Mac Pro :: To Find Service Repair Manual
May 27, 2006
I have tried to find a service repair manual on the web for the MacBook Pro, but to no avail.
Where can I find this document; IBM's website has all these docs, but to my knowledge apple does not.
Second, do any of you know of an outlet repair person that sells MacBook Pro service parts (i.e. for those of us without warranty....)
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Sep 27, 2009
I am looking for a PDF of the Applecare service manual for the 15" mid-2009 Macbook Pro (specifically the 2.66ghz version).tell me where I can find one?
Or better yet, does anyone have a copy of the PDF that they could send to me?
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Nov 10, 2009
I'm a newbie to the forum, but have been playing with my used G5 and its wonderful graphics software the last 3 maintenance-free years. Anyone have a service manual for a G5 with dual 2.7 early 2005? or reasonable close?
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Sep 22, 2006
I am losing my mind taking apart my old dead emac to get the hard drive out. I put this off too long but I need something off of it TODAY no matter what. It has been taken apart (well the case is off)....I know it's in the middle somewhere but I cannot find a damn service manual online.
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May 8, 2012
ver. 10.7.3: 2.4 GHz core 2 Duo with 4 GB of DRAM. I have three questions: 1. Where can I find the manual for my machine i.e. hardware manual and or consumer/connaisseur manual? 2. Does it have a zip media drive? I'm looking at the left side of the machine and I see small square shaped slot for a disk of this sort. I know this is a common type of media storage for cameras and would like to confirm that it is zip. 3. And while i'm at it, could you remind me of the uses of the two ports advancing towards the back of the computer next to the USB inputs.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 27, 2009
Not sure if this is the right topic area but :
I bought an iMac on March 9th.
Last Saturday (March 21st) it had a major system failure, would not boot and had vertical line across the screen, and I took it to the Apple store. They said it was either a HD, LED, or video card problem. The "genius" said I should have it back in 3-5 days.
So today is either day 5 (business days) or day 7 (calendar days) I called them yesterday and they said it was the video controller and no ETA on when it will be ready but they will call me when it is ready.
My question is : Is it me or is this a little ridiculous customer service for a 13 day old iMac? Would I be a little out of line going to the store and either demanding a "new" iMac or my iMac today ? A broken video card should take about a day or two to get back to the customer in my opinion...
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Jun 20, 2009
Do the older macbook pro's like the Santa Rosa have liquid damage detection sensors? Or is just in the newer ones?
A year ago I spilled a tiny amount of beer on it and only a few drops got under 2 or 3 keys. I quickly popped them off, dried the area and everything was fine. My gpu failed recently due to the whole Nvidia thing and I had to ship it off to Apple. So I was wondering if they will be able to tell there was a spill and void my apple care warranty even though the failure was not caused by this?
I'm really worried because it was only a few drops and it did not leave any residue...
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Apr 20, 2012
how will i register my new macbook pro for the free 1 year service and repair warranty?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 8, 2010
Here 's what I need to learn how to do I have a iPod Touch and I want to be able to insert a DVD movie in my Mac computer (OS 10.5.8) and download that movie onto the iPod Touch so I can watch it later, say on a jet on a long trip.I can't find the owner's manual (drat).
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May 22, 2012
What can i use location service for find my lost macbookAir
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Jul 4, 2012
Now that mobile me is gone where can I publish my iweb info?? I am use to have a web address with mobile me?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Solid state drives
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Dec 11, 2010
Ater charging it the other day I noticed a "service battery" error which went away the next. I checked the power section in the System Utilities and I noticed that my battery has shifted from "Good" to "normal" and I'm now at 469 cycles which I do not understand I also notice a very quiet humming-- I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid and searching for problems or if there's a correlation amongst the issues. I've let the battery wear it self down and shut down and sit for a few hours and fully charge which has helped, but now it only holds charge for about 3-4 hours or so, opposed to the 5 hours I got when I initially bought it.
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Oct 1, 2009
I am trying to send a file from my blackberry 8900 to the mac, im probably doing something really stupid but my blackberry keeps saying failed to find service!
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Aug 28, 2014
I'm looking for a script that both finds the "missing tracks" in my iTunes media music folder for songs that iTunes itself shows as missing with "!" AND also repairs them. I know there's a dougscript for finding the tracks that are missing but from the explanation I can't see that it fixes them. I want something that can do batches of a couple hundred tracks rather than one by one, when iTunes offers to locate and then use location to find other tracks, it only looks in that specific artist's album folder.
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Jun 14, 2010
I recently discovered this old OLD software that was supposedly leaps beyond it's competitors called spinrite. [URL]
It's probably old news for anyone who did any research on finding this type of software but this is my first time researching the matter and coming across this.
The problem is that this software is PC only it seems. I was wondering if there is an equivalent software that could do just the same for my Mac.
Or can this software already run on Mac considering that Mac is now intel based and can run Windows in bootcamp?
The website says that I could remove my HD and place it into a PC system, but I don't have a PC system so that's not an option for me.
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Oct 9, 2009
My MBP recently had a bunch of problems with the logic board and speakers. I brought it into the Apple Store (on Monday) and they gave me the option of them sending it into a repair center, or them repairing it locally in store. I requested that they sent out just because I was curious to see how long it would take. To my surprise, my MBP arrived, fixed and as good as new on my doorstep today. That's amazingly fast for sending it out to a offsite repair center. The repair center is in Philadelphia. I live in Maine. You do the math. When I've had things repaired locally in the Apple Store it's taken weeks to repair instead of days because they need to order the parts.
Anyways, the point of this thread was to suggest to people that they choose the offsite repair option. It's amazingly fast, and it saved me a trip to the Apple Store (they shipped my MBP directly to my house).
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Apr 2, 2010
I took my late 2007 macbook in because the case was cracked. I read that this was a known issue and they would repair for free.(I had no warranty) also my battery was expanding and bloated, so much that it will no longer fit in my comp.
When I took it in, the tech said that my bottom case was cracked and he said that wasn't part of the known issue. He said it was caused by accidental damage (it was cracked clean through, so much so that it could be physically separated from the comp.(I informed him that the comp had never been dropped or damaged in anyway, he apparently didn't believe me but said he would see what he could do.
Anyway, he said he could fix the top case ( but they would not fix the bottom case)and give me a new battery although he had never seen a battery with the problem that mine had. He said it was probably expanded cells. I agreed to that as something is better than nothing but then, I asked him if the battery expanding could have caused the bottom case to crack since it was cracked near the battery compartment but on the side of the comp. After he tinkered around for a bit with the battery and the cracked part, he said he wasn't sure but he would send it in for repairs and I would not be charged.
First he said he would quote me a repair price and I told him that I had no intentions of paying for anything. After several instances of him running to the back to talk to people, he agreed to send it in. On the repair form it is listed as tier 4 accidental damage and I know that the tier 4 comes with a hefty charge for repair. Anyway, I am out of town and my comp is scheduled to be returned to me today. I dropped it off at the apple store on the 30th, it was received by the repair center on the 1st, repaired today( the second) and shipped back to me today and scheduled to be delivered today as well.
I was trying to find out if they actually repaired the bottom case or not as I will not be home to receive my comp until next week sometime. The repair form also said call if additional repairs are needed to quote a price. I have not received any calls at this number and do not know if they left any messages on my home phone. The repair turnaround seems rather quick and I was just wondering if they actually repaired it or sent in back in the same condition.
Apple support has no details of the actual repair just the time it was received, repaired and sent back to me. Also will they just leave it outside because no one is home to receive it?
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Feb 4, 2012
Every-time I repair permissions using the disk utility it says that the permissions are repaired, but then I click to verify permissions and it is all as it was before... What can I do?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 29, 2010
I'm having a strange problem with sleeping my Mac Mini. If i let the computer automatically sleep then the 2 external drives spin up and down continuously. If i sleep manually ( > Sleep) then no such problems occur. The drives spin down, and stay down. Any ideas as to why this happens and how to make automatic sleep replicate manual sleep? why are they not identical?
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Dec 13, 2010
I would like to print a copy of my Nikon D90 instruction manual which is saved as a PDF.
I'm trying to figure out how I can print a booklet using the least amount of paper. My logic was to have two pages to one piece of paper. My printer cannot do automatic duplex so I would have to print using odds and then evens.
Therein lies my problem � if I am printing odds it'll turn out that Page 1 & 3 are printed onto one page together.
So how would I go about printing Pages 1&2 and then 5&6 etc and then when I do the manual duplex it would Pages 3&4 and 7&8 etc
I'm not sure if I'm making sense but hope someone can help � it's 300 pages which I could then print on 75 pages.
I have a Brother HL-2170W which allows for manual feed duplex (that's too hard with 300 pages) or using the odds and evens method.
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Sep 2, 2009
I really would like to learn to use the console and terminal on my macs-do any of you know of a good manual, book or otherwise that could serve as a guide? I am hesitant to simply fumble around and learn that way (which is how I've learned everything else) because it is my understanding that one can do serious damage when playing around in terminal!
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Aug 18, 2009
I just got this Refurb MacBook Pro 15in. 2.66Ghz 32GB HDD and 512MB NVIDIA GFX. And my computer went into sleep mode and when I plugged it back in I had to do a manual reboot because the mouse wouldn't move.. So, I turned it back on let it die to see if it would happen again, and then the computer didn't even go to sleep mode.. What is going on? What should I do?
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Aug 24, 2009
Earlier I was thinking I would manually backup all of my data, do a "clean" install of Snow Leopard, and reinstall all of my apps.
I'm now wondering if just doing a clean install and restoring from Time Machine is the way to go. I want to clear out as much "junk" as I can... will this do the trick?
Also, I've deleted a bootcamp partition, will the Time Machine method effectively defrag my HD?
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Nov 10, 2009
In preferences, I set safari to clear my downloads manually but it still clears it automatically. I've already tried reinstalling Safari 4 but the problem just cropped up again a week later.
Is this a virus or something?
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Feb 11, 2010
Eagerly awaiting my ship date for a new iMac (having been burned by two models with screen problems at the end of last year... another story). But I face three choices when it arrives to replace my trusty MB.
1. Use Migration Assistant to bring over apps, files, my library or everything.
2. Restore from my most recent Time Machine backup.
3. Manually re-install my apps and simply move across my files and folders.
Does anyone know whether there's any benefit to the "cleaner" option 3? Is there any difference between 1 and 2? I feel instinctively that my prinstine Snow Leopard-powered iMac would be better off for the minimalist option, but if there are no concrete advantages, I'll let Time Machine take the strain.
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Feb 10, 2012
manual eject doesn't work either!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Feb 11, 2012
Is there a command line interface manual?
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May 1, 2012
I want to only receive new email either once per hour or better still manually (once or twice during the day at a time chosen by me). That way I won't be bombarded with emails all day and can get on with my work.
So, I set the 'check for new messages' to 'manually'. Nevertheless I get email coming in frequently. Possibly every time I send an email, it also checks for new incoming mail (I'm not sure but that's my hunch).
How can I stop Mail from pulling in my new incoming email? Any answers to this? If I can't figure this out or it's not possible in Apple Mail, it might be time to switch (but I don't want to!)
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 29, 2010
I just bought my parents, who live in Korea, an airport extreme and an iPad. They have a Windows computer and I just want to get them set up so my mom can play with the iPad.Can anyone help me find Korean instructions for setting up the airport extreme, setting a password, and itunes install?I can't read Korean so I need some help from you guys to get the right directions.
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Jul 19, 2009
If I launch an app to do some video editing, does the MBP automatically switch to the higher-end graphics card? Or do I have to manually switch from "better battery life" to "higher performance"?
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