Mac Pro :: Transferring OS And Applications To New HD
May 31, 2012
I work at an independent film company that uses Mac Pro computers. I am about to upgrade one our Mac Pros, a Mac Pro 3,1, with a new, better HDD to use as a startup disk. I don't want to have to re-install all of our applications. How can I move all the applications and the operating system over? It's currently running 10.5.8. I hope to upgrade to 10.6 once the new drive is in.
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Dec 13, 2010
I have an off brand MP3 player. It does not show up in I-Tunes.
How can I transfer my MP3 files to it.
I also have an I-Touch and that works fine.
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Apr 5, 2009
I got a new iMac on the weekend, so i transferred all my stuff over (by hand, not time machine cause i wanted a fresh install), I have a folder that i store my Transmission downloads in, so i put it back in the same place as it was on the old mac, and i kept all my old .torrent files. Now before if i deleted a torrent from the list but not the file, it would just check if the file was there and continue, but now it's not doing that, it's just overwriting them, because i had a few that weren't fully complete yet. So i'm wondering, is there a way to make Transmission check and see if the file exists first and continue instead of redownloading it all? i clicked Verify Local Data and that did nothing.
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Dec 12, 2009
im looking to get a 10,000rpm velociraptor drive and transport all of my current apps and osx from the standard 320 gb drive to the velociraptor. how would i go about doing this? would i need to save everything on an external drive and then transfer it to the velociraptor? or could i just insert the velociraptor into drive bay 2 and then drag everything from the 320 gb hdd in drive bay 1 onto the velociraptor? ive never installed an os on a computer before so this might sound like a dumb question but any information that you might have would be helpful.
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Apr 9, 2009
Im not sure if this is the right place to post this but what is a good ipod to mac transferring software?
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Jul 2, 2009
I had a drive go bad on my G5 desktop. Luckily I am all backed up on my G4 LAPTOP. I put a new drive in the G5 & installed OS 10.5 (the G4 lap runs 10.4) and installed the apps from the original discs onto the new G5 drive. However, I am missing my Photoshop CS2 disc. My question is, how do I transfer Photoshop CS 2 from my laptop to the new G5 drive? I don't want to buy another $200 CS2 app.
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Sep 15, 2009
Looks like I'm going to have to use a work supplied PC for my next contract. There's no way around it. How do I go about transferring my iTunes library (40GB music, 100GB movies) onto the new machine?
I don't have a large iPod so ipod.itunes is out.
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Oct 6, 2009
k... so I have been an avid Gmail user and fan since in was released. I have only been a Mac user for a little over a year now, and love it! I have only just recently tried to make the switch to using 'Mail'. Until now I've just used Gmail, but I wanted to try Mail because it syncs seamlessly with everything, auto-suggests calendar entries and to-dos etc. However, my questions are these: How much HD space do the emails take up? Are the still stored on Google's server (through Gmail), or do they take up my HD space?
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Aug 2, 2004
I'm looking to buy a powerbook, and I'm wondering if there is some easy way to transfer all my existing music files, as well as my playlists, ratings, etc.. from my powermac (MDD) to my new machine. I'm guessing there must be some simple way to do it with an ethernet or firewire cable.
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Jan 4, 2010
I've been using an old G4 iLamp model for years, and it's been wonderful. Today it wouldn't start up, and the repair guys told me that the power supply and logic board were shot. Doing the quick math, the cost of repair got me more than halfway to a much better machine, so I'll probably get a new iMac.
When I do, how do I get my information from the backup drive (LaCie using Quicksilver that backs up everything every night) onto the new machine? What about all of the software that is registered to the old machine serial #? Do I have to reregister it all? Is it as simple as plugging the backup drive up to the new machine and dragging and dropping literally everything on it onto the new hard drive?
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Feb 15, 2010
I have a Mac Pro arriving today and I'm wondering if I can transfer all of the applications, or really just one or two of the applications from the computer it is replacing.
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Apr 18, 2010
What's the best way to go about getting my itunes and everything in it (music, apps etc..) from a windows laptop to a new macbook? I'm afraid that I'll lose my apps and have to buy them again. I am more worried about the apps than the music since I have the music backed up on an external HD but if I try syncing my iPhone to the new mac it will wipe it out since my iTunes is empty. I also really don't want to have to go through a few thousand songs and check off which ones I want on my iPhone. I'm guessing there may be no way around this. My main concern is apps though.
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May 16, 2010
I know you can transfer games from PC to PC, but I downloaded Portal on my Mac. I don't have constant internet access on my PC, so I don't want to download it there, but I can at least log in long enough to get it set to offline mode.
Question is, can I transfer the Mac version of Portal to the PC version of Steam?
Hope so. I'd like to play it with everything maxed out.
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Jan 11, 2011
So I recently just got my MacBook Pro in mail yesterday. The first thing I wanted to do was to transfer my itunes music/library from my PC to my new Mac so that I kept all my playlists and count numbers and etc. I watch the video on youtube ( of david kadavy showing how to do it but however he does it from one mac to another.
I have a PC and I did everything he did correctly. When I tried to import my library.xml file it said "not all files were able to be transferred because they may not exist". So can anybody help me transfer my library from my PC to my Mac? BTW both of my iTunes on my PC and Mac were up to date.
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Jun 15, 2006
How can I do this?
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Jun 20, 2008
Can anyone explain to me how transfer an entire itunes library from one mac to another(including album covers), I want to avoid duplicate tracks and also want to be able to sift out some crap after, if i just delete a track will it actually be gone or will it still be hanging around in the hard drive somewhere?
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Feb 18, 2009
So I finally upgraded from iPhoto to Aperture and have imported all my photos to the Aperture library. My question is how do i delete my iPhoto library only? I have about 7 gigs worth of pictures that now take up 14 gigs on my hard drive because they are in both my iPhoto and Aperture libraries.
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Jun 27, 2009
I've removed my old hard drive from my macbook (which I have sold) and am about to buy a new 13"mbp. Unfortunately I couldn't buy the new machine before selling the old, so I am presented with a problem. I could just install the disk in the new machine (its a 320gb 7200rpm, so in the long-term I'll be doing this in any case), but I'll want iLife 09 on there and its possible there are system files that are required for the new machine that wont be on my old system (10.5.7, from a 2007 macbook).
The main thing is that I want all my files, and applications and settings, plugins etc., on the new mbp, but because I don't have the old laptop I cant use migration assistant. The disk is in a usb enclosure currently. So, do I install the old disk and then try and update iLife, or will I run into problems? Or, can I transfer my applications and all their settings via some other means? I have a (full!) lacie firewire external which I could perhaps employ.
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Sep 1, 2009
Is there a way to transfer applications from one mac to another? The Adobe CS4 suite is really what I'm trying to copy over.
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Sep 27, 2009
I have an eMac and it has some apps on it that I want on my imac like microsoft office words, etc, how do I transfer it to my imac?
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Oct 11, 2009
I'm going to uninstall Firefox because its extremely buggy on SL but I want to save the bookmarks. How do I do this?
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Mar 9, 2010
I just recently got a new iMac and I want to transfer my iTunes library on over. My primary rig used to be a MBP and to conserve HD space, I put my music library on an external HD. The problem is that I can't seem to get it to work. So, rather than me describing my failed attempts, let me show you where I'm at. The first pic is Steve(my user name)>Music>iTunes on my iMac. As you can see, a few of my folders have populated but obviously everything is not there. Also, for instance, the song Twilight of the Thunder Gods by Amon Amarth doesn't play even though the folder is in there. It *will* however play if I have my external HD plugged in because it locates the song on said device. The second picture is that of the same folder on my external HD. As you can see, all of my song folders are there. I currently have my iTunes Media folder location set to Users>Steve?Music/iTunes.
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May 10, 2010
I am in process of setting up a new computer system. I've purchased a Windows 7 PC and am migrating my music from a PowerPC Mac. Both systems are active authorized iTunes computers. I set them up to share and used the share utility to import my entire library into the new system.
Every single non-iTunes songs transferred without issue - 27,000+ of them but every single iTunes purchased songs, only 400 of them, did not.
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May 26, 2010
I been searching the net for an answer but everything requires to buy something. I have my original hard drive of 140 GB and just bought a new one thats 1TB. I want to transfer my applications from the 140 to the 1TB. Is there a simple way of doing this.
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Jun 13, 2010
I recently bought an SSD for my laptop and did a clean install. I downloaded iTunes and imported several CDs into it. I then manually copied over some CDs on the old disk's iTunes folder into the current disk's iTunes folder. However, the new songs don't appear when I bring up iTunes. How do I get this to work?
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Jun 15, 2012
I just got a new macbook pro... but my old one has all of my software and applications on it. Is there anyway that I can transfer all of it to my new laptop?
MacBook Pro
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Mar 28, 2005
Does anyone know of a program that can take an audio sample of piano and turn it into sheet music? I don't know if this will help, but here's the peice I'm interested in turning into sheet music: Dave Matthews Band's #41 mp3. This is for myself only, and I don't plan on sharing this. I understand this is the artist's work, and he should own the rights to it.
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Sep 20, 2009
Which files do they need to get my library exactly as I have it now? The way the photos are organized by me (Not the individual dates the were imported as the 1st time) I spent hours organizing my library by month/even for the last 5 years. In finder do I just copy the entire iPhoto library to my external HD? or some specific set of files.. remember I will be putting it on a brand new iMac for my mom.
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Apr 30, 2010
if you have done this before, can you advise what's the best way to export microsoft outlook contacts to mac?
I tried to export the contacts in CSV format but when I imported the file into Mac address book, many fields are missing.
Someone suggests to email contacts out as vCards to myself and open the email from Mac and drag the contacts to the address book. I haven't tried yet but just wonder what's the best way??
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Jan 19, 2009
I'm experiencing a very specific problem with my itunes, everytime I want to sync my itunes library with my ipod (2nd generation - 20GB), gives me an error saying something like I can not upload all the music because I have not enough free space on my ipod which is true, but I would like to transfer only the checked musics and itunes is not making any distinction between checked and non checked musics.
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