Intel Mac :: Its Screen Flickers And Freezes

Apr 20, 2012

Last night I was working in Adobe InDesign and Photoshop when my screen began to flicker like crazy and eventually froze. I could still move the cursor around but nothing would work. I couldn't force quit any of the applications or shut down the system. It eventually shut itself down and after restarting everything seemed normal. About 20 minutes later it did the same thing as I was switching between Safari windows using Expose'. (I recorded a small clip of the flickering and put it on youtube if that helps: [url]...?v=UBjRwRu4IOg ) After the second time this happened I again tried to start it up and it loaded to a gray screen, no startup chime, no apple logo. Nothing. I hit the power button and it shut down again. And the next time it booted all the way. I then shut it down with the intention of calling Apple Care today but apparently my Apple Care ran out in the last month or so. So, I'd have to pay $49 to talk to them about this issue. I thought I'd come here first.


Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: 2008 Screen Blurs / Flickers / Freezes And Then Restarts

Jun 29, 2014

Recently my Macbook Pro 2008 is having following problem. First there are wavy blurry lines appears on screen and then it freezes for a while and then it restarts its own. On restarts it gives following message.

Your computer was restarted because of a problem.  Anonymous UUID:  1AC08BAD-9416-4033-A800-666876C27348 

Sun Jun 29 21:05:35 2014

panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff7f8cf27e90): NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0x040710de 0x00100406 0xd2000000, BAR0 0xd2000000 0xffffff80a6c73000 0x084700a2, D0, P2/4

Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address

0xffffff80a58fb440 : 0xffffff800c422fa9

0xffffff80a58fb4c0 : 0xffffff7f8cf27e90


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Intel Mac :: My Screen Flickers All Time

Mar 14, 2012

My screen flickers all the time. It goes blank and sometimes it takes a while to go back to normal. It is ot 100% anymore. The computer works perfect, but screen doesn't

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PowerPC :: Load Up The Blue Screen With The Apple Logo, But Then The Screen Goes Black Or Flickers?

Feb 4, 2008

I am looking at purchasing an Ibook G4 but the description of the item includes this:"When you switch it on it begins to load up i.e. the blue screen with the Apple logo, but then the screen goes black or flickers. Said friend has kindly wiped the hard drive for me so now when you switch it on it makes the �opening� noise then you get a blue screen with alternating �?� and the Finder logo."

I have a feeling this may have been a temporary fault with the screen connector being loose and possibly damaged.But i assume the alternating "?" and the "finder logo" is simply a lack of OS?

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MacBook Pro :: Flickering White Screen / Screen Flickers Sometime

Jan 28, 2010

My screen just started to occasionally have a flicker of a white line show up...It doesn't happen that often, should i worry? Is it worth taking it into apple? (Under warranty still) Since its not consistent i wont necessarily be able to show them what its doing..

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OS X :: Screen Flickers And Hangs On Mac

May 23, 2010

This is my first week on Mac. Periodically the screen flickers & hangs for a while after that it's back to normal.

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MacBook :: Screen Flickers During Start Up?

May 8, 2009

everytime when i turn on my macbook, the top part of the screen flickers.. I don't recall seeing that happen when i first got my macbook. anyone else have the same issue? something i should worry?

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Mac Mini :: Screen Goes Black And Flickers

Apr 12, 2012

I just bought mac mini few weeks ago everything is great apart from every now and the the screen goes black for a second.

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MacBook :: Won't Start Up, Screen Flickers, Hdd Spins

Dec 5, 2010

I'll cover the background to when this started happening.

I took my macbook out of an outer case to clean the shell itself.

I used wet ones which have alcohol so I wasn't worried, but also wasn't careless.

I once got a screen that said I needed to restart my computer. So I did.

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MacBook :: Screen Flickers When Move Laptop?

Aug 13, 2009

Whenever I move my macbook on my desk with the lid open, or when I open the lid, or when I close the lid, my screen flickers to black and then back open many times. Is this a weak connection some where? Sometimes the screen will stay black until I move the lid a little bit. I bought it refurbished from Apple this spring. I do not have applecare.

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MacBook Pro :: Connected To Vga Monitor - Screen Just Flickers

Aug 18, 2010

I bought a 22 inch monitor. its a pretty generic brand, but its very high resolution and works great on other computers. i got the vga adapter for my aluminum macbook (i posted in this section because its closer to the 13" mbp). i have an apple keyboard connected to it. i try to use it in clamshell mode and when i press a button on the keyboard to wake it up the screen just flickers as if its trying to adjust the resolution. strangely enough, it works perfect in mirror mode. anyone have an idea?

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MacBook :: Have A White Model And The Screen Flickers?

Mar 22, 2012

Whenever i tilt the screen forward or back wards like the whole screen flickers i dont know how to explain it but like as if you were turning a tv off that shuttering moment? well that similar thing happens but when i move my screen. The computer works fine and everything but its just that i have never dropped it or nothing so can anyone tell me why this is happening and what i should do.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Screen Saver Freezes

May 21, 2012

Latetly, after I leave this iMac, and the screen saver susequently comes on, I return to find the screen saver frozen.  When I move the mouse (cursor) around, it begins to "erase" the screen saver, revealing the login screen underneath.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 27" 2.7GHz Quad i5 12GB mem 1TB

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Intel Mac :: OS 10.7.4 Freezes Up At The Sign In Screen?

Jun 4, 2012

My Mac freezes at the sign in screen. I've tried rebooting, shutting down and unpluging everything including power cord, and nothing works.

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Flickers When Trying To Connect External Display?

Sep 18, 2010

I'm using the MiniDisplay port to HDMI on my MacBook Pro and connecting it to my 720P Dynex HDTV.

All my MacBook Pro does is flicker 3 times for about 8 seconds that it goes back to normal.

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MacBook :: Aluminum - Screen Flickers When Moved/angled

Jun 10, 2010

She has a 2008 Aluminum MacBook, the standard 2.0Ghz model. Occasionally when she moves the screen or tries to angle it, it flickers. This doesn't happen every time.

I honestly haven't tinkered with any Mac laptops once the unibodies came out, so I am hoping someone can shed some light, give some advice, and maybe throw out some ideas for repairs.

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Intel Mac :: LaCie Freezes Login Screen

Mar 30, 2012

I just bought a LaCie 3TB external.  When i turn my computer on and I'm at the login screen my trackpad and keyboard are frozen.  When I unplug the LaCie (i know really bad) my mouse and keyboard start working again.  Is the LaCie trying to work as my primary drive?  Is that why it freezes my mouse and keyboard?  How do I work around this (besides unplugging it from the computer)??

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: 24 Screen Is Going Bonkers Then System Freezes

May 29, 2012

I have been having a problem that is not application-specific, and not Lion specific. This only happens on my 2009 iMac 24 running Lion 10.7.4. (I also run Lion on my 2011 MBP and have not had this problem.) It doesn't matter whether I'm in iTunes, Safari, Logic, Pages... running applications alone or in combination.It doesn't happen right away. It's usually after I've been active on the computer for at least an hour. I will try to describe it the best way I can: 

1. I could be browsing Safari, for instance. I'll notice that a small section of my desktop starts "growing" red, green, and/or blue pixels. If left untouched, the pixels overtake about 70% of the display until the computer freezes. Now, if i click anywhere on my screen -- in Safari or on the desktop -- whatever the mouse is pointing at will redraw itself. Meanwhile, the screen starts blinking rapidly and basically, has a tantrumI can't Force Quit, Restart, Shut Down, or any other activity. The only solution is to power it down using the power switch. 

2. I'm working on music in Logic Pro. When I have Logic running, it usually spans the entire display. Within the Logic screen I'll see a small section of these red, green, and/or blue pixels. (Well by now, I know what's coming so I immediately save my work before the system freezes.) I quit out of Logic, but the pixels continue to take over my desktop. If left on it's own it starts going berserk as described above. Eventually the system freezes and I have to power down

This started happening last month. Two things happend last month: (a) I switched my internet service and combined my internet connection with my land line. I had previously been using a dedicated line for internet. (b) My service agreement expired on the iMac... go figure! 

Info:iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Brightness Flickers When Turning On?

Feb 8, 2012

On my IMac the brightness flickers when I first turn it on?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Screen Freezes Up More Often And The Keyboard Shortcuts Don't Work?

Jun 3, 2012

My screen freezes up more often and the keyboard shortcuts don't work. I have to manually shut it down. What can I do about it? It's a pain when I'm in teh middle of doing something or chatting in MSN Messenger.

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.6.8), HP probs

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IMac (Intel) :: Mavericks Freezes At Login Screen?

Jun 2, 2014

My iMac started freezing at the login screen. I power up, the apple logo comes up (sometimes the blinking globe comes up for some reason) and then the apple logo flashes as if it restarted or something, and the loading indicator shows up for a few seconds. Then at the login screen everything looks normal (my picture is there and correct name of account is shown) when I type the incorrect password, the text box shakes appropriately. When I type the correct password, the loading indicator appears, the mouse turns into a beach ball, and it hangs until I hard shutdown. 

I know it's not a hardware issue because I just booted from the recovery partition and was able to view all my files in terminal. I would rather not reformat the hard drive. Is there a specific file that may be corrupted that I could delete and mavericks would automatically rebuild it?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: Freezes At White Screen During Startup?

Jun 2, 2014

I was off of my iMac for an hour or two so my screen saver when on.  I went to wake the computer and it was frozen.  I tried using the keyboard and mouse to wake up the computer from the screen saver, but it would not work, so I powered the iMac down manually from the button on the back.  I let it sit for 15 minutes, then I tried to start the computer up again.  Now at start up, I get to a blank white screen with the spinning moving pin wheel, and that is it. 

IMac 2Ghz Intel Core Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Flickers Black For Short Moment On Switching Graphics

May 9, 2010

I just got a new MBP i7, and whenever the graphics switch from the Nvidia 330m chip to the Intel chip, the screen "flickers" black for a short moment before reappearing. Can anyone with a new MBP comment on this behavior? It doesn't happen on the switch from Intel->Nvidia, just the other way around.

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MacBook Air :: Screen Flickers Whenever It Is Connected To Mini Display Port To VGA Adapter?

Dec 2, 2014

Macbook air 2014 model screen flickers when ever it is connected to minidisplay port to vga adapter?

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Intel Mac :: Launcher Can't Connect To The Internet Error - Screen Freezes?

May 15, 2012

I just downloaded Diablo III, and tryed to install it, it didn't work and i constantly got this Blizzard Launcher can't connect to the internet error. I tryed redowloading the game 2 times, i tryed closing all unnerserssary programs but it wouldnt work. So i went on Skype and called some friends and chatted for around an hour. Then i open Minecraft, and when i join a server, My iMac's screen just freezes. i can still hear my friends over skype and i can still use all the keyboard commands to lower or raise the volume. But other than my mouse and the lighting nothing moves on my screen. I tryed restarting. Didn't work. I can still hear the background programs like Skype and spotify opens but the screen is just all white with some small grey boxes here and there. I tryed taking the wire out and hold the on/off button in for 10 seconds, didn't work either.Does anyone know what to in my situation? Should i go to the applestore and get it fixed? (The nearest Applestore is 2 hours of driving away)


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Intel Mac :: Grey Shading Appears On The Screen, Freezes Then Shuts Down?

Jun 15, 2012

iMac grey shading appears on the screen, freezes then shuts down

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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IMac (Intel) :: Does Not Start / Mouse Freezes In The Left Corner Of Screen

Sep 4, 2014

My Mac does not start, the mouse freezes in the left corner of my screen and displays a block break?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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Intel Mac :: Desktop Flickers When Dragging File To Trash In Dock?

Jun 1, 2012

Is this bad? Just started happening yesterday. Restarted, but persistent... when I drag a file from an open folder on my desktop, the entire desktop flickers like you can see below. Like ghosted images of all the icons and open windows get scrambled around. It happens in a fraction of a second, but I was able to capture a screen shot. Please let me know what this means. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Software :: Intel IMac Won't Boot Up - Freezes On Grey Screen Or Apple Symbol?

May 14, 2008

Got my 24" 2.4GHz iMac on release last year, with Tiger. Installed Leopard on it on release day.

The problem I have is that ever since a botched Boot Camp installation I've had endless problems with certain applications hanging during their startup (notably Image Capture) or refusing to quit (notably iTunes). Force Quit doesn't resolve these issues. Restarting doesn't work because Force Quit can't quit them so I have to pull the plug or otherwise force a shutdown.

Upon restarting I either get the grey screen that instantly appears, or, if I've pulled the plug and left it for a few minutes I can get to the Apple symbol but no spinner or any further start up action. Occasionally I get lucky, get back up and running, and all is well until the next crash.

All this started happening when I decided to try installing Windows on Boot Camp again. I've had it on here a couple of times since Leopard was released but usually end up deleting it eventually because either the Windows installation gets bogged down or I get bored with it and never use it. Anyway, this time, using the same discs I've always used (and yes, it's SP2, so it should be fine and anyway it's worked at least twice before) when I got to the 'restart to continue installing Windows' bit, I got the white screen and nothing happened. After an hour or so of praying and restarting endlessly trying to get a response, I finally got it to recognise my OSX installation and was up and running again. The Boot Camp volume didn't appear to be there and Disk Utility revealed zero problems whatsoever. Everything looked fine until these recurring hangs, refusals to quit apps and screwed up start-ups.

Any ideas? I don't have the expensive Apple support, but it's less than a year old! Of course, I realise that this means nothing to Apple, who seem to think I should pay a premium in order to have my machine warrantied by them for more than 90 days. Grr...

If I get it up and running I'm thinking I should just wipe the ENTIRE system absolutely clean and re-install Leopard and then use my Time Machine backup to put all my data back on (pricelessly valuable as I use the machine to work on my photography with), but I'm concerned that if there's a flaw in the System somewhere, a corruption, that installing the Time Machine backup will just reintroduce the error. On the other hand, if it's a deeply embedded and invisinle partition corruption from the bad Boot Camp installation attempt, that should be fixed by wiping the entire drive to reinstall Leopard, right?

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IMac :: 24" IMac Screen Flickers During Screensaver?

Jun 19, 2008

So I've had my 24" Al iMac ever since November 2007, good and everything until the past couple days, after extended use of the imac, everything is fine, screen is great, but when entering screensaver, its still great, its like a couple minutes or so into the screen saver when the top of my iMac's screen starts to flicker! When I move the mouse to get out of the screen saver, every thing is back to normal. It happens with all screen savers.

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