Intel Mac :: Transfer Music From Iphone To Imac?
Jun 9, 2012I have bought a new imac and want now to transfer all my music from my iphone to my imac. how?
View 2 RepliesI have bought a new imac and want now to transfer all my music from my iphone to my imac. how?
View 2 RepliesHow do I transfer my music on an older iMac ( OS 10.5.8 ) to a external hard drive so I can put it on a newer iMac (OS 10.9.3)?
iMac (17-inch Flat Panel), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I just purchased a new iMac 21.5 inch desktop and I'd like to take the hard drive out of my old macbook pro and transfer my iPhoto and iTunes library to this new desktop. How would I do that and what would I need? The macbook pro model is a 2010 13.3 2.4 2x2gb 250gb part number MC374LL/A.
Apple MacBook Pro "Core 2 Duo" 2.4 13" Mid-2010, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
I bought an iPhone 4S about a month ago and used iTunes from my old pc to sync songs. More recently, I bought a Macbook Pro. When I try to sync songs into the iPhone through the Mac iTunes, nothing is transferred. The pictures are syncing correctly through iTunes, but songs on the iTunes library are not. What should I do to transfer songs?
iPhone 4S
I previously had a Macbook with all of my music from my iPhone stored on it. When getting a new computer I logged into my existing iTunes account but not all of the songs that I had on my old computer and phone showed up. I noticed that the songs that aren't on my new computer are ones that were not purchased on iTunes (ex: downloaded from a cd). Is there any way to directly transfer all of the songs that are currently on my phone to my iTunes account on my new computer?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my new 2010 15" core i5 MacBook Pro and i cant seem to transfer any of my music from my iphone to my new mac. Can anyone direct me to a FREE way to do this? I no there are a lot of sites out there which make you pay for it, but i really dont want to do that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased a Macbook Pro, and now want to put all of my music from my iphone4 to my itunes library on the computer, I cannot do this, so I have made my iphone a device so that I used to be able to "grab and drop" downloaded music into my device of the iphone, however recently upgrading my itunes I cannot do this anymore!
MacBook Pro
I have an old Mac Book with all my music on it, but will not sync with my iPhone 3GS or let any of my music transfer over. It only allows my music on my phone to transfer to the Library. How can I transfer the music on my MacBook to my iPhone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded my computer ( new HD and memory) and i am trying to transfer new music from my macbook to my iphone 3g (running 5.1.1) when I initially opened iTunes it had me upgrade to 10.6.3, now I am unable to drag and drop music onto my iphone like I used to. I have checked manually manage music and videos but when I attempt to apply it, I get the message > The iPhone is synced with another iTunes library. Do you want to erase this iPhone and sync with this iTunes library? An iPhone can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. Erasing and syncing replaces the contents of this iPhone with the contents of this iTunes library.As I have just installed a new hard drive and didn't want to transfer over my old info, my drive is empty, if I sync with the contents of my iTunes library, it will erase my phone completely as the HD is new and EMPTY.Is there anyway around this? I used to be able to drag and drop my music from my hard-rive or even straight from iTunes and now nothing happens at all. I'm not sure where the change was made, but is there a way to fix it or get around it? I am also unable to delete songs from my iphone using itunes.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Iphone 3g 5.1.1.
Music won't transfer from my osx 10.9.3 with Mavericks to my iPhone 5.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just bought a MacBook Air and I would like to to transfer my music from my iPhone 5C to the MacBook. I tried backing up my iPhone but only about 4 of the songs transferred.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm trying to transfer the music from my iphone to a new imac, the help centre notes say to go to the store, click authorize computer and go from there, i know its a dumb question, but i can't find the authorise computer bit
Info:iMac, Mac OSX (10.5.7)
I just got a new Macbook and i'm trying to transfer music I already have on my iPhone 4 from the phone to the laptop... Shouldn't it already be in my purchased folder?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow can i transfer music and podcasts from iphone 4S
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1
My iPhone 5c used to sync with my old Windows laptop via iTunes and both devices held all music information on them such as iTunes rating, playlist information and the selected songs to be synced (there are more songs on my iTunes on my laptop than my iPhone).  All of these songs are also saved on an external hard drive. None were purchased through iTunes.
When my old Windows laptop died, it died abruptly so I did not have chance to consolidate the iTunes media folder. I have now bought a new MacBook Air to replace my old Windows laptop.
When I plug in my iPhone 5c to my new MacBook Air, when iTunes offers to sync it advises all information on my iPhone will be lost.
Is it possible to transfer the ratings and playlists from my iPhone to iTunes on my MacBook Air, at least for the corresponding songs that exist on my iPhone? Note I have the original songs on an external hard drive so the song files themselves do not have to copy across. All the files in the iPhone exist in the external hard drive.
iPhone 5c, iOS 7.1.1
The computer originally synced to my iphone was stolen, so I do not have that as a source to transfer from.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
Old version of iTunes on laptop won't transfer music to my new iPhone.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.5)
We recently switched from a a PC to a Mac due to a crash. when we were trying to sync old info from our iPods and iphones onto the iTunes it does not allow us to do so. It restricts us from transferring info. How are we supposed to do so?
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
can anyone tell me how to transfer music from my iphone to my new macbook as my old macbook died?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iphone 4
Soon as I plugged the usb cable to an iPhone a message of "needs more power" appears for about 3 seconds.
After turning on the iPhone, none of my applications recognize the iPhone.
Normally when I plug my camera to the usb cable and turn it on Kodak Easyshare launches and I am able to transfer the images.
how I can transfer the images from the iPhone?
Is there any way to move the existing pics on my iPhone to, my NEW iMac? I HAD a PC which, crapped out (hard disk failure). My problem is, if I let iTunes, sync, it will erase my pictures for which, there is NO backup. If I lose the pics on my iPhone 4, they are gone forever. Emailing them is not an option, there are 2000 of them.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I transfer my photos from Iphone to iMac I cannot view or edit those photos or any of my previous photos or scans. I am a new IMac user. This problem just began yesterday. I have not had any issues before this.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I like to have all my music in ITunes which is in my Powerbook G4 10.4.11 transferred to the Imac OSX Lion 10.7.3, so I can then sync it to the IPhone. Since I am not able to go directly from the Powerbook to the IPhone.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1, Powerbook G4 10.4.11 and IMac OSX L
I lost all my music from my imac. the songs are still on my ipad itunes. how can i transfer songs from my ipad to my mac?
Info:iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6), new ipad
how do i transfer a cd with my music to a usb stick
IMAC, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
I have used an ibook with 10.4.11 for several years, but only for basic functions. Â
I am wondering if there is any way to stream my music from itunes on my imac over wifi to listen to it on my iphone. I like to listen to music with headphones as I work around the house, but the phone doesnt hold as many files as the imac. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
im new to Apple products. I bought a macbook pro in dec 2009 and today i decided to buy a imac for many reasons. How do i transfer my music, movies, contacts and other things from my macbook pro to my new imac ? I should have asked in the store but i forgot.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am new to Mac and I need to know what I can do with bluetooth in Macbook and could I transfer photos and staff between my iphone and mac via bluetooth ?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Have a large iTunes library on my iPhone. I want to migrate all of it to our new iMac (Intel using 10.7). I have two accounts on the iMac, mine and my wife's, which have been set up to share the music (iTunes) library. When I sync my iPhone into my account on the iMac in order to sync the music library it gives me a message that if I sync the music all the items on the iPhone will be replaced with the music library on the computer. However, there is no music library on the iMac as yet. How do I get the iPhone music on the iMac so my wife and I can share the library?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5, Main syncing computer is MacBook
How do I transfer my I Tunes Music Library from my Old I Mac to my new Mac Book Pro? I also have an Ipod and I pod Touch that are connected to my Library on the old I Mac.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2), The I Mac is snow leopard osx 10.6.