MacBook Air :: Wipe - Not Recognizing New Machine

Oct 28, 2010

I've owned my macbook air for less than 12 hours, and it's already f'd. I normally use a time-capsule to back up my old macbook. I had filevault turned on, on my old macbook (and so I guess it was also applied to the data on the time-capsule) -I turned on my new MBA and told it to take all the macbook data (including login profiles etc) off of my time capsule. I figured this would be easier than migrating components of the data over.-Now, I can't login to my profile on my new macbook air. I have the right password, but it's saying that filevault can access the data, or something. Maybe it's because it's not recognizing the new machine. -At this point, I just want to start fresh with the macbook air. I stuck that little reboot key in the usb port and re-installed the software. Unfortunately, after I did that, the old login profile (which I can't access) were still on there. I get it - I'm bad with computers. Even with the really user-friendly, idiot-proof ones.

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Laptops :: Wipe And Turn Into Windows Machine?

Jan 13, 2010

So I can get a decent deal on a new Mac Pro laptop, I've been looking to upgrade my old Gateway laptop to something with a little more power. But I HATE MACS and everything apple. Never had good luck with them, think their over priced ect. Is there a way for me to wipe the entire laptop and turn it into a windows machine? The only reason I'd consider the Mac Pro is for the processor(up to 2.5ghz from my 1.6)

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OS X :: Need To Wipe Hard Drive Of Broken Machine

Jun 13, 2009

I recently destroyed my Macbook pro (didn't react to well to a cider) and I have contacted my insurance company who are going to send out a new one. They initially suggested that I get to keep the hardrive from the machine, but now they are insinuating that I have to send in the entire machine. I have lots of data on the drive including unprotected bank details and other sensitive information.

I somehow need to wipe this clean by monday when I need to send it off. Problem is I have no idea how to do this, the machine won't boot, all I have is a imac, I don't even have a fire wire cable that is compatible between the two machines so I can't start it in target disk mode. I refuse to send it to them with my data on it so my last resort will be to destroy the drive itself (although how I do this without causing structural damage is beyond me).

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OS X :: Wipe HDD / Reinstall SL And Browse Other Time Machine Disks

May 31, 2010

I want to wipe my system and only restore certain files to keep my system uncluttered and fresh. I use Time Machine so I thought I don't have anything to do now that everything is backed up. Someone told me once that Time Machine files can only be accessed by the user that created them (me). If I wipe my hard drive, that user will no longer exist. When I reinstall OS X, it will be a new user, so would that new user still be able to easily access and copy back the files from the Time Machine drive onto the internal drive?

I know there's a feature called "Browse other Time Machine Disks" but I don't know if that allows me to do anything I want and whether it will conflict with the new system. I also know about Migration Assistant but I don't want to use such automatic methods since I'm afraid it will restore problems from my old system. So in short, will I be able to easily get my files back one by one (not "all or nothing" like with Migration Assistant) from Time Machine when I will have my clean, freshly reinstalled OS X, with possibly a different username? Or does this only work if I type in the exact same user name as I am using now?

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OS X :: Insert The Mac Disc (Leopard) Into The Machine At Start Up Cause Wipe Out Data?

Oct 10, 2009

We have just had a replacement drive put into a 15.4" MacBookPro and the installer made a mistake with the name. How can we change it to the right one? Do we have to insert the Mac OSX disc (Leopard) into the machine at start up and will this wipe anything that is on the machine?

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OS X :: Does The Free Space Wipe Option Also Wipe The Slack Files On The Hard Drive

Dec 15, 2008

When using the Disk Utility free space wipe to wipe sensitive data (using the 7 times option), I thought that would be sufficient.

I was wondering though, does the free space wipe option also wipe the slack files on the hard drive? Is this even an issue for a Mac? (I know on Windows the slack file needs to be wiped for a completely secure erase, right?)

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Recognizing Old Backup

Jun 24, 2009

I got my MBP back yesterday from a logic board replacement. I tried doing a backup today, and it failed multiple times - wouldn't even get started "preparing". I then attempted to enter Time Machine, and there was nothing there. I double checked to see if the actual backup data was still on my HDD, and sure enough it was. So I then repaired the drive with Disk Utility. Now I am able to backup- but not in the same backup as my previous Time Machine. They're now listed as "Computer" (original) and "Computer 2", both in the "Backups.backupdb" folder.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Time Machine Not Recognizing GoFlex?

Mar 21, 2012

I have been having problems with Time Machine and a Seagate GoFlex external drive. I've partitioned the external drive as a backup startup disk and a backup particition using Time Machine. It will work fine for some time and then not function as planned. 

For example today, my Software Update indicated there were available updates. One was a System Installer. I chose to update. When the update was complete, my backup was no longer available. Time Machine indicated the drive was now "read only", and that a backup could not be completed. 

As I said, this external drive and the setup I have works for sometimes a month or better, and then I run into some kind of problem like this, and am forced to erase and partition the drive all over. This sure does defeat the expectations for an external drive backup.  

I've contacted Seagate several times. They've had me download a utility that keeps the drive from going to sleep.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Not Recognizing Full Space Available On NAS

Jun 16, 2012

I recently purchsed and set up an Iomega Storcenter ix4-200d NAS with Time Machine support.The NAS has 8 TB storage total, with ~4.6 TB available.I have TIme Machine support turned on in the Storcenter, assigned to a folder called "Time-Machine." In my OSX Time Machine preferences, I select the "Time-Machine" folder on my NAS as the back-up disk, and my Mac connects to it just fine.The challenge is Time Machine returns an error saying there isn't enough space on the backup disk to complete the backup.For some reason, Time Machine is only recognizing 536.36 GB of space available on the backup disk, even though there are ~4.6 TB available.I tried manually moving my iTunes media folder (~700 GB) to the "Time-Machine" folder on my NAS to see if the Iomega NAS was arbitrarily setting a max size to a Time Machine folder.I was able to manually move just under 1 TB of data to the same "Time-Machine" folder that Time Machine says only has 536.36 GB of space.

I tried deleting the Time-Machine store on my NAS, turning Time Machine support off, then turning it back off and creating a new "Time-Machine" folder.I did this several times and still get the same behavior.I even tried running Time Machine piecemeal, excluding larger folders at first and running a back-up, to see if maybe Time Machine wasn't liking that large of an initial backup.This worked, and then I gradually removed some exclusions and ran back-ups again, so each back-up size was never more than 200 GBs or so. However, after several back-ups, I received the same error message saying there wasn't enough space on the backup disk when the total sparsbundle size reached 536.36 GBs.Since I can manually move more than 536.36 GB of data to the backup disk, I'm guessing it must be something with Time Machine not recognizing the full space available on the NAS.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Wipe Down Keyboard On MacBook?

Mar 30, 2009

Like whenever I wipe down my keyboard on my MacBook. I always think how convinient that would be to have a keyboard lock because I don't feel like shutting down to do a wipe down.

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MacBook Pro :: How Exactly Do I Completely Wipe

Mar 25, 2012

My MBP has been acting strangly for more than two months now. It started with taking a couple minutes to locate the WiFi, then just general slowness, and now is so troublesome that I want to just wipe it completely to factory fresh and try again. I nearly chucked it out a wondow today, the first time a Mac has made me feel like I was using a PC.I originally posted quite awhile ago (url...) although 300+ reads got not a single reply. So I don't know whether I am even posting this in the right this more likely a Lion problem? Or something else? I don't know and am tired of being stressed. Had an important paper to write today and probably should have used my iPhone rather than trying to convince my MBP to work.

I have repaired the permissions, zapped the PRAM, re-installed Lion, re-RE-installed Lion, and tried just living in Safe Boot Mode. I just want my Mac to work, as it always has in the past. So now, let's just start fresh and see what happens. Except guess what? I can't find any specific instructions as to how to even do THAT.So I am begging someone to give me simple instructions to erase my hard drive so I can just start over.

Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Wipe System Before Selling?

Aug 29, 2010

So I buy a MacBook Pro 13 (super local deal) and my second post here is how to sell it! (I'm thinking about selling or returing it and getting the 15.) I have not done anything but the usuall new computer stuff that you walk through up when you turn it on for the first time and downloading Open Office to try it out. What is the best way to clear any data and reset it to factory spec so I don't leave any information?

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MacBook :: Bought A Used Wipe Out The Memory?

Feb 27, 2012

I just bought a macbook and i have no disk how do i wipe out the memory?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), i do not have any disks

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MacBook Pro :: Wipe My Hard Drive?

Mar 9, 2012

I'm trying to sell my macbook pro and I need to wipe the hard drive.


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MacBook :: Wipe Hard Drive But Not OS?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a white Macbook. 160GB hard drive. late 2009.I am running OS X Lion 10.7.3 I was looking at my storage statistics and it shows that i have 50gb of "other." How do I get rid or minimize this "other" data? it is taking up a 32% of my hard drive...Or, is there a way to completely erase all files and data, but still keep my OS installed?

Info:MacBook (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Wipe Out Personal Info?

Mar 31, 2012

i would like to know how i can wipe all my personalyy info from my mac

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MacBook :: How To Wipe Hard Drive

May 20, 2012

I need to dispose of my old MacBook  - what's the best way to remove all of the information on it before I put it on Kijiji?  Don't want my photos/browsing history/cookies passed on to anyone..

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2007)

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MacBook :: How To Wipe - Command R Won't Work

May 21, 2012

I just picked up my compute from the genius bar with a new hard drive.  When I turned it on and plugged in my external hard drive it gave me two choices of backups to use and they didn't have dates or versions, so I picked what I thought was the most recent.  I chose incorrectly and now I have the computer from my freshman year in high school.  Everyone says to hold command R at the startup but it isn't working.  Perhaps I'm just doing it wrong.  I have a regular macbook and am running Lion Version 10.7.3.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Wipe Info From It But They Don't Come With Discs?

Jul 3, 2012

I have a early 2012 Air, and just bought a new one last week.  Migrated all my stuff but now need to get the old one back to new for my employee to use.  No discs like we had with the Pro, and the alternative of wiping the hard drive and reinstalling Lion seems a little harsh.  How would I reinstall Lion without the disc anyway? 

MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Hacked - How To Do A Complete SSD Wipe

Aug 20, 2014

Yesterday my wife got conned by a scammer who logged into her 2012 Air and started hacking away. We have no idea how much data he got or how much spyware he planted. She shut down the machine shortly after he got into it, but now we're in limbo. I want to totally wipe the SSD (I've been strongly advised to do so) and restore it from a backup drive (we use Super Duper for backup, as well as Crash Plan). Any special tricks to doing a total wipe of the data?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Wipe Off Retina 128GB

Dec 9, 2014

How to wipe off macbook pro retina 128GB, Latest software 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, Macintosh HD.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook :: Wipe Everything Without Formatting Hard Drive?

Jul 25, 2009

I'm selling my old white Macbook so I can purchase the new Unibody one. I wasn't sure how exactly to "wipe" my old hard drive on Mac. Do I have to install the OS all over again? Did my Macbook come with the disc so I could do this? If not, is there a way to wipe everything without formatting the hard drive?

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MacBook :: Wipe The Disk Clean And Restart?

Apr 10, 2012

I am giving my MacBook to a friend.  I want to wipe the disk of all my information and then set it up in her name as a user. ??

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MacBook Pro :: Wipe / Reset It With Retina Display?

Jun 19, 2012

I just got my new macbook pro! But I put information from another that I don't want. So how can you wipe without a disk besides bringing it to Apple?

Info:MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Wipe All Personal Info On It But Keep The Applications On It?

Jun 20, 2012

So I am selling my early 2011 MacBook Pro and have been having a lot of trouble getting people to buy it at my asking price... So I was thinking of ways I can get it at the price I wanted and thought to use the software on the computer as a selling point.  Well it worked and I have all of adobe CS5 on it along with Microsoft Office for mac and windows 7 as a partition.  Well I got a buyer who is interested primarily because of the software and I want to sell it but just keep the applications on it.  What can I do to protect myself by getting rid of any personal information?  Do I just go to my key chain and wipe it clean and wipe all my documents?  The licensing for the applications won't be an issue for me so I don't care about that. 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Will Lion Reinstall Wipe My Documents?

Jun 28, 2012

I woke up, went to my late 2011 MacBook Pro and it took forever for the display to wake up, and it kept showing beach ball. After some minutes, the login prompt came up but with the beach ball still spinning. After waiting for like 3 minutes I decided to shut it down by pressing the power button. The computer restarted and it's giving me a screen to re-install Lion from a backup or from the app store. I shut it down to see if it will work fine, but I keep getting the same screen re-install screen. Now what I want to know is will re-installing from the app store wipe away my documents? And don't have a backup to re-install from.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Wipe Hard Drive To Increase Performance?

Jan 12, 2011

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148a Safari/6533.18.5)

I apologize as I suspect this post would be better placed in a Mac os x forum instead. When I had a PC, I would periodically (once a year) wipe the hard drive and reinstall everything. I found this helped to have the computer run quicker, I assumed by cleaning the registry out.

Obviously my Mac runs a number of maintenance protocols that help to mitigate this. Regardless, is there any benefit to a wipe and a reinstall from time capsule, or would the results be effectively the same?

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MacBook :: Replacing Hard Drive - How To Wipe It Clean

Sep 15, 2009

After seeing the system requirements for Windows 7, I decided to upgrade to a larger hard drive later this week. I plan on giving my old 160 gig drive to a friend who uses Windows but I want to wipe it clean first. Do I insert my Leopard disc and use disk utility to reformat?

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OS X :: How To Wipe / Delete MacBook - Restore To Factory Settings

Nov 4, 2009

What's the best way to return this macbook to Factory settings with all installed items gone, passwords, email, calendars, photos, music?

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MacBook Pro :: 13 For New One - Wipe Hard Drive And Back Up Itunes?

Apr 13, 2010

i am sending back my new mbp for the new one. how do i wipe the hard drive and back up my itunes?

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