Mac Pro :: 2 X 30" - Minidisplayport To Dvi Adapter
Apr 7, 2009
new macpro just arrived. I have 2 x apple 30" monitors from my old macpro it is replacing I have the silly mini displayport to dvi adapter. The only monitor that lights up is the one connected to the dvi port on the 4870 card, the one connected via displayport just sits there black with the status light on it doing the "sleeping" thing. Both monitors work perfectly on the dual dvi card in my old macpro which is still here.
Long time reader and my first post. Apologies in advance if there's a real basic answer, but I've tried Google and searching this forum too but couldn't find a specific answer. Basically, I'm planning to upgrade to a 30" monitor eventually. I currently have a Samsung 226BW and I use the MiniDisplayPort -> DVI adapter.
I was wondering whether if I purchase the MiniDisplayPort --> Dual-Link DVI adapter ($99), can I still use it to connect to my 22" Samsung? I'm thinking of giving my cousin my current Mini-DisplayPort -> DVI adapter, buying the Dual link adapter and then eventually swapping out the 22" for a 30".
I have a 15" unibody MBP and a Philips HD TV with a DVI-I port (no HDMI) How can I connect my MBP (with MiniDisplayPort) to the TV so I can watch HD content?
Before I buy my first Macbook Pro Unibody, I want to know if I can get analog output from the DVI adaptor? On the old early 2008 Macbook Pro, you could just plug in a DB15 VGA adaptor into the DVI port. Can I use the same adaptor with the DVI adaptor to get analog out?? Talking about DVI - is the 17" and big 15" models the only only models that can drive at display with resolution higher than 1920x1200?
I have a MiniDisplay Port to HDMI adapter, which I plug into HDMI-DVI adapter, which goes into DVI-VGA adapter to which I have connected VGA cable from LG LCD screen. MBP recognizes the external LCD LG screen fine, but the LG doesn't show any picture. I also tried with one other external VGA LCD screen. Same thing, no picture. I know 100% that VGA cable, VGA-DVI adapter and MiniDisplay Port-HDMI adapter all work. I cannot test the HDMI-DVI adapter anywhere though. Could it be the problem? Or is just that it's too many adapters?
The Mac Pro people seem to have trouble with their computers hooked up to monitors using a MiniDisplayPort to DisplayPort connection. There might be issues both with cables and adapters:
I'm trying to figure out if it's a problem specific to the Mac Pro video card or if it's a general issue that affects MacBook Air users as well. If you're connecting your MacBook Air to a monitor using a MiniDisplayPort to DisplayPort connection, could you please post which adapter+cable or cable (brands, links if possible) you are using with which monitor?
Wondering if (using adapter), I could hook up my MBP in Bootcamp to a HDTV, use the MDPtoHDMI adapter, and have audio? Basically, use the TV as a monitor (for gaming), and have the MBP's sound come thru the TV's speakers?
Can anyone please confirm that audio is transmitted over the MDP and comes out of an HDMI adapter to a TV or A/V receiver on the new MBPs? A bonus would be to know that 5.1 and/or TrueHD/DTS HD-MA (from a Blu-Ray MKV created using MakeMKV) makes it out of MDP to an A/V receiver via HDMI. It would be great to get confirmation of this on the 13" and the 15"/17" before I decide whether to order.
Has anyone tried using their mid-2010 imac with hdmi and can confirm if audio (out) works? All the adapters seem to claim audio support with the refresh macbooks but do not mention iMAC. On the Apple store they sell a moshi adapter that lists iMAC support but specifies early-2010 models. Is apple deliberately crippling the new iMACs to *not* allow audio over displayport>HDMI or what is the real story? Some older support threads seem to talk about it working on their 2009 imacs until they upgraded to os 10.6.4. I have tried a few generic cables/adapters but they don't seem to talk audio to my receiver. Anyone had better success?
I just noticed that the magsafe and the MiniDisplayPort are on opposite sides on the new Airs. It seems to me that this would pose a significant issue with the bundled cables on the 24" Cinema display (can the cable reach both sides?). I'm not home at the moment, so I can't really envision the length of the unbundled portion of the cord and the width of the computer.
Just got the email from MonoPrice that their MiniDP -> DVI and MiniDP -> HDMI cables are available (still no mdp->VGA). I was going to get one, but I am getting a monitor with full size Display port so I just got their MiniDP->DP cable instead. Thought this might interest anyone needing direct to DVI or HDMI. If I decide to get one I'll post up with details. seems interesting that they don't have a picture yet, but it is only $15 so I imagine it isnt something with a big bulky adapter. to DVI: [URL]
So I am thinking about purchasing 2 HDMI monitors to hook up with my iMac. I know that the iMac only has 1 MiniDisplayport so I looked and I found this:
I was wondering if I could use this for hooking up two monitors to my mac. If I can, would it be recommended that I upgrade my memory? I currently have 4 GB of RAM.
I have the 65W white square adapter for my 17" Powerbook, and I have the Yo-Yo adapter for my 12" Ibook (G3 500 mhz).Is there any reason why I cannot use the 65W adapter on my 12" book in place of the Yo-Yo adapter? (I know for power requirement reasons I cannot use the Yo-Yo on my 17")
Buying both the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter AND Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter is pretty expensive...
I was wondering if I purchase the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter, will I be able to use a simple DVI to VGA adapter to use it as a VGA adapter also???
I'm not sure if the Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter only sends digital signal or digital & analog signal.
I have an aluminum macbook. I've had it since April 09 and I absolutely love it. I purchased a 22" Dell external monitor that i am connecting via mini display to dvi adapter. I've just been using this for about three hours and I've noticed that my laptop is REALLY hot right by the adapter.
I have finally gotten my PowerMac G5 to boot. It was given to me, so I did not know much about this machine. Once I got it working, I realized it is missing a bluetooth and airport module. I do not want to take the pricy route of getting internal Airport and internal Bluetooth. Can anybody point me to link for relatively cheap USB bluetooth and WiFi adapters that will work properly with 10.5.8 Leopard?
My old G4 had no DVD drive and I bought Myst IV, but could not load it. My new MBP uses 10.6.4 and Myst IV does not support anything other than X.3 or 4. Can I use my MBP dvd drive to load the game files to my G4? What kind of adaptor would I use?
Don't want to ask the Apple Store since they'll just tell me I can't, but can I use the 85W power adapter that came with the 15"MBP on the new Air with no damage? Ok, to use in a pinch?
Hmmm, how about the other way around (using a 45W power adapter on the 15"), I am thinking "no damage" just that it would take longer to re-charge?
I have a 13" MacBook that I purchased in Feb 2008, and need to do some presentations from it, so I'm looking for the correct VGA adapter for it. I believe there was some change in the display on the Macbooks, so I'm sure if the current MiniDisplay to VGA adapter sold at Apple will work for fine.
I bought one of these for my Dual G5: [URL]. I'm getting another G5 (single this time around since i got no $$) and I need to figure out how to get my 320 gig ata drive in a G5. I need to draw power to that hard drive and I'm not sure how to. Do I split the power between the ata hard drive and the dvd drive? I know I need another part but which one? I should have asked this weeks ago before fiddling around with my Dual G5.
Are there any that a store like best Buy sells that are compatible with a Mac / Macbook? I need to pick up a signal in another room, and the only way would be to run a long USB cord attached to a wireless adapter...but it seems like none of the bigger brands sell Mac-compatible versions. If anyone knows of a compatible adapter, please post about it!
I have a 2.66GHz Mac Pro and will be moving it to a room that does not have a wired internet connection but does have wireless in the house. Other than getting a USB wireless adapter is there any way else so I can take advantage of the wireless signal to get online using my Mac Pro?
I have both a MacBook (personal) and MacBook Pro (work; provided by NASA). The MacBook has a 60W Magsafe Power Adapter; the MacBook Pro has a 75W power adapter. I am going on international travel for several weeks, do I need to bring both adapters with me? Would there be any problems caused by using a higher-power (75W) power adapter to charge a MacBook or vice versa?
I just got my new mini today, but the cord for the monitor doesn't fit my current one. I'm pretty sure that the product listed below is the one I should buy, but can anyone confirm this for me? [URL]
I'm trying to watch some movies with my family and I'm having problems.
I'm not getting any signal from my tv. I think the item is fine since my macbook's resolution changes to 800X600 I tried to change it to 640X480 (I think) the lowest possible resolution and it doesn't work, Nothing happens to the tv only in my macbook.