I have a big problem. For some months now I haven't been able to start up my Mac. It's a Mac PowerBook G4 bought back in 2002. It's a laptop. When I push the start button it shows me the grey screen with an apple. Then the screen turns blue showing the white and square icon with an apple, Mac OSX and the line for loading saying "starting Mac OS X..." When the loading sign is complete or almost complete it stops. Nothing more happens. It just stands there the blue screen with the loading line that looks pretty complete. What can be wrong? Some time ago I was asked the message: if I want to use the new way of starting up my computer, and I clicked YES, because I thought it was the normal software updating. And eversine then it hasn't been able to finish starting up. Can anyone give me suggestions of what to do? Or maybe tell me what is wrong? Maybe it has something to do with the "new starting up" message I said yes to, or maybe not.
I really hope someone out there can give me some advice, because now I haven't been able to use my Mac for months!
My 1999 PowerBook G3 "Lombard" does not start when I press the power button. Is there a way to force it to start without it, or do I need to get a replacement button?
Mac Book Pro shuts off when using the battery after about 20 minutes. System Profile information says it is fully charged. Health Information, cycle count:108, Condition: check battery. I believe I have two weeks left on the Applecare Protection Plan.
I'm running Windows XP through Virtual Box on my 2.4ghz Mac Book Pro (10.5.8) - works great for my Web Designer Day Job (checking Browser issues).... anyway I borrowed a copy of Aliens Vs Predator 2 from a friend (it's an older 2001 Game) so I figured it'd run ok on a 2009 Mac even through emulation....
Anyway I'm having major Issue trying to get the game to work, Basically I think I'm missing Nvidia Drivers?
System Profiler says I have 2 Graphics cards:
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M
NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT
I've tried downloading Nividia Drivers from there site, Both that I've tried give an error message telling me "No Suitable Hardware Found" ??
has anyone tried to play a game through Virtual Box/ XP on a Mac Book Pro?
I have a MacBook Pro that is approximately 2 years old. It has always worked fine without any issues at all. Tonight I was installing some scanner software for a Fujitsu S300M scanner. After installing the software it asked me to reboot so I had reboot. At that time I came back a minute later to see just a black screen. I then after a couple more minutes decided to hold down the power button and turn off the power since nothing was happening.
I then pressed the button again and I saw the light turn on on the button that opens the screen but that is all. There was no startup chime, nothing. All I could hear is at the same time the light came on the optical drive makes it's noise that it makes at bootup. I have tried repeatly to start the computer. I have pulled both the AC Power and Battery for several minutes with still no luck. As I said just the light comes on and the optical drive makes noise and that's it, no startup chime, nothing. I don't think this should be related to scanner software and I'm assuming it was a coincidence that it happened then but any idea what could be causing this and can I fix it without a trip to the genius bar?
My G3 laptop has been in storage for over six months and won't start up. The power lead and clock battery are new. This happened before and Dianne the moderator at the time gave me a simple keystroke sequence to bring it back to life. Anyone out there know what that was?
We have about 10 PowerBook G3/400 computers in our school running OS 9.2.2. They haven't been used in a couple of years and now none of them will boot up. No power. I checked Apple's website and found an article called Power Management Unit. It says to hit the reset button, wait 5 seconds and then hit the power button, but it didn't work for any of them. Does anyone have any ideas?
Has anyone had the following problem? My Macbook Pro is 2.5 years old and has recently been shutting down for no apparent reason while plugged and unplugged into the power adapter. I went to the Apple store a few weeks ago for an issue where the Macbook Pro would not turn back on at all. They had to replace the logic board. But after that, I now have the problem of the shutdowns. I went to the Apple store and got a new power adapter because mine was broken. I thought that would be the problem, but it isn't. I also recently reinstalled my operating system and the problem is still occurring. Does anyone have any advice? My laptop is a 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM. My battery is in 'poor' condition, but according to the Apple experts, the battery has nothing to do with this issue.
Using a G4 IBOOK with OS 10.5.8. Recently converted IBOOK from just my wifes computer to both of us so it is now dual usuage with both of us signing in to our respective files/e-mail, etc. My side has a problem never experienced before. My apple mail system address book has all the names the dock address book does but is missing almost 2/3rd of the actual e-mail addressess. I have tried to redo the dock address book in hopes it would change the "internal" mail book, but to no avail. It id difficult to add a recipient to an outgoing e-mail via the dock address instead of the apple mail address book.
I am becoming way to used to going to the Genius Bar with this machine. I have an early 2008 MacBook Pro and it has suffered around 4 or 5 hard drive failures since then, had it's logic board and super drive replaced, and is still giving me a headache. The last time the Genius Bar replaced the HD on my MBP was on New Years
Anyways, here's what's going on.
I woke up this morning ready to tackle writing my college admissions essay. I open my MBP up (I always leave it on), and nothing happens. Okay, I press the power button and nothing happens again! Oh no. I don't hear the HD spin, actually, the machine emits no noise whatsoever. I tried all the suggested steps online that I could find including this one (Troubleshooting a MacBook, MacBook Air or MacBook Pro that won't turn on and it still won't power up
I made an appointment with the Genius Bar at 2:00 PM today but I'm wondering if I could do anything to figure out what's wrong so I don't have to do the now ritual 45 minute drive north to Reno. Yikes.
I have a four-year-old 17� inch Powerbook that is in need of some restoration. The optical drive does not work, the battery lasts all of 3 minutes when its not plugged in and the firewire ports don�t work. So since the optical drive and firewire ports are unusable I cannot install Leopard, which I would like to do. Also disk utility says the hard drive needs permissions repaired but I would need to insert the install disk to fix them and since I don�t have disk warrior or drive genius already installed it seems like a problem is going to happen soon.
I have Western Digital My Book Pro II 2TB hard drive connected through FireWire 800 or 400 cable. The problem is that it shuts itself off unexpectedly all the time. Sometimes right after I turn it on, sometimes after 30 minutes. After turning it back everything seems to be fine, no loss of data. Anyone else experienced the same problem and can suggest how to fix it?
ive just upgraded my powerbook from 10.4.11 to 10.5.8 at my local apple store forgot to ask how to sync my iphone 4 to my mac,as it wont pick it up on itunes or charge via the usb cable? ive just upgraded to 5.1 on my iphone,do i need a newer version of itunes?
Ive tried over and over to upgrade. I uninstalled the old flashplayer, installed the new version, did a disk repair and nothing.The only way for me to view a flv video is to go to “open with” and use Realplayer. It says it’s successfully installed but when I try to view a video the only thing that happens is that another window pops up that is completely blank but has a title that reads:
160GB HD:Library:Documentation:Help:HP Photo and Imaging Help:shrd:flashplayer
I’m working on a: Mac OS X 10.4.11Processor 1.67 GHz PowerPC G4Memory 2GB DDR SDRAMStartup Disk 160GB HD I’ve installed:
My room mate turns on his computer and the screen is fine. After about 15 miuntes the screen image basically goes negative for a minute or so. After that little pixels begin to rain down until the entire screen is pixelated. When it is pixelated I can use an external monitor to view my desktop perfectly, which eliminates the graphics card as the issue in my opinion.
Ok, I know I've had 2 discussions here already but it still doesn't make sense to me. Everything says its a bad Logic Board. Ok, Power Mac A1074 2.0 DP It hangs at white screen w/ grey apple logo and no spinning wheel. I have ran the Apple hardware diagnostics disc several tims. Everything comes back that all hard ware is GOOD. I try and run the OS diagnostics on the same disc and it hangs at the white screen/grey apple logo. I have replaced the hard drive and started it holding 'option"it reads the Apple OS Install disc (just as it reads the hardware diagnostic disc just fine) when I try to boot from the install disc it again hangs at the white screen/grey apple logo with no spinning wheel.
I have a 1.8GHz G5 that will just not boot up. When I start it I get the grey screen with the Apple logo and nothing else. The fan then fires up and up. Have tried starting it in Safeboot mode. In this mode I can hear the initial chime and some activity for about 5-6 secs and then nothing. I have an extra 2GB of Kingston RAM in the machine that I put in a couple of years ago and apart from this nothing has changed apart from upgrading the OS's.
It was checked with another power cord too, no power at all. The battery has been replaced, still no luck. Who can repair it? I called a guy, he said to change the logic board that "could be" the problem is too expensive. Advice: donate to Salvation army......Nice, right.? I love this machine, even I have a brand new iMac, iPad, PowerBook, u name it! but it runs the Classic and I have all my files written by this op.. System.
I will start up my G5 and I hear the chime but at that point my CRD monitors never come on. The lights on my USB hub don't light up, either. Then my G5 fans rev up really high. I have to hold down the power button to get it to shut off, then after waiting around 10 seconds I'll try to turn it on again. After several times of repeating this process, my monitors finally kick on, the USB hub lights up and all is fine for the rest of the day. But it's really aggravating having to do this up to five times to get things going. It's like the G5 isn't communicating to the monitors or the USB hub.
Could this be a motherboard issue? It shouldn't be a power issue, as the only thing plugged into my battery backup APC is the tower itself. I'm at a loss here...
Information: G5 Mac OS X (10.4.7) G5 Mac OS X (10.4.7) G5 Mac OS X (10.4.7)
I have a G5 dual processor ((I think its a 2.5) running Tiger. I had it stored for several months and when I brought it out it won't start.. No response at all to pushing button..
I received a semi working powerMac G4 Cube from a freecycle community, and while initially it worked fine, I had to dissemble the unit to replace the dvd drive which had a dvd stuck in it. I used one from a second unit that I was also given and I think the dvd is also bad , as placing the 'software installer', which I presume is OS9, causes dvd unit to make what sounds like spinning noise ( Does not sound to me like its reading anything ), and then after a few seconds it spits it right back out, and this happens everytime.Before I dissembled the unit, the cube at least booted into OS9 just fine, yet I am sure I put everything back properly.I might have chosen a bad setting in system perferences I suppose, and if so is there a fix short of getting a new dvd unit so I can reinstall OS 9 ? Also, I did try 'control' while startup, and it takes me to a very odd screen, with a icon for 'reload' ( browser icon similarity ) , or what looks like a right arrow. Choosing either does nothing, short of showing what looks like a watch moving in circular fashion.