Laptops :: Wipe And Turn Into Windows Machine?

Jan 13, 2010

So I can get a decent deal on a new Mac Pro laptop, I've been looking to upgrade my old Gateway laptop to something with a little more power. But I HATE MACS and everything apple. Never had good luck with them, think their over priced ect. Is there a way for me to wipe the entire laptop and turn it into a windows machine? The only reason I'd consider the Mac Pro is for the processor(up to 2.5ghz from my 1.6)

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Laptops :: Won't Turn On / Showing Black Screen

Dec 24, 2009

My MacBook Pro won't turn on. When I turn it on, I can hear the motor whirring, but the screen stays black. I've tried leaving it off for an extended period, I've tried unplugging the charger, leaving it to charge for 24+ hours, taking the battery out, checked that the screen brightness wasn't accidentally turned down, everything!! It started about 2 weeks ago, since then it's turned on a couple of times, but when I stop using it and it goes into sleep mode, or I turn it off, it won't come back on again. Not sure what's wrong with it, but there's some urgent files I need on that computer! I also have an iMac, which I was hoping to transfer the files to, so I can send the laptop to be looked at. So, I have 2 questions...

1. What is most likely wrong with the laptop, and is it something I can fix so it will turn on again?
2. Is there a way to transfer the files from the laptop to an external HDD or my iMac even though the laptop has a black screen.

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Laptops :: Ibook Wont Turn On And Cannot Switch?

Dec 8, 2010

my ibook wont turn on ?Sometimes it does, often not.Is it the switch on the top panel as when it does start-up it works fine

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MacBook Air :: Wipe - Not Recognizing New Machine

Oct 28, 2010

I've owned my macbook air for less than 12 hours, and it's already f'd. I normally use a time-capsule to back up my old macbook. I had filevault turned on, on my old macbook (and so I guess it was also applied to the data on the time-capsule) -I turned on my new MBA and told it to take all the macbook data (including login profiles etc) off of my time capsule. I figured this would be easier than migrating components of the data over.-Now, I can't login to my profile on my new macbook air. I have the right password, but it's saying that filevault can access the data, or something. Maybe it's because it's not recognizing the new machine. -At this point, I just want to start fresh with the macbook air. I stuck that little reboot key in the usb port and re-installed the software. Unfortunately, after I did that, the old login profile (which I can't access) were still on there. I get it - I'm bad with computers. Even with the really user-friendly, idiot-proof ones.

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OS X :: Need To Wipe Hard Drive Of Broken Machine

Jun 13, 2009

I recently destroyed my Macbook pro (didn't react to well to a cider) and I have contacted my insurance company who are going to send out a new one. They initially suggested that I get to keep the hardrive from the machine, but now they are insinuating that I have to send in the entire machine. I have lots of data on the drive including unprotected bank details and other sensitive information.

I somehow need to wipe this clean by monday when I need to send it off. Problem is I have no idea how to do this, the machine won't boot, all I have is a imac, I don't even have a fire wire cable that is compatible between the two machines so I can't start it in target disk mode. I refuse to send it to them with my data on it so my last resort will be to destroy the drive itself (although how I do this without causing structural damage is beyond me).

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OS X :: Wipe HDD / Reinstall SL And Browse Other Time Machine Disks

May 31, 2010

I want to wipe my system and only restore certain files to keep my system uncluttered and fresh. I use Time Machine so I thought I don't have anything to do now that everything is backed up. Someone told me once that Time Machine files can only be accessed by the user that created them (me). If I wipe my hard drive, that user will no longer exist. When I reinstall OS X, it will be a new user, so would that new user still be able to easily access and copy back the files from the Time Machine drive onto the internal drive?

I know there's a feature called "Browse other Time Machine Disks" but I don't know if that allows me to do anything I want and whether it will conflict with the new system. I also know about Migration Assistant but I don't want to use such automatic methods since I'm afraid it will restore problems from my old system. So in short, will I be able to easily get my files back one by one (not "all or nothing" like with Migration Assistant) from Time Machine when I will have my clean, freshly reinstalled OS X, with possibly a different username? Or does this only work if I type in the exact same user name as I am using now?

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OS X :: Insert The Mac Disc (Leopard) Into The Machine At Start Up Cause Wipe Out Data?

Oct 10, 2009

We have just had a replacement drive put into a 15.4" MacBookPro and the installer made a mistake with the name. How can we change it to the right one? Do we have to insert the Mac OSX disc (Leopard) into the machine at start up and will this wipe anything that is on the machine?

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OS X :: Does The Free Space Wipe Option Also Wipe The Slack Files On The Hard Drive

Dec 15, 2008

When using the Disk Utility free space wipe to wipe sensitive data (using the 7 times option), I thought that would be sufficient.

I was wondering though, does the free space wipe option also wipe the slack files on the hard drive? Is this even an issue for a Mac? (I know on Windows the slack file needs to be wiped for a completely secure erase, right?)

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Windows On Mac :: BootCamp Won't Partition - Wipe Hard Drive?

Jun 17, 2009

I previously had a Windows partition that I created with Boot Camp. I was running out of room and wanting to try out Windows 7, so I deleted it and tried to create a larger one. So far, i have not been able to create a new partition. The error I'm currently getting reads "Verification failed. This disk could not be partitioned. Use Disk Utility to repair this disk." When I do that, I usually get that it needs repairing, I repair it, and then it happens again. I've done the repairing using the Leopard DVD or booting from another hard drive that's bootable. Another error I was getting said there is currently data there that cannot be moved. That errors told me to back up, wipe my hard drive, and do a reinstall. I really don't want to have to do that, and I really don't NEED Windows, but I did recently want to play some games and dug up my old games for Windows.

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Will Restore The New Laptop With All The Old Laptops Files?

Mar 17, 2009

apple is sending me a replacement UMBP. I'm keeping the current one until the replacement arrives and then using a time machine backup on the new one. My time machine backup will restore the new laptop with all the old laptops files, programs, preferences, emails, everything as the old laptop's drive was without having to reinstall everything? Correct?I guess I could always swap drives as well, that might be quicker.

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Laptops :: How To Eject Windows Xp Disc

Jan 23, 2010

I used boot camp assistant to create a partition and install windows xp, but my cd key isn't working so I need to eject the disc. However, since my macbook keeps booting to the windows install program i have no option to eject the disc, does anyone know a way to hard-eject the disc?

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Laptops :: MacBook Runs Hot When Using Windows

Aug 15, 2010

When I made the switch to the Mac world with a MacBook Pro, I needed to replace my old Microsoft Money for simple small business functions. I tried a number of Mac programs, and all were lacking. Fortora came close, but definitely no cigar. So I installed Windows 7 to permit me to run Quicken. Despite all the strong negative reviews, this program works well and is far ahead of all Mac financial software. Since I use Windows only for Quicken and for Audible Site, since iTunes does not play nice with my Sansa Clip.

I didn't want to divide up my 4 MB of RAM using virtualization software. So I use Boot Camp, and this solution works well for me. What was immediately obvious was that my Mac Book runs very hot when using Windows, where I do little more than use Quicken. So hot that I dare not set my machine on my lap. As soon as I reboot to the Mac OS, the machine cools down. My impression, although I have not really tested this, is that the battery also runs down faster on the Windows side.

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Laptops :: Finding Virtual PC Installer To Run Windows On Mac?

Jan 14, 2010

i really need virtual pc for my mac ibook G4 pls help me to find that installer... and all i got and find is all updater

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Laptops :: Adding Windows 7 And Parallel Software?

May 28, 2010

I just bought a MacBook Pro and while I love somethings about it, I miss being able to use some windows functions. What are the problems with adding Windows to it? I have time to return it and go back to a PC but I think if it had the other operating system as well I would love it..seems like a lot of money though to keep it if I am running windows on it..

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Laptops :: Macbook Pro Windows Bootcamp Installation Error

Oct 29, 2009

I have recently downloaded a copy of Windows 7 on my macbook pro in attempt to bootcamp it so i can play more games. everything went well until it booted to windows installation. from there i clicked start installation and it gave me two choices either to Update it or Customise it. I first chose Update but it didnt work. I then tried customise, and found out that my partition wasnt in NTSC(or whatever) format. So i stop my attempt to install it and tried to go back to mac. I could not go back to mac. i dont know how. I'm stuck there with the installation disc in the drive. I cant go forward with the installation and i cant go back. I finally figured how to get the disc out, and i thought that if i install the Mac OS X again it would fix things so i insert a Leopard installation disc. I was Completly wrong, and now i am stuck at a black screen telling me to insert an installation disc with the Leopard disc in side. I cant do anything now .
I need help please, any valid solution will be appriciated.
THanks in advance

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MacBook Pro :: Connect With A Windows Base Laptops Using A Motorola Wireless Modem?

Mar 13, 2012

How can I connect my macbook pro with a windows base laptops using a motorola wireless modem in my home? 

I have a MacBook Pro and my son and my wife have a Windows Laptop. We have a Motorola wireless Modem that is modem and wireless router at the same time. See below

All of the computers are able to surf in the internet, but My MacBook Pro does not be abel to communicate with them.   Motorola - SURFboard eXtreme DOCSIS 3.0 Wireless-N Cable Modem and Gigabit Router    

Because I believe that at the same time,  It will allow me to use my QB for Mac using the QB for windows 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook Air :: G Drive External Hard Disk Is Not Recognized By Windows Laptops?

Aug 23, 2014

My G drive External Hard disk is not recognised by windows laptops yet it works on my MacBook Air

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Windows On Mac :: Turn Of The Backlit Keyboard On A New MBP In Windows 7?

Oct 7, 2009

I installed Windows 7 on my mid 2009 MacBook Pro. Everything is fine except I cannot seem to find a way to turn off the backlit keyboard, it stays on even when the room is lit pretty bright. I did a search and read that using the F8 key should turn it off but that's not working for me. Does anyone have a solution that works?

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OS X :: Can't Turn Time Machine Backup Disk Into Regular

Feb 8, 2009

I'm no newbie but this one has me stumped. I can put file onto a Time machine backup disk that I don't use as a backup anymore but I can't take them off. The Disk still has some backups on it that I would like to keep. But I would like to use the extra space for regular file storage. What gives. When putting a file on the disk it asks for the password but moving them to the trash it will delete everything in the folder but it won't actually delete the root folder. So my question is

1. Can I use the disk and keep the backups on it?
2. How do I get permission to read and write to the disk

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Intel Mac :: Display Is In Black And White When I Turn My Machine On

Mar 12, 2012

when i turn my machine on, the display goes black and white.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Crashing When I Turn On My Time Machine Backups

Mar 16, 2012

Found that my MacBook was crashing often and had to reinstall Lion which seemed to solve the indescriminate crashes. But now my Time Machine is sitting useless as i cant turn it on even for a single backup manually or have it on continually as the Macbook will crash to the point where all i can do is restart with the power button.

Info:MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Hard Drive Space Disappearing - Turn Off Time Machine?

Apr 18, 2012

When I send files to trash the disc space is not freed up. I've looked on the forums and some people have had success with turning off time machine. I didn't set time machine up because I back up to a portable hard drive only the space is disappearing on that too!

MacBook Pro

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Windows :: Windows Make Reactivate License When Migrate W7 Machine To Mac Mini?

Oct 18, 2010

If I migrate my W7 machine to my Mac mini, will Windows make me reactivate the license? Is that even a big deal? If I use the ethernet cable option, will I need just the regular ethernet cable or a crossover cable?

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Windows On Mac :: How Can I Turn Off Keyboard Illumination

Feb 10, 2009

- How can i turn off keyboard illumination in windows? There's no such option in neither keyboard preferences nor the BootCamp panel. I tried to turn down the keyboard illumination to the lowest possible via the keys but the lowest still illuminates the keyboard.

- It seems that my user account created under Windows does not have full Administrator privileges. I'm trying to get rid of a file and it tells me i don't have Administrator rights to do that. When i go into properties of the file the checkboxes are greyed out and i can't activate administrator rights under my user-name.
How do i gain proper and full Administrator rights? I tried to log out and log in as Administrator but the only user to choose from is the the only one user i created when installed Windows.

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Windows On Mac :: How Do You Turn The Startup Sound Off

Apr 25, 2010

I have a 3 year old MacBook Pro, so I decided to experiment with Bootcamp. I changed it completly to Windows. Happily it worked, however there doesn't seem to be a way to mute the startup sound. I've searched the internet for answers but the problem is, but all the advice I find tells me either to mute the computer before turning it off (which unfortunately doesn't work), plugging in headphones (also didn't work), or downloading a mac application which I obviously can't as I'm in windows.

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Windows On Mac :: Turn Off Internet For Parallel Options

Nov 16, 2010

I'm running Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac on Mac OSX 10.4.11. For my Mac, I have one administrator account, and two managed user accounts. My son uses one of the managed user accounts to run Parallels.The issue is that I don't want Parallels to be able to access the internet (more specifically, I don't want my son to be able to use Parallels/windows to access the internet). I know I can turn off the internet in Parallels through the Parallels configuration settings, but it can just be turned right back on. There is no password protection to ensure that the settings aren't changed. Or am I missing something? Is there an administrative password that I can enable to prevent tampering with the Parallels configuration settings?

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Windows On Mac :: Always Show Boot Menu When Turn On

Nov 22, 2010

i want to know if there is an option or a hack that when i turn on my imac it will always show boot menu then i can choose mac or windows. Without always having to hold down the option key?

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Backlight Won't Turn Off In Windows XP?

Oct 20, 2008

I just installed Windows XP on my new alum MBP, and I can turn the black light on the screen and keyboard up and down but I can't totally turn off the back light on the keyboard.

Is there anyway to turn it totally off?

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OS X :: Installed Windows SP2 - Restarted After Charging But Did Not Turn On

May 7, 2009

I'm on a macbook pro, just installed windows SP2 and I ran out of battery about half way through the installation, So I restarted after charging a little, and My monitor did not even turn on, I was left with a inactive monitor, also My keyboard did not respond at all.I presume these problems are caused by the XP not sharing the hardware, however; I cannot eject the CD with XP on in order to put my Leopard install disk in (to reset) because the keyboard won't work, Also it is a university laptop and I don't have the install disks!

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Mac :: How Do I Turn Off The System Backlit Keyboard In Windows

Sep 19, 2009

I've installed Windows 7 via bootcamp on my MackBook Pro, and everything is running fine, the only problem is I cannot figure out how to turn off the backlit keyboard. Does anyone know if there is a way to turn off the backlit keyboard in Windows?

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