MacBook Air :: Any Way Of Quitting App Only By Pressing Red Button?
Apr 28, 2012
I'm a new Mac user (my MacBook Air bought on April, 17th). I was wondering, is there a way of quitting an app by pressing on the red button only, without pressing on the app name on the menu bar and and then on "Quit X"?
When I press the start button there is a delay of 3-4 seconds before the computer turns on and the sign in screen appears. Then when I shutdown it takes up to 4 minutes to actually turn off the screen.
I also ran a diagnostic check and received the error code HDD/11/4000000:SATA (0,0)... What I do next?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
1.turn into black screen after running for about 15 mins, but the system is still running because the keyboard is still functional. After reboot, i record the log as below, it shows that it is a GPU Panic. Â
2. display would not turn on after pressing the power button but can still hear the apple start up chime and the system keep running with the screen off.Â
3. after erased the hard drive and re-installed Mavericks. Under a new installed system, it can run normally for about 1 day, after that especially after a shut down or restart, the problems above came back. Â
I am currently working in Thailand but I have no plan to go back to the US in a short period of time. I brought the laptop to the local apple service, they said it is certainly the logic board or GPU failure and the parts need to be replaced. The cost of the replacement is around half of the price that I paid for this laptop.
Anonymous UUID:Â Â Â Â Â Â 398E619F-8811-6838-BEFC-13DF20E24CAEÂ Tue May 27 10:02:04 2014panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff7fa970bf7c): "GPU Panic: [<None>] 3 0 a0 d9 9 8 0 3 : NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0x102c00000 0xffffff8138e01000 0x0e7150a2, D0, P3/4
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I have a macbook pro, bought it May last year(2008). I don't know much about computers, but I loved the transition between pc and mac, had no trouble with it, loved to work with it, until now. I had noticed it became slower like 3 weeks ago, and a week ago, it started to freeze up on me followed by a message that said please restart your computer by pressing the power button and the screen becomes dark. When I try to restart it again, it takes a while because it shuts down again and again, until the 10th time it works. The store told me to clean intall, which I did yesterday, it seemed to have worked, it was faster for sure, but today it happened again, 3 times! Has this happened to anyone? Does somebody know what to do?
I was using my macbook pro and the screen went black and when I tried to turn the computer back on with the power button it keeps beeping at me. Is it gone?
I'd like to force quit just like in Windows when I press the Red Button. It's stupid that OS X minimizes it. ( programs consume alot of CPU power if you do this, I watched activity monitor and some programs use 10-20% in this state )
How do I setup OS X to force quit an application when I press the Red Button?
i have my power saver set up so that the display goes to sleep after 30 minutes do i get it to wake back up without pressing the power button in the back?
I had a weird issue this morning. I started computer and it did not make the chime sound, it didn't do anything at all. I disconnected it from the extension cord as well as all the peripherals attached to it and nothing. I tried a different start up disk and again there wasn't a sound. Then i unplugged it and reset the SMU on the mother board and air sprayed the computer to remove all dust. Then plugged it back and it came back on.
Information: Power Mac G5 Dual 1.8 Mac OS X (10.4.11)
i just got my new imac 2 days ago. I was wondering is there another to turn on the power without pressing the power from button? (cuz i remember u can power on from the keyboard b4)
I've been using my Macbook Air for a while now. I noticed while I was working on my laptop, my 9 key keeps pressing by itself. I've tried to clean under the key and hitting it for the random keypress to stop, but it still continues. I would type somehow like this: 99h99e99999l99o9 or even worse.
i found that my mac's "shift" key was kept being i sent it to Apple,and they fixed it but after about 2 days of normal status,my mac become incredible slow.I cant even do my typing normally but this time i let a friend of mine to fix it, and he removed the ox system i had,repalced with XP the XP runs great but i didn't do much things in XP,cost i don't like i turn my mac into OS system again then my mac runs normal but the whole things turned into a tragedy angain after i pressed "shift" mac become really slow ,and makes out big noise.I couldn't bear it , it's now the worst machine i have.does it still a hardware mistake with my "shift key".
This is for all of you with your shiny new macbooks. I've got a 1.83 version, and found out a little glitch. When I press caps lock (at the top of the button), the key actually pops out part way at the bottom until I press it again to go back into place.
out of the blue something weird started happening. When i would press the up and down volume keys on the keyboard, no sound is coming out. When i raise or lower the volume from the top status bar, that little click is audible, but when i press the up and down keys from the keyboard, no sound comes out. is this a hardware problem? will apple replace/fix this? could i have muted it or something or is this like i said, a hardware problem?
I got my Macbook Pro a couple of months ago, but lately I have had problems with the trackpad. There are times when I try clicking using tap and clicking by pressing down and get no response. Any possible reason for this?
It's only an 8 month old mid 2009 uMBP (2.26ghz, 4GB, 500GB). I was using the Disk Utility when it asked me to insert my MAC OS X Install disc and press "c" during start up and repair it. Every time I insert the disc and press "c" my screen goes completely dark. I thought it could have been a problem with the sensor so I flashed a light into it but it didn't work. I even tried putting it directly towards the sun light and still it doesn't work.
I cannot get my macbook pro to switch on.when it is not plugged as I press the power button nothing happens, when the computer is power plugged, it gives me the white blackground with the apple centered and the loading button below but it keeps loading forever left it as for 4 hours and still nothing. I have try to reset the SMC but didn't change much, now instead of the apple logo I get a circle crossed My macbook is 1 year and 4months?
I'm having a problem with my mac (purchased in 2012) where it restarts the instant I press spacebar to preview a file in finder folder/desktop.Â
Macbook Pro 15 inch.(Serial Number C0*****V7L) OS X Version 10.9.3. Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3Â
The following is the report:Â
Anonymous UUID:Â Â Â Â Â Â ACD9B01A-9174-55FE-B5FB-2370F5A48228Â Â Sun Jun 22 15:34:19 2014 panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7f87167eaa): "AGC GPU REGISTER RESTORE FAILED : rdar://7254528, VendorID invalid"@/SourceCache/AppleGraphicsControl/AppleGraphicsControl-3.5.26/src/Appl eMuxControl/kext/AGCPowerManagement.cpp:1114
I've read that Early 2008 model MacBook Pros can boot into the Hardware test while pressing the D key on the keyboard without the disc in the drive (or was it the F2 key). I've also read that lots of people succeed doing it. Why does my MBP not do that?
I am new to my unibody Macbook. I bought it as an open box item at Best Buy. I was desperate for a new computer and I had and still have little cash. Therefore, I am hoping someone has an easy fix for my odd issue. It seemed to be fine for two or three weeks and making my life so much more fun, now it works but is annoying.
Now that I can't return the machine, it is making the "bonk" noise in succession as if I am repeatedly pushing the escape key with no window open. Other times it will not let me click the mouse when this happens and if I press the apple key it seems to be fine, almost as if it resets an works like there is no problem. I can't find any pattern to when this happens it seems completely at random.
There is no odd esoteric software on my computer and I haven't added any weird downloads on it either. I just have been importing music and photos so far. I haven't had it long enough to get it too screwed up.
I did reinstall Leopard trying to clean out anything that may have been causing this. It didn't help. I downloaded a patch from apple to fix an issue early unibody models had with the track pad. This didn't help anything either. I am almost wondering if there is a glitch in my escape key. I don't have apple care, at least I don't think I do, as I didn't pay for any extra warranty.
I finally went from Leopard to Snow Leopard (SL) by doing a clean install. But I found I was not able to boot from the install disk by the normal procedure -- restarting and pressing the Option or C keys. Before the SL install, I had a volume structure problem on my HD and tried to use the Leopard install DVD to repair the drive. I was unable to do that by using the normal boot up procedure.why I can't boot from the optiical drive by pressing the designated keyboard key(s)?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 400GB G-Drive FW800 Ext. HD; 4GB RAM on MBP; 60GB iPod Video
I have a 13" macbook air ultimate and often when quitting apps it seems the system stalls or hangs for a while (not long, but noticeable. imagine counting 3 seconds after pressing Command+Q or the quit button before the window finally disappears). It is starting to get to the point where it is frustrating and just plain irritating.
Occasionally after issuing the quit command, the spinning beachball appears which I have NEVER, EVER seen on my macbook air for any other task I have done on it. (albeit I am a fairly lightweight user) Makes me wonder what is so taxing about quitting an app on my macbook air which doesn't flinch when others are editing photos in photoshop on it.
This is also, my first mac and so am not completely sure what is the norm for OS X behaviours.
Safari quitting just randomly, this has happened me this past 2/3 days, only I have no clue what it means, how to fix it. I've read about clam xav and flashback removal tool, but I am not sure if I am even doing the right thing?
My Final Cut Pro x trial version keeps 'unexpectedly closing' when I try to edit an effect on a clip.I just bought this macboo pro last week.. I left PCs for similar reasons..2.4 GHz Intel Core i7, 4 GB Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 .The FCP X trial was working fine.. I have 23 days left, and today it started closing unexpectadly..