Mac Pro :: First Gen 2600XT Screen Weirdness Crash?

Aug 29, 2008

leep started up logic and then it happened see attachment. I was completely locked out, no mouse or keyboard, completely frozen. Anyone have any idea what this is about? This is the second time it's happened but it's been a while since the last.

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Mac Pro :: Line Out Weirdness?

Dec 25, 2006

I just got my Mac Pro, and I noticed that when I plug my ViewSonic's built in speakers to the Line-Out port on the back the sound doesn't come through. It does, however, if I plug them into the headphone jack in the front.

What am I missing here? This is strange to me coming from several generations of Power Macs.

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IMac :: Screen Corruption And Crash

Apr 8, 2010

This is on a new i5 received from Apple on Tuesday. Apart from being able to move the mouse, it had hung completely so a reboot cured it. Happened again, reboot fixed it and has been stable for a couple of hours now.

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Software :: OS Crash With Screen Artifacts

Mar 7, 2010

I'm gonna apologize in advance if this was already posted, but I'm not quite sure what the technical phrasing for this issue is, so I could've missed it in search. I'm running a Macbook Pro 17', manufactured around September 08. It's currently running OS X 10.5. I received it from my school with the computer already set up and all the software pre-installed, so I personally don't have access to things like the boot disc and other base software, but I can get a hold of it if it's necessary. The crash: Somewhere along the boot-up process, or somewhere soon after boot-up, the computer will freeze and a bunch of pixels will rearange themselves. I wish I could show a screenshot, but the best way I can describe it is that these little jagged stripes of pixels will move to places they aren't supposed to; for example, below the little spinning boot-up circle on the initial boot screen, there's a block of pixels kind of shaped like --.--_ that pulses darker and lighter in time with the pixels on the bottom of the circle, so they just seem to be transposed from another position on the screen. If this happens during boot-up, which is most of the time (on the screen with the dark grey apple on a light grey background), then the computer will try to boot up for a while, then the artifacts will run in stripes down the screen and a window will come up telling me to restart my computer. Sometimes--usually when I've shut it down and taken out the battery and let it sit for a while--it'll get past boot-up, and I'll get either almost to the desktop or even get a couple minutes of actual use before the artifacts appear again and the computer freezes.,......

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Mac Pro :: How To Use PS CS4 And 2600xt

Oct 24, 2008

is the 2600xt sufficient for photoshop cs4 use? I read around and hear its been geared more towards using gpu processing power and if so would the 8800 card be a 'better' one to get or would the standard 2600xt do fine?

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Mac Pro :: ATI 2600XT On PCI-e 1 Or PCI-e 2

Apr 16, 2009

I want to move ATI 2600XT from PCI-e 1 to PCI-e 2 to be more air for the video card because its HOT, and i want to know whats diference & performance is between this 2 slots.

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OS X :: Mac Grey Screen Crash With CD Stuck In Drive

Nov 16, 2008

My 24" iMac has crashed and has a CD stuck in the drive. The Mac continuously reboots but never makes it beyond a blank grey screen. I do have my OS CD and I have an external time machine backup, but I can't get to a terminal prompt to do anything. I've tried all the usual suspects for getting the CD out - and there is only one CD in the drive.

I've tried holding the mouse button down, pressing the eject button on the keyboard (I tried pressing eject on both a wireless and a wired keyboard). I also tried holding command-S to boot into single-user mode which didn't work. There is no pinhole on the CD to physically eject the CD and I understand that there's no way to boot from the Time Machine. I believe that not being able to remove the CD is hindering my ability to restore and boot into single-user mode.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Screen Crash And Telling To Restart?

Feb 27, 2012

I have iMac i5 27" 2011. The screen crash and tell me to restart.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), screen crash and tell me restart

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OS X Mavericks :: Grey Screen And All Apps Crash At Once

Aug 29, 2014

New iMac 27" + EIZO display + WACOM Cintiq 13HD 

While using Adobe CC (Photoshop or Lightroom so far) all the applications freeze for a second,and then crash AT ONCE (Finder, adobe, skype - everything), then grey screen, then everything starts loading up from scratch (drivers, apps, Finder etc.)

It happened three times in two days.  

I checked the console after the crash and got A LOT (about 4000) errors like this (all have the same time-stamp):  

8/29/14 10:10:22.366 PM Core Sync[335]: Our bootstrap port disappeared out from under us: 0x603 { urefs = 1, rights = (0x603): 0xf: (os/kern) invalid name }

8/29/14 10:10:22.366 PM Core Sync[335]: assertion failed: 13E28: libxpc.dylib + 45671 [AB40CD57-F454-3FD4-B415-63B3C0D5C624]: 0xf

8/29/14 10:10:22.366 PM Core Sync[335]: assertion failed: 13E28: libxpc.dylib + 38177 [AB40CD57-F454-3FD4-B415-63B3C0D5C624]: 0x10000003


iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), iMac 27" 2014 24GB

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Mac Pro :: Flash For ATI 2600XT?

Oct 22, 2010

I'd like to use such a card in a 2009 model because it's the only one that has two DVI ports and doesn't require additional power.

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Mac Pro :: How To Use 2600xt And Eizo

Jun 15, 2008

will the ati radeon 2600xt drive an Eizo 2231 at it's native resolution (1680 x 1050)? also, I'm assuming that "Mac" signal listed on Eizo's website means the 'analog' signal. will be using digital input (dvi).

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Sudden Blue Screen Crash?

Sep 28, 2009

I am on a brand new 3.06 GHz iMac. Installed Snow Leopard, 10.6.1. In general I don't experience any of the problems other people seem to have. But twice now my screen has turned blue while I am in the middle of something. All the open apps disappear and the Finder seems to relaunch. It only takes a few seconds. I don't have steps to reproduce it. Both times I had several apps open and had video/DVD running in the background.

Has anybody seen this?

I am a notorious file-saver which means I haven't lost much work through this but if it keeps happening I might have to go back to Leopard.

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MacBook Pro :: GPU (9600m GT) Not Working - Screen Flicker And Crash?

Apr 3, 2012

My over 3 year old MacBook Pro Unibody (Late 2008) have a giant problem. The 9600m GT GPU is not working anymore, when booting up with that card the screen flickers and the OS crashes. I have been apple to boot it up with the 9400m GPU, where it works somewhat, no screenflicker, but it does crash alarmingly much as well as giving me a lot of kernel panics. (sometimes it can't boot the OS before freezing, and other times it crash while trying to shutdown the OS). 

Since it is over 3 years old, there is no more gaurentee, so my question is: 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro (Late 2008)

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Mac Pro :: PC 2600xt As Only GFX In An Early 2008?

May 4, 2008

Will a normal PC 256 or 512MB 2600xt be ok as the only GFX card in a Early 2008 Mac Pro?

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Mac Pro :: 2600XT Versus 1900XT

Oct 19, 2008

I've got a Jan 2008 MP installed with the 2600XT card. I've found an amazing deal on the 1900 XT card and was wondering if it would be any better for my MP?

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Get Display 2600XT

Jun 28, 2010

I can no longer get any kind of display from my 2.8 Mac Pro. I was having problems whereby I could turn it off and back on and it would work but now absolutely nothing.

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Windows On Mac :: Blue Screen Crash Only When Other Internal Drives Connected?

Dec 28, 2010

When I have no other internal drives connected I have no problems with Windows 7 loaded in boot camp. But when I connect my other 4 internal drives (in bay 2, 3, 4 and optical bay 6) which are set up as a Raid 0 configuration for Snow leopard I run into problems- I get a blue screen of death almost instantly when I start to move the cursor in windows 7. Seems like if there was a way to tell Windows 7 to ignore the 4 other drives then it would work fine? I don't want to have to pull them from the machine each time I start in windows 7.

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MacBook Pro :: Violent Flashing Screen - Entire Computer Crash

Apr 9, 2010

I'm having a terrible issue with my MacBook Pro 2.2GHz Santa Rosa Core 2 Duo A1226 (not unibody). All of a sudden, the screen began flashing violently, terribly violently. And as soon as it happened, the entire computer froze up. After forcing it to shut down and powering back up, it cannot boot past the gray restart screen.

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MacBook Pro :: It Recusing Password On Login Screen After System Crash

Jun 3, 2012

Macbook pro recusing my password on the login screen after a system crash. I use filevault2 and efi with password too. None of the passwords are being accepted and the recovery key text field don't let me put numbers.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Randomly Black Screen / Cursor Visible / No Crash

Jun 26, 2014

My mid 2013 MBP, 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 with 16Gb 1600 Mhz DDR with a 500 GB SSD running Mavericks 10.9.3 has, since upgrade to Mavericks, developed a tick. It will occasionally and erratically (some days nothing, sometimes once a day, sometimes twice or more) go black with cursor arrow visible and responsive. (Responsive=it's visible and moves as expected in response to trackpad) The screen comes back after 30-40 seconds or so, but not in response to any keypress or mouse movement that I can detect a pattern for. It just sits there, while I hit escape, spacebar, shift, cmd-option-esc, cmd-option-tab, mouse around, whatever, then comes back. System is fine, don't even get the beach ball. So it's a minor annoyance, except when I'm presenting to a roomful of people who are waiting for my machine to wake up, and that 30 seconds can be FOREVER. Which has happened twice now. When I'm connected to an external screen via thunderbolt that screen is black as well. 

tried the fix of resetting SMC as well as Safe Mode boot to complete any unfinished OS updates. But the symptom is different, and those fixes haven't worked. I've never had a bad reboot, this condition just seems to pop up without apparent rhyme or reason. It's so infrequent and unpredictable that I despair how long it will take me to run bare and cycle through restoring background apps.

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Mac Pro :: Any Places To Get (ATI 2600XT) Video Card?

Aug 21, 2008

Are there any other places to get the Mac Pro ATI 2600XT video card other than the Apple online store for $129?

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Mac Pro :: 2600XT - How To Play 1920x1080 Footage

Oct 27, 2008

Anyone else noticed the 2600 card is a little bit jumpy (really not much but it drops a few frames every 20 seconds or so) when playing video scaled upto full screen on the MP?

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Mac Pro :: GT120 Or 2600xt - How To Find Compatibility

Apr 26, 2009

I'm about to get another video card to support 3 monitors.

I've got a 2008MP and I'm wondering if the gt120 is compatible with it.

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Windows On Mac :: Blue Screen Crash And Restart During Driver Install From Leopard DVD

Mar 21, 2009

I've used Boot Camp to create a 32GB partition and install Windows XP (SP2 home edition) on my alu iMac (2.66 Ghz, 4GB RAM).

I used the FAT format to allow transfer of files between the Mac partition and the Windows one.

After booting Windows, I put in my original Leopard install DVD as directed, and the Boot Camp installer automatically came up.

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OS X :: Unable To Connect To HDTV / Screen Turns Blue With System Crash

Jul 4, 2009

The first time I connected to my HDTV using a mini displayport-dvi and a dvi-hdmi adapter, it worked flawlessly. Stupidly, I set my TV to a resolution it couldn't support. Now the screen only turns blue until System Preferences eventually crashes and the TV gets no signal.

I've tried clearing my PRAM, deleting the profile in the colorsync folder, and even deleting /Library/Preferences/ out of desperation. I've confirmed that it's not a problem with the adapters by successfully getting another HDTV to work. Where could could OS X be storing the display's settings?

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OS X :: Unable To Play Screen Saver / Crash System Preferences When Attempted To Load

Mar 24, 2010

As anyone found a way to create a video playing screen saver in Quartz Composer in Snow Leopard. These screen savers work fine in Leopard but crash System Preferences when you attempt to load them in Snow Leopard. They seem to work just fine within Quartz Composer.

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Running Hotter After Crash - Screen Sharing Feature Of Skype

Aug 7, 2010

This is my first post and I hope you guys can help me. I know what I'm about to ask has been asked numerouse times, but I still can't find an answer that satisfies me. So, I was using the screen-sharing feature of Skype and my girlfriend wanted me to show her The Sims 3 game. I was running Safari, MSN Messenger, Skype and a full screen instance of The Sims 3. My Macbook Pro crashed in the loading screen of the game and the fans turned on at full screen.Since that happened, I'm hearing the fans more constantly.

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OS X :: Dock Crash Since 10.6.3 ?

Apr 13, 2010

Occasionally I've gotten a weird situation where the Dock would crash over and over. I can't figure out how/when it happens. So far it seems like a simple login/logout fixes it for a while.

Any idea looking at this crash log?

Process: Dock [107]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
Version: 1.7 (769)
Build Info: Dock-7690000~1
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [103]

Date/Time: 2010-04-13 19:34:49.129 -0400
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.3 (10D573)
Report Version: 6

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OS X :: Won't Use / System Preferences Crash

Aug 9, 2007

I just bought a new iMac on Aug. 7. When I enter System Preferences and they Display/Screensaver the program opens and then immediately crashes. The Display/Screensaver opened the first time I tried. I selected a picture for my background. Ever since then all it will do is crash when I try to open.

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OS X :: Windows 7 BootCamp Crash On Mac Pro

Dec 30, 2008

I am trying to install windows 7 build 7000 in bootcamp on a MacPro. It installs, but on the windows first boot it crashes to a blue screen and shuts down. When I go to use the bootcamp assistant I insert the disk and my computer shuts down and the light blinks.

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