Hardware :: Denon ADH - 2000's NEED An Amp?
Nov 2, 2010
So im looking for a pair of hedphones that are a step up from my standard ipod headphones. Im not really a sound junky but hate ear buds and would like a better sound than what I've got. That being said, the only headphones that I find very attractive are the ADH-2000's. LOVE the look to the point that it has spoiled me and I dont want to buy anything else. The problem is that I have read in several places that you NEED to use an amp with these headphones, which would not make them ideal for every day commuting and whatnot.
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Aug 11, 2010
My Santa Rosa MacBook Pro was stolen. I replaced it with a new 15", 2.66 i7. I've run into a problem I can't seem to solve: I want to connect the MBP to my Denon so that I can watch Internet feeds of lessons I've subscribed to on my TV. With the old MBP, I had a cable that went from DVI to component or S Video. They don't make that cable for my new computer. I can get a Mini Display to DVI and a DVI to HDMI BUT the Denon does not take HDMI. It only takes component or S.
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Jul 1, 2012
I have a Mac Mini Server running as a Home Theatre PC (HTPC) and it's been working great for the last couple of years...(Mac Mini has HDMI output). I recently upgraded my receiver to one that has HDMI switching (Denon AVR-3312CI). I took advantage of this and plugged in my Mac to my receiver and I'm having some problems. I am running a few "Media" type applications (EyeTV and Plex) - some of which (EyeTV specifically) can launch when no one is watching the TV (i.e. to function as a "TiVO" type device. When (let's say) EyeTV launches in the background and the TV and the Receiver are OFF, the Mac believes that it has no monitor attached...which is (I believe) a critical detail...
What ends up happening is when I "connect" the monitor (by turning on the receiver) the screen resolution "sets" (or more specifically the refresh rate) and the video I am attempting to watch is really jumpy until I quit and re-launch the offending application (again - let's assume EyeTV)...which is then silky smooth... The way I came to this conclusion is by VNC'ing into the Mini while everything is off and looking at the display settings and the resolution is there, but there is no refresh rate available... I've also noticed that if EyeTV isn't open when I turn everything on and then launch EyeTV, it comes up smooth...
is it possible to "fake" an attached monitor - or to retain the settings when it appears to the computer that the monitor has been disconnected...?? I've come up with a workaround for the time being - to delay EyeTV launching until everything is up...but when primetime TV comes back on, I'll be in trouble...
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Snow Leopard Server
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Mar 16, 2012
I have a mac mini 2011 connected to an amplifier Denon AVR 1912 via HDMI.Sony TV is plugged into the amplifier, via hdmi too.I have a display problem: the top menu bar and dock appear and are off screen. I tried changing the output resolution of Macintosh without success.
Mac mini
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Sep 23, 2009
I suspect my fan is a little defect. I makes a higher voice.. It used to be total silent, and now it whispers in the top left corner. I have swapped my harddrive to a samsung 320 gb 5400 rpm. Could it be that one that makes the higher whispers?
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May 21, 2006
HOWTO install Windows 2000 SP4 on Intel Mac Mini
I posted following procedure on [URL] about 3 weeks ago.
But I got few responses.
So, I post here again.
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Nov 7, 2009
standard specs for computers, like for both PC and Mac, like compare a laptop/desktop from 2000 (PC) to a Mac at that time, all the way to 2009, well most of the mac stuff would probably be easy but I want to see compare and contrast stuff sort of thing between the 2, since PC's are admittedly, if you have as much money to buy a mac, have really powerful specs compared to an iMac/Mac Pro, but almost every PC laptop pretty much sucks (except alienware, in terms of power and sexiness macbooks/pro win in every aspect, but are still more expensive).
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Jun 19, 2012
Date is revert to the year 2000 when turned back on after battery drains to no power.
iPod nano
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Apr 28, 2009
I have always connected to my server remotely through an IP address.I have not been able to do this with my Macbook pro OS X 10.5.6.Apparently something about not being able to use active X on Mac.Anyone have any insight? Can't believe I am the only person trying to do this!
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Oct 22, 2006
My iBook (running OS 10.3.9) over the last week had been exhibiting some strange problems. Programs would often become unresponive, sometimes to the extent of a hard reset. The problems slowly got worse, until i decided that it would be best to back-up my 2000 songs in my iTunes library, and attempt to repair the OS. I didnt manage to back-up my music, as the computer was too unresponsive, so i went with the repair option. This attempt failed. I then tried to install the "OS and associated apps" in the hopes of being able to recover my music. This also failed, and seems to have corrupted my computer. Now, when i turn on my iBook, it has the grey screen for a while, before going to a black screen saying "/etc/master/passwd: no such file or directory" So now, im praying that there is some way to get my music back, or something that i can do to repair or re-install the OS, while retaing my files.
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Dec 23, 2009
I am trying to copy 2000 or so files (jpg images) from the hard drive of my imac running show leopard to a sd card. I keep getting the item "filename.jpg" can't be copied because there isn't enough free space. I can go back and copy smaller groups of files and then the file that I get the error on. But even coping 10 files I run into the error on certain files but I can copy all the other files in the selection and then the file that gave the error without a problem. All the files were exported from iPhoto resized to fit a digital photo frame I bought for a christmas present. Looking for a way to get the files to the sd card without coping small batches.
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Apr 15, 2012
Used to use Microsoft 2000 Word Processor on Dell Laptop. My iMac is 2 weeks old and documents have successfully been transferred from the Dell to Mac via Maxtor external hard drive. How can I open the Word Processing documents - NOT to use, but to read. WPS is the extension. There is plenty of discussion on MS Word, but not MS Word Processor
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 27, 2009
I just recently bought a white macbook and it came with over 2000 music files is this normal?
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Jul 24, 2009
How do I network my w2k to my macbook pro?
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