Intel Mac :: Sent In The Past Two Years Just Reappeared In Sent Box?

May 21, 2012

Every email I have ever sent just showed up in my sent box.  I can't delete them.  What's up?

IMAC, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

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Intel Mac :: Can't Get Past Welcome Screen

Jun 27, 2012

I have just taken my beautiful new iMac out of its box and turned it on..but now can't get past the welcome screen.  Won't let me click continue ? I havn't owned a Mac since 1994.


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Intel Mac :: Cannot Get Past Registration Information Screen?

Mar 9, 2012

I just bought a new iMac and I am trying to set it up. I first tried to migrate my information from my macbook to my imac and it was taking too long. Estimated time was 46-hours. So, I quit that and continued on with the set up. I am at the registration information screen and I have filled all my information out but it won't let me continue. The continue button is stilled greyed out. How do I continue???


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Intel Mac :: How To Get To Move Past Grey Screen

Apr 7, 2012

How do i get iMac to move past grey screen.

iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: What Makes The Newer Mp Faster Than Ones From Two Years Ago

Oct 19, 2010

This may sound like a dumb question, but I'm a bit confused on computer speeds. I know a higher clock speed will be faster, but...

Lets say the Intel model from two years ago was a 2.8 Octo. For single threaded tasks, would a brand new 2.8 Quad be faster? Why or why not?

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IMac (Intel) :: Why Won't Computer Go Past White Loading Screen

Aug 20, 2014

Why won't my computer go past the white loading screen and how can I fix it?


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PowerPC :: After 4 Years IBook Running Slow?

Dec 9, 2006

I have had my iBook for a good 4 years now. I have a 1.2ghz G4 ppc running Tiger and it is starting to run slow. I noticed that videos will now pause if something else is running or downloading. This never happened before. I was thinking about reinstalling my OS but would like to avoid that. Does anyone have this same problem or have any tricks to speed this up again?

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MacBook Pro :: ISight Resolution Has Been Stuck For Years?

Aug 5, 2010

It dawned on me that iSight resolution has been stuck for years, and I think its time to complain, and see if someone hears me. lol

I have come to expect innovation, not just faster processors o more powerful graphics cards and this seems to be the trend right now.
And I agree when people say "what do you use your laptop for that requires more than an i7?"

Nothing, but that desn't mean we can't get a better isight, usb 3 or even slight cosmetic changes. I think it would be nice to see a little bit more progress on new macbook pros. Back in the day powerbook were known for their advances from the last generation, like powerbook DVI or powerbook gigabit and stuff like that. Now it's just mid 2010, late 2010... Seems a little bit dull.

Anyways, im not bitter, just wanted to know if anyone else has thought about HD iSight and shares my point of view.

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Software :: Imac (1.5 Years Old) Operates Very Slowly?

May 1, 2008

i can't seem to quit some programs normally (mostly iphoto and firefox, sometimes entourage) without forcing quit.

is there some sort of disk cleanup i can do (before this i had PCs)? or is there some sort of easy fix (deleting extra copies of photos, etc) that i can do?

i do have a lot of photos on the computer (they're in a folder and also in iphoto) and some videos, but the videos from my video camera are all stored on my external drive.

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MacBook Pro :: Isn't Even 2 Years Old And The Logic Board Died?

Apr 30, 2012

Will apple replace or exchange this for me? It has never been abused, I treat it with so much care. I didn't even think about getting the extended warranty...I expect my computer to last longer than 2 years. Feel really let down by this.


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ICloud On Mac :: Entire Years Of Photos Are Nowhere To Be Found?

Dec 3, 2014

I take photos on my IPhone 4S and pay to have extra storage on ICloud, yet nowhere can I find my photos.  Entire years of photos are nowhere to be found.

If ICloud doesn't store photos (which it claims to do: "iCloud gives you access to your music, photos, contacts, calendars, documents, and more from your Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Windows computer") then what is the point of ICloud? 

iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1

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Unable To Restart Intel Based IMac / Can't Get Past Grey Screen

Mar 19, 2012

I shut down my imac and when I went to restart it, I can't get it to get past the grey screen.I can't even get to the apple screen.I have unplugged everything and nothing works.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: It Won't Start Up Past Grey Screen , Apple And Spinning Clock

Apr 9, 2012

I have an intel imac - can't tell you much about the details as I can't get any info out of it. I installed snow leopard about a year ago - no issue since then other than occassionally the screen goes black but nothing major.Yesterday, I backed up to my usual passport backup and then today, it froze.  I couldn't turn it off or restart at all so resorted to the power button.  Since then, I can turn it on, it goes to the grey screen (no blue screen) and I get the apple logo and the spinning clock/wheel.  For hours and hours....So, I tried one of the apple support pages and worked through - peripherals, safe boot, NVRAM, PRAM, tried to reboot with mac osx disc (the original not snow leopard) - nothing. Absolutely nothing changes - same old grey screen, apple logo and spinning clock/wheel.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)

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PowerPC :: PowerBook G4 Won't Start - Sitting On Shelf For Years?

Oct 15, 2010

A friend was just given a PowerBook G4 in perfect condition (seemingly). It has just been sitting on a shelf for several years and worked fine before it was shelved.

Now when she plugs it in, the orange light on the cord lights up orange, but when she tries to boot the machine, nothing happens. I mean nothing.

Is there something simple that this could be? Wondering if there is a little battery inside that is needed that could have gone dead over the years of idle sitting, or something like that. I just don't know PowerBooks very well.

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Hardware :: Apple Battery Charger - Batteries Last 10 Years?

Jul 27, 2010

Apple Battery Charger - batteries last 10 years?


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MacBook :: (early 2008) How To Replace 4 Years Old Battery

Apr 9, 2012

Does Apple provide replacement batteries for out of warranty early 2008 Macbooks? Just wondering as my old MacBook is giving a "replace soon" or similar message under the battery status also would it be worth the cost to replace it considering its age?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), White plastic early 2008 model

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Applications :: Office For MAC Excel - Dates Change By Plus / Minus 4 Years

Oct 14, 2010

I have office loaded on my Mac. I work with a variety of spreadsheets and different applications like Open Office, Access, Excel. Most of my data comes from applications on the PC side. When using Office for Mac, I open a new Excel spread sheet and copy and paste data from one of the other applications. So I have a column of dates in Open Office, I copy the date column and paste into Office for Mac Excel.

When I do this the dates change by plus or minus 4 years. So if I move data labeled 10/8/2010 when I paste it into Office for Mac Excel I get 10/8/2014 or 10/8/2006. Sometimes I even get a different month or day along with the plus or minus 4 years on the year. When I move the data into Office for PC Excel I don't have the problem. The dates copy over just fine. I am not using date formulas or functions. It is simply dates put into the column that I am trying to copy into a single spreadsheet.

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PowerPC :: Hardware To Aim For Upgrading My Powerbook G4 1GHz In A Years Time

Jun 6, 2009

an ssd drive, preferably 128+gb

2gb 533 mhz ram

22" monitor

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Intel Mac :: Boot Partition Error Message - Mid 2010 I7 Will Not Boot Past The Apple Logo

Apr 8, 2012

My mid 2010 iMac i7 will not boot past the apple logo? I'm running 10.7.3. I have tried restoring from TM backup from recovery mode (worked the last time this happened) however upon completion it returns to the recovery screen? I made a disk of Lion when I downloaded the first time (followed same instructions sourced from numerous websites) which does not seem to work when i set to start up from this disk, just gets to the grey screen and flicks between the apple logo, a folder icon with a question mark and the circle with line through? Now I can't eject the disk either, a message appears that system can't eject and to make sure all applications are closed? Not sure how to go about closing these applications without being able to start the system? When I tried booting from the Macintosh HD I got a message that the boot cache partition was faulty? I have ran disk permissions etc all ok.  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Can't Get Past File Print

Sep 8, 2009

I'm still using OS X and have never had problems before, but today anytime I try to print anything I can't get past the "File Print" without getting the beach ball. I can't even get as far as to select a printer before it freezes.

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Software :: What Can I Do To Get Past The Blinking?

Nov 16, 2008

Not sure why but froze or crashed,, Ive tryed to install the backup cd, that came when i bought the mac, tryed the hardware tool says hardware working no problems can be a systems problem. what can i do to get past the blinking ? folder

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MacBook Air :: Cannot Get Past Welcome Page

Jun 5, 2014

I just bought a Mac book air and went through VO tutor but now cannot get past the Welcome page. So after every button pushing failure I'm on my iPhone to get support...

MacBook Air, iOS 7.1.1,

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MacBook :: Doesn't Go Past Log In Screen?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a problem with my MacBook. Recently iphoto kept freezing whilst looking through pictures, then eventually crashed. Kept trying it over and over and it did the same thing. Then firefox started crashing too. Restarted my MacBook and I got to the log in page. Entered my password but it then froze on the blue screen. Tried booting in safe mode but it didn't get past that point either.

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OS X :: How To See Past Versions Of Apple Website

Dec 31, 2010

I know that there is a way to see the older versions of but I can't figure it out.

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OS X :: Can't Get Past Gray Boot Up Screen

May 13, 2009

last night i changed the permissions on my macbook to stop my files being shared. now when i log in i cant get past the grey boot up screen. i was told its because of problems created from changing the permissions. i booted up holding shift and nothing happened i booted up in in verbose and it says theres no posix_spawnp("/usr/sbin/mDNSresponder", ...) over and over i booted up with cmd+s and got If you want to make modifications to the files

/sbin/fsck -fy
/sbin/mount -uw

If you wish to boot system exit. I dont want what to do here, Im afraid to start messing with it. I really need to get the files in my HD, I'm doing finals right now!!

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OS X :: IMac Not Getting Past Blue Screen

Jun 19, 2009

I am running OSX 10.5.7. Installed it several weeks ago. This morning, the computer was acting up a bit. For instance, in my wife's account, I couldn't access our shared iTunes library, getting the error saying it was locked. When I rebooted, suddenly I couldn't get into the machine. It just hangs on a blue screen. I've tried booting with the shift key down, and that didn't do anything. I also tried cmd-s, but don't know what to do with that at the prompt, and cmd-v, which works fine, but just dumps me into the blue screen again.

I have a bootable FW drive, and I can boot fine off that, and even see the internal drive. I've opened files on the internal drive -- it all looks intact. But I still can't boot from the internal drive. I've tried Googling for solutions, but if you google "hangs on blue screen" or bsod or whatever around OSX, you get a bunch of hits related to installing 10.5.7, which isn't my issue, and you also get articles from 2006 and 2004, etc. I was hoping it was some sort of permissions thing, but I am not really sure.

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OS X :: Can See A List Of Past Crash Reports

Sep 26, 2009

I've been getting loads of "Application quit unexpectedly, please send to Apple" reports.Is there somewhere on my Mac where all these are stored? I want to see exactly how many times since installing SL I've had app crashes.

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OS X :: Memory Usage Not Going Past 70 Percent

Mar 20, 2010

My iMac has 4Gb RAM and this morning I had a problem with the blued process chewing up memory even though Bluetooth was off and I don't ever use it. After a bit of searching I found the probable cause. Anyway, whilst looking at the above issue, my system was really crawling but the memory usage wasn't over 70% and CPU usage was low too. The swap space usage had jumped up to 4Gb and all the time I was opening new Safari windows researching the issue. The system was getting more and more sluggish and the swap usage was growing but memory usage stayed at 70%. Why wouldn't it use the last 30%?

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OS X :: Can't Get Past Time Machine Screen

Apr 12, 2010

at least I think it's the time machine screen...

I've never used a MAC but I bought this imac for my wife because she thought it was the best looking computer in the world....

After it boots up, when i click on any icon, a calculator, a clock, and a calendar pop up on the screen. I can make them disappear but clicking on anything brings them back...
and that's where I'm stuck.

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OS X :: Can't Get Past Loading Bar In Boot Screen

May 24, 2010

My mac was shutting down and it took sooo long (blue screen with the spinning loader). I never experienced this, cause normally the dock would vanish and my mac would shut down instantly. But this time it kept showing a blue shutdown screen, so I decided (after about 2 minutes) to hold the power button and force a shutdown. The next time I booted the mac it showed me the gray boot screen, with the spinning wheel and a gray loading bar, which I think is indicating a firmware update or something that has to do with my forced shutdown. But the bar gets to about 1/8 and then vanishes. The spinning wheel stays, but nothing else happens. It just hangs and keeps spinning forever.

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