Mac Pro :: Running Mac As Hack?

Jul 7, 2010

So while Hackintoshes can run a 5870 or 5770 or even a 5750 in OSX with Full OpenGl support, those of us running actual Macs can NOT so far.

So I had an idea, since Bootcamp is some sort of layer where the EFI Mac acts like a BIOS PC, would it be possible to run an actual Mac Pro as a Hackintosh?

I am not trying to be funny or cute or clever. I really am curious if a n EFI Mac can pretend to be a BIOS PC that is running a FakeSMC kind of deal and boot OSX as aPC with 2 Xeon Processors, 4.762 blahblahblah Northbridge, Southbridge, etc?

That way, I could compare 5870 running in Hack perfectly to 5870 running in Mac POORLY and only change the one CRUCIAL variable.

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OS X :: How To Hack My PC?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a Dell inspiron PC just sitting in the corner of my room doing nothing and I fancy hacking it.

I think it's got a 120gb hd and 512mb of ram.

I basically want to make it run OSX.

The computer is crashed (), so it turns on runs really, really slow (takes 10 mins to load safari)

I have nothing other than the install discs and the computer.

Does anyone have and tips and how to do it? Is it easy? Is it worth it?

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OS X :: Hack Into Installing 10.5 On A G4/450 DP?

Mar 24, 2009

There's gotta be a way to get around the hardware limitations of 10.5 on an oldie but a goodie!

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IMac :: Can Someone Hack Into Your Icam Or Mic?

Sep 10, 2010

Up until a few hours ago, I knew absolutely NOTHING about the Console or what an ipfw.log was but I've been learning very quickly. I was always under the impression that Mac user couldn't have issues with hackers, so I never really worried about anything until I found this tiny little window hidden in the upper left hotspot (set to display all windows). Then, earlier this evening, it literally seemed like someone was making all of my folders, pic, ext..disappear, and then reappear in another area. I understand that their are "bots" constantly trying to login to your computer, but from what I saw in past posts, it shouldn't be this extreme!

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MacBook Pro :: Can Someone Hack While Knowing The IP

Dec 8, 2010

I was just talking to this one guy on Yahoo messenger and he said he knows my IP address and my Main IP provider,that he did DOS Command.. something like that while talking to me. He said he can easily hack my computer and know private things about myself,infos,credit cards etc..Like for example I am shopping online, he said he could easily use the account.

What should I do now ? Should I change all my passwords ? I am scared.I am using Macbook Pro 15inch by the way if you need this info

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OS X :: How Do You Hack Time Machine?

Dec 17, 2008

Is there any way to use my ipod video as a time machine back up drive? any way at all?

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MacBook Pro :: EFI Hack For 64bit On The MBP 3,1?

Sep 7, 2009

I've got a mid-2007 C2D MBP with 64-bit EFI and obviously, 64-bit processors.

'6' and '4' on Snow Leopard won't boot into 64-bit mode. I don't need the 64-bit kernel at this point, but I'm mostly curious to see what drivers and apps breaks under a 64-bit kernel and the only way to find out is to try it.

There's a pretty nifty hack involving hex editing boot.efi that works for some suitable Macs:


No mention of MBP, and my attempts at guessing offsets and values while hex editing didn't cause any booting issues but didn't result in 64-bit kernel loading, either. Anybody happen to know offset and value in boot.efi to mod for a MBP?

I know this is a real long shot type of question and I'm not expecting anybody to know. But if you do, would love to find out.

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OS X :: Hack Computer Through Website Like Stickam?

Dec 31, 2010

The other day I was in on Stickam, a live stream video website. While I was streaming my webcam and chatting, I was messaged by someone who said they were going to hack me if I didn't comply with him or her. I decided to ignore them but have become paranoid because I was using my brother's computer and he has a lot of personal information on this computer. I no longer visit the website and have no reason to believe I've been hacked, but I'm still worried. I'm willing to Paypal $10 to anyone who can help me check for any suspicious activity on my computer. I know macs are difficult to hack. Yet, I've heard it's still possible. Any software I can download to find viruses to potential hackers? My internet connection requires a password to be able to use it and the stealth mode in my firewall was off when this happened. Excuse my computer illiteracy. Is it possible to hack my computer through a website like stickam? If so what are the implications?

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Mac :: Is There Any Hack That Would Make The Speakers Louder

May 29, 2006

I had an iBook and the speakers on those things sucked. I got a MacBook and since i didn't see those stupid circular speakers I thought that they totally revamped them on the MacBook and made them better. They still stuck! They aren't loud enough at all. If I have the TV on in the living room I can't hear anything on the computer that is sitting on my lap. Anyway, my question is, is there any hack or something outthere that would make the speakers louder?

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Mac Pro :: Could I Maufacture, Hack Together To Sink My Own Heat

Oct 10, 2008

I just bought a G5 case to house my Quad Core 2.4GHz hackintosh, and would like to overclock it. The only problem is, I don't want to have heat issues, of course.What would the best heat sink be to use that would still fit inside the G5 case?Could I maufacture/build/hack together my own heat sink?Should I just put it into a refrigerated case

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Applications :: ITunes Fullscreen Hack

Feb 16, 2009

I'm sure this has been asked before but I couldn't locate an answer I'm looking for...

I am interested to know if there is some way some how (3rd party plugin or hack) to fully expand itunes window to your entire resolution in OSX 10.5?

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Hardware :: Free Hack For MightyMouse?

Mar 15, 2010

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_2; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7)

SteerMouse, USB Overdrive, and ... are all good setting tools for MightyMouse, but not so easy to use.

I happened found that Microsoft's IntelliPoint can over write os x default mouse curve !
You can see my setting down blow in that pic.

Good thing is IntelliPoint can apply to any brand mouse as well as well microsoft mouse, like PC tracking curve!

You may set MightyMouse in its own setting panel as usual.

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Applications :: Hack For Installing FaceTime On Leopard 10.5?

Oct 20, 2010

I've got a friend still running Leopard 10.5 but he wants to install FaceTime. I know FaceTime requires 10.6.4 but I wanted to get your input on any hacks that might get it to run on 10.5.

I'm a n00b hacker and modified the plist file within the app and set the OS minimum to 10.5 but it still fails to run. Is there anything anyone else has tried that's worked? Should I be looking in other areas within the mpkg file or .app ?

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Mac Mini :: Hack To Use An External Hdd Via Sata For Bootdrive?

Mar 12, 2009

I know there have been a hack on the older mac mini, but curious if it can be done on the new one and if its easier?

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MacBook Pro :: Hack Or Some Shareware Which Would Duplicate This Functionality On The MBP?

Sep 22, 2009

I use a unibody MBP for business, and often have to give presentations. Is there a method or hack for making the MBP only use the external display (ie the projector) rather than being limited to mirroring or extended desktop? This is so I can drive the presentation using the laptop keyboard but at the full 4:3 resolution of the projector, which is better for slides.

I am aware of the clamshell method but this requires either doing a cold boot and quickly closing the lid, or connecting an external keyboard and waking from sleep with the lid shut - neither of which is very convenient or should even be necessary, frankly.

On my old Thinkpad I could toggle/cycle through LCD/Mirror/External - is there a hack or some shareware which would duplicate this functionality on the MBP?

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Windows On Mac :: Hack Or A Short-Cut Way To Systems Preferences?

Jan 7, 2010

It's either a Hack or a Short-Cut to "Systems Preferences" ? This is why I dislike Windows, why don't they just make it available in the first place [URL] [URL]

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Hardware :: Someone's Trying To Hack My Airport Extreme/how To Escape?

Feb 6, 2010

The best I could do was change the settings to 5ghz wireless n on the hope that he can't connect to wireless n and that worked except the problem is that only my laptop works with wireless n and I need to use my wireless for other things.

Is there a way to ban this guy from my airport extreme or find out his IP address and send it in to the cops or something. I'm seriously getting pissed at people for using programs to get free things.

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Hardware :: Ipod Hack/hacks On The Motherboard?

Sep 18, 2008

hope that you can help me with this, not sure if i posted this question on the right thread,
i just restore my ipod and after that it asks for a language selection but my problem is that the click wheel is not working anymore cause my brother damaged the ribbon that connects the click wheel to the motherboard underneath the ipod

my question is, is it possible to use an ipod mini 1st gen without using a click wheel?

just with usb cable and pc, or some hardware hacks on the motherboard?

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Applications :: HD Rental Without AppleTV - ITunes Crack/hack?

Aug 1, 2008

I own a MacBook Pro 17" with the Hi-Res screen (True HD 1900x1200). I would really, really like to rent HD movies from the iTunes store instead of the normal resolution versions (although they are probably not true HD...) - but, as we all know, this unfortunately only works with AppleTV. (Stupid!) Do you think it is possible that somebody could write an iTunes crack, hack or whatever it is called to simulate that the rental is made with an AppleTV although I'm on a computer? If yes, this would be a kick-ass program.

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Hardware :: Apple Keyboard Vulnerable To Hack Attack

Aug 5, 2009

[URL]. Although they have to hack into your mac as an administrator to perform this hack, it is still scary for owners of portable macs, as you cant just get a new keyboard.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Broke Screen Sharing Hack?

Aug 31, 2009

Anyone else lose function of the "defaults write ShowBonjourBrowser_Debug 1" screen sharing hack?

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Applications :: Manually Hack M4v Track Length In ITunes

Jun 4, 2010

I wanted a visual representation of all my videos, regardless of format, in iTunes so I've used a combination of QT reference files for AVIs and placeholder M4Vs for DVD rips. To get the placeholders I Handbraked a 7-second clip of a DVD to M4V and applied metadata. This works to get the coverart in iTunes but the minor annoyance to my OCD nature is that the track length shows as 7 seconds (see image). Is there anyway to hack this information somewhere so I can show the actual runtime?

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OS X :: Audio Midi Setup - Finding Hack To Get 88KHz Sampling?

Mar 22, 2009

Is there any way to get Audio Midi Setup to output the 88KHz sampling rate to analog outs? I'm sure the capability is there in Core Audio.

Got a 2.8GHz Core 2 Duo iMac, BTW.

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OS X :: Quick Look Hack To View Illustrator Files Doesn't Work

Sep 1, 2009

Since I updated to SL, my quick look hack to view Illustrator files doesn't work.

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OS X :: Finding Program For Mac To Open Windows Hack Files And Other Programs?

Feb 15, 2010

Just got the new imac got tired of vist and now i have a problem. the programs that i used on windows, i cannot find for mac and i wanted to know if there is a program that will open them or change them into mac files so i can open them.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Hidden Private File And Contents - Hack Or Remote User?

Jun 28, 2012

Still think i have a hack or am being remotely accessed. Found a private folder - hidden. the name should be my name - who is wheel or system - usually in this area it is my name? 

would it be useful for you guys for me to show the contents of everything in here to see if here is a hack?

would macscan be able to find this hidden priviate file and find if there was something malicious?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Hack Plist Fie / Speed Up Dictation Past Max Speed?

Apr 24, 2010

I find OS X's TTS engine on SL to be not fast enough on full speed. Is there a way to hack the plist file or something to speed up the dictation past the max speed?

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MacBook Pro :: Would A Macbook Multitouch Trackpad Hack Be Possible?

Jan 16, 2008

would it be possible to make the Macbook (not Air!) trackpad, a multitouch, or is it completely out of the question?

got me thinking after remembering the 2 finger scrolling

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OS X :: Macbook Running Leopard And IMac Running Tiger - How I Can Upgrade Them Both?

Nov 15, 2009

I have a Macbook running Leopard and an iMac running Tiger. I am looking to upgrade Leopard to Snow Leopard and Tiger to Leopard. If I were to purchase Snow Leopard and install it on the Macbook, would I then be able to use the copy of Leopard that came with the Macbook on the iMac? I am not trying to use 2 copies of the same thing on different machines, I just want to put a new os on one machine and move the existing one to another.I am reluctant to purchase the Mac Box Set version of Snow Leopard for the iMac because I do not want or need iLife and iWork.

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Intel Mac :: Running Constantly Hot - Changed The Hard Drive But It Is Running Hot?

Mar 5, 2012

I've had an iMac for just about a year and over time I guess I just didn't notice but the machine always ran very quietly.  At the same time the back of the computer would heat up so bad that it would nearly burn my hand if I left it there.  Well last week I decided to upgrade to Lion from Snow Leopard and when I did the install failed and froze up the hard drive.  I took the computer in to the apple store and they determined that it had to have a new hard drive installed because the old one (only a year old) had a physical malfunction (was broke).  So anyway I have my iMac back and get it started up, backed up from time machine, and then finally get Lion istalled - and now all of the sudden I notice that the fans in the computer are CONSTANTLY blowing - I can hear them spinning and can hear the air venting out of the back of the computer - and the computer is STILL really hot on the backside of the screen.   

So now I am wondering if the originial problem was the computer heating up and if that may have broken the otherwise good hard drive?  Also now that I have a new hard drive - should I be concerned about the fans being on ALL the time?  I mean they never go off.  Even when I leave the computer for hours and come back to it and the screen is asleep the fans are STILL buzzing away at top speed. Here is the stats on the computer at the time that I'm typing this note - there are no other programs running than Firefox and Mail.  Also - I don't know what the optical drive is exaclty - but if it's the DVD drive (superdrive) - there is nothing in the DVD disc drive 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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