Hardware :: Way To Reinstall Entire Operating System On To The G Drive

Dec 21, 2009

y question is : should I try to reinstall the entire operating system on to the g drive and boot from and use that as the main drive, or should I just learn how to configure all my programs to save to the g-drive. I have tons of dvds with video and data on them because I ran out of space long ago and so I am finally going to have some space so I am excited about having the g drive.I ask these questions because I have read in the past that the internal mac mini drives actually slow down the system, however I dont know if this is still true, I know the bus speed is faster etc in the new ones

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Reinstall Operating System

May 12, 2012

my system preferences froze on me a couple weeks ago while i was trying to change my screen saver. i've forced quit the program and computer, but when i boot back up, and reopen system preferences it opens up where it froze in the backgrounds settings. yesterday i shot down to see my buddy at future shop and he tried a few things and nothing changed. he called apple and they said this issue has come up a few times now. they recomended to delete a few uneeded files in the program or reinstalling the operating system. we deleted the files and nothing happened. so he told me how to reinstall the OS. i said goodbye because he left for cuba today. now i have time to do the reinstall and dont remember how he said to do this.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Application To Reinstall Parts Of Operating System?

Dec 26, 2008

There was some application that I used a while ago when "activity monitor" mysteriously disappeared from my system that let me reinstall it from the OS X install disc without having to do a complete reinstall of the OS. Does anyone know what i am talking about, I cannot remember what it is called. It is a third party utility.

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ITunes :: The File Library.itl Cannot Be Read After Operating System Reinstall?

Jul 1, 2012

After having weeks of airport issues, the Genius Bar folks decided that reinstalling my operating system was the only opin to fix what they think is a software issue.  After restoring all my data using my last backup and doing all software updates again, I am getting an error when trying to open itunes - 'the file itunes library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of itunes.  Would you like to download itunes now?.  The two oprions I am given are 'quit' and 'download itunes'.  If I chose to download itunes it tells my there are no updates!  I have also plugged my ipod into my laptop and it doesn't recognize it.  What should I do??  I am totally lost. When I ran the updates last night it showed itunes updating, so I am unclear as to why it isn't even opening.

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Mac Pro :: Backup Entire Drive / Reinstall Applications

Jun 19, 2014

I have a hard drive with bad blocks. I backup the data and various other part of the drive to the cloud. However, I want to make a backup of the entire disk but want to be able to access all the data individually as I want to transfer the data onto a new HD and the applications/fonts etc onto an SSD. Also, is it advisable to literally copy the contents of the Applications folder across to the new SSD drive or should they really be re-installed one by one (yikes!)?

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OS X :: Cannot Install Mac Operating System On New Hard Drive

May 6, 2009

Alright, so my hard drive died a week ago and I bought a new one. I am positive that I have installed it correctly. But when I run the install discs, after I choose english as the language, it says "Mac OS X cannot be installed on this computer". I am using the install discs that my macbook came with. I have tried following many online tutorials that involve partitioning and formatting but I can't seem to get it to work.

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IMac :: Possible To Replaced Super-drive With Intel Ssd For Operating System

Oct 20, 2009

Im planing on buying a 27" iMac with the quad i7. I was wondering if it would be possible to replaced the superdrive with an intel ssd for the operating system. Has anybody done this yet on a previous generation imac and how did it work out.

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Intel Mac :: After Operating System Upgrade, External Drive Will Not Mount?

Apr 18, 2012

I finally updated to mac OS 10.6.8 snow leopard in prep for upgrading to lion and now my macally backup drive wont mount - what should I do?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Get Operating System Lion To Transfer Over To New Hard Drive

Jun 2, 2012

How do i get my operating system lion to transfer over to my new harddrive since i downloaded it through itunes.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: What Will Be The Size Of C Drive When Install MAC Operating System

Jun 4, 2014

what will be the size of C drive when we install MAC os

Motion 5, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)

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MacBook :: Move Data From Old Drive Including The Operating System Lion?

May 28, 2012

I'm buying a brand new hardrive for my 13inch macbook, but need to know the best way to move data from my old drive including the operating system Lion

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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PowerPC :: Way To Store Back Up The Entire System And Programms To An External Drive

Sep 6, 2010

I'm running a G5 quad with 2x320GB Western Digital HD (striped RAID 0). I want to back up the entire system and programs to an external drive(s) I can boot from, in case the main drive(s) fail.What are my options for doing this? I want to have an exact copy of my system, in other words.

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Software :: Boot / Reinstall System From External Hard Drive

Aug 16, 2010

I'm selling my old Powerbook G4. Before I let it go, I want to wipe the hard drive and reinstall OS 10.4. I also would like to run disk first aid because I suspect there may be some corruption. The problem: I still have the original system install DVDs that came with the laptop, but the DVD drive no longer works. It just spins the disks for a bit then spits them back out. I do have an external USB hard drive with plenty of free space. Is there a way I can copy the install DVDs (there's a Disc 1 and Disc 2) to the external hard drive, then boot from that drive and treat it like I'm installing from the DVDs? I also have my new MacBook Pro with a working DVD drive. Can I make my Powerbook boot from a CD in the MacBook's drive? If not, how else can I wipe my system and reinstall the OS without a working DVD drive?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Format Drive / Reinstall And Restore System From TM Backup?

Apr 20, 2012

My Macbook Pro hard drive failed. It is completely unrecoverable. I've purchased a replacement. How do I format the drive, install Lion and restore my system from my Time Machine backup? My Time Machine backup was created from a USB connection directly to my Macbook Pro. I have a Apple Lion USB Install Thumbdrive.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: Update Operating System To Snow Leopard / Disk Is Not Reading In Disk Drive

Jun 4, 2014

I have an old Macbook via 2007 and I'm trying to update my operating system (currently OS 10.5.8) to Snow Leopard, but the disk is not reading in the disk drive. And unfortunately, Snow Leopard is only on a DVD, it can't be downloaded.I figure I have 2 choices:

1) take it in and spend $49 to have them do diagnostics and then tell me they probably need to replace the superdrive 

2) I could buy an external optical drive. But I would need to know which one would be compatable with my old *** Macbook.


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MacBook Pro :: Boot From "copy" Of Entire System On Old Drive?

Dec 27, 2009

I had a hard drive failure in my Powerbook. I had "copied" ,not "backed up" with backup software, the entire contents of the hard drive to an external one. So i installed a new drive, installed OSX from the cd onto it in a smaller partition. Started up, copied the entire contents off the external drive onto the larger part of the partition. My thoughts were to keep the newly "installed" OSX software/system separate from the "copied" OSX software/system by partitioning it. What i wanted in the end was to be able to boot from my "copied" system and be back where I was a month ago, and disable/trash/whatnot the "installed" system that was just to get it up and going. I'm running 10.4.11 on the G4 1.67 Powerbook. So, how can I boot from the original hard drive contents? It doesn't recognize or give a choice for the copied hard drive contents with the copied system and all, just the "new" installed system.

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OS X :: Need To Reinstall - Backup Files On BootCamp Partition / How To Wipe Entire Hdd

Jan 13, 2010

upgraded my from Leopard to Snow Leopard when it first came out, but for whatever reason my system has been running somewhat sluggishly since I upgraded (My Macbook Pro is more than capable of running either)

I want to do a clean install of Snow Leopard.

Could I just copy all of my music files, documents etc to my BootCamp partition, then reformat and install Snow Leopard on the other partition? Or does it wipe the entire drive?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Sharing System Preferences Freezes Entire System

Jul 3, 2012

I recently took the plunge and installed Lion after being content with Snow Leopard....well now I have quite a few issues. When I open system preferences for some reason it automatically opens to Network...why I'm not sure. When I click show all, then click sharing, I can't make any changes in the Sharing preferences without my entire system locking up. I can't force quit or anything. I can still use the mouse but all I have is the rainbow wheel!

I have searched and searched and haven't been able to fix it. I have tried booting into the Guest account and the same problem happens there. I have trashed all the plist files everyone says to try. I have tried repairing permissions etc. I feel like I have tried everything. Is there anything else that I can do without have to do a clean re-install. I'm hearing if I do this that I won't be able to migrate my files from by backups due to permission problems?

I also took a look at my system log and it is full of this!
Jul 3 22:24:26 jessica-imac com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.Kerberos.digest-service[1307]): Exited with code: 1
Jul 3 22:24:26 jessica-imac com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.Kerberos.digest-service): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds .....

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Mac OS X Is Better Than Other Operating System?

Aug 7, 2010

This was with every app open on my Mac. Switching between apps was instantaneous still and some apps would still open with less than a bounce.This was on a 2.26 13inch Macbook Pro with 2gbs ram.

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OS X :: How To Upgrad G4 Operating System?

May 3, 2010

I have a mirrored drive door G4 [dual 1.25 GHz] with 10.2.8. The newest browser I can run is Firefox That browser will not successfully run some sites. Monster.com, for example.

I am unemployed just now and cannot afford to spend money on a new Intel machine. I have critical need of being able to run what I have here now:

Photoshop CS [no number suffix]
InDesign 3.0.1
Microsoft office X, 10.1.6
Filemaker pro 6 [although I do also own 7]
Text Soap 3
Roxio Toast 5.2.1

I have been told I could upgrade this G4 to 10.4. Supposedly that would allow me to run a current browser. I don't know if that is true, it is just something I was told.

I have multiple fears about making such an upgrade. First, where would you get the discs to do that, and how could you get any patches or upgrades that were created subsequent to its introduction?

Second, would all my software listed above work with 10.4?

I imagine I would need to make up an external drive that completely mirrored my current setup, in case it went wrong and I had to go back to what I have.

My need is to have a computer I can use to look for jobs effectively. Monster.com won't even let me log in with this browser. I consider buying some used machine with a current browser to use for my job search, but hate to waste the money.

Do the experienced and knowledgeable here have some advice for me? Is there a safe way to make some changes on this machine and retain my current array of software?

As soon as I get a job I will spend the money [I currently have saved] to buy a new Intel Mac. I just don't want to let that money go while I am unemployed. I have been for three months and have not gotten so much as a single interview.

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OS X :: Mac Osx Restoring The Operating System

Feb 14, 2009

I upgraded my mac, to the latest version of the OS. Half way through the update, the power went, and my whole system, is messed up.

I thought, its ok, ill re install it from the disk, ill only lose software that i have installed, all my data is backed up, its fine. After 1 hour of installing mac OSX.5 the loaded, fine... but a few problems.

The software that came on the mac, is not there now.
My mac keeps restarting my Airport.

My question, if i use the disks that came with my mac, can i have the software back on OSX.4 and then upgrade it like when OSX.5 came out? Would i have hte software back?

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OS X :: Possible To Run Dual Operating System?

Apr 15, 2009

Not really sure if this belongs here or in "Buying Tips, Advice and Discussion", I think its here but feel free to move it if I'm wrong. That said, here's my question: Can I run a dual OS on my laptop? Its an Intel Core 2 duo 2ghz (2gig ram) with an Ati Radeon HD 2300 graphics and presently with Windows Vista Home Premium (manufactured by Acer - Aspire5720G).

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OS X :: Copy Operating System?

Jul 14, 2009

So I just purchased a new MBP and have Snow Leopard installed on my current machine. The original boot file is on my home computer (I am out of town) and trying to avoid having to download all over again.

Is there any way to "Clone" my current computer to have the operating system installed on my new machine?

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OS X :: How Operating System Works?

Aug 24, 2009

I have had my mac for sometime now and love it but was looking for more info on how the operating system works. For example I understand in my applications folder there is my programs but what is the library and the system library? How does it all work etc? Does anyone have any handy links I can use to learn more about the workings of OSX?

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OS X :: Wipe Everything Off Mac Except Operating System

Mar 30, 2010

what I would like to is to wipe everything off my mac (second hand) so that I can start again with everything clean and fresh. I've done this sort of thing before with other Macs by simply reinstalling the the start up disk - but this is where the problem lies - the disk that came with the Mac is only for OS 10.4.10 (Tiger) and the Mac is currently running OS 10.5.6 (Leopard) and I don't really want to downgrade (the weird thing is the Mac came with Leopard from the factory so I don't know whey it wasn't supplied with the disk). So is there any way I can delete everything else off the Mac (files, programs - AND MOST IMPORTANTLY change the "home file" name) with out loosing Leopard?

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Windows On Mac :: Which Operating System Is Best

Apr 13, 2010

I bought my MBP about a month ago, and I bought VMWare Fusion to go with it. I need to run Windows to run Office, AutoCAD, and ChemCAD (I'm a chemical engineering student).

Is Fusion the best way to go, or should I get Parallels? (I haven't opened the Fusion software yet.)

Should I spend the money on Windows 7, or would Windows XP be fine?

Does anyone knows somewhere cheap to get Windows? And does it matter if it says it's for a PC? I know UltimateSteal currently has Office, but as far as I can tell they don't have Windows right now.

I got my MBP because my Gateway (big mistake, I know) crashed. It had the latest Office on it...is there a way I can use that instead of having to buy it again? (I don't want to use the Vista off it for obvious reasons.

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OS X :: How To Search Entire System

Jul 5, 2009

On some occasions when I attempt to uninstall some files I have to dig deep into the system - places where apparently Spotlight doesn't search -, is there a dedicated search tool that is more robust than Spotlight?

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PowerPC :: IMac G3, Best Operating System?

Oct 6, 2010

Just got ahold of a iMac g3, 450mhz, 20gb hd, and 192mb of ram, (+airport +combo drive) what would be the best operating system I could put on here that would run normally?

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Mac Pro :: Setting Up An Efficient Operating System

Oct 19, 2010

I just received my new mac and few days ago I had found a link in one of the threads about how to reinstall the oSX without all the unnecessary crap, in order to reduce the size of it.

I DON'T REMEMBER THE LINK...I spent hours and hours in the forum but I didn't find it...anybody knows about that article?

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Applications :: Operating System Not Found

Nov 19, 2010

I have installed VMWare Fusion and am trying to install Windows 7 from an iso.I selected the iso when setting the new virtual machine up,

but when the virtual machine appears for the first time and tries to load the software, the following message is displayed:PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel PXE ROMOperating System not found.

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