Mac Pro :: Internal HDD Keeps Un Mounting

Jul 6, 2010

I have a Mac Pro recently purchased that I use for video editing and I have been having a rather serious and very annoying problem. Using Final Cut Pro, I have been rendering a section of video and after a (variable) period of time, my scratch disk (internal SATA - came with the Mac Pro) just unmounts itself, causing FCP to crash out and I lose my render. I can only get the drive to mount again if I restart (or shutdown and start-up again). Is there anyone out there who has knowledge of this problem? I want to ask Apple to look at my machine, but I work at a large institution and the paperwork trail is huge, so it would be a last resort.

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Hardware :: Way To Prevent Second Internal HD Mounting On Startup?

Feb 5, 2010

I have two internal HDs. The second is used as one of my cloned bootable backups. Since it is not needed to be mounted all the time, to save wear, I would like to instruct my Mac not to mount it on startup. (I could always mount it using Disc Utility.

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Mac Pro :: Difference From Mounting With Internal Drive Bay Or ESATA?

Feb 28, 2010

I currently have more HDs than my 09 MP can accommodate (already have 1 in the 2nd optical bay). Yet I keep one of the 4 bays as non essential, in case I have to troubleshoot a HD for either myself or friends/family. I also have a eSATA docking station, that is plugged in using an eSATA Sil3132 card. If I have to troubleshoot a problematic hard drive, does it make any difference if I mount it in one of the 4 internal bays, or using the eSATA dock?

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OS X :: New Internal Hard Drive Not Mounting In Black Macbook?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a 1st generation Macbook laptop. I swapped out the original 80GB HD & installed a larger 320GB internal HD I recently bought on Ebay. At 1st, everything seemed ok, the hard drive mounted ok and I went ahead and proceeded to 1st partition the drive into 4 80GB separate partitions, with a plan to install Snow Leopard on one of the partitions, have 1 for room for a backup drive, and the other 2 partitions would host Windows 7 & possibly Linux, via (bootcamp). After experiencing some frustration with the installation of Snow Leopard, it appeared everything was ok, so then I went ahead and migrated my entire original 80GB mac factory HD over into 1 of my partitions. Everything seemed to go quite smoothly up to this point. However, soon afterwards, my HD somehow was no longer mounting! It still has not mounted ever since this time. I have tried taking the HD out and swapping it with the old one and it still will not mount. However, the original hard drive mounts right away without any issues. My entire livelihood is essentially thru my computer as an online grad student, so I went out to Frys Electronics & purchased a WD Scorpion Blue 500 GB HD after experiencing all of these issues. The new HD is working flawlessly. However, my issue and question is, what can anyone with technical knowledge suggest I do to completely erase the other non-mounting HD? I plan to send the non-mounting HD back for reimbursement to the Ebay seller soon. I'm concerned because, as I previously mentioned up above, this HD still potentially is holding all of my personal information from my previous drive I had for years installed into the macbook.

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Power Mac G5 :: Want To Use Second Internal HD As An Internal Back Up Drive?

Nov 10, 2007

I want to keep my applications etc on one internal HD and use my second internal HD as a back up.I am a graphic designer, and i have been backing up to an external LACIE Porche 160 Gig firewire HD. This has worked fine, but...My second internal HD (112 gig?) is still loaded with 10.3 and has adobe CS2 on it along with some other crap that I no longer need.I have loaded Adobe CS3 on my primary drive and have all the files I need on that one...What is the best way to set up my second HD as a "slave" drive to improve the performance of my G5 dual 2 Ghz??Will there be any issues now that I loaded Leopard on the primary HD?

Power PC G5 Tower 2 Ghz dual processor (2004?) with two internal hard drives
Mac OS X (10.5)

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MacBook Pro :: CarbonCopy From Internal To External HDD Then To Internal SSD

Jun 29, 2014

I recently purchased a new SSD and would like to input that into my MBP 2012. If I have a partition on my external HDD that contains the carbon copy of my MBP, am I able to clone it into my SSD after I have installed it in the MBP through the USB? 

Internal HDD --> External HDD
Place internal HDD into optibay, and place SSD into the harddisk slot
Connect External HDD via USB to MBP
CarbonCopy to new SSD via USB from External HDD
Format Internal HDD 

Will this work?

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OS X :: Mounting ISO Image As CD?

Dec 2, 2010

So far I've downloaded Toast 10 Titanium, because I heard that I need it to assist me with this, but basically what my problem is, is that I have a program that needs a CD to run it, but instead of a CD I have .iso images. Basically I need to know how to mount the .iso images onto my desktop as a CD so I can run my program successfully.

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OS X :: CD Not Mounting On Desktop

Oct 21, 2009

I have an iMac G4. When I insert a CD it no longer shows up on the desktop. I've checked under System Preferences and chose CD/DVD. I made sure that "When you insert a blank CD" the Finder Opens and "When you insert a blank DVD the Finder Opens".

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OS X :: Discs Not Mounting Consistently?

Oct 31, 2007

Ever since installing Leopard, I've noticed it is having problems consistently mounting discs, specifically my external USB drive (for Time Machine). Sometimes I plug it in and it shows up as a disc on my desktop (and viewable within Finder and by Time Machine); other times I'll plug it in an it doesn't show up any where (even after restarting OSX).

Not sure this is related, but I also noticed that a .dmg file I downloaded failed to mount (just got an error message). This time, when I restarted OSX when I tried launching it again, it worked.

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OS X :: Shortcut For Mounting A Drive?

Oct 21, 2010

I've recently installed a second hard drive in place of my SuperDrive and now use SSD as my OS drive and a regular hard drive for data. However, when running on battery I want everything I can squeeze out of my mac so I tend to dismount the drive when on battery power. Dismounting is easy, just right click and eject, but mounting it back requires going into Disk Utility. Is there a way I can place a shortcut to mounting the disk/write some script so I don't have to go all the way to Disk Utility? Even better, maybe there is a way to code a script that would automatically mount the disk when I switch from battery to AC?

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PowerPC :: Mac G4 - Cannot Mounting Drives

Oct 5, 2007

the original optical drive in my G4 had been dying for a while - it would only respond to "eject" commands if there was a disc in the drive. If I inadvertently closed the drive without a disc, it would refuse to eject. It tried. It made a little motor sound, like it was trying to eject, then it gave up with an even smaller motor sound.

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Mac Pro :: Inserted DVD's Get Ejected Without Mounting

Jan 19, 2009

I've got a few purchased video DVD's that when I insert them in the Mac Pro (Feb 2008 model), it spends a minute spinning the disc and then ejects it. Other discs work fine, and these problem discs work fine in my MacBook Pro. Could this be a faulty DVD drive or some form of copy protection? If it could be a faulty drive, will Apple send me a replacement to fit myself. I don't want the hassle of lugging my Mac Pro to an Apple Retail Shop or to send it away for repair (I'd rather spend �25 to buy a replacement drive than go through that hassle!).

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OS X :: Automatic Mounting Of SMB Servers

Feb 13, 2009

I have a 24/7 SMB server (RAID6) that I use for media serving via gigabit. How can I auto mount this server without doing a CMD+K everytime from finder? I want them to automatically mount upon login under OSX and show up under "Devices" right under the hard drives. Right now the way it works is, I mount it manually (6 partitions) and it shows up on my desktop. However it does not show up under devices. What I can do is individually drag and drop these mounted drives to the devices area so other applications can easily see it.

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OS X :: Mounting FTP Server On Desktop?

Feb 18, 2009

I did some searches on this site as well as google but could not find what I was looking for. How can I mount a server on my OSX 10.5.6 desktop? Can I use FTP? Do I have to use another protocol?

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OS X :: External HDD Not Mounting On Boot

Feb 20, 2009

I have an annoying problem; I have 2 x 1TB Seagate daisy chained and then connected by FW800 to my iMac.

When I do a fresh boot up (in the morning usually), the hard drives don't automatically mount, I have to take the FW plug out and put it back in again.

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OS X :: Not Mounting - Recognizing External Hdd

Mar 30, 2009

I have a 2.4 Ghz MacBook that i bought last summer, and a 250 GB Western Digital external hard drive (powered by computer) that i also bought last summer.

My problem is that My computer will not recognize the hard drive at all. it doesn't show up anywhere, and after attempting to reconnect it over and over, it will eventually pop up, and then disappear, saying that it was improperly ejected.

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Mac Pro :: Turning Off Auto Mounting Of HDs?

Apr 2, 2009

how do you selectively turn on and off auto-mounting of drives? I have two drives, 1 for boot with docs etc, and the other for CCC clone back up. But both mount up on start-up. I'd be nice to only have the boot drive mount only. So I dont accidently copy stuff to the clone/back up drive. And if I want to clone to it I can use Disk Utility to manually mount.

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OS X :: Manually Mounting FW 800 Drive In Mac 10.2.6

Apr 7, 2009

I currently work with an old G4 Power Mac (1.25 GHz, 2GB RAM) and have to mount a FW 800 volume (WD MyBook Studio Edition 1TB) to that computer so I can consolidate to it (Avid speak for copying some data). But it doesn't mount, and Disk Utility only shows it greyed out, and there is no option to mount it like in 10.3 and following. The strange thing is, there are already two WD MyBooks Studio Edition drives connected and fully mounted. But even if I disconnect all extra drives, the one WD MyBook is still greyed out, even after reboot, which helped sometimes. I also use this drive with a 10.4.11 PowerMac G5 and a 10.5.6 C2D MBP (Unibody). Can newer Mac OS versions leave some kind of mark, so that this older Mac OS won't allow it into its system?

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OS X :: USB Drives Not Recognized / Mounting?

May 25, 2009

This just started happening within the past month or so. None of my USB drives are being recognized or mounted. They appear within Disk Utilities and I can verify and run checks on them, but they do not mount. This isn't limited to one device or any specific port. It happens with USB memory sticks, external Maxtor drives (two different ones) and now my Canon PowerShot camera. Basically anything the Mac would mount as an external drive has this issue, so I know it's not specific to any hardware.

I do have a work around that I found on [URL] -- If I reboot with the device plugged in and hold the 'command' key the drive gets mounted. Next time I try the device though (in the case of my camera plugging it into another computer) it's not recognized again. I basically have to do this reboot procedure any time I want to use any device.

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OS X :: SL Not Mounting Disks On Desktop

Sep 2, 2009

After installing SL on a separate drive in a 2008 MacPro, the none of the four disks mount on the desktop. Also, the Migration Assistant doesn't recognize any disks.

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OS X :: Mounting A Share As Hidden?

Oct 14, 2009

is there away to mount a share as hidden? or so it is mounted other then the desktop?

what i am trying to do is i have an application and it needs connection to a share that is located on a server. that share has read/write on it so that the application can run but i don't want people to be able to see it and play with other peoples data.

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MacBook :: IPod Mounting On Mb?

Oct 30, 2009

My wife's 5th gen Nano won't stay mounted on her Macbook, but when I plug it in to my iMac, it stays mounted just fine. It mounts for a minute, checks itself with iTunes, syncs, and then unmounts from the desktop. What gives? This doesn't happen when it is connected to my iMac.

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OS X :: External Drive Not Mounting After Use On PC?

Nov 5, 2009

I am using a macbook pro with 10.5.8, and have an external hd (freecom 320gb). I have used it for around a year and it is almost full. The other day, after attaching it to a pc - when i now attach it to the mac, it does not mount, and the warning 'this disk is not recognised' etc comes up. It shows in disk utility, but does not allow me to verify/mount it. I'm guessing the pc has reformatted it or something

What can I do?! I have looked into data rescue software, but I'm not sure - the information cannot just disappear? and I just want the drive to have the same architecture, as all my music etc was organised in particular folders.

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OS X :: Mounting Ubuntu Linux To Mac

May 31, 2010

I managed to mount mac OS X to a folder in Ubuntu. I did this by getting an answer on the following thread: [URL]. I was wondering how to mount the Ubuntu partition to my Mac OS X. The command lines aren't exactly the same. I want to do this so I can save a document in Mac OS X and not have to save it on Ubuntu as well.

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OS X :: Mac Pro Hard Drive Un Mounting

Jul 15, 2010

I just put in a new hard drive in my mac pro and every now and then when i have a issue moving files or cloning the primary drive and back the data up to the new one, I will have an error and the drive will unmount. Is this normal. I am wondering if i can make it more of a permanent mount like the primary drive.

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Hardware :: Lacie Ext Hdd Not Mounting?

Aug 18, 2005

i have a powerbook G4 running Tiger and was using a lacie d2 firewire hard drive. i wrote all my music onto the lacie and then ejected it but the device removal warning came. i thought nothing of it. i then tried to reconnect my lacie and read of it but now it spins up but my laptop doesn't recognise anything happening. it's not recognised in disk utility, profiler, and disk warrior can't find it either. i have tried a new cable, switching of the laptop and taking the battery out, most simiple things. don't have a clue what else i can do because nothing on my laptop even knows there is something connected to it

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Hardware :: External HD Not Mounting On 10.2.8?

Mar 8, 2008

I have a WD Mybook Studio, 500gb which I normally hook up via Firewire or USB to my Intel Macbook, 10.4, no problems. But that macbook's unavailable for the next week or so, so I dragged out my old Powerbook G3 laptop, running 10.2.8. Which can't seem to see the Mybook drive - hooked up via USB 1.0 cable. The drive is formatted HFS+, split into 4 partitions.

The My book drive hooks up fine and functions perfectly connected via USB (1.0) to my even older Mac 8600 tower!

The Mybook drive shows up in the System Profiler, and in Disk Utility. But the partitions are greyed out, and I cannot mount them. I ran disk utility on the mybook, and all drives verified ok.

I ran disk utility on the powerbook's boot HD as well - more than once, with repeated errors.

I know a little bit more than zip about terminal commands - I'm hoping this is something I can fix fairly easily, because all my data's on the mybook, and it would be nice to be able to have easy access to it this week..

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Software :: Mounting DVD ISO Image On G4

May 28, 2008

I created an ISO9660 DVD image using mkisofs on my Debian box, and transferred it over the network to my G4 using ftp, instead of burning to DVD, since the G4 does not read +R media. Having transferred the file, I found that I was unable to mount it using "hdiutil mount dyn-fxpbfd2d1.iso", getting "hdiutil: mount failed - not recognized". Running "file dyn-fxpbfd2d1.iso" correctly gives "dyn-fxpbfd2d1.iso: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'BFD2_DVD1'". I get the correct sum with MD5 so it is not getting corrupted. Why on earth can't Mac OS X mount the iso? I have experience with other BSD systems. Is there an equivalent to the mdconfig command to create a vnode, rather than the horribly inexpressive hdiutil mount command?

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MacBook Pro :: Its Not Mounting CDs Or DVDs

Apr 11, 2012

I have a late 2011 MacBook Pro that fails to mount any optical disk inserted into the SuperDrive. All the requisite check boxes are checked on for it to show mounted disks; the disks are drawn in and spin up then they just spin down and sit there until ejected using the eject button. I've inserted CDs & DVDs burned on other Macs and also a music CD and the behavior is consistent for each type.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: External HDD Not Mounting On It With 10.7.4

Jun 14, 2012

It's a weird problem ,I got a iomega external drive usb3/2 compatible on my iMac white, Intel Core2 Duo 2.12 It's quite nw and always worked well. I have 2 partitions

1. iPhoto Library and music (mac partition, just mac)

2. Time Machine Backup

Since a while I got Time Machine errors but I didn't bother too much, now I discovered that the drive is visible but not mounted.

Investigated a bit with no results mounted on another macbook works just fine and all my stuff is there. The drive has additional cable for power (never used) I connected it without good result. Started in recovery partition and ... all my backup is there and visible and recoverable Seems however that backup stopped when I was on 10.7.3 I think 10.7.4 might be the cause but I don't know how to solve the issue and would avoid to restore via time machine and then get stuck again with 10.7.4


Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)Partizione

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