Hardware :: LED Backlight Vs Cathode Tube - Not Getting Consistent Color Between Both Display
Sep 1, 2009
"A man with one clock knows what time it is. A man with two clocks is never sure." Let's amend that "A man with one display knows what color it is. A man with two displays is never sure." I've recently upgraded from a 1st generation MacBook to the 15" Unibody Macbook Pro and I'm having a great deal of trouble adjusting to the difference between the LED backlit internal display, and my Samsung 22" external monitor. I've probably spent about 8 man-hours going through the display calibrator, and through SuperCal, on both devices, and I can't seem to get a consistent color between both displays. Am I doomed to madness? Will I have to spend money on either a hardware calibration device, or on an LED backlit external monitor? Has anyone else solved this?
My wife has an iMac (I don't know any other way to identify it e.g. model number), and she has this 3rd party calibration software that I'm trying to use. I am not used to a Mac, and I cannot find the display settings for the monitor. There are no buttons on the monitor, and when I go to preferences, I can only find the brightness control. I've googled this and cannot find a clear, simple answer. I have used every version of Windows (currently on 8.1 on my PC) and it's easy for me on that platform. I suppose it's just that I don't really know how to navigate Mac OS.
So I got my 24" Cinema Display 2 weeks ago and just noticed this backlight bleeding on the bottom right and its really pissing me off when I watch movies or use frontrow.Does anyone know the best way to go about with an exchange or something?
before switching to Mac, I used an "X-Rite Eye One Display 2" color meter device with software. You can find them most places like Amazon for about $150. The device should still work, but I can't find any software for it for the Mac. After going to the X-Rite web site, I could find no software at all for the Mac as it is only windows based.
Surely someone out there has used a color meter such as this one as they are quite popular especially for graphics artists that use professional graphic monitors. I am hoping someone can tell me how to use my color meter (USB), what software for Mac Leopard I need and how to save the color profile in the Mac OS.
I've got two iMacs in my posession currently from getting replacement machines. Both have screen issues as follows: iMac A - dead & stuck pixels, feint grey horizontal bar running along bottom portion of screen, bottom left corner has noticeable backlight bleed. iMac B - dead & stuck pixels, yellow tinge in bottom portion of screen. So here are my questions. Which iMac should I keep and submit for repair? (does it matter and why or why not?) How does the actual repair get done? For example, if I submit iMac B for repair, could I end up with a grey bar or backlight prob like in iMac A?
Are there multiple layers to the display when they fix specific issues? For example, let's say the dead pixels are on one layer while the yellow tinge is on a different layer, or are both issues on the same layer? I ask because if there are two or more separate layers, there is more of a chance to mess up so I may want to submit the iMac that has the least amount of issues.
Lastly and most importantly, has anyone submitted their iMac for screen repair for these issues and got it back 100% repaired? (no dead/stuck pixels, yellowing, grey bar, backlght bleed) These are #4 and #5 in terms of the number of replacements I've gotten now and I'm sick of it so I may opt to go for repair on either of these existing machines instead of going for replacement #6. But do you think a 6th replacement would be better than going for repair on either of these? Or not?
I have a MBP with the latest OS (the MBP is last the previous model). When I put CD'S in to burn, they come out with a consistent scratch. I double check a cd before the burn, make sure it is scratch free, then burn it and sure enough, it comes out with a scratch. The result is that the cds are not even readable.Does anyone know what could cause this, is it fixable, who should I contact for help, has this happened before, etc?
I've seen a few posts with information about 10.5.7 creating fan problems with the ATI 3870 in 2006 first gen mac pro. There didn't seem to be enough complaints to be a definite problem. I would like to hear from anyone experiencing this problem and from those that upgraded and had no problems. I hope that I can upgrade my OS because 10.6 looks like it will be really great, and I assume any problem with the 3870 would persist through the next OS.
Just got my new cinema display -- loving it so far! Has anyone gotten around to calibrating their displays yet? I've seen similar threads in the past and found the profiles posted by folks to be pretty useful. If you have a good profile, please post it here!
I opened up system prefs to calibrate my screen for the first time so you will need to go to 'Displays' then 'Color' then 'Calibrate' on the side.
It will open up a few tests and when finished make a new display profile, when your done constantly switch between your original profile and the calibrated one (imac calibrated).
You will see a huge difference in enhancement of the screen color lighting and adds more texture, you should look at your wallpaper when switching I chose the snowy mountain wallpaper from snow leopard and it really improved a lot.
I'm working with an iMac, Photoshop Elements 8 and an Epson R2880. I've calibrated the iMac for Adobe RGB; I've set PSE * for Adobe RGB; and I have downloaded the profiles for the R2880 and set it for Adobe RGB. However, my prints look noting like what I see on the screen.
Specs: I have an IMAC G5 Power PC. The display is 20 inches and the processor speed is 2.0Ghz. I have 512 megs of RAM and 250 Gigs of hard drive space. I purchased the computer in the summer of 2005 and until now, it has worked like a gem.
Problem: My display does not show any picture or color. My wife told me she saw infared-like colors while using the computer and then it went completely black. I booted the computer in transfer mode and used my lap top to transfer all the files off the computer.
I then followed the troubleshooting procedures on the webpage [URL]. All the LED lights come on and I do not see any dim light when I examine my computer at an angle.
After the screen went blank, I purchased the VGA adapter cable and plugged in an external monitor to the computer, but I didn't get any picture on the external monitor, probably because the adapter mirrors what is on my screen. I had hoped I could completely transfer the picture to the external monitor, like you can do with a laptop, but I couldn't figure out how to do this.
Questions: What is wrong with my computer? Is is possible for me to use an external monitor even when the computer display doesn't display any picture? If so, how can I do this?
I have an early 2011 Macbook Pro, the higher end model with Snow Leopard. Before that i had a late 2008 unibody aluminum Macbook with Leopard. As soon as i started using my 2011 MBP i noticed the screen tone was much warmer than on my 2008 Macbook. all the colors look over saturated. i tried to change the color profiles, and the calibration tool, but it still looks horrible. i will try to post a picture showing both screens side by side so you can see what has been bothering me for a whole year now!
Im web designer, the cinema display is good for photo editing? I want perfection in color management, I know that I will need calibrate good the cinema etc... but is a pro monitor or is just fashion?
I was reading that the new 13" Macbook Pro display can display 60% more of the color gamut. See http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/features.html. That page includes a chart showing the color gamut, and a triangular portion of it that the laptop can display. So I started thinking, if a display can only display a portion of the color gamut, then how is it able to display a chart which includes the whole color gamut?
Is anyone having a problem using Get Tube 4.51 with MAC OS X 10.5.8? The app freezes and you have to Force Quit to shut it down. Get Tube's website offers no solutions to this.
First the bad news - consistent kernel panics Good news - found a remedy in disabling my screen saver. I'd like to use my screen saver without getting kernel panics. I've tried erasing my drive and restoring from a back up. resetting PRAM, repaired permissions and ran Tech Tool Pro 5 (file structures and repaired permissions, everything else checked out fine).
I have become incredibly confused and frustrated as to why my MBP battery life has gone down the tube. I've had it around release date with minimal cycles. I've tried:
1. brightness reduction 2. turning off wifi/bluetooth 3. items that auto log when computer is turned on where removed (such as adobe updater)
This isn't strictly a Mac question, but I know there's a lot of knowledgeable users here and I'm sure some have the MyBooks too. I'm in the middle of the daunting process of reformatting my two 500GB MyBook hard drives (the standard black ones) to a Mac friendly format having been a Windows user for a while... having such a large HD on the iMac makes it not too painful, thankfully. However, I've got one of my drives hooked up at the moment, copying away. It's making a consistent ticking noise as it works.
It's been a while since I asked very much of my drives (generally I just read off them file by file as it were; playing video), so is this noise normal, or is this drive on its way out do you think? As I say, it is a consistent ticking, like the ticking of a clock really rather than scary whirring-clunk noises, and there's no trouble copying files onto my iMac at the moment. I just don't want to copy stuff back over if it's going to die on me. I've got a stack of DVDs here anyway and I think it's about time I updated my DVD copies of my files...
Can I use a blue ray player to pipe in my imac to my tube tv? the tv only has an s-video, regular rca's,and the red blue green jacks. we are interested in instant netflix, hulu, and also movies in the imac to the tv.
I have an early 2008 imac, running Mavericks.I can open existing Pages and Numbers documents and everything seems to work fine. (using Pages 5)But I can't open a new blank document in Pages or Numbers. (I get spinning beachball, 99%+ cpu, must force quit) Also I can use preview to open any document (pages, numbers, text, jpg), but if I try to export as pdf, it freezes using 99%+ cpu, and must be force quit. I deleted and reloaded Pages, also reloaded Mavericks. it didn't work.I replaced the containers and preference files. No difference.Fontbook did find like 100 warnings in my 800 fonts, no errors though. Other weirdness: Quicktime has lots of weird behavior - opening windows for previously viewed videos, cursor unable to operate the controls or close/minimize windows) I have to use quicktime player 7 instead.
I may be using the incorrect terminology, but videos like u-tube, are very slow, to the point of just sitting there, frozen, while it "loads" for a minute or two, then runs for a couple of seconds, then stops to load again, sometimes for several minutes.
I have the small macbook, with SL, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB, 667 MHz. I know this is a standard problem, but there must be something I can do to make it better. I thought maybe the SL would help, but no.
I have an 09 Mac Pro Nehalem, with nvida gt120 graphics card running 10.6.2 with the latest mac pro 1.4 efi and two 23 inch Apple cinema displays (the older DVI kind)
I go into system preferences>displays>color and try to adjust color on my monitors but selecting different color settings on either monitor only affects ONE monitor, the other monitor is essentially stuck at whatever color setting it is set to.
i really want to customize my macbook. i want to change the color logo to apple classic color. (but not for a while) the main thing i want to do is something like this [URL] the second picture to last. the guy with a suit and a hat, being covered with the apple logo. i want something like that, only not that image. you get the idea though. where can i get something like this? are they stickers as well? or are they laser engraved? i do not want it permanent on my macbook, since i get easily bored with the same look
I installed iwork 08 and everytime i type the letters come in white. I tried changing the color font and everytime i try putting black it always comes up white but when i do it dark blue for example it shows dark blue, it shows every color except for black.
Just picked up a 24" Cinema Display and I'm in love. However, I've just noticed quite a difference in color temperature between it and my 13" MacBook Pro. I've gone through all of the provided color profiles in System PreferencesDisplaysColorDisplay Profiles, but no matter which I select, the two displays don't exactly match.I'm not a display expert by any stretch of the means, and I don't have access to a hardware calibrator. All I can really say is that the Cinema Display seems a bit warmer/more yellow than the MacBook Pro and that the MacBook Pro looks like it might be a bit more red in addition to being cooler, overall.