Intel Mac :: "Pages " & "Lion" Missing After New Hard Disk Installed?
Mar 8, 2012
I just had a new HD after the old HD died . I had "Lion" installed , and "Pages" would like to get these back . I have tried "command -r " on startup but no response. to summerize "Pages " & "Lion" missing after new HD installed trying to retrieve both Apps Pages through iTunes Apps and lion: Apple website.
Can anyone explain to me why, on my iMac's 500GB hard drive, the displayed size of the only 4 items on it is 207GB, that the info box on the HD itself says 393GB used? Unless I failed grade 1 math, 500GB - 207GB = 293GB, right? So where's the missing ~100GB? That's a lot of space I know I haven't filled up.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 24" 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
I ran installer then went to disk utility and pushed disk repair. it ran and indicated in green that no repairs were necessary. i then went to startup disk and only the Diks and network startup showed up but no hard drive. i also open computer to make sure was not wet muddy due to leak in cooling system but all was dry
I'm running out of hard disk space on my MacBook pro running OS X Lion. I have a 500 GB hard drive and at the moment the finder says I only have 16 GB available. Checking the total of all my files with the finder as well as Apps such as WhatSize and Disk Inventory X only adds up to aproximately 420 GB of files. Therefore I should have about 80 GB free so I am missing 64 GB of hard disk space.
The problem is not the local backup storage as I have had this problem before and have turned off local backups. I have also run disk utility and shut down and re-started. The available disk space is not decreasing with time either like other people have experienced, its fixed at the current availabilty of 16 GB free, and adjust normally as I add and remove files. So there really is a hidden file or something that is using around 64 GB of space.
I noted that a previous post with a similar problem said that DiskTools pro had fixed the problem. However as this application is reltively expensive and there is no explanation of how it soved the problem I don't want to pay for it without some guarantee of results.
I didn't just lose my harddrive. My 2007 iMac with Leopard froze up yesterday and it looks like I need a new hard-drive.But I thought I'd try to follow the support info to reboot it with the startup disk so that I could try to backup the files.I inserted the disk, pressed C on startup, and worked my way to disk utilities.I clicked on the Macintosh HD on the left side and clicked "repair disk." and after a couple minutes I got an error message saying that the repair failed.Ok, so then I stopped, but then noticed that the "Macintosh HD" on the left side is now in grey color print. And when I click on it, it looks like there is 0 bytes on it.Did I just lose my entire hard-drive?? Please tell me that there is some hope. I was having problems with backing up my info onto my WD Mybook through TimeMachine, so it's been over a year since that was last done. I am merely trying to retrieve files from the last year from my hard-drive before I have a new one installed. I'm dropping off the computer in the morning with an Apple 3rd party consultant to try and retrieve what he can from my hard-drive. I just want to know if I just made things worse.
Disk Utility Crashed whilst creating a Partition, and I now have ~100GB missing, which was the amount I had allocated to the new partition.
The new partition didn't get created, and I now have 100GB missing from the Hard drive. I have a 1TB hard drive, and when I go to Disk Utility, it says: Capacity : 999.35 GB (999,345,127,424 Bytes)Available : 586.1 GB (586,103,844,864 Bytes)Used : 310.52 GB (310,524,317,696 Bytes)
Which adds up to about ~900GB.
I tried Repairing Disk in Disk Utility, booting into Recovery Mode and Repairing Disk there, but neither made a difference.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I installed a new hard drive to expand my disk size for a late 2009 MacBook Pro 15". I used time machine to "clone" the machine to the new drive. However, I noticed while trying to set up Boot Camp that I no longer have a Recovery Disk partition with Lion. How can I set this feature back up on my new hard drive?
Info: MacPro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), MacBook Pro 10.6.5
I have a white macBook (10.7.3, 250g HD) which has begun to behave in an odd way and which I have so far failed to resolve.
First I got a message saying very little disk space left - only 420MB which is strange because I knew the HD to be far from full. The beach ball gave me very little access to the Finder but I was eventually able to empty safari cache which gave me 6Gb.
Checking the root disk folder sizes showed that only 130gb was listed in the various folders but the status bar showed that only 6gb out of 250gb was available. I tried to start up from an external USB disk (no Firewire on this machine, sadly) but the laptop refused to starup from it - tried cable in both USB ports, disk is GUID formatted. I shut down the computer - had to force shutdown with power key as unresponsive to Finder command.
On restarting I got a message about forced shutdown etc but status bar now says 40gb available (when there should be over 100gb). I was able to select external USB drive in Startup preferences but machine will not startup ffrom external drive.
Disk Utility reports no problems with internal drive. I want to use Disk Warrior but cannot find cd, hence attempt to startup from external drive. Cannot even check disk while running DW from internal disk as it says prefs file corrupted or write protected. Trashing it (as suggested) makes no difference as new prefs file still unusable.
I have a TM backup but don't really want to use it if it is likely to have the same corruption.Also, why is the USB disk not starting up the Machine? Only thing I can think of is to do an archive/install of Lion, but is the bloating in the system or are ther some hidden files somewhere which won't be changed?
I have an iMac that is less than a year old and I have very few applications installed other than what comes on it. I recently received a message that my startup disk was almost full. I keep all of my media on an external drive, have an apple time machine that stores the backups. I purchased the Space Gremlin and there is nothing on the hard drive that shows it's taking up that much space. The 500 GB hard drive shows only 11 GB free.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I recently installed a new hard drive in my MBP Intel, early 2008 edition. I followed the instructions from: [URL] a-MacBook-ProEverything works fine after I put in the new drive except for the Sims 2. Whenever I try to run it, it says the application quit unexpectedly and I can choose to Ignore, Report to Apple, or Relaunch, but no matter what I do I can't get it started. If i boot my laptop off my old hard drive and try running it, it works perfect. I've tried reinstalling the game, fixing permissions on my new hard drive, and booting the sims off my old hard drive through an external inclosure.
I have just installed a new hard drive in my imac intel 20" (2006) and upgraded the memory and now the hard drive does not show up in the 'select destinations' folder of the install program. I can see the hard drive in the disk utilities window however it wont let me do anything.It is a seagate 1TB SATA II drive however it is displaying it as a 7.3 TB.I have tried to erase and partition and get the same error message each time, 'Input/Output error'. I have tried starting the thing with the install disk which is Mac OS X (Tiger?) which came with the computer
Over the past few days, I've been pruning my hard drive of excess files and moving many of them to external hard drives. My machine is a year-old Macbook Pro. Even after removing over 100GB of files from my 750GB internal hard drive, the info pane for my hard disc still tells me I have only about 60GB of free space.I have been using Disc Inventory X to find files and get rid of them. My latest scan of my HD with this program yields 450GB of actual files stored on my computer, yet the info pane for my HD (powered by Finder) is still telling me I have about 76 GB free. Does anyone have any ideas for how this discrepancy could exist? If the actual files on my computer only come to 450GB, how can I free up the remaining 250GB of space that seem to be missing?
I've just transferred my data to a new computer and now need to erase the hard drive on my old one.. I've tried Disk Utility, increased the security, and tried 'erase' but I keep getting an error message "couldn't unmount disk". I've gone into Partitions and tried deleting the HD there as well but I get the same message. I just want to get the computer securely wiped and would like to keep Lion as the operating system.
I have a 2TB Western Digital My Book Studio FW800 external that has 5 partitions, connected to my 2011 iMac. I had help doing the partitions and don't really remember the reasoning, but one is just for my SuperDuper! backup, one is Miscellaneous, one for movie clips off my camcorder, one for misc scanned photo's and one for my genealogy research. I back up using Time Machine to a Time Capsule and also to this WD hard drive with SuperDuper!
Recently I'm getting a pop up message that "Mac OS X can't repair the disk "Genealogy"'. And it needs to be reformatted. It's become a read only disk. When I look in Disk Utility it shows all the partitions as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" EXCEPT for the one in question. I also noticed that there are a lot of files with "date created" being the same date in 1969! These files may be letters I've written or photo's I added to that partition within the last few years.
I think I have to completely reformat the entire external hard drive to repair this, but I want to make sure. Because it's going to be a major hassle backing it all up to another external (having to get one first) and then figuring out how to make the files that have turned "read only" in that one partition, back to their original state! Does this sound right, that I have to reformat the entire external hard drive? And how do I get the read-only files back to their original state.
I have a mid 2011 21.5" 2.7 GHZ I5 IMac with a 1 TB HDD. It is reporting that the startup disk is full (<8gb left). I have surveyed the hard drive and found the "users" folder is using 972GB.The sole "user" folder (me) is using 972 GB An exploration and sum of "folder size" of each of the underlying folders (there are 8: Audio books, Desktop, Documents, Download, Movies, Music, Picture and Public) collectively sums to 316,6GB. The system tool in "about the iMac" (storage tab) shows "other" allocated a 893,97GB. Where is the missing 640GB plus of space? Please can anyone advise me how to identify where space has been allocated and how to rectify the problem?
I have done the following: All updates are installedVerified the partition - no faultsTimemachine - never been activatedre-indexed spotlight as suggested in a support article.deleted a dormant user (6GB) and deleted their dataI have emptied the trash. What else can i do?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), IMAC hard drive missing space
I just bought a used MacBook Pro off somebody online to replace my 2005 pre-Intel Power Mac, which still runs great but I'm just tired of lugging it around. The MacBook Pro was erased but still contains some of the old owner's information (computer name, accounts, etc), and before moving files over I'd like to just wipe it clean and reinstall the OS. He did give me the gray discs, but they are for 10.6 (Snow Leopard) but the computer has been upgraded to 10.7 (Lion); I fear by rebooting I would downgrade to 10.6 since that's the disc I have. Reinstalling 10.7 after 10.6 is out because I don't have the login info used to buy 10.7. I've also considered just keeping 10.6 and just upgrading to 10.8 whenever it comes out (likely soon).
I've had my iMac, 10.5.8 version, for over 2 years with no issues till now. Last week one of my Pages documents was missing and today another pages document. I searched using Spotlight and Finder but could not find them. The trash did not have them. Unfortunately I had not backed them up for a couple months. My girlfriend, who isn't very Mac knowledgeable, said she had not opened them.
Iphoto is no longer available to me after upgrading to Lion. Is this an error or something expected? How to reinstall it or is there something else I should install or buy?
I got the error, "The contents of this disk can't be changed. Mac OS X couldn't be installed on this disk."
I restarted, to boot from the startup disk, not the CD.
And now it just goes to the grey screen and shuts off.
Pressing "C" or "Opt - Command - P - R" or holding down the Power button for a while and then restarting, or trying "Command - V"..... none of it works.
The machine just goes to the grey screen, the wheel spins, and it turns off.
I just installed MAC OS LION after snow leopard and now I can't get the iMAC to communicate with my canon printer. I installed the canon drivers again but still no go.
I'm a recent switch from PC to a Macbook and I'm still getting used to OSX. I have iWork installed and I have noticed that since some of my professors continue to post documents in Word format, I can't open them on my computer. It will download the file but not allow me to open or view it.I'm sure its a simple download that I haven't heard of yet.
I have iMac(intel) with lion installed. I created a new partition and I want to install snow leopard on it. can you please give step by step. I guess I have to go through Target mode by using another mac but just want to make sure if there is another way.
how can I run powerpc apps on lion so I dont have to install SL?