MacBook Pro :: Getting Very Hot And The Fan Is Getting Louder?

Aug 25, 2014

My Macbook is getting very hot and the fan gets louder the longer I have my Macbook on. 

It happens whenever and wherever I use it, I don't play games often as I use my Macbook for my Uni work. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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MacBook :: System Making Odd Noises / Noise Got Louder And Louder

Dec 4, 2009

I've had my macbook for a good 2-3 years. I put in a movie and heard it vibrating and clicking. It then started to make a noise and got louder and louder like it was going to explode. I searched some forums and someone said that it means your hard drive is dying. What do you think it is? should I go into Apple and have them look at it?

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MacBook Pro :: Upgraded RAM And Now Fan Louder

Jun 1, 2012

I upgraded my ram with Crucial 8gb kit for my Macbook Pro (Mid 2010). After playing a game I noticed that my fan speed was much higher than it originally was when I hadn't changed it and it was 4gb. I already tried resetting SMC and nothing has changed.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is One Earbud Louder

Aug 28, 2014

I have a pair of bose earbuds, while using them on my iphone 5c the sound produced is the exact same, but while plugged into my macbook the let is quieter than the right. At first the left produced none at all, but now its being a lot quieter. It doesnt appear to be the headphone.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), iOS 7.1.2

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PowerPC :: Why Is New MacBook Louder Than IBook

Nov 30, 2008

New 2.4ghz MacBook aluminum owner here. There a very low hum coming from my new MacBook, and it is always there. I don't know if it is the hard drive or the fan, but is is quite obvious in a quiet room.

I compared it to my 2003 plastic iBook, and the iBook is SILENT compared to the new MacBook.

I checked the iStat Pro stats, and the fan is around 2000rpm and the temps are normal.

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MacBook Pro :: Fans Running More And Bit Louder

Apr 15, 2010

I own a Macbook pro 17" core duo 3.06Ghz. I am very happy with the machine, but since a few months the fan's are louder and on much more often then ever before. (the first half year it was always silent) I remember there was some reset for this.

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MacBook Pro :: Fan Gets Louder When Streaming Online

Sep 5, 2014

Have a 15" MacBook Pro late 2013 just under a year now and when steaming programmes online the fans get noticeably louder and the air coming out of the MacBook is pretty warm. This happens even if it is sitting on a table with none of air intakes covered.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Overheating And HD Vibration Noticeably Louder

Apr 24, 2010

[URL]. It says that it is normal for it to get warm on the bottom... but mine gets beyond warm... it get's really hot. Does anyone else notice this? Also, when I have it on my computer, the vibration is noticeably louder. It gets really irritating because it sounds like it's echoing through your ear.

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MacBook :: Right Speaker Slightly Louder Than Left One

Jun 22, 2010

I noticed my Macbook White (late 2009 model) right speaker is slightly louder than the left one. I have checked the sound balance on my sound setting and its set to balance. Some things I have noticed when playing with the settings. When i shift the balance to the left, there's sound on the right when it's not supposed to. Then when I shift to the right, the left speaker is quiet. This problem seems to happened on older Macbooks - [URL].

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MacBook Pro :: Volume Suddenly Gets 50% To 70% Louder And After Few Moments Returns To Original Level

Dec 5, 2014

10.9.5 Retina Display 2.7GHz 16GB

In the past week my volume suddenly gets 50% to 70% louder and after a few moments it returns to the original sound. This happens two or three time in an hour.

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Windows On Mac :: Louder Volume Driver In All Unibody Macbook & Macbook Pros

May 31, 2010

The default Cirrus Logic driver for BootCamp outputs at 64dB. It makes no sense why they would put a cap on it since the driver outputs at 74dB in OSX. I have modified the driver and removed the volume cap so it now outputs louder in Windows than OSX!

Volume in Windows Before: 64dB

Volume in Windows After: 80dB

You can get the driver at:
(Windows 7/Vista 32+64 Bit Driver)

It should work with any of the following Cirrus Logic chips:

It really helps with YouTube videos that have horrible volume or if you like to have music that fills the whole house.

Let me know if you want the XP driver with the volume uncapped so I can work on it as well.

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Mac :: Is There Any Hack That Would Make The Speakers Louder

May 29, 2006

I had an iBook and the speakers on those things sucked. I got a MacBook and since i didn't see those stupid circular speakers I thought that they totally revamped them on the MacBook and made them better. They still stuck! They aren't loud enough at all. If I have the TV on in the living room I can't hear anything on the computer that is sitting on my lap. Anyway, my question is, is there any hack or something outthere that would make the speakers louder?

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Mac Mini :: 2006 Getting Hot And Fan Is Being Louder Suddenly?

Jun 10, 2012

I have late 2006 mini baught in march 2007.  Seems getting a little hot.  Fan is a little louder all of a sudden.  Or maybe I'm imagining it.  But does feel a little hot.  Maybe I need to move it from under my monitor stand so it can breathe but it has been there since 2007 without any problems.  It is core duo not 2 duo.  2gb of ram I added at the store when I got it.  They installed it. Anyhow I installed temperature monitor widget and it says "CPU A Temperature Diod 62 degrees celsius" and "CPU A Heat Sink 53 degrees celsius".  Also I installed "fan control 1.2" as written on another even though for macbook pro works on mini well.  But it says left fan 3850 rpm and right fan -1 rpm.  Is that because mac mini has only 1 fan.  Anyhow is 60 degrees about normal??  Or even idle (or even just replying here and only 1 tab open) 50 - 60 is too much??

mac mini core duo., Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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PowerPC :: IBook's Fans Louder And Faster

Sep 1, 2006

My iBook just fell of the table, and now refuses to power up. Never again will i say the magSafe is pointless. I (was) running a 800mhz, 640mb G3 iBook, 10.3.9, bought in 2003. The laptop landed on a connected usb cord, which has damaged the usb socket, with the white plastic bit inside the port now broken off, leaving exposed connectors. The laptop did power up initially after the fall, but upon connecting another usb into the remaining usb port,the iBook's fans came on, louder and faster than ive ever heard, before dieing. I simply cannot afford a MacBook right now, and had just upgraded the RAM and OS (10.2.8 - 10.3.9) so that it would last me another year.

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IMac :: Do All 7200 Hdd's Run Louder And Hotter Than 5400's?

Mar 18, 2009

Am planning on getting a mini and swapping out the hdd for a 7200, but I'm getting a bit worried looking at some posts on another board that claim they've found the faster drives running hotter and louder, with more vibrations.

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Intel Mac :: It Makes Louder Whirring Fan Noises And Gets Really Hot

Apr 2, 2012

It makes louder whirring fan noises and gets really hot

Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2010)

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MacBook Pro :: Momentus XT Got Louder- Upgraded To The Seagate Momentus

Dec 20, 2010

After I got my MBP, I upgraded to the Seagate Momentus XT, and everything was fantastic.I know this may sound crazy, but today I upgraded my RAM to 8GB, and ever since, the XT is SO much louder and I can really feel the vibration. Do you think I may have shifted it while replacing the RAM? Is there something I can do to make it quieter again?

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MacBook :: Speaker On Right Side Louder Than On Left Side?

Jan 10, 2009

It's only today that I noticed my MacBook's right speaker is considerably louder than the one on the left. I opened Sound panel in System Preferences to see if the balance was off, but it was set at dead center. Then, I dragged the balance slider all the way to the left to see if the sound coming from the left speaker was okay at all. Well, it sure isn't. Very muffled, muddy sound. No highs at all. Dragging the slider to the right side reveals a very different sound texture. Very crisp, as it should be. Really weird. Anybody else experiencing this odd speaker behaviour?

I googled for this problem and found this thread, right here on Mac Forums. It's a thread for the MacBook Pros, though. The people with a MacBook Pro think it's because there's a subwoofer on the right side. Well, the MacBook doesn't have a subwoofer, so it can't be that. Any ideas? Is it repair time?

By the way, I have a late 2008 unibody MacBook, the 2,4GHz model.

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MacBook Pro :: Right Speaker Louder Than Left Speaker?

Nov 13, 2008

Mine sounds muffled on the left when compared to the right speaker.

Its very noticeable when you play around in your balance settings (max left or max right) that the volumes are different.

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PowerPC :: Are Intel IMacs Louder Than G5 IMacs?

Aug 17, 2006

This is a odd question, but are Intel macs louder than previous macs? I just recieved an Intel iMac as a replacement for my dead iMac G5 and both myself and my family has noticed a loud sound (Sounds like a needle playing on an old record player) which is coming from the iMac. My first iMac was very quiet, however when I start using the new iMac this odd sound keeps happening. Is this normal? I am just worried that this scratching sound might by evidence of something breaking down. Also the sound is a lot louder when under Windows XP.

PS: the sound is loud enough to be picked up on the internal microphone, however I don't know how to link the file to Macrumors.

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MacBook :: Moving A Logic Board From 2008 Black Macbook To 2010 White Macbook

Jun 28, 2010

So last December my laptop got smashed and everything works except for the backlit screen. In fact I can still use this laptop it is just extremely hard since the screen does not light up. The person that smashed it ended up buying me a new laptop so I have this beat up (and I mean the shell is destroyed) laptop with quite a lot of functioning parts.

Now a few weeks ago my girlfriends Grandad spilled a beer on his brand new 2010 Macbook. The logic board is shot so it is almost cheaper for him to buy a brand new laptop.

Would it be possible for me to take the logic board out of my 2008 Black Macbook and put it into his 2010 White Macbook?

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MacBook Air :: Macbook Airs (11 And 13) Both Smoking The 13" 2.4Ghz Macbook Pro In Gaming Benchmarks

Oct 27, 2010

By far the most interesting benchmark trend coming out of the latest Macbook Air tests is that of the 320M GPU - is this thing somehow clocked differently than in the Macbook/Macbook Pro?



The latest Macbook Pro 13" 2.4 Ghz gets 33 FPS in Call of Duty 4, whereas the Macbook Air 13" (using the same 320M GPU) gets 40 FPS. Even the 1.4Ghz 11" gets 37! So obviously we're not talking about a CPU limited game - the only explanation then is that the GPU in the Macbook Air is clocked differently than in the 13" Macbook Pro, no?



Again the Macbook Air clocked at 2.13 ghz is beating the 2.4 Ghz Macbook Pro in World of Warcraft and Portal! And in WOW the 11" 1.4ghz still manages to beat the 2.4 Ghz 13" Macbook Pro.

Anyone have any additional insight into this? Anand did a terrible job of testing these for gaming performance, unfortunately, so he may not have even noticed this trend.

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MacBook :: White Plastic Macbook Same Size As Original Unibody Aluminum Macbook?

Apr 24, 2010

Is the white one the same size as the 13" aluminum that now went pro?Pretty much, I want to know if I buy a case for the original 13" Metal uMB from InCase, will it fit on this plastic one? They don't have blue for this, but they have blue for the original aluminum one.

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MacBook Air :: MacBook Air A Viable Replacement For 2008 White Plastic MacBook?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a 2008 13" white, plastic MacBook. Its a bit slow, but adequate. Thinking of selling it and paying the difference to get the 11" MacBook Air. I've heard it is similar in speed and has the same processor.
The main problem I have with my current MacBook is that its heavy - I need something lightweight to easily carry to school and class for note-taking and such.

How is the Air better or worse, and would I be losing anything significantly by replacing the 08 plastic MB with a MBA?

macbook '08 specs: [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Doesn't Detect Audio After Cloning MacBook To MacBook Pro?

Jul 11, 2009

I just upgraded my daughter from last year's MacBook to a new 2009 MacBook Pro (my mother will get her old one) by cloning the drive using SuperDuper. Everything works fine except it doesn't detect the audio hardware in the OS. I see that the new macbook pro has different audio hardware according to system profiler. Is there a way to copy the driver off the install DVD or should I just go ahead and reinstall everything.

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MacBook :: Macbook Connected To Tv, Use Other Macbook For Wireless Keyboard/mouse?

Apr 19, 2010

Have searched on Mroogle but couldnt find what i was looking for.

I have my Blackbook connected to my tv via mini dvi to dvi then to hdmi, but i also have another laptop which is the old style Macbook Pro.

I was looking for a piece of software that would let me use the other laptop which isnt connected to the tv as a wireless keyboard and mouse?

Anyone ever tried this before? Any ideas?

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MacBook Pro :: Locate Stolen MacBook Pro Using Find Mac Without ICloud Being On The Macbook Pro?

Apr 23, 2012

My MacBook Pro was stoen this weekend and I need to know if the Find My Mac service can help locate it. Its a summer 2009 model 15" Macbook Pro. I have the computer's serial number, and the computer is registered to my Apple ID.

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz)

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MacBook Air :: Macbook Air Power Adapter With Macbook

Apr 24, 2008

I just bought a macbook as a replace for my five year old iBook. I was planning on purchasing a second power adapter. I like the size and more rugged connector on the Macbook Air power adapter.

I have searched around and it sounds like the Air adapter will work with a MacBook but I am not completely convinced. I understand that this adapter will only charge or power the unit but not both.

Has anyone tried their Air adapter on a MacBook? Could an Air owner tell me the voltage and current rating (outputs) on their adapter?

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MacBook :: Wracraft Better On Latest Macbook Pro Or Macbook?

Feb 14, 2009

I currently play warcraft on my older macbook pro. I am attracted by the latest macbook/macbook pros. But will the latest macbook still play warcraft well, or do I stay with the latest macbook pro?

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MacBook :: Replace Of Core Duo White Macbook With Core 2 Duo Black Macbook?

Nov 18, 2009

I wanted to know if I can replace the upper case of a Core Duo white macbook with that of a Core 2 Duo black macbook? The white one has the distinctive yellowing of the rev A macbooks, so i'd like to make it better whilst making a black/white frankenMac.

If not, can I at least replace the airport card?

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