Hardware :: Looking For A Monitor That Can Connect To My Macbook Pro, PS2, And Xbox 360?
Oct 2, 2009
I am looking for a monitor that can connect to my Macbook Pro, PS2, and Xbox 360. I have looked over various monitors and I cannot find one with all of the ports that I need. I am looking for a monitor that is around 22'' and no more than 200.00 USD.
I purchased a DVI male to HDMI female adapter on eBay, thinking I can connect my xBox 360 to it. I have a 15 inch MacBook Pro from Early 2008. I don't know how to work it or if it works.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
I've been looking around the internet for a solution to this problem. I'm currently in an apartment with a single wired connection running to my Macbook Pro, i haven't got time to buy a switch or router right now and i've been trying to connect my 360 to the internet using Airport. All of the how-to's i've found so far concern connecting the 360 and Macbook via Ethernet rather than Airport, and while i've tried to follow the steps as best as i can i haven't been able to connect to xbox live.
I am currently using Vuze to stream movies on my MBP i7 to my Xbox 360. Well, lately its been creating rebuffing and etc making the video experience a bit dreadful. I am looking for a decent solution in converting my videos so I can throw them all on a drive and directly connect with my Xbox 360.
I'm trying to figure out how to use my iMac as a monitor to play my 360 on. I think it has to do something with DVI cables, but I don't know how to do it or how it works. To the best of your knowledge, how do I set up an xbox to play on my monitor with DVI cables and whatever else I need?
Just recently got a Mac Pro and it's plugged into a 24 inch Dell monitor with the DVI cable, can I also plug my xbox 360 to the same monitor at the same time using an HDMI cable or could that cause problems?
Here's my idea on a setup when I move into my garage. Xbox 360 connected to iMac 27" with a Kanex XD HDMI to Mini DisplayPort adaptor. A FreeView box also connected via HDMI though the Kanex XD adaptor using a HDMI switch. Or instead of the FreeView box I might get an EyeTV TV Tuner so I can use the new app to watch live tv on my iPhone.
Here's my other idea... Mac Mini connected to my 42" Samsung HD monitor via HDMI Xbox 360 also connected to the monitor with HDMI A FreeView box also connected via HDMI to the monitor with a HDMI switch to change between the three. I suppose it depends on screen size at the end of the day.
Does anyone know how to connect one of the new macs (snow leopard) to an xbox 360 for xbox live? I've managed to get it set up so that when you run test xbox live connection on the 360, it recognises that the xbox is connected to a network, but i can't get it to the next stage, onto the internet. When I log on the 360, i get a message saying "another device on the network is using your computers ip address........try connecting again later etc."
How do i connect my Xbox 360 to my IMAC 21.5 (mid 2011)? my imac does have the thunderbolt port. I was wondering if it works when i use the hdmi cable to connect the xbox to (hdmi to thunderbolt) adapter then to my IMAC. based on what i have read, this version of imac supports target display mode.
ok so heres the deal.I have my airport extreme upstairs which is providing wireless through my house with a speedstream router plugged into it. downstairs is my tv with my xbox 360. I just bought a aiport express so i can plug my ethernet cable from my xbox into and that will supposedly connect wirelessly to my extreme.
does anyone here connect their xbox 360 to their airport extreme base station via wifi. I have read ways to do this, by turning the 'N' mode off etc. But i just want to find out more before i take the plunge into buying a xbox 360 and if you can do this with out changing from N mode. i have one of the latest 802.11n apple base station.
I bought my MacBook Pro and a brand new Airport Extreme to go with it about 4 months ago. I have the MacBook and my wife's iMac hooked up wirelessly to the Airport Extreme with no problems. My son't Wii also hooks up with no problems wirelessly. My Xbox 360 hooks up sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't. It's not wireless, it's hooked directly to the Airport Extreme via Ethernet cable. When I first got the Airport Extreme, the Xbox had no problem hooking up to it and the internet. But lately it sometimes hooks up, and sometimes it doesn't...with no explanation as to why other than maybe the position of the planets or something. Restarting the Airport Extreme helps sometimes, sometimes it doesn't. I'll just leave it be for a few days...change nothing...and then try the Xbox again and automagically it seems to work...for a few days. Then for no reason will just stop again. It can't connect through anything then, not even hook up to one of the Mac's using Connect360. It's as if the 360 is not even hooked to any network then. Also, the Xbox 360 had zero network problems when I was using a DLink router, which was the set-up to hook to the internet and the hub of the home network for the past year. The 360 could hook to the Macs and access the Internet. But the Dlink wasn't wireless, which is why I went with the Airport Extreme when I got my Macbook Pro.
I started up my macbook like every morning and tada, the external screen was black, I thought thats strange so I unplug the Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter and plugged it back in, the macbook screen turned blue for a second like it does when it recognizes a monitor being plugged but still stays black.
What is the best way to connect to another monitor from a new MacBook pro without DVI or Minidisplay port. I only have Thunderbolt Firewire 800 and USB 3 ports it is a way to connect the computer with my current monitor? my current monitor uses VGA input and I have a 2012 macbook 2.6 GHz Intel core I7
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.6 GHZ Intel core I7- 8 GB Mhz
I'm trying to connect my whitebook so I can watch iplayer on my TV. I've got a mini DVI to video adaptor and from that I've run an s video cable to the back of my tele. Audio is from the audio out to a phono adapter and into the tv. The T.V. is an oldish panasonic crt.
Now the audio is working so I know I've got the right channel on the tv but my comp doesn't seem to be recognising that it's plugged into the tv. Is what I'm trying to do posable, basically using my tv as a monitor?
The monitor came with the VGA cable, but not a DVI-D cable. Should I get the DVI-D cable and adapter instead of a VGA adapter? Why do I ask, because the adapters both cost $34 each (I'm Canadian) but the catch is for DVI I would have to add an extra $20 for the cable and I'm not sure if it's worth it or not since I'm tight on money.
Should I worry myself over getting a DVI adapter AND the additional cost which is the DVI-DVI cable?Already answered:Just like Windows which makes it super easy, I tried searching but didn't find the right solution... Does anyone know how I can extend the my MBP's monitor to my external as I can do this on my PC -> External but can't get it to work from my Mac.Just to clarify, I want to do this via Leopard, not XP, Vista or 7.
What is the best way to hook up MBP to Syncmaster B2430? Everything looks great but the text. It's not sharp and there are random white dots that are on each letter. The pictures and videos are great. The color is nice and bright. But the text bugs me. I currently connect with an HDMI cable. Isn't DVI the same as HDMI, minus the audio?
I want to connect my macbook pro to a monitor. the monitor has an HDMI and RGB inputs. which cords would i have to do to connect my macbook to the monitor?
But is there a preferred brand of adapter to connect a monitor with a DVI port to the Mini DisplayPort on my 15" MBP, like Monster? Or what do you all recommend?