I want to set up a home network but I'm utterly clueless in networking so I turn to you guys for help I believe I should have almost all the components to set one up but I need some pointers.
I'm the only person in the house who uses a Mac, also have two Windows 7 desktops (one connected via wifi and the other ethernet). I also have a printer and a 500GB hard drive (the 3.5" IDE ones) that I want to hook up to the network.
I guess my end goal is to have all three machines in a "LAN" and play nicely together (file sharing and stuff), print documents through the network and have a "central backup".
Currently I have a Linksys wireless router with SpeedBooster (model WRT54GS), it doesn't have any USB i/o so I guess I will need a router with USB? If I don't get a router with USB then will I be able to print from my MacBook if the printer is plugged to another desktop? Perhaps a TimeCapsule?
My home network setup is pretty weird and I am having problems connecting between my G4 with Leopard and my MBP with SL. Basically I have a static ip with a zyntex or something ADSL modem, then I have a switch and after the switch i got a 10Mbps Brack Firewall router and today I bought an Airport Express to get internet at places. I dont want to lay down cables. So anyway I noticed once I hooked up I can see my G4 but I cant connect to it. If I use a cable tho it work. Btw the airport is connected to the switch so is the G4, all the PCs are connected thru the brack router.
I use the Apple Airport Extreme Base Station Dual Band as my main router. I use a new Apple Airport Express to extend the range of my AEBS and allow connectivity via Ethernet only. Problem: We want to be able to setup a NAS that will be accessable outside of our home network via the internet. We are looking at using a free software such as Free NAS. We are not able to figure out how to forward a port on the Airport Extreme to allow an FTP. Is this being complicated by the additional airport express? do we also have to change settings inside that router to allow this. We have scoured the internet for specific instructions on how to do this, but cannot get it resolved.
I nabbed an old G4 Quicksilver from the office. 1ghz, dual processor, 1.5gb ram. I'm going to use it as a home file server to serve 1 powerbook and 1 pc laptop over a wireless airport network.
I've got it up and running headless in the basement, plugged into the airport. Out of sight, out of...well I don't have to listen to the thing. It's loud! Anyway, I can control it via VNC on my Powerbook. I use Vine Server and Chicken of the VNC for a viewer.
Here's the plan. Right now it has two 80gb drives in it. One has Tiger on it and one is empty. I just ordered two 500gb Seagate Barracuda drives for it. I believe that it is a late enough model that I don't have to worry about the 128gb limit. I hope that's right.
I also have 1 external 500gb firewire drive. 1 external 250gb drive and 2 external 160gb drives.
Not sure even where to start. I have the Apple extreme router, WD network drive and 2 express units throughout the house. Looking to access the netwrk drive from MAcbook and TV that has internet connect through BLuRay disk.Router is behaving ok and the network drive is set up.Not sure where to from here. Any manuals available to take one through step by step?
I have an Intel iMac and Macbook connecting just fine to my netgear router. Airport signals are great throughout the house. A friend dropped off an old PowerMac G4 (Quicksilver) which I placed down the hall in my daughter's room.
It didn't have an airport card, so I installed an aftermarket one. The airport setup utility continually kicks out my login password to my home network saying it's incorrect (am sure it's right) and there is no signal indication in the finder.
iMac is running Leopard 10.5.x Macbook is 10.4.x G4 is 10.2
2003 Mac Pro G5 1.6 4 Gb Ram (my first ever Mac, so bit of a soft spot)Old Airport Extreme (using Airport Utilities 5.6-probably bought same time as G5 2003) Recently purchased refurbished Mac Book Pro 2GHz Intel Core i7 and iMac 2.7 Quad Core Intel i5 What I would like to do is bump up the memory in G5 and use it as a home server for my new macs.Have opened file sharing in G5, am testing on mac book pro, so opened file sharing on this but not sure how Im supposed to access the G5 from MacBP? Tried setting up Airoprt and attaching it via USB2.0 to front of G5, and start G5 whilst holding 'T' to start in harddrive mode but no luck.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I'm traveling for the next 3 months overseas and I wanted to setup some sort of VPN that would allow me to access my home macs over the internet from my Macbook Pro. I've searched for some setup instructions over the net and can't find anything. If someone can help me out with step by step instructions I'd appreciate it. I have and Airport Extreme with a couple of MacPros and external hard drives attached. Having access to them while away will keep me in touch with things I may need at home while away. I'm running Leopard 10.5 on all machines.
I would like to set up a home media hub. I have the following devices I would like to be able to access the media:
Powerbook (1.5Ghz) Mac Mini (Core 2 duo) PS3 -> HDTV Old Pentium3 PC to an old Sony tube tv.
I also have an old Pentium4 PC which I was planning to use as the server. I was planning to throw in a 750gb HD instead of running this all off my external (which is what I use now hooked up to the Powerbook). How would I go about doing this? The router is hooked up to the mac mini at the moment.
What is the least I need to get a really great setup using a Mac Mini as my main entertainment source. I am planning to drop all cable/satellite and just watch shows on Hulu and stuff.
Specific questions: 1. Do I need more than 2GB of RAM to run the video without jumping? 2. Can I buy an older, used Mini or should I just buy a new one? 3. What hardware do I need to successfully run this setup? 4. Should I buy an external HD or upgrade the internal one? 5. What software do I need to successfully run this setup?
Here's the hardware that I either have already or plan to get: 1. LG42LH40 2. Mac Mini 3. HDMI cables and adapters 4. Optical Audio cable 5. Wireless mouse/keyboard What is this Boxee and EyeTV all about?
I should be receiving my new Unibody Mac Mini Server to replace my current Mac Mini by this Friday but more than likely Monday. I hope to give a detailed review of the Mac Mini Server with pictures. I went with the Mac Mini Server purely for the dual 500gb hard drives which I desperately want. Currently I use my Mac Mini as my Media hub. Its connected to my TV via a DVI to hdmi cable. It has a Turbo.264 HD, 640gb usb external hard drive, and a wireless keyboard logtiech mouse and keyboard attached to it as well as a EyeTV 200 and EyeTV 500 that I use for recording TV shows and digitizing VHS tapes and other media to a digital format (Old analog camcorder tapes, etc). I do a lot of video related tasks with this Mac Mini constantly. My current Mac Mini was originally given to me because a co-worker who upgraded to a better Core 2 Duo Mac Mini, this Mac Mini was originally a Mac Mini Core Solo 1.5ghz. I have had this machine since late 2007. I upgraded the cpu to a 1.66ghz Core Duo immediately when I got it, and maxed the ram out to the whooping 2gb (yeah . . .). Also last year I upgraded the hard drive to a 320gb drive. This Mac Mini has been on running 24/7/265 literally since about December 2007 and its never crashed on my once. I love this Mac Mini its a tank. The only other upgrade I have performed on the Mac Mini was installing Artic Silver thermal paste which made an amazing difference on the Mac Mini.
The reason I'm upgrading is all my media and everything right now currently resides on an external 640gb hard drive that every now and then "disappears" from my Mac Mini, it doesn't even show up in Disk Utility or terminal, and I have to restart the external enclosure. YES I know I could just get a new external hard drive enclosure but I don't want to, I like that hard drive, it works well like 90% of the time. However I now have an HD Video camera and HD content I record via my EyeTV 500 and trying to watch that over my usb connection seems to be pushing the limits. So I'm going to raid the two 500gb to a 1TB drive and use the 640gb drive as a Time Machine drive, or maybe I'll just get a 1TB Time Machine drive . . . not quiet sure yet, for now it will just be the 640gb drive.....
What is Best setup for iMac with SSD and HDD? Best location of scratch & home folders? Computer: iMac 2.93 GHz Quad core i7, 8GB RAM, 1 TB HDD + 256 GB SSD There is not much info from Apple about the best way to set up an iMac with a Hard Drive and Solid state drive. I've looked at a few of the forum posts across the web and came up with a plan and lots of questions. (I do use photoshop frequently, but not on a professional level):
1.I will keep OS and Applications on SSD 2.Would you do it differently or not at all about moving the home folder? I saw some posts about moving the entire home folder, but it makes more sense to me to only move selected folders withing the home folder to take advantage of speed of SSD. So will keep the home folder on SSD, but move certain folders (document, music, iphoto, download, etc.) to 1 TB HDD via instructions I found on the macintoshperformanceguide website (**is this the same as creating an alias?): cd sudo cp -r Documents /Volumes/Master sudo rm -rf Documents sudo ln -s /Volumes/Master/Documents Documents 3.I will attach an external hard drive for most of my documents and backup storage 4.My main question and here is where I'm not sure what's best?
I want to speed up photoshop as much as possible? Should I make a partition on the internal HDD for a scartch disk? If so, how big? Is there a benefit to partitioning for scratch disc use? Should I not partition HDD and use for data and scratch? Any other way? I wish apple had a how to maximize use of the imac with HDD and SSD page!
I have a new IPAD and just bought APple TV. Need to set up home sharing on my account and have followed Support options wherein you log into ITunes, choose advanced, then allow Home sharing. There is no place to even sign in to ITunes as i have always seen before. Cannot start ITunes on Laptop (linked to IPAD) at all but can from Browser. Trying to share content from my IPAD and APple TV.
So I'd like to do some home recording - nothing fancy at all, just the ability to lay down vocals, accoustic guitar, and hand drumming into either Garage Band or a more serious music editing program (I used to use Cool Edit Pro a while back).
I have no idea what mic to get, and what setup is necessary.
It seems that the easiest thing would be to have a USB mic, right? That way I don't need an interface between the mic and the computer? Or can a normal mic plug just fine into the line-in jack?
I wanted to pick up a decent sized/priced external drive to finally create a home network. Basically I want to have my soon-to-be-owned Macbook Air, girlfriend's iMac, my PC and my Apple TV (2nd gen) to all be able to share music/video. My PC is hooked up to the router (a Linksys simultaneous dual-band N model with a USB sharing port) while the iMac, Apple TV and Macbook will (obviously) be wireless.
Do I hook it up to the iMac via firewire and share it from there? Or to the router and share from there. I know the Apple TV is a bit picky about that stuff. Will I need to pour ALL the media to my gf's iMac and then use her iTunes to sync with the Apple TV? Each of us has a little external used for time machine back up's so this is basically just a media drive. Or should I get something like a Drobo? They are big bucks but I like the idea of expandability and ease of use.
I received my new 15" MBP last night and quickly set up a network between my 08 iMac and the new MBP. Nothing fancy - Verizon FIOS router with Airport Express connected by ethernet cable - AE set up in Bridge mode, and both computers connected to the AE wireless network. Still pretty amazing to a first-time home networker. I shared my entire iMac iphoto library and itunes library and was able to view, play, and import on the MBP. I shared some files from the iMac and that worked like a champ on the MBP.
I was even more amazed with the Back to my Mac feature. Instantly able to get screen access and file access. Pretty amazing how easy it was. I had set up a Epson wireless printer on the iMac. Simply hit + on the MBP, selected the Epson, and printed wirelessly seconds later. I would still be flailing with my Windows machine. How does everyone use their home network? Anything to share that I'm missing? Any capability I need to start taking advantage of?
I just found out I can plug my DISH DVR into my home network (gets rid of my programming access fee and gives me access to an app that lets me program it remotely). The problem is that my modem/AEBS is on the other side of the room, and I'm trying to avoid drilling holes to run an ethernet cable under the house, etc.
One question...my computer is just a few feet from the DVR. Is there a way to plug the DVR into the computer and access the router that way? Anyone have another idea for connecting the two? My modem isn't wireless, so I can't move the AEBS to the DVR and have it connect wirelessly to the modem. I could get a wireless modem and do that, but I'm trying to avoid spending much on more equipment.
I just got my first Mac and I am trying to integrate it into my home network with a number of Windows PCs. I have turned on sharing on the Mac and on all of the PCs. The Mac finds the router and connects to the internet with no problem. The PCs all find the Mac and can access the shared folders. However, the Mac does not find any of the PCs, and no shared resources show up in the Finder Sidebar.
I live with a friend. I would like to setup our computers so we can use the following component together:
PS3 plasma TV Imac 24inch 2.4 Macbook Pro 13inch 2.53 2x1to lacie External HDD
I would like to have an access to the hard drives from any computers and I would also like to use them with my PS3(that is main issue). I know my question maybe not seem so clear but I would like to discuss the subject because we will in fact be moving together this summer and I would like to setup everything when we arrive.
I got fiber optic internet installed, and setup a pppoe wired connection using the username and password given to my by my ISP, and it works beautifully. But I can't get the wireless for it setup. When I go to Airport utility (my router is a Time Capsule), I tell it to set up a new connection, give it a name and password, tell it to connect using pppoe and enter in the same username and password as given by my ISP for that, and finish and everything seems to go ok, and it shows that i connect to the network, but pages wont load...
I searched but couldn't find anything about this. I'm fairly new setting up networks. I have an AEBS with wireless N (NOT the new one which would solve my problem). I also have a Belkin wireless G router. I would like to set up a network where my new macbook can take advantage of the wireless N speed and not be slowed by my wireless G devices.
Current setup: iMac (early 2006) wired to AEBS (G speed max if wireless) iphone 3G wireless (G) PS3 wireless (G) Macbook wireless (N capable)
Is there a way to setup my AEBS so only the macbook sees it so it gets full wireless N speeds then use the Belkin G router for the other devices?
I recently purchased an Apple for the first time after years on PC's. I'd like all my pictures, music & other files currently on my PC on my Mac as well but I am having trouble getting them to communicate.
I am going to move into a new house soon. I am looking to network the house, so I can use the internet anywhere, share movies,etc. This is my current setup at my apartment. 1 x Mac Mini connected to my TV in the lounge 1 x Apple TV connected to the TV in the bedroom 1 x Main PC in the study room (which all my movies/tv series/music/etc... is stored) 2 x Laptops 1 x Apple 20" Cinema Display
The mac mini is connected via ethernet to the router & the apple tv is connected via WiFi. Its currently a small place so the apple tv can access the router's wireless signal. This is what I have in mind for our new house which kinda big in size. Trash the PC and buy a mac mini server and external NAS storage. The NAS storage will store all the movies/tv series/mp3's/etc. I currently have a ubiquity nanostation2 which I can setup to boost the wireless signal throughout the house so we can use wireless anywhere in the house & tv mac mini, laptops & apple tv can access the wireless (so i do not have to install ethernet cables throughout the house). Also in the future, I would want to install security cameras outside the house (still trying to find a good mac OS X security camera software). Before I buy the mac mini server & NAS, am i missing anything or is there another better solution?
Maybe not the best subforum to post in but I couldn't see where else I could post it.
My brother and I both have MBP's and we'd like to share a hard drive connected to out WiFi router. We'd also like to use the new 'AirPlay' technology that'll be coming out soon.
Since I've never assembled a home network before, I'd like to know what are all of the components that I'd need?
An external hard drive and WiFi router running to an Airport Express Base and then using everything over the wireless network?
How would I connect a printer to this too?
Sorry for the possibly confusing questions, I just don't to go out and buy anything I don't need.
At home, I can access Synology 210j NAS through the browser and by mapping it - When I'm away from home I can already access my Synology NAS through browser, BUT
VMWare can't find it's virtual file on the NAS through the browser. It will find it, when it is mapped and mounted
This is my first Mac and I haven't purchased the Superdrive yet. I've been searching Google and found a lot of "hits" on the general topic, but either it's using a different OS (slight difference in screens) or glances over the topic. Can anyone recommend a good thread or site that details how to share a CD/DVD from a Windows XP (Home Edition) box over a home network (Linksys 4 port/wireless) to a MBA (new). The MBA successfully connects to the wireless router and I can access the internet. The Desktop (Windows XP box) successfully connects via RJ45.
Secondly if the above is fairly easy, I'd love to know how I can print from the MBA through the network connection to the PC. The printer is a Xerox WorkCentre M15 (it's a office grade machine which I had presumed works well in a shared environment.) The printer is connected to the PC via a USB connection. However I've ordered a Buffalo LinkStation (I think that's the name) which is a NAS box that has print sharing capabilities, so I could hook the printer up that way if necessary to use for both the PC & Mac.
Do you think I may have a "potential" problem with the following home network configuration? http://images.macrumors.com/vb/image...s/confused.gif I currently have a Motorola SBG900 for my all-in-one solution wireless cable modem gateway for my MS XP desktop & laptop home network.
I will be buying a MBP and the TC for my existing home network. I will be connecting the time capsule/WAN point to the the SBG900 Ethernet connection and disabling the SBG900 wireless component to benefit of the 802n/g. The TC will be my router/firewall and the SBG900 firewall will disabled. The SBG900 will still be my dhcp server.