PowerPC :: Unusually High Fan Speeds On Reboot In G5
Jun 30, 2007
So today I got back to the house, to find my iMac had turned itself off somehow in the hour that I was away, and when I went to reboot it, it turned on like normal, but the fans began blaring very loudly. When I checked out the speeds in iStatpro, the hard drive fan was going at about 3700rpm and the optical drive fan was around 2900. The fans normalized shortly thereafter, but I don't know if this is cause for concern, or just a little random kink.
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Dec 21, 2006
I have a Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 with 2.5 GB of RAM. My fan starts revving really loud when I am using multiple apps (Adobe CS2, Firefox, iTunes) and while watching a video tutorial or AVI movie (both saved on my desktop). It also happens when I am just watching a AVI movie with no other apps open.
I just added one GB of RAM yesterday thinking maybe this will solve the problem since I am running multiple apps. This did not resolve it. So I searched the messageboard for threads on fan issues similar to mine. I read it may be caused by the tempature in my room. I keep the tower on my floor on top of 2 pieces of wood about a 1/2 inch thick. I live in a small brick studio apartment so the tempature is usaully between 60 to 70 degrees.
I looked into smcfancontrol but it looks like its for laptops only.I also do not have a utilities program for my computer yet. I was wondering what was the best program out there to clean up/tune-up my hard drive so its running at maxium speed.Has anyone had experince with this issue and have any answers? I am concerned this may be very detrimental to my computer in the long run.
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Jun 12, 2010
I bought my first Mac, a C2D MBP 13". I really love the machine. But I'm experiencing this particular issue of having high cpu load of up to 80% while on W7 Professional bootcamp even though I'm not running any graphic intensive programs.
Specs: 2.4Ghz MBP 13" (The recently refreshed model)
Windows 7 Professional 32bit (MSDNA Edition)
Upon successful installation of W7, I inserted the OS X disc inside and the bootcamp drivers installed successfully. So I'm quite sure the drivers are okay. Being a DotA lover, I installed WC3 on my bootcamp. However, I realise that whenenver I'm on windows mode, the machine is very laggy. I even have problem opening a browser when I alt tab out from WC3. Is this normal? Even when idle, the cpu load on the processor jumps from 1% to 47% randomly. Just fluctuates randomly. I'm quite sure my Windows Security Essentials is not doing any scan btw.
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Dec 15, 2010
I've recently bought a mac mini (newest revision) and I noticed that it's wireless card is a lot better at retaining high speeds (especially at 5ghz spectrum). Is there a pci-e wireless card that I could pop into the MP that's better?
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Sep 14, 2009
So what exactly affects fanspeeds? Heat, yes, but should my MBP (early 08) be heating up so much from watching Youtube videos, maybe it's just the widescreen ones? I do have other apps running though.
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Mar 20, 2012
The fans on my 3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 imac run almost constantly and at high speeds. I have reset the SMC, fixed permission, and tested the disk. Also, I downloaded SMC Fan Control. Here are my current readings will the fans are blasting:
ODD: 994
HDD: 5577
CPU: 1200
Temp: 44C
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 16, 2010
I have had my MacBook for 3 years and it has run great. Recently I have noticed that my exhaust fan has been hovering around 6000 RPM for no apparent reason. When I took that screen shot I only had Safari Open. Here's the vitals on my Mac..
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Feb 8, 2010
I just recently bought an imac computer and my two friends who know a lot about apple computers thought that the fans and temperature might be a little high. The cpu fan at idle runs at just under 1200 rpm's, the harddrive fan runs at 1100 rpm's and the optical drive fan runs at 1000 rpm's. The temperature itself 40-44C. The other imac that they know of is a year old, so we weren't sure if there were newer upgrades that might be making the difference between our speeds and temperature compared to that one.
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Dec 30, 2006
The 64 bit 33MHZ PCI slots on a G4 are running at 133MBps correct? Also I want to know if all 4 of them are running fully inpendent from each other? So if I have a RAID card in there I can get the full 133MBps and will not be robbed of speed if I have a neighboring Firewire 800 or SATA RAID next to it.
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Aug 21, 2008
My computer crashed today and hasn't been able to boot back up since. It gets to the grey screen with the Apple logo and stops. The fan then ramps itself up to overdrive.
I've started it up in target disk mode and repaired it using Diskwarrior on my macbook. It had to repair quite a bit and then it showed up on the desktop of the laptop. I can read, write and pull from it. I then ejected the powermac and started it up again to find the same problem persisting.
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Jul 3, 2007
CPU cooling fans are running at strange different speeds. Powermac G5 early 2005, dual G5 (not dual core).This is at idle:CPU A 60 degree Intake 300rpm Exhaust 300rpmCPU B 63 degrees Intake 1125rpm Exhaust 1100rpm! I have not noticed this before. They usually remain identical.
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May 2, 2010
i've got a 6 year old 12 inch powerbook G4 1.33 ghz that has internet speeds around 5177kbps, but overall its a bit dated sooo I wanted something a bit more new. I recently picked up a white 2.4 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook, HOWEVER the internet wireless speeds on it is dismal in comparison. I'm getting download speeds on average around 405kbps and upload speeds are pretty much non-existant! I've matched both of them to the same internet settings and they are both running 10.5.8. So again I'm stumped and if anybody can give me some idea as to what to do, Id greatly appreciate it!
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Jul 10, 2008
I recently restarted my computer and it will not re-boot. Up to that point before I restarted I had no problems with my laptop or did the laptop show any signs of a problem beginning or persisting on my comp. When I am booting up OS X I get to the Grey screen where I normally get to before the system fully boots up. That's where I get stuck, all i get is the thing spinning around under the apple logo ( not the color pinwheel) and it just sits there forever. I hear the quiet sound of the fan blowing or what ever it is and a click here or there from the hard drive maybe trying to boot up.
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Jul 14, 2008
Issues with my G5 DP 2GHZ. My rig has been fine since day one, but since I changed my system drive, and added a second drive, the fan radomly goes into a crazy high speed mode, and then locks up, requiring a hard shut down.
Heres the facts:
*my os is 10.4.9
*2.5 gb ram
*used carbon cloner to copy my original system disc to new Seagate 7200.11 1 TB drive
*installed second 1TB storage drive.
*both drives divided into 6 partitions.
*both drives formatted OS extended [Journaled]
*jumpers are in the correct position
*drive firmware is SD15, the correct, and most current
*drives are set to never go to sleep
*fan/freeze is not task specific, meaning it will lock up with no apps open
*this fan/freeze is sporadic, and has happened three times in the last 4 days.
Ive attached the system log.
I know nothing about these logs, so my apologies if Ive included too much, or not enough data.
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Apr 24, 2007
I have this Power Mac G5 and every now and then it'll freeze up, the fans will go full blast, and the screen will go black. It's not even when I put a heavy load on it.I usually just hold the power button down and do a hard shut down. Does anyone know why this G5 keeps doing this? Should I re-seat the ram and GPU?
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Jun 19, 2012
In the 6 years I've had this Mac Pro 1,1 I've never heard the fans this loud. I'm running 10.7.4 and have a FCP Compressor job running, which I've done quite often, but it's never caused the fans to be audible. It's to the point where It's really distracting. I regularly run high CPU activities on this machine (graphic renders, video transcoding, etc..) and have never heard the fans or gotten the speed to go beyond 650rpm (checking on the iStat Pro widget). The temps on the machine are 83 and 85 f on both CPUs (i've also noticed the temps are displayed differently after 10.7.4 update was done). But for some reason, the exhaust and CPU fans are running at full output (2800 rpm each).
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 12g Ram
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Dec 13, 2008
I have a 1.8ghz G5 iMac with ambient light sensor. When it is on there is a noticeable high pitched whine that is quite loud. It gets even louder if the fan runs more.
If I replaced the fan would this solve the problem or could it be the power supply?
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Nov 14, 2006
Crucial lists PC4000 (500mhz) as well as PC3200 (400mhz) for my Power Mac. It has 1gb of PC3200 in it right now. I always thought that you wanted your RAM to be AT LEAST as fast as your FSB. Well...my FSB is 1ghz per processor. SO, would it be a good idea to run PC4000 RAM as opposed to PC3200? From what I gather if I mix them, it will just run the RAM at 400mhz. So would it be substantially faster with say, 1gb of PC4000 as ooposed to 1gb of PC3200 ?
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Sep 4, 2007
I need advice choosing a wireless router. It will be permanently connected to a pc but I plan on using its wireless for my IBook G4. My wireless card is 54-Mbps AirPort Extreme WiFi 802.11g. I am looking for whatever will give me the highest speed, reliability, and least amount of interference (I live in an apartment complex with multiple networks).
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Feb 13, 2010
Dual 2ghz Power PC G5 with Leopard 10.5.8Recently had it in for a repair, not with Apple (that expired a longggg time ago) because it would only turn on intermittently. They fixed this problem, citing bad components and also replaced the broken optical drive. However when they gave it back to me it was incredibly loud, they stated that they had to reconnect a fan and that was probably what caused the power problem in the first place. I'm pretty sure though that I had disconnected it unwittingly about a week after the power problem started when I opened it up to change the battery... believing that may be the problem at the time.
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Jul 8, 2008
My mac has worked great for the last 2 years since ive owned it and it just started to act a lil differently about 2 weeks ago. I started to notice that it started to act a lil slower than normal when i was surfing the internet. Then a couple of days ago the computer started making like a buzzing noise , kinda sounds like interference . Like when a cell phone gets close to a stereo system. Sometimes the noise will go away and then when i start opening diff app. that use computer cpu the noise happens again. It was just making the noise and i was dealing with it until the computer started to crash. It would look like the screen was on fire and everything would just freeze. Do you guys think it is the hardrive ?????? and if it was what would be my best option for fixing this. Can i save the stuff that is on my current drive ?? I have a bunch of stuff that is very important on this hardrive.
whats the best place to buy a hardrive if i need one ? and can i buy a hardrive that can hold more than the stock 74.53 toshiba MK8025GAS ?
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Sep 15, 2010
So I got my macbook pro yesterday and I've been doing some basic stuff on it. While I was installing World of Warcraft, the computer jumped up about 101 degrees celcius. I know I shouldn't trust istat pro 100% but still, my fans are running super loud and the computer is very hot to touch. I'm not running any heavy programs or doing any gaming. I had Aol Instant Messenger on, and WoW instaling in the background. I'd like to also add that when opening various programs I get the spinning beachball very often.
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Dec 1, 2009
The files that Word 2008 has been saving have all been huge, abnormally so. A two-page document is over 100 KB (.docx) and ~30-40 KB (.doc). I thought maybe it was something in Word 2008, because I just got my MacBook Pro a few months ago, but I asked my friend and she told me she'd had no such problems, nor could I find anything on the Internet.
Just to compare, a ten-page paper I'm working on in class is 123 KB now in '08. I went and saved it in '07 as a test, and it came out to 27 KB (.docx both times).
I've been through all my Save settings, but nothing looks out of the ordinary--nothing that would blow up the size like this. Anyone have ideas? It's not exactly hurting anything, but I'm just collecting masses of enormous files that are taking up memory they shouldn't be, plus the fact that they're bulky and hard to distribute.
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Dec 7, 2009
Question for those aluminium MBP users out there!! Oddly, I been using this system for a while now, even in summer it's never really exceed 70?C. Recently I notice my MBP17 (not unibody) has been getting unusually hot, just browsing the web can cause it's temperature to ramp up to and often exceed 80?C!! Room temp 26?C .. and it's getting hotter than it was in summer?? Ain't that odd? Is it time to check the thermal paste again??
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Nov 22, 2008
I purchased a used ibook from owc in January and have had it back to them twice for repairs. Lately, it stopped booting up again and they told me to use [URL] to take the mobo out and ship it to Arizona to have the solder refloated. I did and got it back, put it together and it would boot up, only to run for 15 minutes and shut down. Thinking I missed something, I dissasembled it today and reassembled it. Now it turns on with a blank screen, the fan runs on high, and it will go no further. I tried to reset the power manager, reset the p-ram, the hard drive is only a few months old and my brain is getting fried with frustration.
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Sep 30, 2010
My client is a trader buys the best of everything. He is recently experiencing crazy slow page display for almost all websites. When I run speed tests speakeasy.net, his speeds are reported "blazing" Anybody got any ideas?
Internet Provider: Comcast - 22mg down, 6 mg up
Mac OS: v10.3 - no current updates
Safari Browser: v3.1.1 - No Current updates
Mac Airport: Connected using new ethernet cable
Hardware: 1 year old Mac G5 (250mg drive, 2g memory)
Mac Disk Diagnostics: Run
ONYX Disk Cleaner: Run
Reboot Airport
Reboot Cable Modem
Reboot CPU
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Dec 1, 2009
I have a Unibody Macbook, and recently it has been very slow. But not with processes as much has hard drive related actions such as playing back saved video, loading files in the finder, especially applications, and its been temporarily freezing lately for like 10 seconds. I have also noticed unusually loud clicking noises from the hard drive, which i am pretty sure screams imminent hard drive failure. Do this sound , does 4 gigs of ram make a noticeable difference over 2?
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Jan 30, 2007
When downloading via wireless network at a high speed, my PB 12" will consume a lot of CPU power. For instance, 1MB/s, almost 90% CPU.
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Sep 28, 2009
When I turn it on it runs fine for sometimes about a minute (sometimes less) before it just turns itself off! After it turns itself off I'll hit the power button and it emits a high pitch squeal from the machine whilst holding the button. If I then remove the battery from the Machine depending on how long I leave the battery out and put it back in, it will then power up for a short amount of time. Sometimes I can get it to the desktop and open System Profiler for example, other times it gets as far as the Apple grey screen. I've ordered a power adaptor as I didn't get one with the machine but as far as the battery indicator goes, it's on 96% and all four green lights are on the battery indicator on the base. Has anyone heard of any problems like this before?I believe it's running a 500mhz processor and has 512mb of Ram.
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Jun 16, 2009
Does it hurt the computer... If the computer is doing something (watching flash, playing a game) that turns on the fan full speed;Does this hurt the computer? There are a few games I like to play and they turn on the fan at full speed (computer gets hot too, on the bottom.)
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