Hardware :: Connecting A PS3 To The New 27" IMac?
Oct 20, 2009
Being all excited about the new 27" iMac and the fact that I might be a Mac user soon as well, I started wondering if a will be able to connect my PS3 to a new iMac (I don't own a HD TV).
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Nov 14, 2009
I have a 27" Imac and want to use an old 19" monitor as an external unit. I have it hooked up and turned on. Just the old wallpaper shows on it. There isn't an icon or anything diff on my iMac screen for it. How do I use the external? I realize this is pretty dumb, but I'm a newbie here and my Mac expert son is in NC....
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May 28, 2012
I'm trying to using my iMac wireless keyboad for my macbook pro while my iMac is in external display mode but I can't get the keyboad to connect. I've tried disconnecting the wireless keyboard from my iMac but it won't go into target display mode without the keyboad. Can I used my iMac wireless keyboard with my Macbook pro while my iMac is being used as an external display?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Main Computer
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Apr 8, 2008
I have a newer iMac 24" bought in 11/2007. I have the mini-dvi to vga converter and when I connect it to a external tv capable of 1024x768, the iMac freezes and does nothing. I disconnect and the screen turns blue and the flickers back on and everything works. I have made the connection then booted up, and I have tried every resolution all the way down to 640x480, same thing it just locks up the screen, but again as soon as I unplug the mini-dvi to vga cable from the iMac it flicks to a blue screen and everything comes back. I have reviewed dmesg nothing, and revieiw /var/log/messages. Is there any troubleshooting I can do. I am old school unix/linux guy just converted my family to Apple and would like to use the display on my tv to watch my iTunes movies.
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Feb 8, 2010
I have the mini display port plugged in and a vga cable from the imac to my external monitor. I should just be able to turn the monitor on and it work but the imac doesn't detect it and it just comes up as a black screen.
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Nov 21, 2009
Would I just need to buy this and then I could hook up the PS3 and it would all work smoothly and in HD?
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Mar 22, 2010
This weekend i end up with my father's LG dvd/hdd recorder. What i recall it has 80Gb of hdd. My idea was to connect it to the t.v and the iMac. The iMac part was basicaly to transfer the movies to the LG hdd
This is the model: LG RH7500
And the connections specs:
SCART Connectors: Output x 2 Outputs: Composite x 1, Component x 1, Analog Audio x 1, Digital Audio Coaxial x 1, Digital Audio Optical x 1
Front Panel: Composite Input / S-Video Input / iLINK DV Input
I've been searching the online apple store for cables and saw some, but don't know if this is possible to do, and if it is, what cables i have to buy.
PS: about the dvd/hdd recorder model, i don't know if this is the one, i have to get home to make sure. will post it here later.
PS2: probably many of you will say "- why don't get apple tv, or another multimedia hdd." That's easy, shoooooooort of money lolol, this way i recycle what i have, later i might put a bigger hdd. time will tell.
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Apr 25, 2010
I use on my iMac 21.5 inch a eye tv 250 plus do I need to connect it to this to let the PS3 work and have some experience of it works or does it.
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Aug 16, 2010
I recently picked up an iMac G3 running on panther. It is my first Mac and I know nothing at all about them. I was wondering if anybody could tell me how to set up the internet in computer. I have connected the IMac to the router via Ethernet cable.
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Mar 23, 2012
I've been having trouble connecting my macbook pro to my imac screen with the mini display port-to-mini display port cable I just bought. I made sure both computers are on and connected the cables, but they still stayed the same. I've also tried restarting both, didn't work.
Mac Book Pro
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Mar 28, 2012
Can't connect to my Airport Extreme. Just came from the Apple store and it connected fine. It recognizes the network, I put in the password and it says there was an error. What do I do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x)
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Jun 9, 2012
Have just inherited a lovely old Imac G3 and am having problems connecting it to the internet. My ISP tells me I need to be running 0SX10 and not 0S 8.5.
iMac, Mac OS 9.2.x
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Aug 31, 2010
wondering if i can connect my imac/macbook pro to my hdtv with this cable [URL] and experience full 1080p?
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Sep 14, 2010
I just bought an iMac and everything is running smooth except that occasionally (but it's getting more frequent) my web browser won't conect. my internet connection is working fine, I'm still getting emails and downloads are all working but not my browsers I have tried safari firefox and camino but it's none of them are working. Does anyone know what s wrong is it a firewall issue?
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a new 27" i7 iMac with OSX 10.6.4 and need to connect it to our work place network that runs a Windows 2003 Domain Controller etc. I've never touch an Apple/iMac before and I don't know much of anything about them. I'll tell you this much, I LIKE THIS MACHINE! WOW! I really like it! So I'm pretty sure I have it on the network... maybe. But the biggest problem I have is when I log on as the user (and it indicates "Network" under the user name), I can see the network resources, the user folder is available down on the Dock but when I make changes to the Desktop, Dock etc. they don't save when I log out and log back in. So I hope someone here can help point me in the right direction. I have done a lot of Google and other forum search but I'm not really finding my answer.
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Mar 15, 2009
I currently have one 19" Samsung monitor connected to my iMac via the Mini-DVI. I am looking to get another monitor hooked up, but of course there aren't any more video ports. Are there any alternatives? to have two monitors connected to my iMac? I have heard of the DualHead2Go product, and possibly connecting via USB? Any info on the above and if there are any other methods.
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Oct 1, 2009
I have a Nokia 6303 moby with bluetooth. When I try to connect to the internet with it (sitting in front of the mac with the phone), I get the message about 'subscribe to packet data first'. Followed by 'link not available'. I am with Vodaphone in the uk. I believe I have set the correct information up in the phone settings, and the iMac can see the phone and vice versa. Indeed, I can send files between the two devices, but no t'internet. Should I be paying a subscription to the phone company for the service, does anyone know? The help files at Vodaphone just loop me back to the help screens on their website which doesn't seem to answer the 'packet data' question.
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Nov 11, 2009
I'm wanting to hook up my 24" iMac (early 2009) to my 40" HDTV Sony Bravia [URL] so that i can use Plex or even front row to play my media through my TV and take advantage of the surround sound setup i have in my room. My questions are.
1. what cables/software do i need to achieve this?
2. is there any way that i can use my TV as a secondary monitor in a way that means i can run media off my iMac, through my TV set, whilst still being able to use my iMac for general tasks such as web browsing. or can i only have the TV mimmick exactly what is on my iMac screen?
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Dec 26, 2009
I have searched about it, and it seem some thinks you can, and others say you cant do it.
And then some talks about a converter and others that says its not possible. You can do it with a converter but only in a bad quality, and not in HD.
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Mar 20, 2010
I bought a 27" iMac about two months ago, and recently it's been having trouble connecting to the internet via airport. Sometimes it has no trouble, other times, no matter how many times I put in my WEP password and hit connect, it just gives me the 'connection timeout error'. Basically, our whole household was having internet troubles about a month ago, but they mysteriously stopped for everyone else except me after a week or two. My housemates all have PC's, and are able to connect fine now. I also have a MacBook as well, which also has no trouble picking up the wireless. One of the weird quirks about this problem is that if my MacBook is connected and moved to sit right next to my iMac, I can often get the iMac to connect. And if it drops the connection, I can refresh a page on the MacBook and suddenly the internet works again on my iMac.
And I also discovered that if I move my iMac to the right about 30cms, it sometimes connects. This suggests that maybe I'm out of range for my wireless, but how am I able to connect at other times when the iMac in it's normal place? Anyway, I've ruled out a fault with the wireless itself, because, as I mentioned, every other computer can connect fine. I've also tried going into the system prefs and renewing the DHCP lease, which *sometimes* works, but usually doesn't. It has been connecting fine for about 2 days, but tonight it started acting up again. It's connected now, but it's pretty sporadic and keeps dropping the connection. In case you need to know, it's one of the new 27" iMacs, the usual duo core not the quad core. 4gb memory, etc.
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Mar 22, 2010
Hi, I want to connect my PS3/X360 to my iMac 27 inch. There is one problem, standard adapter from HDMI -> miniDisplay or adapters in connection: HDMI -> DVI -> miniDisplay does not deal with this.
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Jul 24, 2010
This is my first ever mac that I've owned given to my by a friend, so excuse my simplicity. It's a G4 and I have a wireless internet access at home through Time Warner Cable. It doesn't seem to have an airport card. What is the easiest way to connect to wireless? What additional cards would I need to buy?
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Mar 7, 2012
I have just got a new iMac and I proceeded to sign into my iTunes account and download all my music to my music library. I had a clear out and also purchased a few more albums so the library on my iPhone now looks pretty much nothing like the one on the mac. I'm trying to sync it but it won't sync, someone said something about needing to register my iPhone with the iMac or something
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May 24, 2012
how to connect a mac book pro to an imac screen? I am a designer and I need the larger screen as an option for work, but all my design software is on my mac book pro. What cord/settings would I need to make what is on my mac book pro screen appear on the screen of an imac desktop computer?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 13, 2008
I have just bought Sony DCR-HC38 and need to make sure that I have the correct cable to connect to my Mac. What I have is Apple thin FireWire 4 pin to 6 pin. Is this the correct cable?
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Dec 17, 2010
I recently purchased an iMac desktop and installed it in my home office. It worked fine, except that the airport was connecting erratically to the wireless router, which is located about 5-7 meters away in a different room. I tried re-positioning the iMac to have better 'reception' but the problem persists. I can see the number of airport connectivity 'bars' changing every second and then going off fully. Very frustrating.
Could there be a problem with the iMac antenna? A colleague told me that if there's a wireless phone in the house near the router that can cause problems. Another told me that the router (a basic D-link 802.11g, 5 yrs old) needs to be replaced.
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Sep 5, 2010
I've just found my old G4, I'm now trying to connect it to the network (wireless).
It finds the router, I then connect, it asks for the key, enter wireless key, click connect.
I then receive the following message: The password you entered is not correct for the Airport Network "Netgear".
The password is correct, any ideas?
Running Mac OS X 10.3.9
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Dec 17, 2010
I want to hook up my new monitor with my 21" Imac. I have bought this mini displayport to dvi adapter. [URL]. What dvi cable should I buy? The adapter is dvid single link, but according to wikipedia the conector is dual link?
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Dec 19, 2010
I am trying to extend the desktop of the iMac with a Dell 240WFP. It is connected with a Mini Displayport to HDMI adapter to a HDMI cable into a DVI-HDMI adapter plugged into the Dell. The iMac detects the display but the Dell is blank and just keeps flashing "entering power save" intermittently. If go in and change the resolution of the Dell, it seems to "respond" as the message goes away and is replaced by "no DVI-D cable." Do I need a Mini DP to DVI adapter?
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Jan 9, 2009
I bought a second screen a few days ago, the 23" LG M2394D. I have got it connected to my 24" Aluminium iMac. The resolution of the monitor is 1920x1080 and the iMac is 1920x1200. System preferences lets me assign the different resolutions on the different screens, but the quality on the second screen at 1920x1200 is very dodgy. If i put it to 1650x1050 it looks better, but not as good as the apple display. I have also noticed that the picture is 'too big for the screen', i.e. there is some of the picture outside of the screen area that i cant see. I have the screen connected via the Apple MiniDVI to dvi connector and then a DVi to HDMI cable into the screen. Is it the HDMI that is causing some of the problems? would a straight DVI cable work better? Here is the screen: [URL]
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