MacBook Pro :: ISight Resolution Has Been Stuck For Years?

Aug 5, 2010

It dawned on me that iSight resolution has been stuck for years, and I think its time to complain, and see if someone hears me. lol

I have come to expect innovation, not just faster processors o more powerful graphics cards and this seems to be the trend right now.
And I agree when people say "what do you use your laptop for that requires more than an i7?"

Nothing, but that desn't mean we can't get a better isight, usb 3 or even slight cosmetic changes. I think it would be nice to see a little bit more progress on new macbook pros. Back in the day powerbook were known for their advances from the last generation, like powerbook DVI or powerbook gigabit and stuff like that. Now it's just mid 2010, late 2010... Seems a little bit dull.

Anyways, im not bitter, just wanted to know if anyone else has thought about HD iSight and shares my point of view.

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MacBook Air :: New MBA ISight Camera Resolution?

Oct 25, 2010

Now that we have this new "FaceTime Camera," I'm curious to know how the resolution compares to the previous iSight camera. Is it still .3 megapixels or do we finally have a 1.3 megapixel camera like all the other Macs?? Can someone open PhotoBooth, take a picture of and do a "Get info" please?

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MacBook :: How To Get Info About ISight Camera Resolution

Feb 5, 2012

I have a Macbook white unibody (late 2010). Curiously, I can't seem to find any information about the resolution of the isight camera that came with the computer. What's the camera resolution for my Macbook?

Mac OS X Lion Thumb USB Drive, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Hardware :: What Is The Resolution Of The ISight For Videos

Apr 4, 2010

What is the resolution of the iSight for videos in the late-2009 unibody macbook.

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IMac :: New 10.6.3 Snow Leopard Update Fixes ISight Dead / Stuck Pixels

Mar 29, 2010

I just confirmed it myself. I had a myriad of colorful "blobs" all over my iSight. I only noticed them really when I put my hand over the iSight so the image was BLACK. But, like the patch notes said, this update fixes them! They are ALL GONE. So for people complaining about stuck/dead pixels etc with your iSight, update to 10.6.3! I'm guessing the update maps them out, somehow. Very cool stuff.

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Mac :: MacBook Pro New 2010 Display Stuck In Sleep - High Resolution Anti Glare Display

Apr 26, 2010

My brand new 15 inch MacBook Pro was working fine for a week. Today the display went to sleep and when I tried to wake it, it remained dark, items barely visible. I could see the display brightness meter changing, but the brightness did not. Restarting didn't help. Called Apple and they're going to replace the computer. Has this happened to anybody else? Note: I have the hi-res anti-glare display.

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MacBook Pro :: Isn't Even 2 Years Old And The Logic Board Died?

Apr 30, 2012

Will apple replace or exchange this for me? It has never been abused, I treat it with so much care. I didn't even think about getting the extended warranty...I expect my computer to last longer than 2 years. Feel really let down by this.


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MacBook :: (early 2008) How To Replace 4 Years Old Battery

Apr 9, 2012

Does Apple provide replacement batteries for out of warranty early 2008 Macbooks? Just wondering as my old MacBook is giving a "replace soon" or similar message under the battery status also would it be worth the cost to replace it considering its age?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), White plastic early 2008 model

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Mac :: Replace New MacBook Air High Resolution Screen With A Lower Resolution?

Nov 16, 2010

1440x900 resolution of the new MacBook Air 13.3" screen is simply too high, making everything way too small and straining on my eyes. Is there a replacement LED LCD panel with a lower resolution (1280x800 like the old MBA) that could be retrofitted?

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MacBook Pro :: 15" Antiglare - High Resolution Or Normal Resolution?

Apr 29, 2010

It is clear there are people who love their high-res antiglare display; the ability to have more pallets open in Photoshop, see more of what you are doing in Logic. However, there is a fair few of us who dislike the high-res because of decreased fonts, smaller graphical interface things.if you had the choice to go for a high-res or normal res antiglare 15", what would you go for?

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MacBook Pro :1680x1050 Resolution Can Be Done On Standard Resolution Screen?

May 5, 2010

i am using a hackintosh for a week now. I am using it just to get used to Mac OS X because i am switching to a Macbook Pro in a couple months. I switched from PC to Mac officially now. OK, let's come to the main topic of this thread;-At first, my hackintosh couldn't get my gfx card, i couldn't find the driver(kext) so my resolution was very bad. Everything was huge and blurry. I couldn't even look at my 17" Samsung LCD screen. I made an entry to file which was something like this

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MacBook Pro :: Gaming - High Resolution Vs. Standard Resolution

May 6, 2010

Who has actually played games on BOTH the 2010 high res and standard res macbook pros?Reading through that gaming benchmark thread isn't much of an indicator as most people don't post their resolution and if they have they have only played on one or the other.Im trying to get a better indicator on the performance difference with newer games. Are we talking 2-6 fps drop or 10-20 or more?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Use Custom Resolution For Tv / Best Resolution For An LCD HDTV?

Aug 17, 2010

So i'm trying to figure out the best resolution for using my macbook pro in clamshell mode. I think ever since i installed snow leopard the new resolution choices i have are not longer pixel x pixel, but actual TV resolutions, such as 1080i, 720p, 420p. In the past I've used SwitchResX to do custom resolutions for my tv but that dosnt seem to work anymore.

I'm trying to find a resolution where text is easy to read. 1080i looks pretty but text is extremely small. 720p the text is larger and easy to see but is very fuzzy and not easy on the eyes. I guess this has something to do with the pixels on a tv being farther apart than that of a computer monitor. It's a 32" LCD TV. I'm using a DVI to HDMI cable (Non-Unibody Macbook Pro).

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Mac Pro :: What Makes The Newer Mp Faster Than Ones From Two Years Ago

Oct 19, 2010

This may sound like a dumb question, but I'm a bit confused on computer speeds. I know a higher clock speed will be faster, but...

Lets say the Intel model from two years ago was a 2.8 Octo. For single threaded tasks, would a brand new 2.8 Quad be faster? Why or why not?

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Intel Mac :: Sent In The Past Two Years Just Reappeared In Sent Box?

May 21, 2012

Every email I have ever sent just showed up in my sent box.  I can't delete them.  What's up?

IMAC, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

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PowerPC :: After 4 Years IBook Running Slow?

Dec 9, 2006

I have had my iBook for a good 4 years now. I have a 1.2ghz G4 ppc running Tiger and it is starting to run slow. I noticed that videos will now pause if something else is running or downloading. This never happened before. I was thinking about reinstalling my OS but would like to avoid that. Does anyone have this same problem or have any tricks to speed this up again?

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Software :: Imac (1.5 Years Old) Operates Very Slowly?

May 1, 2008

i can't seem to quit some programs normally (mostly iphoto and firefox, sometimes entourage) without forcing quit.

is there some sort of disk cleanup i can do (before this i had PCs)? or is there some sort of easy fix (deleting extra copies of photos, etc) that i can do?

i do have a lot of photos on the computer (they're in a folder and also in iphoto) and some videos, but the videos from my video camera are all stored on my external drive.

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ICloud On Mac :: Entire Years Of Photos Are Nowhere To Be Found?

Dec 3, 2014

I take photos on my IPhone 4S and pay to have extra storage on ICloud, yet nowhere can I find my photos.  Entire years of photos are nowhere to be found.

If ICloud doesn't store photos (which it claims to do: "iCloud gives you access to your music, photos, contacts, calendars, documents, and more from your Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Windows computer") then what is the point of ICloud? 

iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1

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PowerPC :: PowerBook G4 Won't Start - Sitting On Shelf For Years?

Oct 15, 2010

A friend was just given a PowerBook G4 in perfect condition (seemingly). It has just been sitting on a shelf for several years and worked fine before it was shelved.

Now when she plugs it in, the orange light on the cord lights up orange, but when she tries to boot the machine, nothing happens. I mean nothing.

Is there something simple that this could be? Wondering if there is a little battery inside that is needed that could have gone dead over the years of idle sitting, or something like that. I just don't know PowerBooks very well.

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Hardware :: Apple Battery Charger - Batteries Last 10 Years?

Jul 27, 2010

Apple Battery Charger - batteries last 10 years?


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MacBook Pro :: Comparison Pics Of High Resolution Glossy And Standard Resolution Glossy?

Oct 4, 2010

1) Having a difficult time finding anything good on this. Anyone got direct comparison pics between the two on the 15"?2) Also how much brighter are the mid-2010 15" displays compared with the late-08 15" displays? IIRC the 2009 screens got a wider color gamut and more brightness than the original unibody screens.

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Applications :: Office For MAC Excel - Dates Change By Plus / Minus 4 Years

Oct 14, 2010

I have office loaded on my Mac. I work with a variety of spreadsheets and different applications like Open Office, Access, Excel. Most of my data comes from applications on the PC side. When using Office for Mac, I open a new Excel spread sheet and copy and paste data from one of the other applications. So I have a column of dates in Open Office, I copy the date column and paste into Office for Mac Excel.

When I do this the dates change by plus or minus 4 years. So if I move data labeled 10/8/2010 when I paste it into Office for Mac Excel I get 10/8/2014 or 10/8/2006. Sometimes I even get a different month or day along with the plus or minus 4 years on the year. When I move the data into Office for PC Excel I don't have the problem. The dates copy over just fine. I am not using date formulas or functions. It is simply dates put into the column that I am trying to copy into a single spreadsheet.

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PowerPC :: Hardware To Aim For Upgrading My Powerbook G4 1GHz In A Years Time

Jun 6, 2009

an ssd drive, preferably 128+gb

2gb 533 mhz ram

22" monitor

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MacBook Pro :: Merged High Resolution Glossy Or High Resolution Antiglare?

Apr 14, 2010

How does the Antiglare screen look? Does it look cheap and flimsy like the matte screens on the pc laptops?This is my first Mac and i'm looking at going all out and getting the top of the line 15". I know I definitely want the HD screen, i'm just not sure which screen looks better. What about a 5400 vs 7200 rpm hdd? Is this upgrade worth it?

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Mac :: MBP 15'' Mid 2010 High Resolution Using 1440x900 Resolution Appearence

Jun 10, 2010

For those who would like to try adapt to hi-res screen of the 15'' but the not sure if they can, if they can't adapt to the hi-res, it's possible to set the resolution to 1440x900 with no appearence differences from the standard res screens?So the appearence and quality of the hi-res screen set to 1440x900 is the same of the standard res screen?

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MacBook Pro :: Stuck Booting Up In Windows 7 And Shift Key Is Stuck?

Dec 9, 2014

My Macbook is currently stuck booting up in windows 7. My shift key also appears to be stuck so holding the Option key when booting up to choose a start up disk isn't an option (it doesn't work). I do not currently have access to an external keyboard. I do have the startup disk. I'm wondering if I can use the startup disk to reset the systems startup disk? Are there other options?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: ISight Turning On By Itself?

Sep 22, 2008

He has a stock white 2.2GHz MacBook, the 2.2GHz SR, with 1GB RAM. Now, recently, he noticed that the green indicator light next to his iSight camera, is always on, even if he just started up his 'Book. If he tries to open Photo Booth, all he gets is not a picture on the Photo Booth window, but in fact, just plain black inside the window, with no error message. Does anyone know what is going on?

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MacBook Pro :: Quick Q Take A Pic With Isight

Aug 31, 2009

I have been using spotlight and google to find the answer but came up kind of empty.i have a 13" MPB and i want to take out a couple of pics with the isight camera, how do i do that? i know how to use it while using skype or yahoo but how do i get it to take standalone pics?

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MacBook Pro :: Can I Use Both ISight Cameras?

Apr 26, 2010

I want to buy an LED Cinema Display and I was wondering... if i have my MBP hookep up to the Display can I use both iSight cameras when doin UStream stuff or whatever???

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MacBook Pro :: Isight Camera Always On?

Apr 1, 2012

The little green light of the iSight camera on my MacBook Pro 13" is always on. I can remove it by resetting the PRAM, but it always comes back. I have not found what app is triggering this so far. I am using Mac OS Lion 10.7.3. 

MacBook 2 GHz Intel Core Duo, Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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