I recently purchased a current generation iMac and received it today. I plugged it in and attempted to power it on, the display didn't light up and all I got was some beeping noises. I checked the ram and made sure it was inserted properly and it was, I don't know what the problem could be. Like I said, it's new and I just received it today, I've never powered it on or even setup my user account. I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow so I can't sit down and talk to someone from apple care.
I have a Macbook pro 2009 (2,26Ghz, 160 GB HDD, all Apple original parts) which is only a few months old. It has never failed me and I love it. Until now. I usually just put it to sleep when I am done with it but yesterday I turned it off. Now this morning when I press the power button the mac booting up sound beeps and everything seems normal. The White screen with the apple logo comes on and it starts working. After that however a blue background appears and that "clock"-wheel-thing that spins comes up, then it goes away, then it comes back and spins some more, then it goes away and so on. Nothing else happens.
I tried turning it off and botting up again a few times but the same thing happens every time. I put in the installation-cd (Leopard) and held down c while I booted up, this seemed to be working at first, the installation menus came up and I chose that option that re-installs OSX while keeping the files on the hard drive. After a few minutes into the installation however I got a message that said (rough translation). "The installation failed. Mac OS X could not be installed on your computer. The installation could not install certain files on "/Volumes/MacintoshHD". What does this mean? Has my harddrive failed or what seems to be the problem?
I added 2GB of Memory to my imac (early 2008), initially removed the old 1GB, would not start and got a beeping sound, moved the new 2Gb to the empty slot, and added the old 1GB to a slot, started fine but the PC would not recognize the new 2GB. Finally added another 2 GB, took the old 1GB out and would not start again and gave off the beeping sound. Other than not putting them in correctly because that was done numerous times?
I tried starting my iMac and all I get is a light colored screen and a beeping sound about every 5 seconds. No sound from the drives. How can I get it to turn on?
I have a 2010 3.33Ghz 6 Core Mac Pro 16Gb RAM, which suddenly decided to start beeping.The machine works fine. There are no error messages. Just the continuous noise (like a vehicle reversing) beeping.
Have tried restarting, but the noise comes back after a couple of minutes.Nothing software or hardware wise has been changed in the computer for a couple of months so there must be some failure, but I can't work out what it is.
The mac in question is a late 2009 27" iMac 2.8Ghz i7, with the stock HD, and graphics options. With 2x 2GB sticks of Apple RAM, and a further 2x 2GB sticks of Kingston RAM. The machine was purchased in March, and has worked flawlessly until 10.6.5
The machine is still in Warrenty, I can take it in if I need to.. but here in Holland that usually means it has to stay in shop for over a week. The closest place to our residence is a long distance and.. yeah, it's just not easy, it really is a last resort.
When we updated it to 10.6.5, it required a restart. Upon restarting it beeped for a number of minutes before it started restarting itself and beeping numerous times before it loaded the operating system. This was two weeks ago.
Since then, when she has tried to boot it it has either: A) Beeped 9 times, 3 short - 3 long - 3 short; B) Booted normally without issue.
When "A" happened, she's been turning it off and waiting for a few minutes before trying again. If it did not load first time - after a few attempts, it always booted.
Yesterday I finally had some time to take a look at the problem, and discovered that 9 beeps means there is a hardware issue. Most likely a RAM issue.
I checked the "About this mac" and "more info.." area's of her computer and saw nothing unusual. The machine recognised every part including all 8GBs of RAM.
I looked into information regarding faulty firmware and found nothing solid - so I left it alone.
Today we found that the machine does not boot up at all. Waiting any length of time and trying to boot the machine up again does not result in a successful boot.
I then took the following steps - and got the following results:
-I removed all 3rd party RAM, and booted - received the same 9 beeps. -Moved the stock Apple RAM into the upper slots - received a single long beep repeatedly. (No RAM detected?) -Replaced the Apple RAM in the lower slots (where it has always been) - received the same 9 beeps..
Every once in a while my PowerBook beeps. One of those short beeps you hear on old DOS computers when they boot up is the best way I can describe it. I thought at first it was my PC since it has a built in speaker than can only beep, but I've heard it in many places from my laptop. When it beeps it beeps at different times: sometimes once during just general computer use, sometimes just once during startup. what to make of this? If the beeps were becoming more frequent I'd say it was a countdown to the explosion of my PowerBook, but so far they just seem to occur once or twice a month.
Not even a week old!! Computer was asleep for about 2 days, woke it up the same way with a few taps on the keyboard and it just started to beep. Tried to turn it off but nothing. Nothing on the screen, just beeping. Pushed the power button and beeping. Unplugged it and waited 5 minutes and pushed power button and beeping with nothing on screen. Its sunday and it hurts my stomach to think about the lengthy process this will be to get a new one or get it fixed. My wife says to call, but I tell her that if there even isn't anything on the screen then what can they do over the phone. Is it possible the memory went bad. What would cause this? Its plugged in a power strip.
I've tried searching the web and I read the little book that comes with the computer but I cannot find a concrete answer anywhere. Anyone know the reason for this? I'm not getting any video or anything. It just keeps beeping every couple of seconds.
Sound Keeps Beeping On My MacBook Pro. This is The First Time I Have Had This Came Home Turned On My Mac Then I Heard This Beep Sound (Beeping in a Nicer Way?) Anyway One Know Why Its Going Off And How To Remove It DAM It It Just Went OFF.
I just picked up a new MBP and loving it so far. Not sure if anyone else experiances this so I thought I would ask. When I have walked away from my Mac for a few minutes the screen dims down and has a faint beeping noise. When I touch a key or trackpad it is restored to full colour and the noise stops. Any ideas what or why this is?
I recently purchased a new MBP 15, 3 Ghz, 500 GB 7200 rpm hard drive, build-to-order. The hard drive appears to be a seagate ST9500420ASG. I am experiencing a strange hard drive click followed 80% of the time by a beep. It is definitely not a beep from the speaker. Additionally, it happens at any time, even when the computer is sitting on a perfectly still table. It is exactly the same sound as what is documented at [URL] and mine too appears randomly approximately 15-20 times per day. It does not appear to matter if the computer is under light or heavy use and it seems truly random when it occurs.
Another user on youtube has also experienced this with their new MBP 15 and sent me a wav file with the same sound mine is making. So far, his experience is that it does not occur under bootcamp. This leads me to believe that it is something specific to OSX. Turning off the "put hard drive to sleep when possible" does not seem to make any difference. I have not personally tested bootcamp on my machine to confirm that mine is the same, but the original poster of the youtube video linked above also seems to think it is OSX specific.
Today I was transferring files from my unibody Macbook Pro over to my 1TB 7200RPM SATA 3.0 Gb/s Hitachi external hard drive. The files were almost transferred when I accidently knocked the drive off of my bed and onto the carpet floor which disconnected the drive's USB cable from my laptop.
Now when I turn the drive on it continuously clicks and beeps and my macbook won't recognize it. I found this video on youtube and it shows exactly what my external drive is doing.
I have a ton of important data on this drive and I really don't want to lose it. What should I do? Could I take the drive to my nearby Apple Store?
I had a repair done to my mac because it was beeping when i tried to turn it on and the display stayed black. They only replaced one part... does anyone know what this part actually is and what it would have cost me to buy myself???
Well I wanted to change my ram and i did but when i switch it on it starts beeping so i switched back to the original one but the beeping started again and even beeped more rapidly three times at once how do i switch it back on
I had been using it for about an hour without any problems when this started happening. Ever since, I've been consistently having these issues. It is a mid 2010 model. It also sometimes flashes weird glitchy images instead of booting up or starts flashing them while I am using it, and then shuts down. Here's a quick video of what I'm talking about (it was showing even crazier images before I started recording it)[URL]
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have had no problems with my MacBook Pro until recently. I am working on a summer research project so I do not usually get the time to visit an Apple Store, turn in my computer for a day and wait.
When I lift my computer while its still on, it gives me a weird beeping noise which won't stop. I always have to manually shut it down by using the power button. It work perfectly well when I switch it on again. But if I lift it in the air or if it gets out of sync with the line of gravity, the same beeping occurs.
I guess I heard some particle go around inside my Mac when I tried to tilt it when in power off mode. Should I open it and check or is it too bad?
At present, I am backing up my research data. My work would suffer a lot if I have to submit my computer for repairs even for a single day.
I was working in the morning and kept it in sleep before i went to bath. After that when i again wanted to start my mac air its giving out a beeping sound and nothing else is working. Mac is not starting up
I have a mid 2012 13" MacBook Pro my screen turned blacked and will not turn on with constant beeping every 5seconds! It was just working fine yesterday!! I read online that it may have been the memory ram so I replaced it and it still continues to do the same thing!!! I bought the MacBook used about 3months ago!
My one week old iMac 2.7GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5. first started problems by not goping to sleep even when I forced it.
I shut it down using the shut off button and unplugging it from power for more than 5 munites.
I turned it back on, it does the usual startup chime and then gray screen. I have restarted twice from the shot off button and still getting the same result.
There has been an ongoing issue with new MacBook and MacBook Pro computers where the system will pause for a second or two and make a clicking sound, and then continue functioning normally. This problem has to do with models containing a 7200RPM 500GB hard drive from Seagate, where the drive randomly stalls and beeps, causing a pause in the active system processes that can last up to 10 seconds. As reported in this CNET article, Apple is looking into the problem and a fix should be out shortly.
Both brand-new and slightly older models of the Unibody MacBook computers may be affected, and currently there does not appear to be a fix; however, if you are experiencing this problem, the best course of action is to wait for a fix from Apple. Some people have recommended reinstalling the operating system and performing PRAM and SMC resets, but this issue appears to be a firmware incompatibility so changing the operating system setup or firmware settings will not help.
Keep in mind that this behavior is not the same as when a hard drive is dying, where regular clicks and pauses happen, followed by spinning beach balls when the system cannot access the storage media. This AppleInsider article links to a couple of YouTube videos that show how this behavior manifests itself, so check them out if you think your system has this problem. When the fix is released, it should be in the form of a firmware update so keep an eye out for one in the near future. Read this Apple Support Discussions forum thread about beeping, clicking, and freezing hard drives.
i was bored and decided to put my ear up to the area right of my air's trackpad, my ear was actually pressed up against the case. oddly enough, i am able to hear a somewhat high pitch beeping sound every 5 seconds. anyone else care to do the same and report back?
I was putting a fresh install of OS X on a friend's MacBook. I put in the disk, it asked me to restart, and I went to Disk Utility (on restore disk) to zero out the data on the hard disk. I clicked partition (since he had a boot camp partition) to 1 partition and clicked apply. Here's where things go kinda weird. The confirmation dialogue comes up and the whole screen froze. I waited for a few minutes but nothing. I then held the power button until it shuts down. Reboot, and there's this beeping noise. It beeps 2 times, stops, and then beeps 3 times. I searched Google, which pulled up entries like bad RAM or something, but my RAM wad upgraded a long time ago, really rare coincidence that it failed while Disk Utility (off the restore disk) froze. I need to install the OS.
So the first time it did it was I think two days ago and I was doing something in Mail, when all of a sudden 'Beep', it's not really high pitched, and lasts about a second or less, and then it did it again about 30 seconds later. Now it's doing it frequently. Is it bad? A sign of impending doom? Used the Applecare TechTool Deluxe and everything passed. Also, it isn't always beeping, sometimes it's silent, for ages, then it'll beep and beep for a while, then quiet again.
Got a new MBP 17" 500GB 7200rpm about 2 months ago. Recently It's starting to make this weird clicking and beeping noise more and more. It used to do it every once in a while and I didn't think too much of it, but recently it's started doing it more, quite a bit actually. Is this something I need to be worried about? I'm thinking it is the Hard Drive, is that true? if so, then what? I am also getting the spinning beach ball a lot more often, for a good minute at a time. I am currently on the latest build of SL, the one right before release.