Intel Mac :: Have Two Time Machines?

Jun 2, 2012

I´m pleases with my Imac 21.5" Sandy Bridge I5 processor med 14 gb ram. I dont use Time Capsule (Have considered it) but instead i bought 2 Eks HD a´500GB. The one of them was connected to Time Machine and there has been no trouble what so ever. With that one. My idea to use the other manual for my pictures. Then i could easily control my pics and allso find pics for frinds etc and easy copy them. But i made a mistake when the HD i´ve been using for time machine was running out of space. I was´nent aware that it just would begin to overwrite so i still had the latest. So instead i took the other and connected that as a time machine. But now i have 2 time machines. I have tried everything i have ekspertise to but every time i plugg it in the imac regognize it as time machine. I allso have windows installed as a parallel desktop wich function perfectly. From there i have tried to format the HD, and the same i´ve triedfrom a laptop but non of it is helping.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Add External Hdd Drives To Time Machines?

Jun 7, 2012

My iMac is running out of hard drive space as its the central computer we use to run Apple TV from. I woudl like to add an external hard drive and woudl prefer to plug it into one of the RJ45 ports on the time machine and save all large movie, audio and image files onto the hard drive -

Info:Time Machine, iOS 5.1.1

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OS X :: Time Machines Back Up - Overwrite Old Stuff?

Apr 3, 2010

Im new to the whole time machine/external HD thing. When I plug my external in and time machine does its thing, will it overwrite the existing copy of my computer that the external already has? Also, will it copy my windows partition (and everything within) or do I do that seperately?

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Applications :: Adobe InDesign CS4 Slow On G5s But Not Intel Machines

Oct 23, 2009

Ever since our design studio upgraded to InDesign CS4, some of our machines are now VERY slow to open documents (it takes documents approx. 7�13 times longer to open). Also, just using InDesign seems much slower than CS3 (like dragging things, typing, etc.).

The funny thing is this problem only seems to affect our designers who have PowerPC G5 Macs � not the ones with Intel Macs. I realise CS4 will be optimised for Intel machines, but surely it shouldn't be this much slower on G5s?

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OS X :: Syncing Machines/mbp

Sep 19, 2010

I have a MBP 2.16 ghz core2duo leopard 10.5.8, which I use mainly for schoolwork(I'm a teacher), recently I bought an Imac G5(tiger10.4) so I would have more space on my desk, I tried to move files etc. over to the iMac (firewire) and found out that newer software does not transfer to an older version and I ordered an install DVD to put leopard on the iMac, can I use the migration option to get files over to the iMac after the leopard install or do I have to update leopard first to get it at the same level as my MBP?

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OS X :: Using VNC Mac And Windows Machines?

Dec 23, 2008

Straight to the point here is what I would like to be able to do (if possible):

- I have a MBP that I bring to work with me on a regular basis.
- I have a Sony Vaio + A Desktop both running Windows XP at my home office.

Question: Is it possible to control my Windows machines at home with my MBP while at work (two different places) via VNC?

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OS X :: How To Sync Up Machines?

Mar 7, 2009

I recently started my own business and have a MP (see my sig) at home where I do all my work. I have CS4, MS Office, MTR, Handbrake, Toast as well as Parallels with WinXP running. Under Windoze I have another copy of office (Enterprise 2007), Quickbooks Pro and several specialized apps I need for my business.For a variety of reasons, I'll soon be getting a 15" MBP. From a third-party I'll bump the RAM for 2GB to 4GB and get the new 500GB 7200RPM drive.

So, the big question is how do I sync up the machines?I need to make sure I've got the same apps (OS X and Win) as well as keep all the documents sync'd up.Initially, can I use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone my MP boot drive with all my apps, documents and personal settings to the new 500GB drive? What's the best way to do this initially and going forward?

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Intel Mac :: Time Machine Backups Taking Extremely Long Time Running Lion 10.7.4

Jul 2, 2012

I have an iMac running the latest version of Lion (10.7.4) and which I have upgraded to a one terabyte hard drive and full memory capability. I back up to a My Book 2 terabyte external hard drive using Time Machine. My iMac is often very sticky, though I've done most of the diagnostics I know of and preferences etc. are seemingly all OK and fcuk -fs gives a positive result! The Mac is often hard to wake from sleep and in particular seems to spend a lot of time backing up very-very slowly, with the result that it frustratingly seems to be backing up most of the time with the consequent effects on using other programs. Also the whole thing seems to grind to a halt after a hard days work with quite a few applications open. I'm wondering what can be causing this and what I can do to overcome this very frustrating and debilitating problem?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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Mac Pro :: Allow For Several Concurrent Virtual Machines?

Sep 19, 2010

I am interested to see if any MR users out there use their Mac Pro for running multiple virtual machines concurrently? Plenty of folks run one or two even on a MBP with little problems at all. I am considering running 4 at the same time. Is this going to work? I plan on running Vmware Fusion 3 with 4 virtual machines with Windows 2003 Server Enterprise. This will hopefully work as my all-in-one virtual lab for my security research and development.

I was thinking of an 8 core 2.66 (2009) MP with 24GB of RAM to start with.

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MacBook Air :: How Fast Are These Machines?

Mar 4, 2008

How fast are the airs, I need to get a new labtop for college and was pretty much focusing on the pros...i have a 1.83 cd, would a 1.6 c2d be all that faster??? in a way it seems very illogical

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MacBook Air :: MBA Rev A And Virtual Machines?

Jan 30, 2009

Has any one experienced how the MBA Rev A (1.6, 80 GB HD model) handles virtual machines? I need Windows sometimes due to my work (damn you Windows networks) and would love to be able to use my MBA.

I was thinking of using VMWare or VirtualBox from Sun.

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Mac Pro :: Best Way To Keep Docs On Two Machines In Sync?

Mar 13, 2009

The temptation to buy a Mac Pro is, for me, almost irresistible. Now currently I have a MBP which I carry to and from the office each day (can't bare to work on the PCs in the office) and it has about 3Gb of docs, both personal and work related.

I'll want to have those docs on both the MP & MBP and I'll want them in sync. What's the best way to keep those docs in sync? I'd also be curious to hear how people deal with keep their iTunes library in sync across two machines.

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Mac Pro :: How Loud Are The New Machines In General

Mar 15, 2009

how loud are the new machines in general? How much louder do they get under load? How much of the noise is contributed by the graphics card? How do they compare to the 2008 MacPro or to the PowerMac G5?Many questions, I know. I have a G5 Quad 2.5 at the moment, at it is rather loud, especially under load. Back then, I bought it with a better graphics card (7800) and exchanged the graphics card fan with a quieter fan from Zalman. This eliminated the annoying, high-pitched sound, but the complete machine is still very audible.

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MacBook Air :: Virtual Machines With Rev. B SSD?

Apr 13, 2009

I would like some input on the current Rev. B/SSD owners.

How does virtual machines run, specifically Windows XP Professional SP3?

My cousin is thinking about purchasing the Rev B SSD model but he requires Windows XP for work purposes. He won't be running much, just some basic software. I run a Vista virtual machine on my current 17" and it tends to studder a little sometimes.

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OS X :: Kernel Panics On Two Machines?

Sep 8, 2009

Can kernel panics on one machine somehow cause panics on another machine. My situation, I recently started using a BC338 esata card in my mid 2007 MBP running Leopard. Never had panics before but since trying to use this card with an esata drive I've had 5 kernel panics. I also have a Mac Mini running Snow Leopard which has had two kernel panics during times when the MBP had panics. Can these be related? Before using this card, I never had panics on either machine?

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IMac :: Using 8GB For Virtual Machines?

Oct 27, 2009

Looking to get a new desktop and I've decided an iMac fits the bill perfectly as I believe it's the best value on the market by far. Anyway, I plan to get Fusion 3.0 here fairly soon, and will likely use Windoze7, and a distro or two or linux with it. Do you think that having 8GB of RAM would benefit enough to go for it? (It'd just order it afterward I'm sure, and install myself) I would be using both MS and Linux OS's for work, and hopefully some play if VM's will allow some decent gaming.

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App Store :: App For Alignment Of Machines?

Feb 5, 2012

Is there an app for alignment of machines?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Have Same Features On Different Machines

Jul 2, 2012

I have a Mac Pro and a MacBook Pro and want to have and use the same keystrokes and contextual menu items on both but they are different -  on my MacPro I can hold down the control key and easily send out an email with the selected pdf or whatever = no such on my MacbookPro.  Is there an easy way to have the same functionality on both machines??

MacPro, MBPro, MBAir & Aperture3, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPad and iPhone4

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MacBook Air :: No Lock Slot In New Machines

Oct 21, 2010

Granted I have no clue if the previous generation MBAs had a lock slot, but I've noticed the new ones don't seem to have a lock slot any where on them, is this true ? or is it well hidden that it doesn't show up on all the pics I've seen. I'm specifically talking about the 13" Air.

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Mac Pro :: How Many Memory Slots Are In The Hex Core Machines

Dec 15, 2010

I noticed on the Apple refurb site that Mac Pros from 2010 have either 4 or 8 memory slots. Is there an easy way to tell how many memory slots a computer will have? From what I have seen it looks like the quad core machines will have 4 slots while the eight core machines have eight slots. How many memory slots are in the hex core machines?

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MacBook Pro :: Machines In Shiny New Colors?

Dec 21, 2010

I just can't get over how all the macs are the dull grey/silver color when as proven with the iPods, they can in fact make aluminum in multiple colors very easily. So why not haul in a new black Macbook pro? Or other colors? I would just like to know why they wouldn't as it would be a great marketing tactic to release the "New Macbook Air Black" just after the new release about a month ago. And there's supposedly new releases approaching for January (strictly a rumor), and this would be very cool to everybody else and would bring in a lot more potential people over to macs, because as I know from experience, those with no knowledge of what a processor is want to go for the "shiny" one. And now its the "shiny" one in more than one color.

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Applications :: Using IWork/on Two Machines With The Same User?

Aug 8, 2007

Has anybody found out if the iWork '08 (or earlier comparable) EULA allows one user to install iWork on two Macs, if s/he's the only user of those (like Adobe and others allow to a certain degree: One desktop and one laptop where the license holder are the main user on both).

iWork '08 is sold as a single user license, so I could just assume that I'm allowed, and get one for the (no-yet-bought) work machine and also install it on my home machine, but I'm actually a bit curious if it would be in violation of the EULA...

Now, I know there's a family pack, but that specifically states that "This license does not extend [...] to business or commercial users." And I'm definitively gonna use the work machine for business purposes and I would never get iWork for just private use, which leaves me with the single user license.

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MacBook Air :: How Majority Of MBA Users Are Using Their Machines?

Feb 29, 2008

how the majority of MBA users are using their machines, do you have it plugged into the Mag Safe power adapter all the time while using it ? Or do you use it on battery then charge it over night ?

I have done the full calibration, and now im just using it off the mag safe power adapter...Will that cause any problems by doing this ?

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OS X :: Using One Mouse With Two Machines - Synergy Function

Apr 5, 2009

I just got a new mac running 10.4. I want a way to be able to use one mouse and on the two machines. Ive tried synergy but found the set up was too hard.

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MacBook :: Where To See Benchmark Results Between Certain Machines

Apr 7, 2009

Is there a site where I can see Benchmark results between certain machines. I wanna see if the results between the iMac 1.84 Core Duo vs the new Aluminium Macbook 2ghz.

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IMac :: How Hot Do The 4850 Machines Run Compared To The 130 Or 120?

Apr 27, 2009

Has anyone done some sort of a comparison?

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OS X :: Install Snow Leopard On Two Machines?

Aug 31, 2009

I have a MacBook Pro and a MacBook Air which my wife uses. If I purchase one copy of Snow Leopard, is it legitimate to instal it on both my machines? Doubtless a bit of a naff question but I don't want to encounter some sort of software-piracy-conflict so would be grateful for reassurance before installation.

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Windows On Mac :: Best Way To Back Up Virtual Machines?

Dec 5, 2009

'd like to run Win 7 on virtualization software, but not sure of the best way to back up, as I've been reading a lot about how Time Machine (unless you configure it not to) will save the VM folder as one large file, which of course could make the back up tens of GBs and bloat a drive quickly. I'm planning to connect an external HDD partitioned for both Time Machine (for incremental backups) and Superduper(for more easily bootable restore).

VMware Fusion (for instance) recommends backing up within the VM itself. But this alone doesn't seem like a good strategy for catastrophic failure of a HDD.

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OS X :: Booting From Firewire Disk On Two Machines

May 19, 2010

I am trying to keep my work files with me for of site access � our IT folks will not let me access my desktop remotely. I don't want to use a laptop carry to and fro either. Instead, I am thinking about booting from a firewire 800 disk (7200rpm), and functioning from exclusively. I can take the drive with me, whenever I need to have all data with me at a home machine � more importantly I am hoping I can boot from the same disk on my home iMac and do what I need to do. I just tested it out for to see if the performance is acceptable � I can barely tell the difference! (perhaps a bit longer to boot - but that's about it). My work computer is 27" iMac Core i7 2.8GHz with 8GB ram and my home unit is 24" iMac Core2Duo 2.8GHz with 2GB ram. Will booting OS X on two different machines and changing files get me into troubles down the line? I know that some applications won't like it as they look at the MAC id for license authentication. Any other issues that I should be aware of?

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Software :: Synching ITunes Between Different Machines

May 15, 2008

I'd like to synch my iTunes lib between my MBP (Leopard), my iMac (Tiger) and my older mini (Tiger). I know I can copy the files but I'd prefer a logical synch.

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