on a movie of the same slide show that id imported into imovie and back.

anyway long story short quality still better in slide show created in iphoto.

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Applications :: Won't Work With IMovie Quality / Can't Export In High Quality

Mar 8, 2009

is there any way to export the movie as high as my project quality everytime i export the quality goes down.

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Final Cut Pro X :: 10.1.4 Playback Quality - High Quality Is No Longer An Option

Dec 8, 2014

In FCPX 10.1.3 I was able to set in Preferences the Playback Quality to High Quality. I just purchased FCPx 10.1.4.  It has NO such High Quality Option for Playback Quality.  

Now all my still clips are blurred badly.   Is there an option to set a High Quality Playback Option. Or can I download 10.1.3, the level where that worked ? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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Final Cut Express HD :: How To Get Quality Of Movie To Match Quality Of Export

Jun 24, 2014

When I export my sequence into a Quicktime movie the quality is much worse than it appears in the editor. More specifically, it looks washed out.

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Mac Pro :: Dell Ultrasharp 24" 2408 Versus Apple LED Cinema Display

Apr 2, 2009

I really want a new monitor.

and now i have last 2 choice.

Dell Ultrasharp 24" 2408 vs. Apple LED Cinema Display

1) I'm using mac pro early 2008 that make me must to buy Apple's 4870 or GT 120 to drive 24" ACD, that make all money I must pay for apple is around $944 (1-yr apple care) vs. Dell at $560 (with 5-yr warranty). is it worth?

2) I hate glossy screen but love a new ACD design very much. some people say 24" iMac screen (S-IPS) make his eye pain when using that screen for a long time do your guys think about this ?

3) my current monitor is 20" ACD, my new monitor must be better (or equal) than it. can your guy say 24" Dell is better than 20"ACD in term of color. (old S-IPS in 20" vs. S-PVA)

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MacBook Pro :: Mini-display Port Versus Mini-DVI Port

Mar 16, 2010

Relevant newbie to the mac world. I have a MBP late 2009. I bought a third party Mini display port to HDMI converter so I can hook the MBP to my 46" Samsung screen.

This works fine, no major issues here. However the picture is not great. I compared watching a standard definition TV show through the MBP then burnt it onto a DVD. The DVD (using the PS3 as my DVD drive, connected via HDMI) had superior quality than through the MBP.

Also the picture does not quite fill the screen. There is a small black border running all the way around the screen. Does not sound significant but when doing the same comparison as above, you notice the difference when via DVD the movie fills the screen. I have played around with the resolution settings. Those that fill the screen chop bits of the mac desktop off, so thats no good either.

So I am wondering why this is? Is it because the mini display port is not a DVI port, hence I am not getting true HD quality picture? How can I overcome this if at all. I'm thinking of getting a mac mini as a media hub/HTPC but want to ensure I dont encounter the same problems.

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Hardware :: Dell 2407WFP A04 Versus Dell G2410 Versus Dell 2209WA Versus Samsung F2380

Nov 2, 2009

I'm looking for a new monitor to go with my MBP, and I'm stuck trying to choose between the ones listed above.

The 2407WFP is a couple of years old now I guess, but it's the rev A04 version, which supposedly fixed the (few) problems with what was otherwise meant to be a great screen. It's an sPVA screen.

I've heard good reviews of the G2410, with its LED backlighting. It's still a TN panel and I hear so much bad stuff about them.

The 2209WA is an eIPS panel which I like the sound of, but it's smaller and lower resolution.

The F2380 is a cPVA panel, the image quality looks better but I've heard bad things about blacks on this panel.

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IMac :: 27 Inch IMac Display Versus 27 Inch Cinema Display?

Jul 27, 2010

Is the new 27 inch cinema display any different the the displays on the 27 inch iMac??

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MacBook :: Loudness And Quality Of Sound From Macbook Unibody Speaker?

Feb 18, 2009

I'm thinking of getting the Macbook 2.0 ghz model for the family room. I'm wondering about how good and loud the sound quality is from the new Macbook. Kids like to watch slingbox and when I heard the Macbook at store, it didn't sound so great or loud enough. But it could be the high ambient sound of the store.

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MacBook Air :: How Is The Quality Of The Camera?

Oct 23, 2010

how is the quality of the camera? hearing few whispers it is NOT on par with macbook/macbook pro?

what you guys (the new MBA owners) feel ?

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MacBook Air :: HD Stream Low Quality On 1.6 Than 1.8 Rev B?

Jan 11, 2009

I just went to a Apple store and tried a HD episode of CSI Miami on both a 1.6 HDD and 1.8 SSD.

After a while I realized the graphics was more blocky on 1.6 than the 1.8. No matter what I checked and stopped I could not change it. No other program was running, I let ot rest etc but still it had more choippy graphics.

And yes, I made sure it was rev B not rev A...

Btw, they both had 'the lines'.

If graphics is determined by the graphic card and they both have the same how come the video was not the same quality? Is it really the .26 GHz that made the difference???

I was almost ready to go for a 1.6 HDD but now I have to reconsider.

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