Intel Mac :: IPhoto Library Transfer To External Hard Drive Very Slow
Apr 10, 2012
I am transferring my iPhoto library to an external hard drive and it is agonizingly slow.
I am attempting to make room on our iMac so am moving our 193 GB iPhoto library to our Seagate 2TB external hard drive. The drive is brand new AND is formated properly as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) but the current copy estimate is for it be completed in over 80 hours. I dont beleive the drive is broken as data is continuing to be transferred and not completely hung up.
When I transfer other folders/files the process is much much faster. Problem only seems to be with iPhoto library that I have found.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 6, 2014
How do I transfer my iPhoto library from my 2006 iMac to an external drive? My iMac is having issues and I don't want to loose all my photos.
iMac Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Dec 31, 2009
I have an iMac that is rapidly filling up. I would like to move my iTunes and iPhoto library to my external harddrive (I currently use for Time Machine). Is this possible or even adviseable? If I were to do this, what would I need to do. Is it as simple as moving the folders that hold these files on to the external. Would the programs find them.
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Dec 3, 2008
I have looked at a ton of posts on this site and others and find similar problems but cant figure out what is wrong. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great. I have an Imac 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo 3 gigs of ram. I have an Iphoto library that is 190gigs . I have been trying to transfer the library to an external 1 tb hard drive so I can get my computer to run normal again. When I try and transfer the Iphoto library to the external I get a really lame error code. The transfer will start perfect it will get to about 142 gigs complete then the message :"the finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "iphoto library" could not be read or written. (error code -36). I have looked up the error code and it seems to be one of those codes that doesn't really tell you anything. At first I thought it was a problem with the external, maybe it was not formatted correctly. Then I tried with an alternate drive I had and the same thing. Just to make sure I took back the original drive. Re formatted the drive only one partition, and mac os extended journaled using GUID partition as suggested by many posts. So I don't believe it is the drive at all I can transfer other files no problem. I have not tried to transfer something as large, but everything else, photos, movies, ect seem to be no problem at all. I really do think now there is something wrong with the library but I don't know what to do. I would love to try and make a copy on the computer itself, but there is not enough room. I think I may need to rebuild the Iphoto library but do not want to lose everything.
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Jan 11, 2009
Just wondering what the best way is to save all my photos, events, tags, modified and originals etc. to an external hard drive and then reload it to another iPhoto exactly the way it was.
Also same for iTunes if possible. How to save ratings, playlists, play count etc.
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Jul 6, 2010
I have recently bought a new MacBook. I initially thought it would be better to run iPhoto from the external hard drive, but after moving some things around I now want to run it straight from the MacBoook hard drive.
I tried copying the library from the external hard drive to the MacBook but I keep getting the following message....
"You can�t copy �iPhoto Library� because it has the same name as another item on the destination volume, and that volume doesn�t distinguish between upper- and lowercase letters in filenames."
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Jun 6, 2012
Recently, despite careful file management my internal hard drive has reached its capacity so I purchased a 2TB WD My Book to move many of my files to to make room. After reformatting it (Mac OS Extended Journaling) starting copying stuff over but I struck a problem when I tried copying my iphoto library file over. Its about 47gig and every time i try it begins to copy but then it suddenly stops around 600mb saying it cant read or write something in the file.Is the file too big? Do I need to format the drive it differently? Hopefully not as I've already moved a heap of files over.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 13, 2012
1. how i can transfer OR save my data or music to my external Hard Drive. As it keeps coming as my External drive is 'READ ONLY', when I have chnaged my 'Shared' setting sto Sharing.
2 I want to save my data to our 'Tera Byte External Hard Drive'?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1
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Apr 2, 2012
I had an external hard drive I used for my pc with things on there I wanted to move over to my IMac. When I try to use it, the IMac wants to wipe it clean. How do I transfer the information from the external hard drive to the IMac?
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Jun 26, 2012
How to copy iPhoto to external hard drive
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Jun 4, 2014
How do I transfer my music on an older iMac ( OS 10.5.8 ) to a external hard drive so I can put it on a newer iMac (OS 10.9.3)?
iMac (17-inch Flat Panel), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 31, 2012
How do i copy my itunes and iphoto to my external hard drive?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 8, 2012
I'm a first time contributor so please forgive me if I seem a little "wet behind the ears"...I have a 2011 iMac (which replaced my 2006 G5 iSight model) and a 500gb Time Capsule.I have my iTunes Library (which is approximately 150gb) on the Time Capsule but, given the relatively modest 500gb on the capsule there is not enough room to back up my computer.I have been looking at 2tb external firewire hard drives and I am hoping to move my iTunes library onto one of these and then use the capsule to back up my computer with Time Machine (the Mac has an internal 500gb hard drive). I'm hoping this will be a relatively straightforward task! The downside with this is of course, I will not have a back up of my iTunes library...with the hardware that i have does anybody have any advise or better ideas!?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Time Capsule, External Hard Drive
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Jul 30, 2009
My G5 is completely full. Can I transfer my iphoto contents to an external HD? Using Time Machine won't help because it only backs up my photos so I can't add more to my iphoto library.
Or, is there a way to make iphoto an external HD application so the photos are only stored ion the external HD?
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Nov 30, 2008
My external drives transfer very slowly on my MacPro. I've been searching for answers and have turned up very little.
Just to make a note, I measured my disk speeds with both AJA System Test and copying files between drives and reading the Disk Activity in Activity Monitor.
I have 3 external drives, all MyBook Premium or Professional, 1x 500GB, 1x 1TB and 2x 1TB in RAID 0. I had them on Firewire 400 and the RAID 0 2TB one on Firewire 800. My transfers on FW were all around 24MB/sec on all drives (much less than what I should be getting with FW400). I then read somewhere that the FW bus on the MacPro uses the slowest speed connected for all FW connections. So I unplugged everything but the FW800 Raid 0 drive and my transfer rate jumped to 40-60MB/sec. This is much better, but still about half or so of what I expect it should be producing from an external RAID 0 setup.
To keep my FW800 backup drive faster, I've plugged the other two into USB2.0. The transfer speeds on both drives are now hideous, around 10-15MB/sec. This is so slow, but I'm not sure what to try to fix my speeds.
The HD's in the external drives are all 7200rpm, and all should be transferring at a higher rate. Do you have any suggestions or ideas? Ideally I'd like to get everything transferring at rates they should be transferring at, but I'll settle with my current FW800 speed of 40-60MB/sec if I can get my other two drives transferring at a non-snail pace.
Is this a common issue? I can't believe I'm the only one plugging multiple external hard drives into their Mac Pro. I hope someone has a fix or solution for this. I'm all ears!
System: Mac Pro (early 2008) Mac OS X (10.5.5) 3.2Ghz 8-core - 16GB Ram - 4x1TB SATA - GeForce 8800GT - Dell 30" 3008WFP A02 - Gateway 21" FPD2185W - 3xMyBook external drives
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Mar 17, 2012
I have two itunes libraries, a library of current podcasts and music on my internal drive (ID) (which runs the operating system) which is running out of space, and an external drive (ED) with old music (from CDs) that I keep in stoarge for special occassions when I am away from home and I want to play music.
The ID and the ED have their own itunes library.
I am running out of ID space, so I want to move all my pre-2012 podcasts from my ID to my ED. I will then have the podcast when I am away from home and I want to play them for myself or others.
How do I transfer just the podcasts dated prior to 31 December 2011 from the ID to the ED? After I transfer them, i can delete the podcasts from the ID and get more free space.
Mac OS X (10.7.1), Itunes
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Jun 3, 2014
Awhile back, I'd run out of space on my internal HD and transferred all of my content to a larger external HD. I don't remember "repointing" my iTunes Library (as you can do in iPhoto) but somehow, iTunes recognized this and has since been backing up and restoring my iPhone to/from it.
This however, has created quite a few problems (too numerous to mention) and so, having recently installed a larger HD in my internal, I now want to re-point iTunes back to it.
How is this achieved?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)
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May 16, 2012
I'd like to migrate my old iPhoto Library from an external HD to my new iMac. I've copied the 'iPhoto Library' folder to my desktop, but am not sure what to do from there because I've got two library files (?), 'Library.iPhoto' and 'Library6.iPhoto' in the 'iPhoto Library' folder.
I've read some of the other discussions re. migrating libraries, but I'm afraid I'm confused! I've been mostly PC based for so long, I don't know all the dos and don'ts of using Mac... and don't want to mess with files and folders I'm not supposed to touch.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 28, 2009
I just purchased a Western Digital Scorpio Blue 640GB 5400 RPM 8MB Cache 2.5" SATA 3.0Gb/s Internal Notebook Hard Drive -Bare Drive to replace my stock 120GB HD. I am really excited to have the extra space. I purchased this MBP a few months ago and would like to do a fresh install of Leopard. I have an external hard drive that I have not used yet and was wondering of the best way to install Leopard on the hard drive and then add my itunes library and iphoto library to the fresh 640gb hard drive. What kind of score do you imagine I will have once I upgrade the hard drive and bump the Ram to 4GB.
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Feb 1, 2012
I got a WD10EALX Cabiar Blue drive last week and copied my existing internal drive that had Tiger OSX on it. It booted fine until I copied an iphoto library from a friend's Mac and now this disk won't boot. I get the circle with the slash through it and the folder with the question mark on it. I ran it through disk utility and it was verified with no problems.
Western Digital Caviar Blue 1 TB,7200 RPM (WD10EALX) Hard Drive
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Feb 5, 2009
I am about to order a 1 TB external hard drive to store my photos and iTunes library on.
It will have Firewire 800, so will my iTunes access files on the external drive as fast if they were the internal drive? ( and will iPhoto do the same? )
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Dec 21, 2009
Ive been building up quite the iPhoto library, about 12,000 photos; and it will be growing much more as I just got a new camera. I always have the scary thought of losing photos, I need to start backing up my photos.
I am looking for an application that will be able to do a backup of my photos to my external hard drive (160GB).
My iPhoto library is currently just under 38GB. I would like to be able to plug in my external drive to my macbook about once a month and run some kind of application to backup my whole iPhoto library to the external...
Oh and I would really like it to be a GUI, I don't really like working in terminal.
Does anything like this exist?
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Apr 5, 2012
I am trying to copy my iphoto library to a Lacie external drive. Receiving: The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in “iPhoto Library” can’t be read or written. (Error code -36).
iPhoto '08, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 27, 2014
I would like to create a second iPhoto library and would like to store it on an external drive. When I log in to iPhoto, I would be able to select which library.
Is this possible?
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May 28, 2012
How long should it take to transfer aperture library to an external drive 54GB
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Nov 5, 2007
I have used the disk for a number of years - all appeared to work fine - I am now backing up my data and only get Very slow transfer speed using firewire 800 - 2 hrs to transfer 1.36 Gb. Disk is connected to a Dual 1.8 Ghz Power PC G5 with firewire 800 - another d2 disk is connected to it with firewire 400 and I have just connected a Maxtor disk using firewire 400 to that. I have tried Updated the firmware (it did require it), tested the device alone on both 800 and 400 connections both slow. Restarted everything and used disk repair to check and repair the disks - repaired permissions on the startup disk.
Connected all the devices together again | LaCie 800 - LaCie 400 - and Maxtor 400. It sends data to all the other devices fast (~ 3 min for 1.6 Gb) through the LaCie 800 disk connection!, but does not send data to the LaCie 800 fast at all. Tested the other devices alone as well - they are all fast. Have also performed a TechTool Pro Ver 4 test on the the disk (Disk type ST325082 3A 232.89 Gb LaCie d2 External LUN0 revision 3.03) Passed the surface scan, disk controller and read write tests. Is the disk failing?
G5 Tower
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Jun 26, 2012
I have a 1TB Time capsule, I would like to attach a USB drive to the Time Capsule and transfer my iTunes Library to it so I can run itunes from wifi. I am new to network stuff. My current iTunes library is on a USB drive velcro'd to the back of my Macbook - rather inconvenient, the USB port is loose. The music files are external but the library files with ratings/play counts are in the iTunes folder.
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7), 1TB Time Capsule (3rd Gen)
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Sep 5, 2014
I want to copy my iPhoto library to an external drive but I cannot find the folder on my Mac Air. When I open Finder there is no Picture folder showing so I cannot find the iPhoto library.
MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 8, 2012
I am trying to copy photos from iphoto to my expansion drive - system won't let me.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 18, 2010
My friend wanted some files to be transferred to his external hard drive from my Mac. As he is a Windows user, I guess his hard drive is formatted for Windows as well. As I plug in the hard disk in my Mac, I can't transfer the files. It says something like "the disk cannot be modified". So, please help me on how can I transfer this files from my Mac and if I do format it to work with the Mac, will it work for Windows later?
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