Mac Pro :: How To Swap 320GB Boot Disk Files With The 500GB Data Drive

Oct 1, 2008

The standard HD that came with my Mac Pro was a 320GB which I thought would be big enough. I also added a 500GB in bay two for all of my work files. As I migrate all of my files onto the Mac now, I'm realizing that the 320GB is quickly running out of space with all the photos, music, etc. and my work files currently take up about 50GB so the 320Gb would have been better for that. Is there an easy way to swap my 320GB boot disk files with the 500GB data drive?

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MacBook Pro :: After Creating A New Login (bought Computer Used) And Deleting The Old One The 500gb Hard Drive Only Shows Up As 320gb?

Feb 11, 2012

So I've just purchased a mid 2011 Macbook Pro 13" used via eBay. Was advertised as having 500gb hard drive and 6gb ram. I checked the ram and it was all legit, checked the hd capacity and it was all correct as well. So I made a new login for myself and deleted the previous owner's. Now my hard drive shows up as 320gb. Even in disk utility and terminal.

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Mac Pro :: 320gb 8mb Versus 500gb 16mb Speed Read?

Feb 28, 2008

Maybe Iam confused, the 500gb 16mb are a double speed read of the 8mb of 320gb? or its the same speed read?

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Hardware :: 320GB 7200rpm Versus 500GB 5400rpm

Dec 26, 2008

Now, I am in the market to replace my stock 160GB HDD in my MB, as I want a bigger hard drive in my PS3 and was thinking I could put the MB one in there, and buy a larger one for the MB.

I am debating between a 320GB 7200rpm and a 500gbrpm drive. I currently have this external drive:


I HATE it. It takes a super long time to start up(close to 3-4 minutes) and then opening up videos takes a good 2-3 seconds. But, I have a 5400rpm drive inside the MacBook and was wondering if 7200rpm with 16mb cache would really make a significant difference in day-to-day use.

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MacBook Pro :: Scorpio Blue 320Gb Or 500Gb Upgrade

Jul 2, 2009

I am planning to purchase a 13" Macbook Pro base model (first Mac by the way), and I want to upgrade from the stock 160Gb HDD.

I don't really see myself needing 500Gb, but I have read that a higher density drive outperforms a lower density drive. Newegg currently has the 500 WD Scorpio Blue drive listed for $30 over the 320Gb edition. Will I see significant performance increase by going with the 500Gb model instead of the 320Gb one?

What about power consumption? Is one better than the other?

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OS X :: New MBP I5 Does Not Boot After Hard Disk Swap?

Apr 24, 2010

I received my new i5 MBP today. After booting it once with the installed HDD to check if it's ok, I exchanged the hard disk for the one in my Late 2008 Macbook Pro. After doing this, my Late 2008 Macbook Pro boots fine with the (new) hard disk from the new i5 MBP, but the i5 MBP does not boot with my old hard disk.

To give you some details:

- I have installed 10.6.3 on the (old) hard disk that's not booting.

- The i5 MBP boots fine from the installation DVD

- Disk utility finds and can read my hard disk, no errors

- PRAM NVRAM reset did not help

- when booting in safe mode, I can see the system stop booting after or while loading Extensions.mkext

My guess is, it tries to boot and load the wrong Extensions for the new system (CPU? GPU?). I have no idea how to fix this.

Solution: Re-install Mac OS X from the installation DVD that came with the i5 on top of the existing (old) system. This takes around 45min. and leaves your data intact, but adds the Core i5/i7 support.

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Mac Pro :: Can I Restore The Swap Files/disk Its Original Location?

Apr 29, 2012

Mac OSX 10.6.8> I moved my swap files or "Disk" to another drive> problems>can I restore the swap files/disk its original location?Is there a method maybe through 'Terminal'?    

MacPro 1,1 July 2006 2 Core2Duo Xeons, 12GB RAM, X1900 Radeon HD (500MB VRAM)

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Does Not Copy Files To USB Disk (NTFS 500GB)

Jun 4, 2012

Why my MacBook Pro does not copy its files to USB disk (NTFS file system 500GB).

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Want To Swap The Stock Hdd With A WD Scorpio 640/500gb?

Apr 15, 2010

anyone know if there will be any conflicts if i intend to swap the stock hdd with a WD scorpio 640/500gb on the new macbook pro?

anyone tried it yet?

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MacBook Pro :: 500gb 5400rpm Scorpio Blue Or 7200rpm 320gb Scorpio Black?

Jun 18, 2009

The thing is I dont really need 500gb of space. But from reviews Ive read that the 500gb is faster in some cases because of its higher platter density.
Vibration /noise issues on the scorpio black 7200rpm sway me towards the scorpio blue 500gb as well.

Anyone had experience of either hard drive or both? (this will be for a 2.2Ghz MBP)

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Hardware :: 500GB WD External Hard Drive - Backup Files Individually?

Jun 3, 2009

I've got a WD 500 GB external hard drive that has worked perfectly for about a year. I don't use time machine or any other backup software. I prefer to organize it myself and backup files individually.

Suddenly, today, it's freaking out at me. I've got several folders in it that I copy things too. One of them being Music. I was copying a few gigs of new music into that folder, but when it finished copying I couldn't access any of the other files.

It's like I'm stuck in the sub menu where I can just see the music I have on the drive and nothing else. The rest of the files are there somewhere because I only have about 50gbs of music and it says that 300gbs of space are being used, but I can't see them and i've tried a bunch of different things to get them to show up.

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OS X :: Unable To Mount LaCie Little Disk 320gb?

Mar 15, 2010

I bought the LaCie Little Disk 320gb about a year ago and it has been working fine till recently..

The problem that I have is that the laptop that I use (Powerbook G4) doesn't recognize the HD anymore..

I have tried all cables (both firewire's and the usb) but nothing works..

I did try it on multiple computers (macbook's / imacs and even some windows computers) not one did recognize it.

(well the windows computer I used it on did recognize it but it cant open it and Windows Explorer stops working till you pull out the HD).

The only think I can think of is that I pulled out the HD to many times without safely removing it first..

I got a lot of data on the HD and I'd (offcourse) like to get it back,

I haven't been to the store yet (going somewhere this week).

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MacBook Pro :: FireWire Target Disk - Computer Won't Boot - Data Specialist?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a friend who's oldish-Unibody MacBook Pro started giving him the folder with question mark-flashing symbol on boot-up. I guess it could be PRAM, but in any case, he wants to get his data off the hard drive. The computer wouldn't boot up from the install disk (holding 'c' on boot), all I have managed is to put it into Target Disk Mode, with my own MPB. The funny thing is, that it works, but all that mounts on my computer is the Install Disc (in his disk drive) and his hard drive shows up in my disk utility (see below), but it will not mount, and if I try to repair it, it gives me an error and DUPLICATES the original 'root' drive. Does this mean the hard drive itself is damaged and we need to go to a 'data specialist' to get everything off or is there anything else I could try?

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OS X :: Unable;e To Boot From Internal Hard Drive / Use Disk Warrior To Repair Disk?

Apr 11, 2010

I am considering purchasing diskwarrior but want to make sure it can help my situation before I purchase it. My imac will not boot from the internal hard drive (Intel processor) When I use disk utility to try and repair the disk, I get error messages and it won't repair. I can see the HD but cannot repair it. When I connect using target mode with my mac book pro, the hard drive does not appear on my host (macbook pro) computer. I have reloaded OS X (Leopard) onto a firewire external drive and can boot my imac that way but I can not find my original internal Macintosh HD. Will disk warrior be able to help with this scenario. I would really like to access that internal Macintosh HD and retrieve my files.

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MacBook :: Swap The Data (completely) Between Two?

Apr 9, 2012

I am trying to swap my computer with my mums as hers is newer and has more memory; and I have run out! Is it possible to do this without losing everything?


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Mac Pro :: How To Transfer My Boot Drive Data?

Mar 14, 2008

So, I think the standard 320 is a bit noisy when writing sometimes. I have a F1 750gig in bay 2, can some describe how i easily could transfer my boot drive data to this and use it as a bootdrive.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Access Data (Music Files) In Folder On External Disk?

Jun 22, 2012

I am using a Mac Mini with OS X 10.7. I am having an issue with an external disk that was previously used as my main file source with an older Mac Mini. It seems there is a certain folder on the disk that I can't open or access that contains my lossless music files. When I look at the permissions it doesn't let me set them and also doesn't show "me", with the name I use to login to the system, as having access, or even showing up in the permissions on GetInfo.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Hard Disk Drive Data Recovery

Jul 18, 2009

first off, long time MacRumors reader, finally joined the forum now in search of some aid.There are some other threads on a similar topic I know, but I was hoping for some So, the Hard drive in question is a Western Digital 5400rpm 320gig purchased from Amazon about 8 months ago, now the Hard drive has decided to die. I saw some early signs, but did not realise that the drive was in that bad of a condition at the time. Now, when attempting to boot into Mac OS X I get stuck at the Apple logo, with the little wheel spinning infinitely. I had a boot camp partition which worked, but could not help me and is no longer an option either. I tried using the Leopard boot disk, but Disk utility didnt do anything for me in terms of recovery or repair, I attempted to use the terminal to make an Image of the drive on an external, but it fails about 10% through, I'm assuming from corrupted data.

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Desktops :: Data Recovery From Older Disk Drive?

Dec 12, 2009

My old Mac, G4 tower running 10.4.11 died. I need to recover data from the hard drive. I put the drive in a disk drive enclosure via USB but my new Mac, Mac Pro Intel, 10.4.11 cannot read the drive. I get an error message, "this drive is not readable by this computer, eject, initialize". It sees the USB drive in disk utility but cannot see the data.

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OS X :: Transfering Data Or Use Old Hard Drive? - Cloning The Disk

Jul 15, 2009

I have today received my shiny new macbook pro - very excited!I currently have a macbook, and I previously upgraded the hard drive to 320 GB (same as the new Macbook Pro). What I wanted to do was just swap the hard drives - however when I put the macbook hard drive in the macbook pro it didnt boot. Pressing ALT on startup it sees the hard drive but just hangs (doesnt even show the apple sign).I dont have all the application disks so dont really want to start from a fresh install - I was thinking of cloning the disk with super duper, but that probably will have the same effect of swapping the disk!

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PowerPC :: Put 320gb Drive In G4 Gigabit?

Apr 6, 2007

i been reading up on the drive limitations of a powermac g4 gigabit models and it seems the most it can handle with out any user intervention is a 120gig hdd. now i wanna put a 320gig in that sucker how would i go about doing it?

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OS X :: Partitioning 320gb Drive In Macbook?

Dec 11, 2009

I recently put a 320gb drive into my macbook and partitioned it into 3 drives one for the OS, one for apps and one for data, eg photos, music etc. Is this necessary? It's what i do on windows based pc's but not sure whether i need to do this on the MAc in quite thae same way. Does anybody have any recomendations for partitionig this drive, i don't intend runnig bootcamp or similar, just snow leopard.

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Hardware :: Vibrations In New MBP After 320GB Drive Upgrade

Nov 7, 2008

I recently put an upgraded hard drive in my new aluminum unibody MBP. I replaced the stock 5400rpm drive with a 7200 RPM 320 GB drive - a Western Digital Scorpio Black. I can feel a lot more vibration and I'm just wondering if this is normal. The drive upgrade and subsequent install went fine. It's mounted correctly and tight in the case. Has anyone else done this? Can you feel the vibration on your wrists more when typing? It's not annoying really, but a lot more noticeable. I took it in to the Apple Store recently and a genius commented that it was noticeable, but they don't have much experience with the new MB's and MBP's with 7200rpm drives yet, so he couldn't tell me if it was normal or not.

On another note - I get two ACL errors every time I run disk permissions. They say ACL not expected but found in "Applications" and "Library". They never go away not matter how many times I repair disk permissions. The genius said to ignore it, it's not a problem, and the web says the same thing pretty much. It's still annoying, and repairing permissions can take 5-10 minutes with this new drive.

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MacBook Pro :: 250GB Or 320GB Hard Drive?

Jul 30, 2010

so i'm going to be a freshman in college and have decided to buy a 13" Macbook Pro laptop. I'd be getting the cheapest one ($1199) and using it for the internet, writing papers, storing music and photos, and whatever else I may become interested in while i'm in college. My question is, when ordering, for $40 I can bump the hard drive up from 250GB to it worth it for what i'd be using the computer for?

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Software :: WD 320GB Drive Only Reads 128GB?

Dec 5, 2008

I have a Quicksilver 933 with 1.5GB ram and 2 internal hard drives (WD 320GB, Maxtor 80Gb). Operating system is 10.4.11, Boot ROM is 4.2.5f1. It's my understanding that some QS were produced with the ability to use larger hard drives. Mine does not and I am wondering what I can do to correct this. Computer sees and writes to both drives. The 80 is fully usable but 320 only allows 128 of storage. Disk utility sees whole drive as just under 300Gb but I can't use more than 128. I have ATA HiCap driver that will allow me to partition into sections but it's a pain. Is that my only option or buying a card?

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Mac Pro :: Boot Drive Failure Restore Data From Separate Software Raid

Oct 1, 2008

I have a single boot disk with just the apps on, and 2 disks in a software mirrored RAID in which I keep all the important stuff.Its just occurred to me, if the boot drive fails won't the software RAID be destroyed as well?Or will it be easy to recover the data off one of the previously RAID1 disks, when the new boot drive is installed?

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MacBook Pro :: Upgrade The 320gb Hard Drive With My 2.66ghz MBP?

Nov 24, 2009

I'm looking to upgrade the 320gb hard drive that came with my 2.66ghz MBP. I was just wondering what's the quickest 500gb 2.5" drive around now? I would love to get the scorpio blue 640gb but I can't really justify the fact its like double the price of most of the 500gb's.lso does anyone know a good website to buy from inside the UK for stuff like hard drives and Ram, because newegg seem good but I don't think they ship here

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OS X :: Ibook G4 Won't Install Panther On 320gb Hard Drive

Dec 25, 2009

I picked up an ibook g4 14", and everything was working fine. Today, the hard drive failed, so I picked up a 320gb western digital PATA hard drive and installed it. Disk utility recognizes it, but when I go to install panther (the original restore disk), it says it can't install on that volume... no matter what size the partition is. I also have a tiger (legit), but only have access to a copy of it. I can't seem to get the ibook to boot from the tiger disk, it just goes into open firmware. I only have access to the ibook as far as macs go, but i have two pc's... any ideas? I'm trying to get this going for my daughter tomorrow morning.

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MacBook Pro :: 320gb 7200 RPM Drive Safe - Chirp / Beep?

Aug 18, 2009

Because of the re-introduction of the matte displays, I'm thinking about purchasing a 2.8ghz Macbook Pro. To make up for the 50$ of non-conformist-punishment-tax for the matte option I'd like to downgrade to the 320gb 7200 RPM drive. I've read about the issues with the 500gb drives - does the 320gb version also have the chirp / beep issue?

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MacBook Pro :: External WD 320GB Hard Drive Isn't Showing Up On Finder

Feb 29, 2012

My external WD 320GB hard drive wont show up on Finder when I connect it up. Ive been having this problem ever since I pulled it out without ejecting it - I know thats bad but my macbook froze and I had no choice. 

Now my external hard drive wont show up on Finder, I even tried disk utility and I was able to verify the disk & then repair it, but its like I cant use the hard drive anymore. Every time I try to add files to it or remove files my laptop freezes and I cant do anything. 

Its got to the point where all I want to do now is get all my files off this external hard drive somewhow, Is there a way to get my files off this hard drive before its too late if isnt already so. 

MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008)

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