Mac Pro :: 10.5.7 And ATI 3870 Fan - Consistent Info?

Jun 8, 2009

I've seen a few posts with information about 10.5.7 creating fan problems with the ATI 3870 in 2006 first gen mac pro. There didn't seem to be enough complaints to be a definite problem. I would like to hear from anyone experiencing this problem and from those that upgraded and had no problems. I hope that I can upgrade my OS because 10.6 looks like it will be really great, and I assume any problem with the 3870 would persist through the next OS.

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Mac Pro :: Won't Find Info About Ati 3870 Bios

Jul 9, 2008

Could someone please post the BIOS/ROM from the new Mac/PC ATI 3870 card?

You can write the BIOS file from within Windows/Bootcamp by using GPU-Z. If you do not want to post it here, please consider adding it to the VGA Bios Database at techPowerUp.

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OS X :: When Put CD'S In To Burn, They Come Out With A Consistent Scratch?

May 14, 2009

I have a MBP with the latest OS (the MBP is last the previous model). When I put CD'S in to burn, they come out with a consistent scratch. I double check a cd before the burn, make sure it is scratch free, then burn it and sure enough, it comes out with a scratch. The result is that the cds are not even readable.Does anyone know what could cause this, is it fixable, who should I contact for help, has this happened before, etc?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard And Consistent Kernel Panic

Dec 13, 2009

First the bad news - consistent kernel panics
Good news - found a remedy in disabling my screen saver.
I'd like to use my screen saver without getting kernel panics. I've tried erasing my drive and restoring from a back up. resetting PRAM, repaired permissions and ran Tech Tool Pro 5 (file structures and repaired permissions, everything else checked out fine).

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Hardware :: WD MyBook Making Consistent Ticking Noise

Jul 19, 2009

This isn't strictly a Mac question, but I know there's a lot of knowledgeable users here and I'm sure some have the MyBooks too. I'm in the middle of the daunting process of reformatting my two 500GB MyBook hard drives (the standard black ones) to a Mac friendly format having been a Windows user for a while... having such a large HD on the iMac makes it not too painful, thankfully. However, I've got one of my drives hooked up at the moment, copying away. It's making a consistent ticking noise as it works.

It's been a while since I asked very much of my drives (generally I just read off them file by file as it were; playing video), so is this noise normal, or is this drive on its way out do you think? As I say, it is a consistent ticking, like the ticking of a clock really rather than scary whirring-clunk noises, and there's no trouble copying files onto my iMac at the moment. I just don't want to copy stuff back over if it's going to die on me. I've got a stack of DVDs here anyway and I think it's about time I updated my DVD copies of my files...

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Hardware :: LED Backlight Vs Cathode Tube - Not Getting Consistent Color Between Both Display

Sep 1, 2009

"A man with one clock knows what time it is. A man with two clocks is never sure." Let's amend that "A man with one display knows what color it is. A man with two displays is never sure." I've recently upgraded from a 1st generation MacBook to the 15" Unibody Macbook Pro and I'm having a great deal of trouble adjusting to the difference between the LED backlit internal display, and my Samsung 22" external monitor. I've probably spent about 8 man-hours going through the display calibrator, and through SuperCal, on both devices, and I can't seem to get a consistent color between both displays. Am I doomed to madness? Will I have to spend money on either a hardware calibration device, or on an LED backlit external monitor? Has anyone else solved this?

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OS X Mavericks :: Consistent Spinning Beachballs In Pages / Numbers / Preview

Aug 29, 2014

I have an early 2008 imac, running Mavericks.I can open existing Pages and Numbers documents and everything seems to work fine. (using Pages 5)But I can't open a new blank document in Pages or Numbers. (I get spinning beachball, 99%+ cpu, must force quit) Also I can use preview to open any document (pages, numbers, text, jpg), but if I try to export as pdf, it freezes using 99%+ cpu, and must be force quit. I deleted and reloaded Pages, also reloaded Mavericks. it didn't work.I replaced the containers and preference files. No difference.Fontbook did find like 100 warnings in my 800 fonts, no errors though. Other weirdness: Quicktime has lots of weird behavior - opening windows for previously viewed videos, cursor unable to operate the controls or close/minimize windows) I have to use quicktime player 7 instead.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Mac Pro :: 3870 Comes With A Crossfire Bridge?

Jul 2, 2008

Does anyone know if the 3870 comes with a crossfire bridge? And if it doesn't the pc version has one so why wouldnt the mac and pc one not have one?

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Mac Pro :: Component Video Out On 3870?

Jul 29, 2008

I need to get component video out (HDTV) and am trying to get a video card that can do that. This is for a Quad 2.66 Mac Pro, currently with a 7300GT. Is the HD 3870 it? Since it's a Mac & PC edition and the PC cards have had Component Out via adapter for some time, I am hoping that this card might do it. Naturally I don't want to buy just to find out it isn't. Their website is useless, as usual.

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Mac Pro :: Ati 3870 Mooing Sound From The Fan?

Aug 10, 2008

I dont know how to describe it but like the macbook rev. a's it has a faint mooing noise. Its not loud or anything but when your in a dead silent room you can hear the silent revving up and down gently of the fan of the ati 3870.

Kind of like a mooing sound but a bit higher pitched than what the macbooks sounded like I guess. It is only apparent in dead silent room and when your playing something intensive like a 1080p movie other wise during normal usage the card is dead silent.

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Mac Pro :: 3870 XP Bootcamp Drivers?

Aug 13, 2008

Anybody running the 3870 under Bootcamp with XP? Which drivers are you using? Windows is complaining the drivers don't exist for the card even though I installed them from the CD.

Nevermind, I finally got it worked out. It took a couple of reinstalls of the software. I don't know why. I am clueless on Windows.

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Mac Pro :: 3870 - No Drivers For Leopard?

Sep 4, 2008

I just reinstalled leopard to try and deal with some aperture slowdown issues (long story). Since I no longer have my x1900 in place I just installed with the 3870 running. I have only single monitor support out of the box. It would appear I -have- to install the ATI driver disk. So I'm thinking I'll just check on the ATI site to make sure there is no updated/newer driver. THERE IS NO DRIVER ON THE ENTIRE SITE! WTF. I went through the mac section - no drivers, just pitiful card info. I went into the driver section - nothing other than 10.4 drivers. Why in the world are there no drivers for this product available for download? Is that just to keep people from flashing a stock card? I guess I'll install my old disk, but this was very irritating.

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Mac Pro :: Finding ATi 3870 Alternatives

Sep 11, 2008

I have a Mac Pro and the stock 2600 installed. Having waited for months on my preorder of the Radeon 3870, its still not in stock, and its been delayed for another 3 weeks in the UK. I have a couple of questions, Is it possible to flash the PC 3870 card to work in OS X? I�ve had a quick search on this forum, and I�m unsure as to what the results conclude. What is the highest performance mainstream graphics card that can run on the Mac Pro, officially or unofficially? I need the card by this weekend.

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Mac Pro :: Finding Drivers For ATI 3870

Sep 15, 2008

Has anyone with an ATI 3870 upgraded to 10.5.5? If so, any issues?

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Mac Pro :: Is There A Way To Flash An Ati Hd 3870 From Pc Version

Sep 18, 2008

is there a way to flash an ati hd 3870 from pc version to mac?

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Mac Pro :: ATI 3870 And Adobe Bridge

Nov 30, 2008

Can anyone who is using this card let me know if they have had issues with CS4. I'm trying to determine if this related to the video card.

Problem: When I try to view a slide show or do a full screen view all I get is a grey screen, pictures do not display. The Radeon HD3870 Mac & PC edition meets Adobe's specs for Photoshop and Bridge CS4. Adobe has tested the 3870 with Windows but not with OS X.

Adobe's documentation lists Bridges GPU functions as

Preview Panel
Full-screen preview
Review Mode

Only the Preview Panel is working correctly.

Here are my system specs:
MacPro 2 dual-core processors 2.66 GHz
5 GB of certified memory
ATI Radeon HD 3870 Mac and Windows edition
the vidio card has 512 MB of VRAM

I'm running OS X 10.5.5

The driver that is installed is the original from the disk. I could not find an updated driver on ATI's site or Apples site.

My system info shows two listings for the HD 3870, both in slot 1. The first has display for type and yes for driver installed. The second lists ATY, MegaledonParent as type and no for driver installed.

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Mac Pro :: Mac Pro 3870 Crossfire 3DMark06

Feb 27, 2009


This is a cool video check it out and tell us what you think

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OS X :: ATI 3870 HD - Getting Blue Screen

Mar 7, 2009

I just installed the graphic card and when I turn on my Mac I get the Apple Logo and the spinning progress wheel and then the screen turns blue for 5 mins and then turns on. The tech at OWC said that it is normal to do that the first time but should speed up after the subsequent restarts, etc. Well, it is continuing to take 5 mins to start up.

Here are some screen shots of my Graphics card info and then another shot thats drivers installed YES and drivers installed NO. Is that correct?

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Mac Pro :: Installed 2 Of The ATI Radeon 3870?

Mar 13, 2009

has anyone installed 2 of the ATI Radeon 3870 (mac edition) cards and get crossfire mode to work successfully in XP under bootcamp? I've been trying to for a few days now with no luck!

The drivers for bootcamp on ATI's site won't install on my machine for some reason and when I use the normal xp drivers (successfully) I can't get the crossfire option to show up in catalyst control center.

Also, in the catalyst control center, it only shows the primary card as enabled and says my other is disabled. However, they are both enabled and working just fine according to the device manager.

Cards are installed in 1st and 2nd slot.

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Mac Pro :: How To Decrease Ati 3870 Noise?

Mar 19, 2009

I just got a replacement Ati radeon 3870 because the first cards fans didn't run at all for a minute or so and would then spin up full for 30 seconds or so and so forth, regardless of what i was doing.

My replacement card came today but this cards fan runs full all of the time?

Surely this is a driver or fan control issue or something, my previous nvidia 8800GT was silent all of the time, but alas I could not play Call of Duty 2 with that card hence the switch.

Is there anything i can do to help cool the card besides fitting aftermarket fans which i don't feel confident doing and they don't seem to support the 3870 100%.

Maybe open up the PCI slots or upping the Mac Pros fans via SMC Fan Control?

Or do i return it and switch back to a 8800gt and forfit Call Of Duty 2 or wait and switch it for a 4870?

I'm going to try and live with the fan noise tonight but does anyone own a quiet 3870?

For the record I'm running a 2008 2.8GHZ 4-Core Mac Pro with 8Gb of Ram and 10.5.6. I tried a clean install on a new hard drive and the card behaved the same.

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Mac Pro :: ATI 3870 Versus 8800gt . . . Which Is Better

Mar 29, 2009

I have an early 2008 2.8x8, want something that will work in OSX (both DVI dual-link possibly) and also be much better in Boot Camp than my 2600HD.

So, which is better . . . 3870 vs 8800gt? Or another?

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Mac Pro :: PC 4870's Can Be Flashed, But Not PC 3870's?

Mar 30, 2009

Ever since the 3870 came out last year, I've been waiting to see if anyone was able to dump the ROM from the Mac version and flash a PC version with it. But it seems no one was able to do it.

How come suddenly everyone and their brother is now able to flash the PC 4870? Anyone know what the differences between the two are, that would prevent the 3870 from being flashed successfully?

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OS X :: Does ATI Radeon 3870 Work On 10.4.11

Jun 18, 2009

I'm using OS 10.4.11 on a first gen mac pro. Would I have to upgrade my OS or will this card work on it. If the card is not compatible with my OS what cards would be besides the ATI Radeon x1900.

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Mac Pro :: 8800gt Versus 2 3870 Crossfire

Nov 2, 2008

What would be better for gaming under bootcamp?

8800gt vs 2 3870 crossfire

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Mac Pro :: How To Use Dual 3870 Crossfire Boot Camp?

Sep 3, 2008

I want to use dual 3870 Crossfire in Boot Camp Windows and not have OS X choke.Note I am NOT asking to have Crossfire work in OS X, I just want OS X to use one of the cards while both work when booted into Windows.

Does anybody know, on a Jan08 Mac Pro Xeon, if I install dual 3870 cards with the Crossfire jumper connected, will OS X ignore the jumper and work properly on a single card?

I already have workarounds for power connections.

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Mac Pro :: Upgraded To 3870 - Google Earth Still Choppy?

Mar 12, 2009

I'm a brand new member, having acquired a 1st Gen Mac Pro 4x2.66/4GB/4x750GB-HD system at a corporate fire sale and just upgraded it with an ATI 3870 / Accelero cooler. The nVidia 7300 P.O.S. card that came stock in this system was noticeably choppy in Google Earth. I was hoping the ATI 3870 upgrade would put that issue to bed. It didn't. When viewing Manhattan Island with 3d buildings on, it is as choppy as the Gulf of Mexico during an ill-fated fishing trip. But the 4 cores aren't really that stressed - I have iStats Menu installed and they are not maxed. I'm trying to look to the future with this video card purchase (Snow Leopard will support the 3870 for OpenCL operations). Other things seem to be smoother, but I was really looking for better performance with Google Earth and other graphic apps (iTunes visualizer, Core Image demos, etc.) What happened? I'd like this Mac to be somehow faster than my Windows XP box with a Core 2 Quad and a 9600GT card, but it is not so.

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Mac Pro :: Finding Graphics Card Driver For Hd-3870?

Apr 18, 2009

finding graphics card driver for hd-3870?

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Mac Pro :: Options For Running A Third Monitor? - Installed ATI 3870

May 15, 2010

two U2311's from Dell to add to my 30"ACD for a three display set up. I placed the order without putting much thought into how I'm going to drive the 3rd monitor. I have a 2006 MP 1,1 with an ATI 3870 installed. I still have the X1900 that came with the MP but its not presently in the MP. I think that it still works but as I remember its kind of loud. So what are my options for running 3 monitors. I'm just looking for increased desk space not any kind of gaming set up like is possible with the newer ATI cards. From what I've read so far my options are3870 / X1900 - cheapest solution but probably not the best solution

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Mac Pro :: Link To Toms Hardware Article 2x 3870 On X8 PCI-E Slots

Aug 24, 2008

Need link to the article referenced here:


Toms Hardware apparently ran a benchmark comparing two 3870s on x16 vs two 3870s on x8 (hence a Mac Pro 2006).

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ITunes :: Can't Get Into The Account Info On The Store To Check Account Info

Jun 9, 2012

I am unable to get into my account info on the iTunes store to check my account info.  I keep getting a message that it is unavailable  and try later, but this has been going on for weeks.

iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iOS 5.0.1

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