Intel Mac :: Can`t Reset Password With The Apple Id
Apr 1, 2012
Have done something wrong and changed the password to start the computer. Want to change it with my Apple Id but it wont let me. I can type my Apple ID but it dont let me change it or something else. I cant start the PC anymore. What can i do?
I created a mess by changing my user password. OS X 10.9.3. Forgot the new password. When I went to log on, It said I could use my Apple IDÂ to change it again, but I would lose the passwords on my keychain. Which would have been fine. Except now I can't do anything at all on the laptop, getting pop up after pop up saying "a keychain cannot be found to store...". And other pop ups. I'm completely jammed up.
How can I change my account password without using my apple id credentials to do so because that doesn't work. It doesn't prompt me to change my account password after entering my apple id credentials. It will not recognize my credentials.
When I try to use .mac mail, it asks for a password but I don't remember the mac Mail password I gave when I set up my MacBook. How can I find it or reset it so I can use my mail (I've been using mail through my provider all this time).
I have created a number of Apple i/d's that now seem make my records confused. I'm often forced to reset passwords; like today: I tried to log in to use my icloud email address and had to reset the password - again even though I had used for my apple ID minutes before!!. This repeating problem has become a real headache and I want to kill off the old unused apple i/ds and start afresh so i can link my information etc over all my hardware. can this be achieved if I present all my prior information for deletion?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), new IPhone 5S
so my apple ID works on the apple site but it wont work on my itunes at all no matter how many times i reset it, it just does not accept my password at all help?
I received a mail from Apple with regards to change in settings of my iTunes or Apple ID on my Hotmail Account. So I clicked the change account and created a new Account using my Gmail ID. Little did I know, after successfull completion that the apps downloaded using my hotmail id would not be allowed to update using my ne registered gmail id.Â
So, I try to login using my old id (yes hotmail). Now the catch is I forgot the pass for this id. So I click 'forgot pass' and a msg comes send email notification. Now comes the main point! I'm not recieving a single mail from apple on my pass retrival?! Which means i cannot update my apps (including the paid one's) + I'm scared that my CC deatails will be miss-used on the old id!Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Trying to reset my apple id password via email. I click "Email authentication" and get a confirmation that an email has been sent. But I don't receive an email.Â
Can it be that using an apple id / email address like causes problems? Â
After connecting my two iMacs for migration . I was not able to log into my new mac . The password is not correct although , when using the same password on the older iMAC it works fine.
I forgot the Firmware Password, and want to reset it. How can I do it? No DVD included when I bought it. All the startup keys, like C, N, T, D, CMD+s, CMD+Option+p+r, CMD +v, Option, and Shift, does NOT work. To add or remove DIMMs does not work.
Yesterday we set up the computer at the Apple Store. When entering the Password for the computer, apparently we thought we were entering one thing when in fact we entered something else. Now I can't log into the computer to install new printer software, reset/change my password or anything else. I have tried looking through the Manual for the iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011 and can't find anything for resetting the password, finding it in the Keychain Access, etc. The computer is a waste if I can't reset the password to install the apps I need on it.
I have iMac and forgot my log in password. Want to reset the password and not quite sure whether filevaut was enabled or not. i tried to use apple id to reset the passwor but it failed.
i need to reset the passwords to log on to osx lion. how can i manage that? i don´t have any cd´s or dvd´s. only older versions. but it looks like that they don´t work on that imac. i have two partitions, one is the normal MAC hd and the other is the Recovery HD. do i have to restore the instalation ?
My wife and I have forgotten the administrator password on our 27" Mac OS X computer. We are running Version 10.7.3 on our computer. I tried to used the previous help discussions posted on the page (holding down the C Key at start-up, but none of the suggestions seems to be working to get me where I need to be at (Factory Start-up page). Also I do not have a operating disc at this time.Â
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)