Intel Mac :: Have Three Different Apple Computers But Can Only Locate Mac Mini Package?
Mar 23, 2012
I have 3 different Apple computers, I can only locate a Mac Mini package because the disks came ina gray package . Where might I find an Apple Hardware Test?Lost my Bluetooth
2.66G 24" iMac; 1.8G MacMini; Apple TV; iPod 3.1 Touch G1 & G2; Airport Express, Mac OS X (10.5.5), Vista & eeePC laptops
I promise, I know how crazy this sounds. And no, I don't think I'm a candidate for one of those hoarders TV shows. I absolutely cannot locate my Apple bluetooth keyboard. My iMac can locate it. And apparently be connected to it. But it's a mystery to me where in my home it is. Some time ago, I decided I wanted my numeric keys back and switched to a wired keyboard. And then I put the BT keyboard... somewhere. Any ideas on how to locate it easily? Can I make it beep? Can I triangulate its location? Anything? What is its range? Could it be as far away as my garage? As close as my attic?
the reason i am here in this one to one conversation its because my ipod got stolen on a Wedsnday; to be exact February 15th. I was in my third period class, which was gym and when i went to go look for my ipod since we had free choice of exercise, i didnt find my ipod but my headphones were in my bag, and my phone was there to. By a suprise where i left my ipod, they took out everything that was covering the ipod and just left my pink headphones. I'm here because i would like to replace my ipod.I know my apple id account, and password. I have the app locate my ipod.Sadly i couldnt locate it because it wasnt turned on.
Info: iPod touch, iOS 5.0.1, black ipod, 4th generation
I have just purchased an iMac, my first experience after many years with a Windows PC. Do I need to subscribe to a security package such as McAfee? The sales person told me that the iMac has its own protection and firewalls but I just wanted to check as I am not very technically proficient.
I've been struggling to move my data (photos / music etc) from my old G5 imac to my new imac (lion).Had iphoto all sorted (copied the files from external HD to Pictures folder.But now when I click on 'photos' it opens terminal (!!??)*I can see the files within but only if I CTRL click and choose 'open package'.I really don't understand. I just opened iphoto and it says I have to 'upgrade' again.I did just attempt to open the original iphoto library which is still on the connected hard drive but I didn't upgrade and don't know why that would affect the duplicate library on my new imac?
I just bought a second 27" monitor (not a Thunder Display) with HDMI connectivity, but I have to buy an off-brand cable to connect to my iMac. What gives?
How and where do you get Apple Computers repaired after Applecare has run out, and what sort of costs would be involved. Only asking because I have equipment that it has run out on and the wife wants the box/boxes gotten rid off....
I read a few posts that gave me the vibe that Apple basically rolls out a bunch of stuff with the same configuration, and when someone wants a machine with more horsepower, they take one of these out the stock components and put in the higher end stuff. Is this true?
As time passed, we have many, many computers around our institution. At some point, users were able to update their individual software without admin assistants. However, we have changed the policy, and users can't do this anymore. Therefore, is there an easy way to push updates to multiple apple computers? The apps that need to be updated include:
1. Apple OS
2. Individual Applications
3. Apple Firmware
If you could list what product works best, and if Apple does have a in-house solution.
I have two computers that I wish to purchase Lion for. Can this be done under a single AppleID?This is in a corporate environment? I need to upgrade two computers from Snow Leopard to Lion.
I'm in a program (Safari, Word, iDesign, etc., I click open file > desktop (or any other folder), and nothing appears.just the spinning wheel (that won't stop).I had my hard drive replaced in March after my system started running slow one day, then froze. I did a hard reboot, and it wouldn't come back on.A week after I got it back, I started getting the "gray screen of deaf" with the spinning wheel. So I took it back in and they replaced the operating system (10.7.3).It worked fine for a few days, but for the last couple of weeks, I've had to do a hard reboot just about everyday due to my system freezing up.I've updated to OS X 10.7.4, which wasn't easy. Cllicking "update OS" didn't always ended up telling me unable to update this operating sytem. I had to download the OS from this Apple site. It took about 20 hours to update (?!?) I can't afford to be without my system for too many days while in the shop at this time. Do I need to start looking into a new system.
I'm trying to manually back up pertinent mail/contact info to use to restore a crashed machine. I can't locate the library. It used to be simple user/library/mail . . . etc.
I'm running 10.7.3 and locate my iPhone cannot locate my iMac when everything is checked?, i'm running 10.7.3 and locate my iPhone cannot locate my iMac when everything is checked?
I just ran the setup assistant on a new iMac, but wasn't able to access my wireless networkto send the registtration information. It said that it could be send at a later date, but now I cant locate the file to send.
I reinstalled my applications from a disk, and have lost iphoto completely. Where I can find it and my library - they still seem to be taking up hard disk space, so I am assuming its a matter of locating them. But they're not in the Applications folder. (I do have back up but not the last two months...which I'd like to get back).
I have iPhoto from that iLive '11 series. It fails to open. I can't find the folders for originals and modified files on my hard drive. I am so scared that I've lost them! TimeMachine isn't helping restore the application. I have the Lion OS.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My hard drive failed on my iMac (Intel), Apple Store replaced the hard drive, brought it home, hooked up the Time Machine, selected a backup date, restore. It showed the content loading for 4 hours. Once complete, the iMac still looks nothing like the old. Open the Macintosh HD and Info shows that the 230 GB transferred, but I can't find the folders anywhere. When actually opening the Macintosh HD, its only new folders and the new setup. Where do I find the restored content?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Time Machine restore
start up disc is full on my imac but cant seem to locate the file to delete, it show that i have 236gb usage and 14gb free space. and i have deleted all my movies, pics and music so i dont understand where the 236 gb usage is from.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), i have delete my movies,pics, music
I set up the icloud on to my computers, now I cannot connect my iphone to my computers, I get a err message saying it is drawing to much power from my computers, whats up?I didn't have this problem before and it is on both my imac and my macbook.