Mac Pro :: Options For Running A Third Monitor? - Installed ATI 3870

May 15, 2010

two U2311's from Dell to add to my 30"ACD for a three display set up. I placed the order without putting much thought into how I'm going to drive the 3rd monitor. I have a 2006 MP 1,1 with an ATI 3870 installed. I still have the X1900 that came with the MP but its not presently in the MP. I think that it still works but as I remember its kind of loud. So what are my options for running 3 monitors. I'm just looking for increased desk space not any kind of gaming set up like is possible with the newer ATI cards. From what I've read so far my options are3870 / X1900 - cheapest solution but probably not the best solution

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Mac Pro :: Installed 2 Of The ATI Radeon 3870?

Mar 13, 2009

has anyone installed 2 of the ATI Radeon 3870 (mac edition) cards and get crossfire mode to work successfully in XP under bootcamp? I've been trying to for a few days now with no luck!

The drivers for bootcamp on ATI's site won't install on my machine for some reason and when I use the normal xp drivers (successfully) I can't get the crossfire option to show up in catalyst control center.

Also, in the catalyst control center, it only shows the primary card as enabled and says my other is disabled. However, they are both enabled and working just fine according to the device manager.

Cards are installed in 1st and 2nd slot.

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MacBook Pro :: Seagate Momentus XT Options - Installed The Drive

Sep 5, 2010

I finally got my 500gb seagate Momentus XT I've been drooling over only to find out it's a complete nightmare. Upon searching through forums I have yet to find conclusive or consistent problems, I read about some I had but I had many others. I installed the drive in my macbook pro with the hopes of getting it to run faster, which it did but only in certain instances. The pros were fast boot times, applications start fast but many problems persisted. Please follow up if you've had any of these problems. 1) Clean installation of Snow Leopard got stuck at the 10 minute mark 2 times. Each install attempt took much much longer then it has in the past.

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MacBook :: External Monitor Options With Late 2007

Jun 7, 2008

I have a 40" Samsung LCD HDTV - 1080p. I am aware that the Macbook is not made to output to such a large, high res display. However, when I use the mini-DVI to VGA adapter and, obviously, a VGA cable into my tv I get some weird results. (I have tried using DVI-HDMI but I have nonstop compatibility issues with the tv, so thats out of the question, VGA works fine and is good enough quality for me) When using the tv as a second monitor, it works without fault, as long as my Macbook is open and awake.

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Windows On Mac :: Vista, BootCamp And External Monitor Options

Jan 30, 2009

I can not get my external monitor to hook up with my new MacBook Pro. I know how to get the windows desktop over onto the external monitor, but windows just recognizes the monitor for a moment, and then nothing. This cycles until I turn off the external monitor. I have the new MacBook Pro, with MiniDisplay port, and the monitor is hooked up with a DVI, and it is a 22" Acer.

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IMac :: Options To Disable External Monitor Instead Of Unplug?

Aug 20, 2010

Is there a way to disable the external monitor? I don't want to have to unplug it every time I want to disable it... There must be a way. What options do we have?

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IMac ::Mini Monitor - Screen Recycler Options In A System

Jun 28, 2010

I've searched online and in threads here on the "can I use an iMac as a monitor" question, and found mostly negative answers. One exception seems to be the 27" model connected via mini-Display Port.However, I'd been hoping to connect an older (G4/DVI) Mini to a new (21.5") iMac, to use the iMac as a monitor.The only semi-hack solution I've seen is to use Screen Recycler or similar software. I have two questions, though:-Can Screen Recycler be used to mirror a desktop, not just extend it? (all info I've seen talks only about extending/2nd monitor, not mirroring).
-How's the performance?

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Mac Pro :: Installed 4GB RAM Modules - Computer Running Hot

Mar 29, 2008

I recently installed (4) - 4gb RAM modules and I'm worried that they may be running too hot. The image attached is from the machine just essentially sitting idle all day. Only 1gb of the 17gb are wired. When I do put the Mac to work, either through Handbrake or running Autocad through Fusion, the temp on module A1 reaches 173 degrees and the fan speed just about doubles.

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OS X :: Installed ITunes 8.2 Now MBP Running At 90-96 Degrees Constantly?

Jun 2, 2009

Last last night i installed the new update for iTunes and Quicktime. Now when I turn my laptop on it runs at a really high temperature (90 - 96 Degrees).

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IMac :: Use MBP As Second Monitor - Both Running SL 10.6.3?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a 27" iMac and a MBP (late 2008) - both running SL 10.6.3. Is it at all possible to use my MBP as a second monitor on my iMac? If so, how? Did anyone try it out?

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OS X :: Does Screensaver Keep Running After Monitor Goes To Sleep?

Oct 30, 2010

Maybe this is a dumb question, but it seems on my system if the screensaver runs then the monitor sleeps, the screensaver is still running when i go to wake the monitor. does that mean its been running the whole time wasting cpu cycles and drawing more power than is necessary? you'd think it would stop.

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IMac :: Second Monitor - Running ProTools

Aug 27, 2008

Second monitors are something I have NEVER paid attention to. Not even sure how it works. I am running ProTools (a professional audio editing program), and there are essentially two main screens- the "mixer" and the "recorder". I am running on a dedicated iMac running this (a 20", FWIW), and I am running Tiger with all upgrades (Leopard is not 100% on ProTools yet). So can a 20" Intel Core 2 Duo run a second monitor (AND the built in one, too)? If so, can I put the recorder screen on one monitor, and the mixer oin the other? And if I CAN do that, how do I move the mouse from one screen to another- are the "virtually" side by side?

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Mac :: What Type Of Monitor Can I Running With My Mac Mini

Mar 10, 2009

I just got a new Mini. The Mini is running on an old Sony 19" LCD. I would like a 24" to take advantage of widescreen movies and TV programs. I don't game or need exact color replication. Suggestions for decent 24" monitors that won't exceed the $350 range?

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Mac :: Running An External Monitor With 17 Mac Book Pro?

Jun 29, 2009

I just hooked up my 24" samsung to my macbook pro, and it is very nice. I have a few questions which may have been answered but perhaps I wasn't searching right. Since the thread titles didn't seem to match right.First question, what kind of life does the macbook pro ( june 09 model)display have if I don't run the computer in clamshell mode. Just curious if I will burn it out quicker just running it like this.Now on to clamshell mode, is that the preferred mode to run? Or does the laptop get to hot. Once again just not sure on that one.Last question would be with regards to the graphics adapter. Typically unless I am playing a game I run with the 9400m. With the monitor connected, should I switch to the 9600m? I don't know if it would yield any different results.

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OS X :: Hidden Process Running Under Activity Monitor

Jan 1, 2011

I just found a 'hidden' process running in Activity Monitor. If it weren't for the indication of 64 bit under virtual memory, I wouldn't have noticed anything. This is the first time that I've ever seen a 64 bit process running with root privileges. On top of that, it's hidden. Whenever I try to quit or even force quit it, it comes back. Should I be concerned? I'm little worried right now. This wouldn't have any relation to the sudden loss of several fonts that occurred a few days ago, would it? (I lost Century Gothic)

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MacBook Pro :: Using System As Monitor Running On Network

Oct 25, 2009

I'm wanting to hook up a computer and use my MBP as the monitor, it's only so I can change some settings and then have it running on the network. Is this possible? I'm currently in my home in Germany, where I have 3 laptops and 0 Desktops. So I don't have direct access to a monitor... Unless I steal one from work.

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MacBook :: Running PC / MAC From 1 Keyboard And Monitor Setup?

Jan 16, 2010

here is what I have:Quad-Display Monitors (all working from PC, 2 VGA and 2 DVI)
PC Windows Vista Desktop
1 Keyboard
1 Mouse
and a Macbook Laptop.

I do software development (for PC AND MAC) and need the ability to switch between the PC / MACBOOK on my Quad-Display monitors and use the same keyboard and mouse.Please let me know what I need, I assume some kind of switch but in hours of searching google was not able to find anything to handle this. Also what keyboard would i need to handle MAC and PC functions (prefer wireless)

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MacBook Air :: Close It While Running An External Monitor?

Mar 10, 2012

I'd like to drive a 27" external monitor, using a bluetooth mouse and keyboard. Can I do this and close the laptop? Macbook Air or Macbook Pro?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Type Of Connection Which I Need For Running External Monitor?

Dec 27, 2010

I have an 09' 13 inch Macbook Pro and I want to get an external monitor so I can use my laptop screen and the monitor at the same time for more space. What type of connection capabilities should I be looking for in the monitor to ensure that my macbook will be able to connect with the monitory?

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MacBook Air :: Running An External Monitor, It Slow Down The Speed Of MBA?

Jan 16, 2008

Since it has built in graphics, will running a 23" ACD slow the rest of the computer? I'm thinking about Photoshop and Flash here. My work computer is a 15" MBP at 2.0 Ghz and I think a drop to 1.6 Ghz wouldn't be so bad if I could use a separate monitor and not see anymore of a performance drop.

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Mac Pro :: Running Two Monitor Displays - Suddenly New Whirring Sound

Mar 13, 2008

I have the early 2008 Mac Pro, standard configuration. I run a 30" ACD and recently added a second monitor. Ever since then I have been hearing this faint whirring sound, as if something in the machine is starting/reving up and then whirring down. It's audible to me because I have my machine sitting on top of a pedestal desk right beside my table. Does running two monitors make something inside, maybe a fan, run wierd? Could it be the fan of the video card? I am just curious, as I had not heard the sound before when I was running just one monitor. Oh, and the second monitor in question is a Wacom Cintiq. Video card is the stock ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT. I dare not open the side panel when the machine is running to check what's causing it lest I mess something up. It's like, rrrrrrrrrrrrr, rrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrrrr, like a miniature reving sound. LOL, that's the best I can do to imitate the sound. It's as audible as the sound of the regular fans.

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OS X :: How Do I Output Via External Monitor When Running Windows Bootcamp?

Apr 18, 2009

Trying to output via Displayport using my white macbook but for some reason Windows can't detect my monitor or the DVI output.. anyone able to successfully output from bootmcamp?

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PowerPC :: Ibook & Xtra Monitor Are Running Slow

Sep 27, 2009

I recently bought myself an Xtra monitor to hook up to my Ibook. I also used the hack to be able to split up the monitors to have full resolution of my new monitor.

but now my computer is running slower. somewhere in this forum I have found out that because of the hack my Ibook now has to work extra hard to be able to run on 2 monitors.

my question is, isn't there a way to be able to use my new monitor at full resolution and just shut of the original Ibook monitor? so my Ibook does not have to split up his memory? If I mirror them I Can't work on full resolution ...

somebody doing this?

Or... What do I do/buy/download that my Ibook can work on 2 monitors, but doesn't run slower.

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MacBook Pro :: Running An External Monitor At A Higher Resolution?

Nov 1, 2009

I have a mbp 15" and it runs at 1200 x 800 (for example)let's say I have an external monitor which is 24" Can I run that external monitor at 1900 x 1200 (I don't know the real resolutions)would it work? If not, why? Is there a way I could make the MBP run at a higher resolution so it looks like iMac resolution?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Slow DSL Unless Activity Monitor Utility Is Running?

Jun 17, 2012

My DSL speed has droped from 3 Mbps (normal) to around .2Mbps. All other Macs on my home network are doing fine, one w. Tiger OS, the other Snow Leopard.  

But get this -- when I launch Activity Monitor, DSL speed immediately jumps up to normal. Close A.M. and my DSL speed is back down to almost non-functioning.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Windows 7 Mid-2011, 8 GB, dual HD's

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OS X Yosemite :: How To Stop Two Processes That Are Running In Activity Monitor

Dec 3, 2014

how do i stop two processes that are running in Activity Monitor took one out of trash and it says preparing to move desktop still running with another one been running for hrs now want to stop these.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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OS X :: Checked Activity Monitor To See What Running When Woke IMac From Sleep

Jun 28, 2009

I noticed that something was running in the background when I . I checked activity monitor to see what was running and saw that a process named "Find" user name "Nobody" was running. It disappeared before I could inspect it. Does anybody know what process this is and what application may be running it? I'm now paranoid!

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OS X :: Finding Programs Running In Activity Monitor. Speeding Up Leopard?

Mar 19, 2010

My Mac is noticeably slower so I'm looking to clean it up before I try a clean install on the hard drive. I found a Kodak printer program and an HP printer program both of which I deleted from applications, but both of which are chewing up 500MB of process memory, and when I force a quit they just pop open again a second later.Question:

Where are these programs hididng? How do I kill them?

Any other tricks to speed my Mac up (I verified permissions already).

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Mac Pro :: 3870 Comes With A Crossfire Bridge?

Jul 2, 2008

Does anyone know if the 3870 comes with a crossfire bridge? And if it doesn't the pc version has one so why wouldnt the mac and pc one not have one?

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Mac Pro :: Component Video Out On 3870?

Jul 29, 2008

I need to get component video out (HDTV) and am trying to get a video card that can do that. This is for a Quad 2.66 Mac Pro, currently with a 7300GT. Is the HD 3870 it? Since it's a Mac & PC edition and the PC cards have had Component Out via adapter for some time, I am hoping that this card might do it. Naturally I don't want to buy just to find out it isn't. Their website is useless, as usual.

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