Mac :: Is There Any Hack That Would Make The Speakers Louder

May 29, 2006

I had an iBook and the speakers on those things sucked. I got a MacBook and since i didn't see those stupid circular speakers I thought that they totally revamped them on the MacBook and made them better. They still stuck! They aren't loud enough at all. If I have the TV on in the living room I can't hear anything on the computer that is sitting on my lap. Anyway, my question is, is there any hack or something outthere that would make the speakers louder?

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MacBook :: System Making Odd Noises / Noise Got Louder And Louder

Dec 4, 2009

I've had my macbook for a good 2-3 years. I put in a movie and heard it vibrating and clicking. It then started to make a noise and got louder and louder like it was going to explode. I searched some forums and someone said that it means your hard drive is dying. What do you think it is? should I go into Apple and have them look at it?

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Speakers Buzzing / Make Them Stop?

Aug 11, 2009

I just bought a refurb MBP 2.4... I'm noticing that at high volumes my speakers are crackling/buzzing/distorting/whatever you call it. I'm planning on taking it in tomorrow... Anyone have any experience with this?

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ITunes :: Airplay Can't Connect To Remote Speakers Or Multiple Speakers When Speakers Are Visible In It

Apr 22, 2012

I have iTunes 10.6.1 (7) an Airport Extream Version 6.0 Airport Utility (600.92) That I use with two airport express stations, an Apple TV 2nd Generation with latest software up date.  Also have Ipad 3rd Generation and two I phone 4's. Issue:  After installing the latest Airport Utility software update I'm unable to connect to my remote speakers in iTunes.   The speakers are visible in the pop up menu but iTunes times out when trying to connect.  If I use remote to select Apple TV and then via Apple TV select my Computers Library I'm able to play music on the Apple TV / Home Speakers... but still not the Airport Express Stations. 

When using remote on the iPhone or iPad the speakers are visible as well but I'm unable to select them... iTunes times out. I can steam music from that is on my iPhone or iPad to each individual speaker, but multiple speaker control is not available and the music from my library is not available. I believe the problem is in the Airplay feature of iTunes and I believe the problems arise when you install the latest version of Airport Utility.   You can play on remote speakers, only one at a time, and only if you have the music on a stand alone device (iPhone or iPad)... in summary, bypass iTunes and you can be successful... marginally successful.

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Very Hot And The Fan Is Getting Louder?

Aug 25, 2014

My Macbook is getting very hot and the fan gets louder the longer I have my Macbook on. 

It happens whenever and wherever I use it, I don't play games often as I use my Macbook for my Uni work. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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MacBook Pro :: Upgraded RAM And Now Fan Louder

Jun 1, 2012

I upgraded my ram with Crucial 8gb kit for my Macbook Pro (Mid 2010). After playing a game I noticed that my fan speed was much higher than it originally was when I hadn't changed it and it was 4gb. I already tried resetting SMC and nothing has changed.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is One Earbud Louder

Aug 28, 2014

I have a pair of bose earbuds, while using them on my iphone 5c the sound produced is the exact same, but while plugged into my macbook the let is quieter than the right. At first the left produced none at all, but now its being a lot quieter. It doesnt appear to be the headphone.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), iOS 7.1.2

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PowerPC :: Why Is New MacBook Louder Than IBook

Nov 30, 2008

New 2.4ghz MacBook aluminum owner here. There a very low hum coming from my new MacBook, and it is always there. I don't know if it is the hard drive or the fan, but is is quite obvious in a quiet room.

I compared it to my 2003 plastic iBook, and the iBook is SILENT compared to the new MacBook.

I checked the iStat Pro stats, and the fan is around 2000rpm and the temps are normal.

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MacBook Pro :: Fans Running More And Bit Louder

Apr 15, 2010

I own a Macbook pro 17" core duo 3.06Ghz. I am very happy with the machine, but since a few months the fan's are louder and on much more often then ever before. (the first half year it was always silent) I remember there was some reset for this.

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Mac Mini :: 2006 Getting Hot And Fan Is Being Louder Suddenly?

Jun 10, 2012

I have late 2006 mini baught in march 2007.  Seems getting a little hot.  Fan is a little louder all of a sudden.  Or maybe I'm imagining it.  But does feel a little hot.  Maybe I need to move it from under my monitor stand so it can breathe but it has been there since 2007 without any problems.  It is core duo not 2 duo.  2gb of ram I added at the store when I got it.  They installed it. Anyhow I installed temperature monitor widget and it says "CPU A Temperature Diod 62 degrees celsius" and "CPU A Heat Sink 53 degrees celsius".  Also I installed "fan control 1.2" as written on another even though for macbook pro works on mini well.  But it says left fan 3850 rpm and right fan -1 rpm.  Is that because mac mini has only 1 fan.  Anyhow is 60 degrees about normal??  Or even idle (or even just replying here and only 1 tab open) 50 - 60 is too much??

mac mini core duo., Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Fan Gets Louder When Streaming Online

Sep 5, 2014

Have a 15" MacBook Pro late 2013 just under a year now and when steaming programmes online the fans get noticeably louder and the air coming out of the MacBook is pretty warm. This happens even if it is sitting on a table with none of air intakes covered.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: How To Hack My PC?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a Dell inspiron PC just sitting in the corner of my room doing nothing and I fancy hacking it.

I think it's got a 120gb hd and 512mb of ram.

I basically want to make it run OSX.

The computer is crashed (), so it turns on runs really, really slow (takes 10 mins to load safari)

I have nothing other than the install discs and the computer.

Does anyone have and tips and how to do it? Is it easy? Is it worth it?

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PowerPC :: IBook's Fans Louder And Faster

Sep 1, 2006

My iBook just fell of the table, and now refuses to power up. Never again will i say the magSafe is pointless. I (was) running a 800mhz, 640mb G3 iBook, 10.3.9, bought in 2003. The laptop landed on a connected usb cord, which has damaged the usb socket, with the white plastic bit inside the port now broken off, leaving exposed connectors. The laptop did power up initially after the fall, but upon connecting another usb into the remaining usb port,the iBook's fans came on, louder and faster than ive ever heard, before dieing. I simply cannot afford a MacBook right now, and had just upgraded the RAM and OS (10.2.8 - 10.3.9) so that it would last me another year.

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IMac :: Do All 7200 Hdd's Run Louder And Hotter Than 5400's?

Mar 18, 2009

Am planning on getting a mini and swapping out the hdd for a 7200, but I'm getting a bit worried looking at some posts on another board that claim they've found the faster drives running hotter and louder, with more vibrations.

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MacBook Pro :: Overheating And HD Vibration Noticeably Louder

Apr 24, 2010

[URL]. It says that it is normal for it to get warm on the bottom... but mine gets beyond warm... it get's really hot. Does anyone else notice this? Also, when I have it on my computer, the vibration is noticeably louder. It gets really irritating because it sounds like it's echoing through your ear.

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MacBook :: Right Speaker Slightly Louder Than Left One

Jun 22, 2010

I noticed my Macbook White (late 2009 model) right speaker is slightly louder than the left one. I have checked the sound balance on my sound setting and its set to balance. Some things I have noticed when playing with the settings. When i shift the balance to the left, there's sound on the right when it's not supposed to. Then when I shift to the right, the left speaker is quiet. This problem seems to happened on older Macbooks - [URL].

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Intel Mac :: It Makes Louder Whirring Fan Noises And Gets Really Hot

Apr 2, 2012

It makes louder whirring fan noises and gets really hot

Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2010)

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OS X :: Pulled Out The Jack For Speakers The Volume Icon Was Greyed Out / Internal Speakers Disabled?

Jun 7, 2010

After I pulled out the jack for my speakers the volume icon was greyed out [URL]and soon I realized that internal speakers as such have been disabled from the system [URL]When I restart the startup chime is played as usual.Is it a hardware or software thing?

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Hardware :: Merge IMac's Built-in Speakers And Display Speakers?

Sep 1, 2010

My new 25" HP 2510i monitor arrived today, all is good except from the speaker system, I can either have the iMac's built in speakers used or the built in monitor speakers used. Is it possible to combine them both and use both?

The monitor's audio interface connects to my iMac via the headphone jack on the back of the system.

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Hardware :: Connect Bookshelf Speakers To Existing 2.1 Computer Speakers?

May 15, 2009

This may or may not be a stupid proposition, but here it goes: I have a Klipsch Promedia GMX 2.1a speaker system which I like very much. However, I was wondering if I could replace the existing satellite speakers with bookshelf speakers (like Klipsch RB-10 s). I'm hoping this will work because I want to increase the audio output of my system without spending money on an amplifier.

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OS X :: Hack Into Installing 10.5 On A G4/450 DP?

Mar 24, 2009

There's gotta be a way to get around the hardware limitations of 10.5 on an oldie but a goodie!

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Mac Pro :: Running Mac As Hack?

Jul 7, 2010

So while Hackintoshes can run a 5870 or 5770 or even a 5750 in OSX with Full OpenGl support, those of us running actual Macs can NOT so far.

So I had an idea, since Bootcamp is some sort of layer where the EFI Mac acts like a BIOS PC, would it be possible to run an actual Mac Pro as a Hackintosh?

I am not trying to be funny or cute or clever. I really am curious if a n EFI Mac can pretend to be a BIOS PC that is running a FakeSMC kind of deal and boot OSX as aPC with 2 Xeon Processors, 4.762 blahblahblah Northbridge, Southbridge, etc?

That way, I could compare 5870 running in Hack perfectly to 5870 running in Mac POORLY and only change the one CRUCIAL variable.

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MacBook Pro :: No Audio Out From Speakers / Not Showing Internal Speakers

Mar 19, 2008

MacBook Pro 2.16

Situation: no sound out from speakers in admin and user account and newly created account. Headphones work, startup chimes work on speakers.

Go to Sound in Preferences and only shows Digital Out for output. Should show Internal Speakers. Ran Diskwarrior and Applejack and zapped pram. Took mac apart and confirmed speakers wired correctly which is verified by the start up chimes being audible on the internal speakers. tested all accounts and created new account all with the same results. Did search of Google and MacRumor. Found one unaswered post indicating same problem. Had same problem with another macbook pro, ran same steps, take apart, confirm wiring setup, Diskwarriored, applejacked and zapped pram and it fixed the problem. I'm not sure what else to try. Did check Audio Midi Setup util and it also did not see the internal speakers.

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IMac :: Can Someone Hack Into Your Icam Or Mic?

Sep 10, 2010

Up until a few hours ago, I knew absolutely NOTHING about the Console or what an ipfw.log was but I've been learning very quickly. I was always under the impression that Mac user couldn't have issues with hackers, so I never really worried about anything until I found this tiny little window hidden in the upper left hotspot (set to display all windows). Then, earlier this evening, it literally seemed like someone was making all of my folders, pic, ext..disappear, and then reappear in another area. I understand that their are "bots" constantly trying to login to your computer, but from what I saw in past posts, it shouldn't be this extreme!

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MacBook Pro :: Can Someone Hack While Knowing The IP

Dec 8, 2010

I was just talking to this one guy on Yahoo messenger and he said he knows my IP address and my Main IP provider,that he did DOS Command.. something like that while talking to me. He said he can easily hack my computer and know private things about myself,infos,credit cards etc..Like for example I am shopping online, he said he could easily use the account.

What should I do now ? Should I change all my passwords ? I am scared.I am using Macbook Pro 15inch by the way if you need this info

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OS X :: How Do You Hack Time Machine?

Dec 17, 2008

Is there any way to use my ipod video as a time machine back up drive? any way at all?

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MacBook Pro :: EFI Hack For 64bit On The MBP 3,1?

Sep 7, 2009

I've got a mid-2007 C2D MBP with 64-bit EFI and obviously, 64-bit processors.

'6' and '4' on Snow Leopard won't boot into 64-bit mode. I don't need the 64-bit kernel at this point, but I'm mostly curious to see what drivers and apps breaks under a 64-bit kernel and the only way to find out is to try it.

There's a pretty nifty hack involving hex editing boot.efi that works for some suitable Macs:


No mention of MBP, and my attempts at guessing offsets and values while hex editing didn't cause any booting issues but didn't result in 64-bit kernel loading, either. Anybody happen to know offset and value in boot.efi to mod for a MBP?

I know this is a real long shot type of question and I'm not expecting anybody to know. But if you do, would love to find out.

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OS X :: Hack Computer Through Website Like Stickam?

Dec 31, 2010

The other day I was in on Stickam, a live stream video website. While I was streaming my webcam and chatting, I was messaged by someone who said they were going to hack me if I didn't comply with him or her. I decided to ignore them but have become paranoid because I was using my brother's computer and he has a lot of personal information on this computer. I no longer visit the website and have no reason to believe I've been hacked, but I'm still worried. I'm willing to Paypal $10 to anyone who can help me check for any suspicious activity on my computer. I know macs are difficult to hack. Yet, I've heard it's still possible. Any software I can download to find viruses to potential hackers? My internet connection requires a password to be able to use it and the stealth mode in my firewall was off when this happened. Excuse my computer illiteracy. Is it possible to hack my computer through a website like stickam? If so what are the implications?

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Mac Pro :: Could I Maufacture, Hack Together To Sink My Own Heat

Oct 10, 2008

I just bought a G5 case to house my Quad Core 2.4GHz hackintosh, and would like to overclock it. The only problem is, I don't want to have heat issues, of course.What would the best heat sink be to use that would still fit inside the G5 case?Could I maufacture/build/hack together my own heat sink?Should I just put it into a refrigerated case

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Applications :: ITunes Fullscreen Hack

Feb 16, 2009

I'm sure this has been asked before but I couldn't locate an answer I'm looking for...

I am interested to know if there is some way some how (3rd party plugin or hack) to fully expand itunes window to your entire resolution in OSX 10.5?

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