MacBook Pro :: Connect With A Windows Base Laptops Using A Motorola Wireless Modem?

Mar 13, 2012

How can I connect my macbook pro with a windows base laptops using a motorola wireless modem in my home? 

I have a MacBook Pro and my son and my wife have a Windows Laptop. We have a Motorola wireless Modem that is modem and wireless router at the same time. See below

All of the computers are able to surf in the internet, but My MacBook Pro does not be abel to communicate with them.   Motorola - SURFboard eXtreme DOCSIS 3.0 Wireless-N Cable Modem and Gigabit Router    

Because I believe that at the same time,  It will allow me to use my QB for Mac using the QB for windows 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.6)

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Laptops :: How To Auto Connect With USB Wireless Modem

Apr 5, 2010

I have a new MacBook Pro 13 with OSX Snow Leopard and an Optus wireless USB modem. I have to manually connect to the internet. How can I set it up so that I automatically connect to the net when I launch Safari or Mail?

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MacBook Pro :: For WiFi Network Connect AirPort Base Station To Modem

Mar 1, 2010

For wireless: [URL]. Click wireless basics. "For a WiFi network you need an apple Airport base station connected to your cable/dsl modem". Can't I just hook up a wireless router to my cable modem, and ta-da, WiFi.

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Connect To Internet - Using Wireless Modem To Connect To The Netgear Wgt624

Dec 27, 2007

I have a blackbook (intel core 2 duo) and I can connect to my landlord's wireless network (they have a netgear wgt624) but I can't actually use the web (Safari or Firefox will just "think"). I've tested the diagnostics and it confirms that my mac can connect to the network, but it cannot connect to the internet. The network uses WPA personal and it has a 19-aphanumeric passphrase.

*Also - would it be possible for me to extend the wireless range (and make it possible to browse the web) if I used my own 2wire wireless modem to connect to the netgear wgt624?

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Hardware :: Connecting Airport Express To Motorola Cable Modem?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a cable modem from Motorola for my internet connection.

I'm planning to buy Airport Express so I can have a wireless connection for my MBP and iPod Touch.

Is it OK to connect Airport Express to my motorola modem ?

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Software :: Parallels Won't Connect To Internet Via Verizon Wireless Modem?

Apr 28, 2008

OK, I am a newbie, as the name implies. I purchased a MacBook Pro with supposedly Leopard? Mac Os X (somewhere on the machine it said Tiger - does it matter?), with Parallels installed by the friendlies at MacMall. I start Windows and cannot connect to the Verizon wireless express card which is working just fine. The Parallel's User Manual is a joke... how do I make this thing work?

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Hardware :: Connect Windows Pc To Airport Express Base Station

Aug 8, 2008

I have a network of 4 macpros, 6macbook pros, 2 imacs & 7 windows machines running xp, and a laptop running vista business. I recently purchased an airport express base station to put my usb printer (Epson Stylus photo 1390)on the network. All macbook pros & imacs are printing efficiently on wireless. Macpros are using the printer shared from one imac. But i don't understand how do i connect my windows pcs to the printer (all are on ethernet lan). Is there a way to connect them.

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Windows On Mac :: Getting Motorola S805 Bluetooth Headphones Working In Windows 7

Jul 19, 2010

I have a Macbook Pro 13" (Mid-2009) running Windows 7 32-bit via Bootcamp. I was trying to figure out how to get my Motorola S805 bluetooth headphones to work in Windows 7, and the difficult part was that Windows 7 doesn't include the necessary A2DP bluetooth profile in the stock bluetooth stack. You're supposed to get it from your bluetooth adapter vendor, which apple doesn't seem to include in the Bootcamp drivers.The solution was to install the Broadcom/Widcomm bluetooth driver version I found a number of websites with this driver, but I wasn't sure if they were reputable or not. I eventually found the driver I needed from Gateway, which I was willing to try

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Laptops :: Using Connecting IBook G4 Wirelessly To DSL Modem?

Mar 23, 2010

I recently changed providers and started DSL. I have a modem with built-in wireless capabilities. Set it up for my desktop (wired) and all worked well. My son has an iBook G4 running 10.4.11 - same as my desktop. It has an Airport card in it so we figured he should be able to connect to the modem wirelessly. Set it up and it worked well for one day. Following day it would not connect.

I set up the wireless connection with WPA-PSK selected and channel 9 selected. Made sure the iBook was set the same. When prompted for the password we get an error message stating there is an "error" connecting to the modem. Using the set up assistant for the Airport card yielded no change.

Today we turned off the WPA-PSK and he can connect with no problem. I'm not entirely comfortable with WPA shut off. I read something that implied the password needs to be a certain length to work for some settings - notably WEP. I used an 8 character password for the PSK.

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Laptops :: Can External Dial-up Phone Modem For Mac Run On OS X 10.6?

Jul 15, 2010

Can external dial -up phone modem for Mac run on a Mac laptopPro with OS X 10.6?

I really need a competent advise - my finances are limited and I need to know before spending money on this modem.

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OS X :: Connecting 2Wire 2700HG Modem With Airport Extreme Base Station

Feb 15, 2009

I currently have Qwest DSL and have the 2wire 2700 hg modem. I have attached the picture of it. I currently have a Windows XP computer that is now a 2 1/2 year old computer (blah it was a hand me down). The Windows XP PC is currently hard-wired to the modem. I now have the 802.11n version of the AEBS. This is going to be used for my current Macbook. I have an office downstairs so I will be doing wirelessly. I want to use the 802.11n only option with my Macbook. Also another reason I want to disable the 2wire built in wireless feature and have it replaced by the AEBS is because Qwest is not doing anymore firmware upgrades for the 2wire 2700HG modem. By the way, my family sometimes visit and use 802.11g only on the devices they use. I know AEBS supports that. I just hope 2wire wireless feature can be disabled without no issues. These are the things I am wondering:

1. Has anybody run a similar setup to mine? Any things I should consider? Any pros or cons?
2. Should I turn off the 2wire modem firewall and turn on the firewall option on the Airport Extreme base station or vice versa?
3. Should I leave alone the NAT feature on the modem be left alone?
4. Does this kind of setup have to be run in "bridged" mode?

That's all the questions I have for now. I hope someone can help with this. I looked and looked for a similar question to these questions but could not find a recent forum post to mine.

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MacBook :: Wireless Router - Combined Linksys Wireless Router/modem Versus The 802.11b

Jun 25, 2009

I have a Linksys Wireless Router and a Linksys Modem, the router is 6 years old or so 802.11b, how much faster would the Internet be if I had a combined Linksys wireless router/modem versus the 802.11b that I have now?

Would I see a huge difference? I am running my Macbook off it and an olde Toshiba laptop.

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Windows On Mac :: Possible To Connect Wireless Mighty Mouse To Windows XP?

Mar 13, 2008

i was wondering if it is possible to connect wireless mighty mouse to Windows XP! If so, how?

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Get Optus Wireless USB Modem To Work

Apr 17, 2012

I can't get my optus wireless USB modem to work on my mac, it comes up on the desktop but then when you double click on it there is a message that saysthat it has quit unexpectedly. I asked optus and they say that mac uses a different APN,

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Windows On Mac :: Boot Camp XP: Wireless Won't Connect With WPA?

Sep 8, 2009

The wireless on my boot camp side (XP) won't connect to my home router when is is security-enabled. It will connect fine when I take the WPA off and leave it open.My Mac side works fine in either. I've had this issue for 6 months, I just can't figure out why it won't work. A fresh windows install did not fix the issue.Anybody have any ideas?

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MacBook :: Late 2006 Wireless - Connection When Close To Base

Mar 9, 2010

I just got a macbook from somebody and it's great. it's my first mac and i'm learning. i've got a question for you pros however; my airport express 802.11g i believe it is. seems to only get a connection when close to the base. is there any update i'm missing or something?

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MacBook Pro :: Why Need WiFi Base Station In Addition To Wireless Router

May 28, 2012

I want to know why do you need an airport base for wifi networking if you have an existing router? What's the deal?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Windows On Mac :: Cannot Connect To The Wireless Connection When Running Bootcamp

Apr 28, 2009

I cannot seem to connect to the wireless connection when running bootcamp. It says something like the signal is too weak or whatever, but when I run it on OS X, it works perfectly fine.

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Windows On Mac :: Battery Not Recognized - Unable To Connect Wireless

Jul 18, 2009

I am using Windows 7 with boocamp. Just suddenly without changing anything windows 7 stopped recognizing my battery, and is unable to connect wireless. It just gives me an unable to connect error, no more information is given. I found someone on an other forum with exactly the same problem. [URL].

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Won't Connect To Windows 7 Machine Over Wireless Network

Jun 1, 2012

seriously is apple ever going to get off their collective ***** and fix this?

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Laptops :: Transferring Wireless Video From Macbook To LCD TV?

Aug 5, 2008

I am interested in using my Samsung LNT4081F as a monitor for my Macbook. I do not want to connect it with a cord, as I would then need to purchase a wireless keyboard etc. Is there any product that allows you to wirelessly view whats on your computer screen on a TV? I also am concerned with losing resolution.

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Hardware :: Windows 7 And Apple Wireless Wont Connect To The Bluetooth?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a new mac pro (nehalem) and i installed windows 7 after a couple of updates from both apple disk and from windows itself everythin seems to be working fine. Even bluetooth will see my devices ... But it wont connect to the bluetooth keyboard or mouse. it will just stay at "Connecting to device..." is there anything i should be doing that I am not?

The keyboard is discoverable the mouse is as well just when i press connect they dont ....

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MacBook Pro :: Wont Connect To Airport Base Station Anymore

Mar 25, 2012

all other machines have no problems.It worked earlier in the day-put to sleep-came back- now it can't something is wrong with network settings but nothing changed. Two PC's are connected to same cable/Airport base station wirelessly with no issues it's just my machine. I've rebooted a few times-that didn't help. i can get my macbook's airport to work with my wireless aircard so it's not my the internal wireless modem, it's got to be my wireless settings for the airport basestation itself-but nothing chagned in those few hours it was asleep? I have been having issues for a few weeks requiring that I run diagnosis on this home wireless network connection, but it usually gets resolved and coems back on-now it seems gone.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Finding Instruction To Connect To Internt Using Ipod Touch Via USB 3G Modem?

Oct 6, 2010

Need step by step instruction to connect to internet using ipod touch via the internet connection (USB 3G Modem) of Macbook pro.

Macbook Pro (10.6.3)
USB 3G modem (HUAWEI E1550) data card
iPod Touch (3rd Generation)

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MacBook :: Won't Connect With Airport Bt Homehub / Doesn't Recognise Base Station

Dec 25, 2009

I have just acquired a second-hand iBook G3 (Mac OS X 10.3.9) and I can't connect to my BT HomeHub using the AirPort. I can connect using a cable and the previous owner had no problems with the AirPort. My PC is connected to the BT HomeHub fine.

The AirPort is on and I can see the correct BTHH network in the list. When I try to connect I get the error message "There was an error joining the AirPort network 'BTHomeHub etc." I know this is a common error message but I've been through lots of forums and haven't found any advice that has worked. I tried stuff like cleaning up the keychains and adding '$' to my password.

It could be a problem with my password, because I've tried the Admin password on the back of the hub, the Wireless key BT gave me on the 'Wireless Settings' card, and the password I use for wireless internet on my PC. Does anyone know which one ought to work?

When I go into the AirPort menu and click on Internet Connect, 'AirPort Power' is 'on', there is no signal, and it says 'Base Station ID: Not available'. Do I need to reset my Base Station?

If anyone can help I will be soooo grateful. Thanks.

**I'm a Mac newbie and I'm not a techie, so if you can help me, please be prepared to explain in detail**

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Connect A HP Printer Connected To An Airport Extreme Base-station?

Jun 14, 2012

I am unable to add aan HP Laserjet 1212nf printer connected to an Airport Base station. When I click add it takes me directly to the I.P. window.  My MacBook pro running 10.6 does not see the printer, Bonjour does not search for it.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Using Two Airports At 1 Wireless Modem?

Nov 21, 2009

I have a wireless network set up at my home. I have two laptops that were both working fine on the network at one point. Laptop A still works fine, thus the network is working. Laptop B cannot connect to the internet via this network but the airport connection on that machine is completely full.

In my system preferences > Network Panel I am able to see the green light suggesting that I am connect to the network and that I am also connect to the internet via this airport.

It is also worth noting that the same machine works fine connecting to the internet at my office via the airport there as well as other airport networks.

I am at a loss because the fact that laptop A works on the network rules out the network as the issue and the fact that laptop B works on other wireless network suggests that the settings are correct. Both machines are running the same OS 10.6 ( latest updates)

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IMac :: Using Linksys Wireless Modem?

Aug 23, 2010

I currently have an old technology 2-Wire modem and I hear its not the "friendliest" with Macs. Especially when configured in wireless mode. Thus, I'm thinking of replacing our old 2-Wire with new technology Linksys WAG160N modem/router (for my current 10 Megs DSL service).


If you have this Linksys modem/Wireless Router, any good, bad & ugly on it?

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Power Mac :: Can G5 Be Connected To A Wireless Modem

Mar 23, 2012

I want to keep an old PowerMac G5 just for browsing the internet, etc. and I am about ready to install a wireless modem. Can I still purchase an AirPort card or Bluetooth capabilities to connect this computer wirelessly (and how complicated is this!), or will I still need to use an Ethernet connection to the modem?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Using Telstra Wireless USB Modem?

Apr 29, 2012

I come to realise that my current telstra USB modem (sierra wireless compass 885) being used with a pc laptop is not directly compatible with OS X 10.7.3. My basic need is to have an internet connection on my Macbook and an ideal situation of being able to network with pc, Apple TV and possibly a backup device such as time capsule.  

So, I figure my options are to either purchase a new compatible USB modem and router,  or purchase a wifi router that will allow me to connect my Mac to the internet wirelessly through the existing pc connection. 

Please advise on the viability of these options, insofar as the likelihood of establishing and maintaining such a network without the need for a fixed line ethernet ADSL type connection. Further to this, I would appreciate any recommendations for suitable modems and routers.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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